• 4 months ago
How would YOU book Kurt Angle's illegitimate son storyline in WWE? Let us know in the comments?
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Adam Blampied brings back fantasy booking tackling the greatest wrestler EVER TO GRACE THIS EARTH, Kurt Angle, in one of the most soap operatic... his illegitimate son storyline in WWE that turned out to be Jason Jordan.

#partsfunknown #wrestling #fantasybooking
00:00Hello, I'm Adam, hailing from partsFUNknown, and this is how Adam would book Kurt Angle's
00:07illegitimate son.
00:08So it's no secret that Kurt Angle's my favourite wrestler of all time, and he sure
00:13is up for some stuff, huh?
00:15That's always been one of the Olympic hero's greatest strengths.
00:18The ability to bench any ego that his amateur credentials might have given him and throw
00:22himself balls first into just about anything.
00:25Smooching an unconscious woman?
00:28Wearing a tiny cowboy hat?
00:31Talking about wanting to have bestiality sex with Booker T's wife?
00:37It seems that as long as you ask nicely, Kurt Angle will do anything you ask of him, and
00:41that includes fabricating a f***ing child.
00:44In May 2017, Kurt Angle began to receive text messages.
00:48Angle responded with, well, it could ruin me, and worried that his family was going
00:52to leave him.
00:53A few weeks later, he told a mysterious person over the phone to join him on Raw, and that
00:58will tell the whole world together, I love you.
01:01Most people thought a fair and started shipping the monstrous idea of Kurt Angle and Stephanie
01:07Picture that.
01:08Tightened towels.
01:09A shaking bed frame.
01:10Kurt's glassy expressions.
01:11Steph screeching until birds fall from the sky.
01:14Anyway, most people also thought it could be an illegitimate child.
01:18Maybe it would be Corey Graves.
01:19Maybe it would be Chad Gable.
01:21After all, Gable wore singlets similar to Kurt Angle.
01:25Gable acted in a manner of an endearing dork like Kurt Angle.
01:28Gable wrestled in the Olympics like Kurt Angle, and incorporated a lot of amateur technique
01:32into his wrestling like Kurt f***ing Angle.
01:35And hey, it turned out to be a member of American Alpha, Trombone Noise.
01:39Now, to be fair, Jason Jordan also incorporated a lot of amateur technique in his wrestling
01:43and was, well, he was bald.
01:46Anyway, that didn't stop the internet from bursting into laughter and retweeting the
01:49family song My Black Son en masse.
01:51Side note, on the 27th of December 2016 episode of Smackdown Live, American Alpha won the
01:57Smackdown Tag Team Championships and the camera cut to an African American man celebrating
02:02in the crowd.
02:03That man was Jason Jordan's real father.
02:06Must have been a fun time for that guy, huh?
02:08Hey neighbor, how's your son doing in his wrestling?
02:11Why are you crying?
02:12So, it was a very silly storyline.
02:15Ludicrous, cheesy, unbelievable, and somehow… boring?
02:19Like there was no montages of father-son bonding, no odd couple comedy, and they didn't even
02:25reveal who it was that was sending the text to Kurt and Corey to begin with.
02:31You don't have to do it seriously, WWE.
02:33We know it's not real.
02:35Pairing that hyper-unreality with ridiculously high personal and emotional stakes creates
02:40a situation that's ultimately silly and comedic.
02:42Why wouldn't you lean into that?
02:44Especially with Kurt wore a fake wig under his wrestling headgear and drowned himself
02:48in milk at his own Hall of Fame ceremony angle.
02:51Fans turned on Jordan.
02:53And his whole, bland, I'm Kurt son.
02:55But enough about that, flavourless schtick.
02:58It didn't work.
02:59To WWE's credit, they eventually cottoned on to the fact that fans hated Jordan, even
03:03going so far as to have Triple H pedigree him in order to forcibly remove him from the
03:07main event of Survivor Series.
03:08Yeah, WWE seemed to be saying, we've made a huge mistake.
03:13But after that, the character of Jason Jordan finally began to click.
03:17He became more whiny, more dorky, and started to glomp onto the shield because they were
03:22cooler than him.
03:23Senpai, watashi ni kitsuete.
03:26When Dean Ambrose went down with a shoulder injury, Jordan and Shieldmate Rollins won
03:30the tag straps on Christmas Day.
