Sumitting To My Best Friend Dad Full Movie

  • 3 months ago
Sumitting To My Best Friend Dad Full Movie
00:00:00Happy Anniversary, honey.
00:00:04I love you, Chad.
00:00:11Where are you going?
00:00:13I'm going to get us a condom.
00:00:16Come on, we don't need to use a condom.
00:00:31What the fuck is this?
00:00:36Remember? I bought them for you.
00:00:40No, you don't get to do this again, you fucking cheating asshole!
00:00:44Becca! Becca! Wait!
00:00:46So, did he tell you who he cheated with, Becca?
00:01:03Well, now you can come to Miami with Daddy and I for the summer.
00:01:07Just think, Miami has all new possibilities.
00:01:10Beaches, sunshine, and plenty of guys.
00:01:35Becca? Bring the luggage in from around the back.
00:01:43What the hell is going on here?
00:01:48This is my mom's house.
00:01:50Daddy! Daddy!
00:02:07Hey, Mr. Valentino.
00:02:12It's been five, six years.
00:02:16I didn't recognize you. You're obviously more mature than the last time we interacted.
00:02:26I guess, yeah, I'm not that dorky girl I was the last time I was here.
00:02:32Then again, I could say you've changed as well.
00:02:39Daddy? How dare you have that woman in Mommy's house?
00:02:43So first, hello. And what's your tone with me?
00:02:46But Daddy, that woman!
00:02:47You do not tell me who I spent my time with, sweetie.
00:02:50Your mother and I are divorced.
00:03:01Let's get home.
00:03:03You need to tell your daughter about us.
00:03:32Oh, Daddy. I didn't expect her to arrive so soon.
00:03:39I'm your girlfriend, James. She was going to meet me sooner or later.
00:03:46Go, Katrine.
00:03:49James, we've been together for some time now. Why can't I be your girlfriend?
00:03:54As I told you the very first night, there's nothing else that will happen. It's just sex.
00:03:58You told me you understood that.
00:04:00Are you throwing me out?
00:04:03Think twice, James. This will have consequences with my father.
00:04:07Yvette, tell security to escort Mr. Okova.
00:04:10I'll be right back.
00:04:33Why does she look so sad?
00:04:38Cancel my meetings until the driver will be downstairs shortly.
00:04:56So, are you just going to lay there all day or come join us?
00:04:59There's someone I want you to meet.
00:05:01No, Tally. I told you before, I'm not ready.
00:05:05So you're just going to waste away being no fun at all, all because Chad slept with someone else?
00:05:11You know what? Why don't you stop playing matchmaker and find someone else?
00:05:31And she told me you played hard to get. I like that in a woman.
00:05:36Where are you going, gorgeous?
00:05:37Look, I don't know what Tally told you, but I'm not interested. Please leave me alone.
00:05:41Come on.
00:05:42No, stop. What are you doing?
00:05:43You bitch!
00:05:44Get off me!
00:05:46Get off!
00:05:48Get off!
00:05:49What the hell is going on here?
00:05:57Get off me!
00:05:58Get off!
00:05:59Get off!
00:06:01What the hell is going on here?
00:06:05Mind your own business, old man.
00:06:15Do you know who I am?
00:06:17I will ruin you in this town with a snap of my fingers.
00:06:28Are you okay?
00:06:31Thank you. I appreciate you stepping in.
00:06:36No woman should be treated the way you were, Becca. I'll always make sure you're okay.
00:06:44All right?
00:06:52I'm going to remove the trash.
00:06:57Party's over! Top's up!
00:07:08What the hell happened? They said you made my dad kick out everyone for no reason?
00:07:13Are you serious, Tally?
00:07:15Out of all the years you've known me, what part of that makes any sense?
00:07:18He fucking attacked me!
00:07:20He tried to force himself on me after I repeatedly told him I wasn't interested.
00:07:24I don't believe you. He's a really nice guy and comes from a very wealthy family.
00:07:30Tally, are you fucking serious?
00:07:33No, Becca! I'm really getting sick and tired of you ruining everything.
00:07:37It's like you can't stand anyone being happy, can you, Becca?
00:07:55Becca, Dad told me what happened.
00:07:59Maybe that guy was just drunk. He's a really good guy.
00:08:03What, a good guy that assaults other people on a whim?
00:08:07Tally, I told you no. Why can't you just listen to me?
00:08:10After everything I went through with Chad, you know how I feel about being with another man.
00:08:17It's okay. I'm just on time out right now, that's all.
00:08:21Let's go to the beach and move the party there.
00:08:24I was just attacked, Tally.
00:08:27Decrease the drama, Becca.
00:08:47Come on.
00:09:00What do you want?
00:09:06I was just...
00:09:09gonna take care of this.
00:09:17Here we go.
00:09:21Thank you.
00:09:25You never have to thank me, Becca.
00:09:28Anytime you need something, all you have to do is ask.
00:09:32You know where my office is. I will help you in any way I would.
00:09:47I love you.
00:09:51I love you.
00:09:55I love you.
00:09:59I love you.
00:10:03I love you.
00:10:07I love you.
00:10:11I love you.
00:10:15I love you.
00:10:45I love you.
00:11:15Are you okay?
