• 6 months ago
During debate on the House floor, Rep. James Comer (R-KY) ripped into President Biden and Attorney General Merrick Garland and demanded support for a contempt resolution for the AG.

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00:00Mr. Speaker, I yield three minutes to the chairman of the House Oversight Committee,
00:04good friend from the great state of Kentucky, Mr. Comer.
00:06Gentleman is recognized for three minutes.
00:08Thank you.
00:09I appreciate the gentleman from Ohio for yielding.
00:11Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of the resolution.
00:14This is not a complicated matter.
00:16The Oversight and Judiciary Committees issued duly authorized legal subpoenas to Attorney
00:21General Garland for a certain set of documents, including the audio recordings of special
00:26counsel Herr's interview with President Biden.
00:29The Attorney General has refused to produce these audio recordings.
00:33Unlike what my Democratic colleagues keep claiming, this is not just Republicans who
00:38need these recordings for their oversight duties.
00:41Media outlets, including the AP, CBS, CNN, NBC, and The Washington Post, among others,
00:49have filed suit to get these same audio recordings as well.
00:53Because the media, like everyone else, knows there's no substitute for a recording of an
00:58interview, not a transcript, not a summary, not the Attorney General's judgment that
01:04Congress doesn't need it.
01:06The Oversight Committee's investigation of these classified documents has already revealed
01:10that the White House's official timeline of events regarding these classified materials
01:15left out very important details.
01:18For instance, White House employees were entering the Penn-Biden Center and moving documents
01:22months before the discovery of the classified materials by President Biden's personal attorneys
01:28in November 2022.
01:31One of those employees was former White House counsel Dana Remus.
01:34We issued a subpoena for Mrs. Remus's deposition, but the White House has blocked Mrs. Remus
01:40from speaking to the Oversight Committee.
01:43The White House has also blocked other White House employees who visited the Penn-Biden
01:47Center before November 2022 from speaking to us.
01:51What is the Biden administration trying to hide?
01:54Attorney General Merrick Garland's refusal to produce this evidence establishes a clear
01:58pattern of obstruction by the DOJ to cover up President Biden's wrongdoing.
02:05President Biden has lied to the American people about his mishandling of classified documents.
02:09He has repeatedly denied not knowing about or being involved in his family's influence
02:13peddling schemes, which the Oversight Committee can now show has raked in $18 million from
02:18foreign individuals and entities for the Biden family members, including President
02:23Biden himself.
02:25He also met with nearly all his family's foreign associates.
02:29President Biden's Department of Justice appears to be taking every step to insulate him from
02:34the consequences, whether it's hiding these audio recordings or attempting to give Hunter
02:38Biden a sweetheart plea deal to shield Joe Biden from facing accountability for his role
02:43in his family's influence peddling schemes.
02:46This is unacceptable.
02:48The House of Representatives cannot serve as a necessary check on the presidency.
02:53If the executive branch is free to ignore the House's subpoenas, I urge my colleagues
02:58to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress, and I yield back.