03:33And everything seemed to be basically Jordan vs. Rollins, or Jordan vs. Angle at Mania.
03:39And it was working.
03:40Fans would cheer Rollins, boo Jason Jordan.
03:42And the way they were presenting Angle Jr. seemed to be the plan.
03:46Whenever Jordan would take the microphone, the fans would hurl abuse at him and he would
03:50respond with incredulous confusion.
03:52Why are you booing me?
03:54I'm Kurt Angle's black son.
03:56Sadly, injury struck shortly thereafter and Jordan was waylaid in order to have neck surgery,
04:02which was ironically the most Kurt Angle thing he ever did.
04:05He never actually came back, and now works for WWE as a producer.
04:10Which, you know, great.
04:12I hope he has a long career ahead of him.
04:13However, even if Jordan had stayed healthy, it would be hard to argue that The Illegitimate
04:17Son was a success.
04:18It was a very silly thing in a much more straight-faced era of wrestling, and WWE's unwillingness
04:24to embrace how bananas of an idea it was, of Angle fathering a current generation wrestler?
04:31Well, let me have a go.
04:38First things first, Jason Jordan is out.
04:41This is not meant as a mark of disrespect to Jordan, but WWE have a bad habit of trying
04:45to swim up the logical stream like a bad idea, Sam, and doing the wrong thing for the sake
04:50of unpredictability.
04:51Most of the time, the obvious call is the right one.
04:55That's why NXT works.
04:56And the obvious call in this case is Chad Gable.
04:59Gable, he's so many things, and all of those things work for him.
05:04He's competed in the Olympics.
05:05His diminutive stature belies a startlingly powerful and complex moveset.
05:09He's a dork.
05:10And I mean this in a positive way.
05:12Game recognize game.
05:13Unlike Jordan, whose real-life dorkiness arose from his shaky confidence on the mic, Gable
05:17is great at performing a dorky character.
05:21So the storyline starts the same way.
05:22Corey Graves and Kurt Angle have been receiving text messages from a mysterious person who
05:27is threatening to expose Kurt Angle's big secret, unless he does it himself.
05:31Kurt comes down to the ring and says, I've got a little boy.
05:35He's a little wrestle boy.
05:37Like his old man, he represented his country at the Olympic Games, and now he works for
05:42Can you believe it?
05:44It's Chad Gable, Kurt's bastard seed.
05:47Gable walks down, and they hug.
05:49Chad claims that he always wanted to tell Kurt who he was, but never did because he
05:53wanted to succeed on his own merits.
05:55Like you did, pops.
05:57Well, Kurt responds, it's not too late, and if you'll let me be your daddy, I'm ready,
06:03willing, and Gable!
06:04They both shout at the same time before hugging.
06:06Look, either make it stupid or don't do it at all.
06:09Oh, don't do it at all.
06:10No, no, we're into it now.
06:12For the next few weeks, Stephanie McMahon is forced to return on camera because Kurt
06:16has taken an extended paternity leave in order to pursue what he calls daddy time.
06:21Every week on Raw for the next month, WWE airs a different daddy time vignette which
06:26shows Angle and Gable dork bonding.
06:29These segments include a segment where Kurt and Chad sit around playing father and son
06:33by Cat Stevens on dueling pianos, both of them wearing cowboy hats that are slightly
06:37too small for them.
06:38Gable and Angle playing catch together, Kurt makes his son run long and claps his hands
06:43and laughs every time Gable makes a perfect catch.
06:46That's my Olympic boy!
06:48They enjoy a wholesome all-American picnic, apple pies, hot dogs, and gigantic glasses
06:54of milk.
06:55Gable and Angle go fishing together on a tiny little boat.
06:58Gable ends up catching a big fish, Kurt Angle catches a little fish, they laugh and they
07:04Angle and Angle training together at the gym, spotting each other, beaming with pride as
07:09they pump iron.
07:10Gable offers to lock up with Angle but Kurt refuses, claiming he's retired from all
07:15of that.
07:17This is important.
07:18A few weeks before SummerSlam, Chad Gable is invited onto Miz TV and he shows up wearing
07:22a t-shirt that says Kurt Angle's my daddy on it.