00:11:37The 20s.
00:11:40What does that even mean?
00:11:42She looks like a grandma.
00:11:45Go to Pilates with us.
00:11:47It's Chad calling.
00:11:54Hey, gorgeous. What are you doing?
00:11:57Why do you care, Chad? You cheated on me.
00:12:00Don't be like that, Becca. I missed you.
00:12:03Listen, I was an idiot before.
00:12:05But I wanted to let you know I'm coming to Miami for you.
00:12:13To let me know he's coming to town?
00:12:15And he wants to see me because he misses me.
00:12:18He missed you?
00:12:22Don't do it, Becca.
00:12:24I mean, he's hurt you once. He's going to do it again.
00:12:26You want my opinion?
00:12:28Stay far away from him.
00:12:30It's obvious some other girl is claiming him now.
00:12:34I need some drinks.
00:12:38We're going to be starving.
00:12:42Oh, my God.
00:12:46No, I don't want to go to bed.
00:12:48We'll look at them in the morning.
00:12:50All right, sit, sit, sit.
00:12:52Hold on.
00:12:54Oh, my God.
00:12:56It burns.
00:12:58Oh, my God.
00:13:00Oh, my God.
00:13:02Oh, my God.
00:13:04Oh, my God.
00:14:02Tali, where the hell is your toaster?
00:14:04Are you really asking me that right now?
00:14:06You do live here.
00:14:10Good morning, ladies.
00:14:12Morning, Daddy.
00:14:14Mr. Valentino?
00:14:20Is that still the makeup from last night?
00:14:30Come in.
00:14:32Mr. Valentino, did you finish signing the Jay Bird report?
00:14:36Here you go.
00:14:38Thank you.
00:14:46Yes, sweetie?
00:14:48I'm going shopping, Daddy.
00:14:50Remember, Mom's birthday is soon.
00:14:52Hey, Daddy, I want to take Becca and some friends to the Keys.
00:14:54Catherine said she can drop by on her way home and pick up the key.
00:14:58Sure, sweetie. Enjoy your shopping.
00:15:00Uh, you said Catherine?
00:15:06Have Becca pick up the key.
00:15:10She needs to learn her way around the city.
00:15:12Good morning.
00:15:20Good morning.
00:15:22I'm here to pick something up from Mr. Valentino.
00:15:26Becca Woods.
00:15:28He's expecting me.
00:15:30Right, of course he is.
00:15:34I don't see an appointment, so unfortunately, you can't see him.
00:15:38Of course.
00:15:40I don't see an appointment. I'm picking something up.
00:15:42I'm not having a meeting.
00:15:44Can you just call him and let him know that I'm here?
00:15:48Do you know how many women we get coming in here
00:15:50trying to get up and see him?
00:15:52You are just like the others.
00:15:54I need to learn to leave him alone.
00:15:56His taste is way above what you obviously are.
00:16:00Excuse me.
00:16:02Leave now, or I'll have you thrown out.
00:16:04Leave now, or I'll have you thrown out.
00:16:08Leave now, or I'll have you thrown out.
00:16:16Very well.
00:16:18From now on,
00:16:20no questions asked.
00:16:22She walks straight up, even if I'm in a meeting.
00:16:24Do you understand me?
00:16:26Yes, sir.
00:16:34While I have you here,
00:16:36I wanted to speak with you.
00:16:38About what?
00:16:40Do I make you nervous?
00:16:52You've been avoiding me.
00:16:56I don't think so.
00:17:04But I think so.
00:17:30What is he doing here?
00:17:34Why did you invite him?
00:17:36He's staying with Dallas.
00:17:38And what, I can't just expect Dallas
00:17:40to leave his guest at home?
00:17:42Talia, are you being serious right now?
00:17:46I wouldn't have bothered coming
00:17:48had I known he was going to be here.
00:17:50You should know better.
00:17:52Becca, we're all adults here.
00:17:54I think you could maybe just ignore him
00:17:56and not ruin the weekend.
00:18:00This isn't about me.
00:18:02Is everything okay here?
00:18:14All right.
00:18:18Becca, will you wait?
00:18:20Let go of me, Chad.
00:18:22Don't act like this.
00:18:24I told you I was sorry. I came here for you.
00:18:26Bullshit! You came here for yourself,
00:18:28and I don't want anything to do with you. Let go of me.
00:18:30I hate when you act hysterical like this.
00:18:32Get the fuck out of my way.
00:18:34What is going on here?
00:18:36Let go of her.
00:18:40What is going on here?
00:18:42Let go of her.
00:18:44Hey, I'm just talking to my girl, okay?
00:18:48You know how women can be when they're upset.
00:18:50You need to leave this area of the boat right now,
00:18:52and I better not see you again.
00:19:08Was that your ex?
00:19:10I mean, yeah, he is.
00:19:12Not that it honestly matters to anyone.
00:19:14It matters to me.
00:19:16Why is he here?
00:19:24I take it she's well aware of everything that happened
00:19:26between you and this man?
00:19:28Yeah. It doesn't matter, though.
00:19:30I'm leaving.
00:19:32I want you here.
00:19:36I will handle it.
00:19:38Get some rest.
00:19:42What do you want?
