• last year
Wystawa zdjęć pod hasłem „Fotografowie wędrowni" zagościła w Leszczyńskiej Galerii Książki. „Zadaniem grupy było sfotografować osoby mieszkające w gminie Śmigiel, dzisiaj możemy obejrzeć efekt pracy fotografów" mówił Sławomir Skrobała, opiekun grupy fotograficznej ze Śmigla
00:00The project Photographers' Wanderings was a bit of an expressive concept until we started to implement it as a whole.
00:23In the case of the Śmigiel commune, because the group comes from the Śmigiel, we had the task of photographing everyone who could express themselves in the Śmigiel commune.
00:36Everyone had three photos taken in different shots, but for the exhibition we only chose portraits in the American style.
00:45The project was modeled on the old photographers, real craftsmen who wandered around the areas of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth,
00:53but photographed, photographed in villages, in various villages, and somehow they were the wanderers looking for work.
01:02We, on the other hand, were looking for interesting people who are witnesses of the beginning of the 21st century,
01:11what we look like today, how we dress, what we carry with us.
01:16And I think it was a complete success, the portraits are successful.
01:20I took part in the project Photographers of Wanderings as the main photographer, i.e. the person performing the projects.
01:32It was an amazing adventure, because it was not just about photographing, but also about meeting people, talking to people, getting to know their history.
01:44People were eager to get in touch with us, because we visited very small towns and they were very willing to take part in the portraits.