07:25Immediately, Miz accuses Gable of exploiting Kurt to further his own career.
07:29He said, Angle's been smacked on the head so many times, he's got no idea where he
07:34is, never mind who's his son.
07:36At this, Gable launches himself at the Miz, defending his father's honour by suplexing
07:41Miz into the Miztourage.
07:43Backstage, Gable approaches his father, still steaming about that no-good bully Miz.
07:49He has a pitch for SummerSlam.
07:51He wants to team with his father to take on Miz in the Miztourage 3-on-2.
07:56He's glomping onto Kurt now, senpai watashi ni kitsuete kudasai.
08:01Angle refuses, stating that his days of wrestling are behind him, but he tells Gable not to
08:07He'll find Gable some partners to take on Miz in Miztourage.
08:10Similar to real life, Gable teams with the Hardys to take on Miz and co in a six-man
08:14tag match at SummerSlam.
08:16The match takes place on the kickoff show, yes, and ends with a victory for Team Gable.
08:20However, with the match airing on the pre-show, during the main SummerSlam show, WWE play
08:25a brief recap of it, followed by a backstage interview with Chad Gable, who expresses remorse
08:31he couldn't have teamed with his dad.
08:33That would have made the main show.
08:36After SummerSlam, Miz continues to sound off about Gable, calling him a fraud, riding his
08:40daddy's coattails on Raw during another of the daddy time vignettes, this time with
08:44both men chopping wood on a farm.
08:46Gable pitches to Kurt that he makes an Intercontinental Championship match for No Mercy, Gable vs
08:54Angle agrees, they hug, and it cuts to them sitting in front of a fireplace drinking milk
09:02from whiskey glasses.
09:03At No Mercy, Gable battles Miz for his IC title, and it looks like Chad has the A-Lister's
09:09The skull-crushing finale gets reversed into an Angle Slam, and he even locks Miz in an
09:14ankle lock.
09:15However, the numbers game of Miztourage is too much to overcome.
09:18Bo Dallas distracts the ref, whilst Curtis Axel clocks Gable with the belt, leaving him
09:23vulnerable for the skull-crushing finale, Miz retains the championship.
09:27On Raw, during another vignette of daddy time, this time Angle and Gable are playing with
09:32model trains wearing comically oversized train conductors hats.
09:36Chad asks Kurt to make another match between him and Miz, this time at TLC.
09:41Kurt is unsure at this point.
09:43He agrees that the Miztourage were out of line, but he's got a whole roster to think
09:47of and maybe someone else should get a crack at the title?
09:50For the first time, Gable lays a guilt trip on his new dad, saying,
09:54Aw jeez pops, I just wanted to make you proud of me that's all, tie a lasso round the
09:59moon and pull it down, I just wanted to win a title like you did so you'd respect me,
10:03but I guess you don't, huh?
10:05Eyes brimming with tears, Kurt makes the match at TLC.
10:09They hug, choo-choo pops, choo-choo.
10:12Come the PPV, Miz has to pull out every trick he's got in order to stave off Gable.
10:16He brings the Intercontinental Championship belt into the ring and makes out as if he's
10:20going to hit Gable with it, but then he throws the belt to one side.
10:23As the referee's getting distracted getting the belt out of the ring, Miz nails Chad with
10:27a massive kick to the dick and rolls him up for the 1-2-3.
10:31Now the bell rings, but as Miz is celebrating on the ramp, Gable gets on the microphone
10:35and calls his dad out to ringside.
10:39Kurt Angle comes out and Gable complains that Miz cheated, asking his pops if he's going
10:45to let him get away with that on his show.
10:48Angle restarts the match, and shortly thereafter Gable nails Miz with a top rope angle slam
10:53for the pinfall win.
10:55He's won the Intercontinental Championship, although the commentators note he had to use
10:59his daddy in order to do it.
11:02Now if Gable's behaviour is starting to rub you up the wrong way, good.
11:06Side note, a lot of you will be asking, what does all this mean for the TLC main event,
11:10which in real life was a ginormous, wonderful, sort of, hot mess of Rollins, Ambrose and
11:17Angle vs. Miz, The Bar, Braun Strowman and Kane?
11:22Just remembering that match gives me a nosebleed.
11:24Well, a couple of things, obviously Miz is no longer in that match, and I would keep
11:28Kane out of it as well.