00:20:00I don't know. What should we do for dinner?
00:20:06Wait a second.
00:20:16What the hell is that boy doing here?
00:20:18Oh, my God. Did Becca complain to you?
00:20:20No, she didn't.
00:20:22I caught a man handling her in her room
00:20:24as she screamed at him to leave her alone.
00:20:26He claimed she was his and they were just arguing.
00:20:30You're turning into your mother.
00:20:34Don't you bring mother into this.
00:20:36You're the reason everything's fucked up, not her.
00:20:38She left you.
00:20:40And if you used her,
00:20:42and you left her...
00:20:46When we get back,
00:20:48we're going to discuss this further.
00:20:52I don't want you near him in the meantime, though.
00:20:54Otherwise, I'll leave his ass in the case.
00:21:12Don't hurt my feelings.
00:21:14I was thinking we could hang out on the beach.
00:21:16Come and join us, please.
00:21:20Yeah, sure.
00:21:22I'll be out there shortly.
00:22:10Hey, Tally.
00:22:12Sorry, I know you're busy.
00:22:14I saw you leave the yacht.
00:22:16I was just wondering
00:22:18if you had a few minutes
00:22:20to talk.
00:22:22I saw Chad and this blonde
00:22:24going to a bungalow and I don't know
00:22:26why I'm reacting like this.
00:22:28I just...
00:22:30It hurts.
00:22:34Yeah, sure.
00:22:36Because I'm the one ruining everything.
00:22:42I'm at the bonfire.
00:22:54Anytime you need something,
00:22:56all you have to do is ask.
00:23:12Becca, what's wrong?
00:23:16Becca, please tell me what's wrong with you.
00:23:18Make me forget James, please.
00:23:22Do you understand what you're requesting?
00:23:24Yeah, yeah, I do.
00:23:26There's no going back.
00:23:28I won't make you mine.
00:23:30That's exactly what I want.
00:23:48God, you're so beautiful.
00:24:12What happened before you came to see me?
00:24:14What happened before you came to see me?
00:24:18Why were you so upset?
00:24:26The chaos, it's overwhelming.
00:24:30I'm noticing more of what Tally has been acting
00:24:32and I don't agree with it.
00:24:34Tonight I lost my best friend
00:24:36and I...
00:24:42I asked for the boy
00:24:46and he doesn't know.
00:24:50I don't know what I deserve anymore.
00:25:08You know, Tally,
00:25:10your dad's, like, super hot.
00:25:16Because when Tony and I
00:25:18walked down the boat the first night here
00:25:20and we got lost looking for our room,
00:25:22we heard him.
00:25:24He was fucking the shit out of some girl.
00:25:26And she was, like, screaming his name
00:25:28over and over again.
00:25:34What are you talking about?
00:25:36What are you talking about?
00:25:38It literally said Master Suite on the door, Tally.
00:25:42If he didn't bring anyone there, then...
00:25:44That means he's fucking one of your friends.
00:25:58I'm thinking about telling Mom.
00:26:02You really think he slept with someone?
00:26:06you do whatever you think you should do.
00:26:08They're your parents. If you want to stir the pot,
00:26:10then so be it.
00:26:12You're one to talk about
00:26:14stirring the pot after the shit on the boat.
00:26:16Don't think I forgot
00:26:18about the drama you pulled with Chad
00:26:20and then getting my dad involved.
00:26:30You heard me!
00:26:32You were one of my friends this weekend.
00:26:34People heard you.
00:26:42You did, didn't you?
00:26:44How could you do this to Mother?
00:26:46Your mother and I are divorced.
00:26:48Nothing I do concerns her, and you will do your best
00:26:50to remember that and stay out of my affairs
00:26:52in the future.
00:26:56Okay, I'll tell you.
00:27:06It seems we had an audience
00:27:08over the weekend.
00:27:10What are we going to do about that?
00:27:12We will not do anything.
00:27:18Nothing changes.
00:27:20Let Telly go on her own.
00:27:22The last person she'll suspect is you.
00:27:32Back up!
00:27:50Good morning.
00:27:54Mr. Valentino?
00:27:58Good morning, Telly.
00:28:02Have a good day, ladies.
00:28:14Forget brunch, Becca.
00:28:16We're going to lunch.
00:28:42Oh, baby.
00:28:44I have missed you.
00:28:50Goodness, sweetie.
00:28:52You have grown.
00:28:54You're not that same plump little girl
00:28:56with glasses and unkept hair anymore.
00:28:58Yeah, you'd be correct.
00:29:00It also looks like
00:29:02you got a makeover at the doctor's office.
00:29:04Do they have talented surgeons
00:29:06down here?
00:29:08Yes, actually, they do.
00:29:10And I would be more than happy
00:29:12to set you up.
00:29:14Oh, no thank you.
00:29:16I actually prefer more of a natural look.
00:29:18But I appreciate the offer.
00:29:22So, anyway, Mommy, I have to tell you
00:29:24something that I found out the other day.
00:29:26Well, Daddy took us on the yacht
00:29:28this past weekend,
00:29:30and a few of the other girls on the boat
00:29:32were saying that two of the guests
00:29:34overheard Daddy
00:29:36fucking one of my friends.
00:29:38Why would he do this to me?
