SSS, nag-isyu ng Notice of Violation sa ilang employer na hindi nakapaghuhulog ng kontribusyon sa QC

  • 3 months ago
SSS, nag-isyu ng Notice of Violation sa ilang employer na hindi nakapaghuhulog ng kontribusyon sa QC
00:00The people of the Social Security System, the establishments in Quezon City,
00:06have insisted that they are not paying the right contribution of their employees.
00:12The employers have explained why the SSS has not been able to pay the contribution.
00:19Louisa Erispe is in the center of the news.
00:23The Social Security System, or SSS, was in full swing the other day in Quezon City.
00:29It rained, but not water.
00:32It was a notice of violation to the companies and businesses
00:36that did not pay the right contribution of their employees.
00:40In Visayas Avenue, 10 businesses,
00:44known restaurants, clinics, and service establishments were targeted by the SSS.
00:50Alarming. That's why we are doing this.
00:53We are requesting your assistance in telling the public,
00:57and telling the employers, all the employers,
00:59that we are really serious in going after them.
01:03I hope this will be lessened because the end result is better benefits.
01:09The SSS said that of the 10 businesses targeted today,
01:143.3 million did not pay the contribution of 140 employees.
01:21The largest amount was more than a million pesos.
01:25The employers have their own reasons why the benefits of their employees were not paid.
01:33How many years have we been here? Almost 10 years.
01:36We really loan every two years.
01:38People are very active.
01:40Previously, there were people who posted on my account.
01:44Personally, most likely, there were.
01:47It's just a matter of the posting of payments,
01:50especially if you don't have a PRN.
01:52Once you paid directly, it will be posted on the SSS system.
01:57There are some cases that were paid, it's just that it was not posted.
02:02But the SSS was small.
02:04They are ready to talk to the employers
02:07as long as they are sure that they will pay.
02:10They just need to be careful not to have more cases because there is still a risk.
02:16We are not oblivious to the plight of distressed or challenged employers.
02:21For example, there was a typhoon.
02:24There were natural calamities.
02:27There was a fire.
02:31A fortuitous event.
02:33Force majeure.
02:34These are justifiable reasons.
02:36Just for this year, first quarter alone,
02:39we were able to file 655 cases against all employers nationwide.
02:47They should not allow the court to make a decision.
02:50Maybe it's because of the evidence.
02:52They also have lawyers who will advise them on what to do.
02:57The SSS is open for settlement.
03:01For those who were given a notice of violation today by the SSS in Queso City,
03:06they will be given 15 days to prepare their documents and pay the benefits.
03:12If they cannot comply, they may be charged.
03:17Luisa Erispe for Pambansang TV in Bagong, Philippines.