11:29That way, with Roman forced to sit out of a SHIELD reunion thanks to an ill-timed case
11:33of the naughty mumps, it's Ambrose and Rollins vs. Braun Strowman and The Bar.
11:37So it's 2-on-3, remove Kurt Angle from that match and save his return to the ring for
11:41another better story.
11:43My story.
11:44Now don't get me wrong, that weird Frankenstein's monster was a hell of a match, but it was
11:49also such a confusing, convoluted mess, and like, looking back on it, WWE lost that special
11:54moment when Angle had to single it up for the first time and take care of business in
11:57a story that meant something to him.
12:00So Chad Gable is the Intercontinental Champion, he's starting to get a bit more egotistical
12:04about it in interviews, he claims that gold runs through his veins, and when asked if
12:08he thinks he'd still be champion without the involvement of his father, Gable gets
12:12mega pissy and storms out.
12:17We're fast approaching Survivor Series, which means that suddenly, all storylines
12:21are put on hold until a grand winner is decided in the all of a sudden incredibly important
12:25war between Smackdown and Raw that has absolutely no tangible stakes, nothing to win or lose
12:28and is very quickly forgotten about once the PPV is over, good times, under siege, trademark.
12:32Once again, it's similar to how they handled it in real life, with a few very important
12:38The Raw vs Smackdown 5 on 5 Elimination Main Event, but again, remove Kurt Angle, this
12:44time replacing him with Chad Gable.
12:45In the build up to the event, Triple H makes his return, tells Kurt that he's inserting
12:49himself into the main event, along with Balor, Samoa Joe and Braun Strowman.
12:52He then tells Angle, I want you to be the fifth man, naturally the crowd are going crazy
12:57as they're still aching for Kurt's return to the ring, however Angle once more refuses.
13:02He apologises to the crowd, but he's adamant he is done with laying hands in the ring.
13:07The crowd is in luck though, Angle's got the perfect replacement, his son, Chad Gable.
13:14By this point, the crowd should be really starting to turn on the wee lad, and putting
13:17him in the Survivor Series match instead of Angle will only help that along.
13:21At the PPV Survivor Series, Chad Gable is immediately eliminated from the match by Kinshasa
13:26from Nakamura.
13:27Literally, he lasts less than a minute.
13:29However, because Raw still wins that match as it did in real life, Gable claims that
13:34victory for his own in backstage interviews.
13:36Being Raw won, so I won too.
13:39Why is that so hard for everyone to understand?
13:42Then it comes time for the Royal Rumble and Gable approaches Angle backstage, and tries
13:46to apply pressure on him in order to make him the number 30 entrant.
13:51Angle doesn't think that's a good idea, as it might be construed as daddy favouritism.
13:57After all, didn't Gable say way back when that he didn't want any special treatment?
14:02In response, Gable whines, pulls on his bollocks, mopes about how he grew up without a dad to
14:07play catch with, Angle missed out on his entire childhood and now that Kurt's got the perfect
14:13opportunity to make up for all those missed birthdays, he's refusing to take it.
14:19Angle once again feels insanely guilty and acquiesces, giving Gable the number 30 spot
14:24in the Royal Rumble.
14:25However, he also makes a match lower on the card for Gable to defend his Intercontinental
14:30Championship against The Miz, who never got his one-on-one rematch.
14:34When Gable starts to complain, Kurt places an arm around him, hey, we're champions
14:38in this family, aren't we?
14:40Gold runs through our veins, remember King of the Ring 2001?
14:43I wrestled three matches that night, I know you'll make me proud.
14:47At the pay-per-view, it's a shit night for Chad Gable.
14:51First, The Miz reverses and Angle slam into a Skull Crushing finale to win back the IC
14:55title, absolutely clean, no discussion.
14:58Later in the night, Gable enters the Rumble in the number 30 spot, and is immediately
15:02eliminated by Jason Jordan, who entered at 29 instead of Goldust, sorry Goldust.
15:09Backstage on Raw, the next night Gable is in a foul mood and barges into his father's
15:14He threatens to quit right there on the spot, unless his dad tells him that he's in the
15:17Elimination Chamber match to determine who will fight Brock at Mania, so Kurt makes a
15:21match for him.