00:29:42What have I done
00:29:44to deserve to be treated like this?
00:29:46I know.
00:29:48It's absolutely horrible.
00:29:50Becca and I were trying to figure out who did it,
00:29:52but we're both so disgusted by it.
00:29:54To think, one of those little bitches
00:29:56that I invited
00:29:58is or was fucking Daddy.
00:30:04Did you do it?
00:30:12Of course Becca didn't do it.
00:30:14He barely looks at her.
00:30:16Also just views her as another daughter.
00:30:18Trust me, I would know if Becca was fucking Daddy.
00:30:26Do you think
00:30:28you know your friends that well?
00:30:36So you're telling me
00:30:38Tally took you to lunch with her mother?
00:30:42Unless you say
00:30:44she doesn't like me one bit.
00:30:46I forgot how much of a bitch
00:30:48she really is.
00:30:50What did she say she was going to do?
00:30:52Did you tell her it was you?
00:30:54No, of course not.
00:30:56That's only going to cause complications.
00:31:02A friend
00:31:06who doesn't seem to give a shit about you
00:31:08and uses you
00:31:10when it's convenient.
00:31:18Why hide things?
00:31:20You don't care about me.
00:31:24I do.
00:31:40I will have you fired
00:31:42at once.
00:31:46She wouldn't let me see you.
00:31:48What are you doing here, Katrina?
00:31:50I told you not to come back.
00:31:52I know you didn't mean that, my love.
00:31:56I missed you
00:31:58and I'm tired of fighting.
00:32:00There is no fighting.
00:32:02You need to leave and not come back.
00:32:04I don't want you harassing my employees.
00:32:06Who was that girl?
00:32:08She knew fuck toys?
00:32:10Don't act stupid.
00:32:12The girl that just came down here like ten minutes ago.
00:32:14Do you know how many women
00:32:16work in this building?
00:32:18I have no clue who you're referring to.
00:32:20You know what's seeing someone?
00:32:22It isn't your business.
00:32:24So leave.
00:32:28I won't inform father about your choice.
00:32:46Allison, what are you doing here?
00:32:48You're not welcome on my property anymore.
00:32:50Come on, James. Don't be like that.
00:32:52No, I'm being serious. Why are you here?
00:32:54To get our daughter.
00:32:56We're going away for the week.
00:32:58To Orlando. For a fashion show.
00:33:02So Becca and Talia are getting ready then.
00:33:06That little bitch isn't going anywhere near me.
00:33:10Watch your mouth, Allison.
00:33:14She grew up with our daughter in this house
00:33:16and she's Talia's guest.
00:33:18I don't understand what your issue is with her.
00:33:20Because she's a freeloader that doesn't deserve
00:33:22our daughter's attention.
00:33:24So why don't you do your daughter a kindness
00:33:26and get rid of her
00:33:28before Talia gets back.
00:33:30It will be good for everyone.
00:33:36Oh, and I heard about your little fuck toy
00:33:38down at the trip from the Keys.
00:33:40Perhaps we should go back to court.
00:33:42Because I think you still owe me way more money
00:33:44than you owe me.
00:33:46I don't owe you shit.
00:33:48You got everything you wanted in the divorce agreement
00:33:50and it's over.
00:33:52You can't get anything else.
00:34:02Becca, please do this for me.
00:34:04I'm not going to spy
00:34:06on your dad for you.
00:34:08Becca, for once in your life
00:34:10can you do something for me?
00:34:30Ready to go?
00:34:44Almost as big as mine.
00:35:10Look at these heels.
00:35:12Okay, we're going to get them.
00:35:14Thank you.
00:35:16Here we go.
00:35:18No, what are you doing?
00:35:20I have money.
00:35:22No, you don't.
00:35:24However, I was the one who asked you to come on this trip
00:35:26and I wouldn't be the one to spoil you.
00:35:28If you want to tell Abbas you paid for it, you can.
00:35:30But I'm the only one spending money.
00:35:32Well, I will show you
00:35:34my appreciation list.
00:35:38I have no doubt
00:35:40I have no doubt
00:35:42that you will.
00:35:48One second.
00:35:58Where are you?
00:36:00Do you know where Becca is?
00:36:02I think she's lying to me.
00:36:06Why would you think Becca's lying to you?
00:36:08Because I called her dad
00:36:10and he said that she wasn't there.
00:36:12And she told me that she was going to
00:36:14stay home with family, but she isn't there.
00:36:16Perhaps she had
00:36:18different family she was going to see?
00:36:20I don't know.
00:36:22I'm out of town for business right now overseas
00:36:24so there isn't much I can do.
00:36:26I invited her
00:36:28to come stay at our house for the entire summer
00:36:30and she doesn't even bother
00:36:32to let me know what she's doing when she's not
00:36:34at our house.
00:36:36Liana, enough. You young lady
00:36:38have disappeared on her many times if you recall.
00:36:40And I'm not tolerating you acting like this.
00:36:42Perhaps if you start being
00:36:44a better friend to her, she'll be open with you.
00:36:48I have to go.
00:36:52Shall we?
00:36:54Let's go.
00:37:06What's wrong, Becca?
00:37:10You can't fix everything, James.
00:37:12You underestimate me.
