During debate on the House floor, Rep. Becca Balint (D-VT) decried House Republicans' efforts to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress.
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00:00Mr. Speaker, we're here today because of the Republican Party's unrelenting effort
00:06to get Donald Trump back into office, no matter the facts, no matter the law.
00:12For over a year, the Judiciary Committee, Republican colleagues, have desperately sought
00:18evidence for wrongdoing by President Biden.
00:21And what have they found?
00:24I'm sure it was disappointing for my Republican colleagues when Special Counselor Herr
00:29cleared the President instead of indicting him.
00:33But it is time to move on.
00:36We should be on the floor moving gun violence legislation, protecting the right to abortion,
00:42protecting the LGBTQ Americans across the country who are attacked relentlessly by my
00:47colleagues on the other side.
00:50This is a colossal waste of time, but more importantly, it is dangerous.
00:55What they are doing is dangerous.
00:57When this Congress is over, the only achievements my colleagues on the other side of the aisle
01:02will be able to point to will be the things that we, as Democrats, help them to pass.
01:09Mr. Speaker, I yield the gentlelady an additional 30 seconds.
01:15It is my job, it is all of our jobs, to represent the constituents.
01:20I thought that's what we were all here for.
01:22I implore my Republican colleagues to stop putting the interests of one man, one man
01:30above the interests of Americans.
01:32The truth will out, and history will not look kindly on what you have done here.
01:38I yield back.