15:22Chad Gable vs. John Cena for the right to enter the chamber.
15:26John Cena isn't who I wanted dad, jeez, you don't know me at all.
15:32Gable bellows, storming out of the room, putting on his tie-dyed t-shirt and listening to Nirvana.
15:37Later on in the night, Cena defeats Gable in a surprisingly evenly balanced match.
15:41Side note, it's important to get the balance right here.
15:43I've handed Gable a handful of quick losses, sure, but it's only when he's being entitled
15:48and egotistical and trying to take a shortcut, and should hopefully be more of an indicator
15:51that he needs to get over himself and not that he's crap in the ring.
15:55To right the balance, a match like Cena-Gable should go a good 15 minutes in order to remind
15:59everyone that Gable is really talented, even if he is also a really bare-lend.
16:04After failing to qualify for the chamber, he's interviewed about it backstage and
16:08all he says is, it wasn't supposed to happen this way, before walking off.
16:14So Gable's out of the chamber match, Miz is in, so at the pay-per-view, Gable doesn't
16:17even get a shot at the Intercontinental Championship, he doesn't know what his plans are for that
16:22pay-per-view, so he tries to see his father, but he's informed that Kurt is busy working
16:26with Ronda Rousey's agent, hammering out her contract.
16:29Gable is really pissed off at this, and it keeps happening over the next few weeks.
16:34Every time he wants to see his father, he's told that Angle is busy preparing for the
16:38big contract signing at Elimination Chamber.
16:40When that pay-per-view does come around, it's time for the pomp and circumstance contract
16:45We begin with Kurt Angle in the ring, however, before he's able to introduce Ronda Rousey,
16:50he's interrupted by Chad Gable, who's out to do what he does best, and that's
16:54A piss and B moan.
16:56He rails on his father for ignoring the fact that he was ever even born, and now, you're
17:01ignoring me on the road to WrestleMania?
17:03I am your son!
17:04He shouts, I'm your little chaddykins, and I'm not even on the card!
17:09Kurt tries to placate Gable, but after some more Grade A whinging, he finally snaps, shouting
17:15at Chad, go to your locker room!
17:18Pouting like a child, Gable complies, and the signing can carry on as it did in real
17:22life, except with a slight downplaying of the tension between Angle and Triple H, because
17:26that's not where Kurt is heading, instead it's Ronda Rousey vs. Stephanie McMahon.
17:31The next night on Raw, Chad Gable goes down to the ring wearing a suit.
17:35He asks his dad to come down to the ring as well, Angle's music hits, and the two men
17:39stand in the ring together, father and son.
17:42Both of them start to apologise at the same time, no you go first, I'm sorry, because
17:46ultimately they're a pair of dorks.
17:48Gable apologises to Kurt for his recent behaviour.
17:50He's let ambition get the better of him, but only because he wanted Angle to be proud
17:53of him.
17:54Kurt replies that he was always going to be proud of his boy, no matter what.
17:59No matter what?
18:00Asked Gable.
18:01No matter what?
18:02Replies Angle.
18:03The two men hug, before Gable twists slightly, delivering an Angle Slam to Kurt.
18:08He mounts him and starts punching him over and over and over again in the head.
18:13He rolls out the ring, picks up a chair and delivers a second Angle Slam onto the steel
18:17and once the beatdown is finished, Gable picks up the microphone and says, are you really
18:22that stupid?
18:24I was never your son.
18:26Oh my goodness, oh my damn.
18:29Because yeah, whoever you choose for this Angle can't be Kurt Angle's actual son
18:35forever, that's a gimmick that won't get over.
18:37So it's all a ruse.
18:38Next week it's revealed in an interview that Chad Gable faked the whole thing to advance
18:42his career.
18:43He was the one who texted Graves and Angle, threatening to out the whole thing.
18:46He knew that he'd lived a life that bore a lot of similarity to Kurt Angle's.
18:50He knew that the internet constantly compared American Alpha to the world's greatest tag
18:54team and he knew that Kurt was going soft and sentimental in his old age.
18:58He saw an opening and he exploited it.
19:01He freely admits to guilting Angle in order to receive opportunities.