00:37:16I leave in a few weeks.
00:37:22I was considering the idea of you
00:37:24transferring to university here.
00:37:28As flattering as that is, James,
00:37:30Yale is everything to me and I plan on
00:37:32finishing it there.
00:37:34To move her relationship.
00:37:54It's wonderful to see you,
00:37:56but we're heading out.
00:38:00This is the girl from your office.
00:38:02I thought you didn't know her.
00:38:04No, no.
00:38:06This is my daughter's friend.
00:38:08She and I are discussing a surprise for Tally.
00:38:10You do remember
00:38:12my daughter, don't you?
00:38:16Excuse us.
00:38:26So, what are you talking about?
00:38:28I mean exactly as I said, James.
00:38:30It's not like we're a couple.
00:38:32Plus, I'll be leaving in a few weeks to go back to school,
00:38:34so it's simply fun while it lasts.
00:38:36Are you seriously
00:38:38going to stand here and act like the things
00:38:40that have been going on between us aren't affecting you?
00:38:42Are you
00:38:44going to say that they've been affecting you?
00:38:54I already explained.
00:38:56I have no interest in extending
00:38:58our contract.
00:39:00We've had a wonderful past 20 years together,
00:39:02but I believe it's time
00:39:04we go our separate ways.
00:39:06To you, Adam.
00:39:08Let's talk about something else that's been on my mind.
00:39:10My daughter Katrina.
00:39:14What about her?
00:39:16We both know
00:39:18she can be a difficult girl.
00:39:24I communicated from the beginning
00:39:26that I was not interested in a serious relationship.
00:39:28She knew that
00:39:30and agreed.
00:39:32When I told her I didn't want to see her anymore
00:39:34because I didn't want to give her the wrong idea,
00:39:38she didn't want to accept that.
00:39:40So you can just use her
00:39:42and not care about her feelings?
00:39:44This isn't what I'm saying at all.
00:39:46We slept together on and off
00:39:48for a couple of months.
00:39:50It wasn't even consistent.
00:39:52And through that time, I have proof
00:39:54that we were lovers.
00:39:56Just none that were like me.
00:39:58She seemed fine when she left here.
00:40:04You're missing the point, James.
00:40:10She is unhappy.
00:40:12Which means
00:40:14I am unhappy.
00:40:18I heard something new.
00:40:20A trip overseas.
00:40:26You take my daughter back.
00:40:28Marry her.
00:40:30Make her happy.
00:40:32I will forget contracts.
00:40:34And we will be fine.
00:40:54It's good to know that young woman
00:40:56you went to dinner with last night
00:40:58isn't actually dating you.
00:41:00She's a prize to be won, for sure.
00:41:04I wonder if she's seen anyone.
00:41:06Perhaps she has time for an old man like me.
00:41:14Are you barfing?
00:41:18Today we're expecting sunny skies.
00:41:20You're to make this right
00:41:22Get out.
00:41:24You have no right to tell me what to do, okay?
00:41:26Do you know who I am?
00:41:28Do you know how many people line up to spend the night with me?
00:41:30And you're over here being what? Ungrateful?
00:41:34Lock me back up.
00:41:36I suppose I'll have to show you what it is you're missing.
00:41:38Get off.
00:41:44Get off.
00:42:02What the hell?
00:42:04I was watching TV and then Chad...
00:42:08Chad did this.
00:42:26Find Chad. Immediately.
00:42:40Whatever, dude.
00:42:42You're fucking banging her, aren't you?
00:42:44I can't wait to tell Tally.
00:42:46She's gonna flip
00:42:48hearing her supposed best friend is fucking her father.
00:42:54You know, I tried to give you
00:42:56an easy way out.
00:42:58Yeah, you don't learn.
00:43:00Do you?
00:43:04Man, I was just... I was fucking around.
00:43:06Let me go, okay?
00:43:08I know you wouldn't sleep with that stupid bitch.
00:43:10She's beneath you.
00:43:12Frank, he just keeps digging himself a deeper hole, doesn't he?
00:43:16She doesn't deserve you.
00:43:18She doesn't deserve you. No, no, no.
00:43:42Nothing, Becca. Just give me a moment, okay?
00:43:46It's Chad, isn't it?
00:43:48You went after him after I told you not to, didn't you?
00:43:52I'm done. I can't do this anymore.
00:43:54Excuse me?
00:43:56You're not leaving me. This was for you.
00:43:58To get you the retribution you deserve.
00:44:00For me?
00:44:02All that's going to do is cause complications.
00:44:04Now his family's gonna come after the both of us.
00:44:06How could you let yourself do something like that?
00:44:08Because no one touches what's mine.
00:44:14You fucking bitch!
00:44:16I knew you were betraying me, but this?
00:44:18You fucking bitch!
00:44:20You whore! Are you kidding?
00:44:22I knew you were betraying me, but this?
00:44:24Wait, wait. This isn't what you think.
00:44:26I wanted to tell you. I did.
00:44:28Don't you dare fucking strike her!
00:44:32She is a fucking whore!
00:44:34She is no friend of mine!
00:44:36Tally, I'm sorry. Please just listen to me.
00:44:38Tally, it's just sex.
00:44:40She's the adult and we were both born.
