" Mahmood Achakzai Apne Moaqqaf Se Peechay Hattay Ge To Bilkul Baat Hogi " Danyal Chaudhry

  • 3 months ago
" Mahmood Achakzai Apne Moaqqaf Se Peechay Hattay Ge To Bilkul Baat Hogi " Danyal Chaudhry
00:00It's not just about the budget. We need space in Punjab.
00:04They are not getting space.
00:05Along with that, we are talking to Mr. Maulana.
00:07Mr. Maulana, both of you were talking about the objections.
00:09Where did it reach?
00:11Tell us where did the process of convincing the People's Party reach?
00:18Look, as far as taking political parties along,
00:22and as far as taking these people along,
00:26we have been saying since day one to sit down and talk on a table.
00:30If a person, sometimes Mukti Bani, sometimes 1971,
00:34sometimes Sheikh Mujib-e-Rahman's videos,
00:36sometimes he talks about the fall of Dhaka,
00:40sometimes he talks about separating the country.
00:42If we keep moving forward and what do we get in return?
00:47And what do these returns do to the country?
00:50Their thinking is that if our personal interests are resolved,
00:55then it's fine, otherwise let the country go to hell.
00:58Now they are ready to talk.
01:00If your party is infamous, then let it be infamous.
01:03No, we didn't say anything.
01:06If they are ready to talk, then their actions will show that they are ready to talk.
01:10This is not possible.
01:12No, no, this is not possible.
01:14This is not possible that they say we are ready to talk
01:16and their actions speak in adverse.
01:18Ready to talk will happen when your actions prove it otherwise also.
01:24I am a sitting here as a spokesperson of my party
01:27and I can very credibly say that we are ready to talk to those people
01:31or to those non-believers.
01:34Until they bring these changes in their stance,
01:37then things should continue with them.
01:39Please give me three questions very quickly.
01:42I got you.
01:44Please give me three questions very quickly.
01:46Mr. Achak Zahid is coming, we'll talk.
01:51If Mr. Ajay Zahid backs out of his stance, then it will be very difficult for you as a government.
02:04You don't have to agree or disagree.
02:07They have to understand that on a larger spectrum, if their interest is in Pakistan,
02:14if their interest is to facilitate the national welfare of the poor and the unemployed,
02:18if their interest is to improve things, then they will back out of their stance and negotiate with you.
02:26Mr. Maulana is a senior politician.
02:31He has a very good relationship with our Jamaat and this country, especially with PMLN.
02:38They have a very good relationship.
02:40He is very close to a few of the leaders in the party.
02:44We will sit with Mr. Maulana and resolve their grievances and address them.
02:50We will resolve their issues.
02:53Mr. Maulana is a sensible politician.
02:55He will address these issues with us.
02:59Your hope is that he will stand with you.
03:01Mr. Amir Dogar, lastly, if the People's Party is getting angry on and off,
03:06then we will try to negotiate with the Pakistan People's Party separately.
03:10Mr. Amir Dogar, if the PTI thinks that they have a chance to back out of the government,
03:14will there be a negotiation?
03:17I think that the negotiations should be with all the Sikh soldiers.
03:23No, to break away from the government.
03:25There are a lot of options in the government.
03:31There are a lot of things that I cannot tell you right now.
03:35There is a lot of time.
03:37Mr. Dogar, are you planning to negotiate with the PTI?
03:42I don't see the Farm 47 government running for long.
03:50If this continues,
03:54then the government will take action first.
04:01Mr. Dogar, you have said something very important.
04:04I want to confirm.
04:06Are you planning to negotiate with the PTI?
04:12Are you planning to negotiate with the PTI?
04:15I am saying that we have a lot of options.
04:20But if you keep talking, then the PTI will be one of those three parties.
04:25We can talk to all the Sikh soldiers.
04:29We should talk to them.
04:31We have given them a step forward in the form of Mr. Mehmood Achikzai.
04:37When we talk to Mr. Mehmood Achikzai, we will talk to everyone.
04:41We will talk to the PTI and everyone else.
04:44Got your point.
04:45Mr. Dogar, thank you very much.
04:47Thank you very much, Mr. Daniel Chaudhary.
04:48We will go to the break.
04:49After the break, we will talk about the economy in the budget.
04:52There was an announcement a little while ago.
04:54Electricity is becoming expensive again.
04:56We will talk after the break.