19:05But recently he'd noticed that the whole father and son Angle had outlived its usefulness
19:09so Gable says, well, if he's only got one chance left to make himself into the superstar
19:14he knows he deserves to be, he's going to take it and that's to beat Kurt Angle at
19:19He turns to the camera and issues a challenge to Angle for a one-on-one match.
19:24Angle refuses.
19:26While he is disgusted with what Gable's put him through, he's not going to give
19:30him what he wants.
19:31He doesn't wear a singlet anymore, he wears a suit.
19:35That all changes when Chad Gable goes after Kurt's actual family.
19:39Kurt Angle is in the ring on Raw running down a match that he's making for the main
19:43event when suddenly Chad Gable appears on the Titantron.
19:45He's outside Kurt Angle's family home recording himself on a video camera.
19:49He knocks on the door and Kurt's wife answers to whom Gable says, hey, you must be my mother-in-law
19:54before pushing his way into the house.
19:56Chad walks into Angle's home and starts smashing pictures of Kurt Angle with his actual
20:01family, all as his kids scream and his wife cries.
20:05Oh, I love it.
20:06He promises he's going to visit again unless Kurt gives him what he wants.
20:09At this point, Kurt Angle loses his goddamn mind and announces one more match, just one,
20:15his final match at WrestleMania.
20:17A farewell to Kurt Angle and he is going to destroy Chad Gable.
20:22In the build-up to Mania, Gable comes down to the ring accompanied by security guards
20:26for protection in order to brag about what he's done.
20:28He calls Kurt Angle down to the ring and when he arrives in a suit, he mocks him for his
20:32age, tells him that he's a shadow of his former self.
20:35He's a suit, not a wrestler.
20:37After he beats him, Chad Gable is going to be WWE's new Olympic hero.
20:41Kurt Angle replies by reaching into his shirt, pulling out his gold medals and saying, hey
20:46kid, here's mine, where are yours?
20:50Bringing up the fact that Gable didn't actually make the podium at the Olympics infuriates
20:53him and he instructs his security team to escort Angle out of the ring.
20:57Then after an almost full year of wondering when Kurt Angle was going to get physical,
21:01after a year of him refusing to get back in the squared circle, it happens.
21:06Backed into a corner, Kurt starts busting out moves like it's the old days, destroying
21:10Gable's entourage with bellies to bellies, German suplexes, Angle slams, he finally unleashes
21:15the Olympic wrestling machine we knew was in there, Angle rips off his suit jacket and
21:19his shirt to reveal a wrestling singlet underneath.
21:21Gable manages to get out of dodge before suffering the same fate, but suddenly we see in his
21:25eyes, oh I have done fucked up here, Gable, says Kurt, I may not be your father, but at
21:32WrestleMania I'll be your daddy.
21:35At WrestleMania, Kurt faces off against Gable with both men nailing each other with the
21:39best of Kurt Angle's repertoire.
21:40After a hard fought match, Chad Gable hits Angle with a top rope Angle slam and pins
21:45him in the middle of the ring, because yes I know, Kurt Angle is my favourite wrestler
21:49of all time, but ultimately Chad Gable is who this story is about, making something
21:54for Chad Gable that isn't shorty, goddamn, fucking G, I went the entire video without
22:01talking about it, why have you dressed one of your best guys like your high school student
22:05in a public awareness advert where a coach uses basketball as a metaphor to talk about
22:09smoking you heartless motherfucking monsters.
22:15Anyway, this is how I would do it, that's how Kurt Angle would probably want it to end,
22:22throwing out on a loss, making a new superstar, and this way it sort of makes sense, like
22:27yeah, of course someone on the WWE roster isn't actually Kurt Angle's son, but maybe
22:33Kurt Angle could believe it, thinking about his retirement, thinking about his legacy
22:39and someone might exploit that for their own dastardly ends and then you've given someone
22:43all that heat of a ridiculous storyline, you've lent into it a little bit, you've tried to
22:47exploit it for all its most comedic and potentially serious consequences, and then it's gone
22:53and you've got a brand new top tier heel on your roster, someone you can take a little
22:57seriously, shorty, I can't, I can't, I can't, and I won't.
23:04Anyway, that is how Adam would book Kurt Angle's illegitimate son, what else would you like
23:09me to book?
23:10Let me know in the comments, please like and subscribe and check out all our other videos
23:14on parts Fun Known.