00:44:42There's nothing more to this.
00:44:44So just stop acting like you haven't done the same before.
00:44:46So you're telling me she means
00:44:48nothing to you?
00:44:50You don't care about her?
00:44:52Of course.
00:44:54She knows it's just sex.
00:45:00I'm done, James.
00:45:02Fuck you both.
00:45:04Fucking whore.
00:45:14Open up. It's me.
00:45:16We need to talk.
00:45:42Thank you for letting me stay here.
00:45:44Oh, sweetie, you don't have to thank me.
00:45:46Just put your stuff in the room down the hall
00:45:48with the blue walls.
00:45:50Come out when you're ready.
00:46:04Where is she?
00:46:06Becca? She was here, but she left about an hour ago.
00:46:08She just put some stuff down
00:46:10so she didn't want to carry anything around.
00:46:12She left after that.
00:46:14I have no idea where she went.
00:46:16If she comes back, will you call and let me know?
00:46:18No, I won't.
00:46:20Not after what happened.
00:46:22I'm not getting involved in this, James.
00:46:24You're going to have to figure this out yourself.
00:46:26I mean, I love you to death, but you fucked up.
00:46:34Come on.
00:46:44Where have you been?
00:46:46I don't know.
00:48:10I wanted you to meet someone.
00:48:12This is my brother, Neil.
00:48:16Hello, Becca.
00:48:26I didn't know that you guys were going to be here.
00:48:28I hope I'm not intruding on any plans.
00:48:32It's settled.
00:48:34Becca James, you're joining us tonight.
00:48:36I don't have anything to wear.
00:48:38Don't worry, I got it.
00:49:02Are you enjoying yourself?
00:49:04May I have the next dance?
00:49:32Good morning, beautiful.
00:49:34Good morning, beautiful.
00:49:54Good morning, beautiful.
00:49:58Where are we?
00:50:00My apartment.
00:50:06I figured you wouldn't want to go back to my place
00:50:08considering Tally is there
00:50:10and you were adamant about continuing our fun
00:50:12so I brought us here.
00:50:14I do not remember that.
00:50:16That's because you passed out in the car on the way here.
00:50:20So you had your way with me while I was passed out?
00:50:24No, Becca.
00:50:27I too do have standards I live by
00:50:29and sleeping with an unconscious woman
00:50:31even when I have been seeing is a no-go for me.
00:50:39What do you want with me, James?
00:50:49I don't want to lose you.
00:50:57I love you.
00:51:05Don't break my heart again, James.
00:51:08I can't handle the heartache.
00:51:16I promise.
00:51:19I love you.
00:51:27Mother says you have something to tell us.
00:51:29Yes, it seems your ex-husband
00:51:31owns an apartment here at River Edge.
00:51:33Now the two of them were seen going to the elevator
00:51:35we're guessing to this apartment.
00:51:37So they're not
00:51:39going to stop seeing each other.
00:51:41It seems not, miss.
00:51:43Is there anything else you need to know?
00:51:48I want you to find out
00:51:50everything you can on Becca Woods.
00:51:53If James won't stop seeing her
00:51:55then I'll make sure she gets the message.
00:52:06Allison came to me
00:52:08explaining I needed to call things off with you.
00:52:10If I don't, there are going to be consequences.
00:52:12She said I was making a fool of myself
00:52:14for hanging out with a woman
00:52:16that has the same age as my daughter
00:52:18and that even our friends have started making comments
00:52:20which I kind of find hard to believe
00:52:22considering nobody knows
00:52:24outside of the group of Masquerade
00:52:26I even started seeing you.
00:52:28Is there anything we can do to stop her?
00:52:40It's going to take me a minute to pack my stuff.
00:52:42I won't give in to them.
00:52:52I would love for you to come with me.
00:52:56I don't want to hide you.
00:52:58I want to share it with you.
00:53:12Holy shit.
00:53:14These are expensive.
00:53:16That's actually decently priced.
00:53:18Oh, Becca,
00:53:20Neil is staying a little longer.
00:53:24found someone he wants to pursue.
00:53:32Try that on.
00:53:44we can find you a nice, rich
00:53:46husband there, Tally.
00:53:48I already have a man, Mother.
00:53:50Oh, do you?
00:53:52Do you mean that northern boy you can't
00:53:54stop texting?
00:53:56Becca, will you hurry up
00:53:58and show me already?
00:54:00Yep, I'm ready.
00:54:06Look at you.
00:54:08You can't afford this place.
00:54:10Why don't you steal it?
00:54:12I'm going to the gala
00:54:16There is no way that you
00:54:18are going.
00:54:20James is taking you?
00:54:22You fucking
00:54:24bitch. That's enough. I am tired of
00:54:26your shit. You can either fuck off back to your
00:54:28dressing room or close your fucking mouth.
00:54:30Don't you dare talk to my daughter like that,
00:54:32you tramp.
00:54:34James! Are you in there?
00:54:38Please escort these two women from the store.
00:55:02Don't pay them
00:55:04any mind, Becca.
00:55:06You're dripping with elegance.
00:55:08They're just jealous
00:55:10about you.
00:55:30It's a breast
00:55:32cancer charity auction.
00:55:36My mother died.
00:55:42I remember.
00:55:58The next piece is an original painting by
00:56:00Leslie Pacelli. Starting bid
00:56:04It's lovely.
00:56:08What are you doing?
00:56:12No, it's too much money.
00:56:14It's for charity.
00:56:16Thank you, James.
00:56:18It feels good to buy the item knowing that the money is going to a good
00:56:20cause. It's
00:56:22something close to my heart.
00:56:24Our mother lost her breast cancer fight a number of years ago.
00:56:26My mom died of cancer too.
00:56:28It was a couple years ago.
00:56:30Of course.
00:56:32Trying is the only way to get
00:56:34free from someone like you, Becca.
00:56:36Yeah, James. I said it.
00:56:38Becca's a little bitch that no mother could
00:56:42I think I should go. I'm tired.
00:56:46Perhaps you need to go back up north with your own kind.
00:56:48Come with us, Becca.
00:57:02What are you talking about?
00:57:04We aren't married
00:57:06and my seeing her was recent.
00:57:08Have you been telling people I was sleeping
00:57:10with her while we were married?
00:57:14I'm not going through this anymore, Allison.
00:57:16Keep harassing Becca
00:57:18and we'll sue the hell out of you.
00:57:22I'm not going through this anymore, Allison.
00:57:24Keep harassing Becca
00:57:26and we'll sue the hell out of you.
00:57:38Oh, sweetie.
00:57:40I don't know what I'm doing
00:57:42that's so wrong.
00:57:44I mean, they've been divorced for years.
00:57:46I don't understand it.
00:57:48You did nothing wrong, Becca.
00:57:50Honestly, I was surprised by how James acted at the event.
00:57:52He's a strong-willed man and usually
00:57:54puts his foot down with things.
00:57:56I'm leaving.
00:57:58I don't want to play these games with James anymore.
00:58:00I care about him, yes, but
00:58:02I don't have time for this drama.
00:58:04This isn't what I signed up for when I came to Miami.
00:58:06Take some time to think about it, okay?
00:58:08It's never good to overreact to anything.
00:58:10I'm done thinking about James.
00:58:12Allison's the woman he wants.
00:58:14He showed me that tonight.
00:58:16But Becca...
00:58:18Why, Allegra? Is he here right now comforting me?
00:58:20No, he's not. You are.
00:58:22And I am grateful for that,
00:58:24but this is just too much for me.
00:58:28I know.
00:58:34I should have enough money for a plane ticket home.
00:58:36Don't be silly.
00:58:38You don't need to buy a ticket.
00:58:40It's time to go, ladies.
00:58:58Neil, you don't have to look after me,
00:59:00but thank you.
00:59:02I know I don't have to.
00:59:04I just want to make sure you're okay.
00:59:06I mean, what type of guy would I be
00:59:08if I didn't have to look after a pretty woman?
00:59:10You're very sweet.
00:59:32It's Tali.
00:59:34She wants to meet.
00:59:38Meet with her.
00:59:40It's gonna reveal your next step.
00:59:50Hey, Neil.
00:59:52Allison's a crazy bitch,
00:59:54and Tali? Not far from it.
00:59:56So, protect yourself.
00:59:58I will. Thank you, Neil.
01:00:02Could I please go to
01:00:043204 Sunset Boulevard?
01:00:16What the fuck, Becca?
01:00:18What the fuck, Becca?
01:00:20What are you doing here?
01:00:24You invited me over, remember?
01:00:26Uh, yeah.
01:00:28Fucking later.
01:00:32at least you know now.
01:00:34Know what?
01:00:36That you're fucking my ex?
01:00:38I don't care. You can have him.
01:00:40You obviously care.
01:00:42He was the love of your life, remember?
01:00:44You are so fucking delusional.
01:00:50But Chad
01:00:52went through all lengths to get to me.
01:00:54He dated you.
01:00:56For me. And I mean, how romantic is that?
01:01:00now we're engaged.
01:01:02You know what?
01:01:04At least now I don't feel bad about
01:01:06fucking your dad.
01:01:08You were betraying me long before I climbed into bed with him.
01:01:10And he's much better in bed
01:01:12than Chad ever was.
01:01:14Have fun with that abusive, cheating asshole, Tally.
01:01:16Yeah, well,
01:01:18he's gonna be my husband now.
01:01:20And the father of my unborn child.
01:01:40Hi, um,
01:01:42it's Becca Woods.
01:01:44Yeah, Allegra Joel said I could use your car service
01:01:46at any time.
01:01:48Yeah, I'm good, thank you.
01:02:12Tally hates me.
01:02:16And I think I finally hit bottom.
01:02:22Fifteen minutes, Allison.
01:02:30She won't talk to me,
01:02:32let alone look at me.
01:02:34I'm so sorry.
01:02:36I'm so sorry.
01:02:38I'm so sorry.
01:02:40She won't talk to me, let alone look at me.
01:02:42She mopes around the beach house
01:02:44like I ruined her life.
01:02:48She said...
01:02:50She said she hates me.
01:03:06I need help, James.
01:03:18I want to go back to rehab.
01:03:22I want to get back on the path
01:03:24that I was on a couple years ago.
01:03:28I know.
01:03:30I know.
01:03:32Do you think that
01:03:34we can fix things between us?
01:03:36No, there is no fixing us.
01:03:38James, please!
01:03:44Let me get the help that I need
01:03:46and then we can fix things.
01:03:48No, Allison, I'm sorry.
01:03:52But there is no way I would give us a chance again.
01:03:54You didn't just cheat on me.
01:03:56Your betrayal broke me
01:03:58because you, at one point,
01:04:00were the only woman
01:04:02I could ever imagine loving.
01:04:12Why can't you see that I'm
01:04:14trying to change?
01:04:16You said that you were changing many times.
01:04:18And after a while,
01:04:20one stops believing that shit could end up
01:04:22being true.
01:04:26I hope you do change.
01:04:28And one day realize how much you've destroyed
01:04:30acting the way you do.
01:04:50Don't leave, Becca.
01:04:52No, what the fuck is she doing here?
01:04:54She showed up unannounced.
01:04:56No, that is not true. You're lying.
01:04:58You wanted to talk about Tali.
01:05:00Becca, listen to me.
01:05:02No, this bitch will never listen!
01:05:04Get out of here!
01:05:08Don't walk away, Becca.
01:05:10No. You don't get to do that.
01:05:12You have no right to say that.
01:05:14When you won't even...
01:05:16You won't even fight for me. You won't even...
01:05:18Then what? You know I'll do...
01:05:20Please listen to me.
01:05:24Don't leave, Becca.
01:05:26Goodbye, James.
01:05:30Oh, and by the way,
01:05:32your daughter's engaged to Chad.
01:05:34She was the one he was cheating on me with.
01:05:38And she's pregnant.
01:05:56Holy shit, what the fuck happened to you?
01:06:00What's the commotion?
01:06:02What happened?
01:06:04It doesn't matter. What's done is done.
01:06:06Um, are you still going tonight?
01:06:12I'm gonna leave with Neil tonight and go to New York.
01:06:14I can't be here anymore.
01:06:16I gotta get out of here.
01:06:36Where's Becca? What are you doing here?
01:06:38Becca, where are you? Becca?
01:06:40Where is she? I need to find her.
01:06:42It's too late.
01:06:44Nothing is ever too late.
01:06:46I have to find her.
01:06:48That's not what I meant.
01:06:50I mean, it's too late because she's on her way to catch a flight to New York.
01:06:52You're not gonna make it there in time.
01:07:42Hello and welcome to tonight's show.
01:07:48This place is not a tornado for the college party you had when I was gone.
01:07:50You were gone for like a week.
01:07:52No, I didn't hold any college parties.
01:07:54I appreciate you letting me stay here, though.
01:07:56I love having you here, Becca.
01:07:58Oh, you know,
01:08:00returning home from a business trip used to feel horrible.
01:08:04Most bachelors, at least, are pet parents.
01:08:06Yeah, to be honest,
01:08:08I don't really take you as a pet parent.
01:08:10You and that leg of no faith in me, huh?
01:08:14Now, have you eaten?
01:08:16I'm actually making dinner.
01:08:18Is there anything I can help you with?
01:08:22No, I just need you to go to your room and relax
01:08:24and I'll call you when dinner's ready.
01:08:30You're one of a kind, Becca. Do you know that?
01:08:34You had a long trip, Neil. It's the least I can do.
01:08:38I love having you here, Becca.
01:08:48Okay, yeah.
01:08:50I'm going to get some wine.
01:08:52Do you want some?
01:08:54You just don't want to see a scary part, do you?
01:09:18Fuck it.
01:09:32Good morning to the family.
01:09:46Valentino. We meet again.
01:09:48Neil, Joe.
01:09:50Allegra's brother.
01:09:52How's my sister?
01:09:54Where's Becca?
01:09:56Well, she's probably admiring the painting from the auction.
01:10:00Listen, man.
01:10:02I'm not the type of guy who likes to win without playing fair,
01:10:04so before I take her into my bed,
01:10:06why don't you come to New York?
01:10:08I'm taking her to a party on Friday.
01:10:12What are we supposed to do, Neil, huh?
01:10:14I see how you lost your game, Mr. Valentino.
01:10:16You lost her.
01:10:18I sent you the time and place of the party,
01:10:20all right?
01:10:22I'll see you there, pal.
01:10:44It's too late for you to go back to work, right?
01:10:48I thought I heard you talking to someone.
01:10:50Oh, no.
01:10:52I was just complaining about how bad I always get to go.
01:10:54I was just complaining about how bad I always get to go.
01:11:14Mr. Valentino.
01:11:18I need to speak to you privately.
01:11:24You don't want me, James.
01:11:31I do want you.
01:11:34I want you more than I have ever wanted anyone in my life.
01:11:39And I'm here going against everything I am to get you back.
01:11:42I'm sorry.
01:11:47You have nothing to apologize for.
01:11:51I was a fucking idiot.
01:11:52And I should have done something sooner, but I was so worried about everything else going
01:11:56on and what people would say I didn't.
01:12:22I take it that you like our new place.
01:12:34It's beautiful.
01:12:36And walking distance to campus.
01:12:39I love it.
01:12:43I must go back to home.
01:12:48I'm staying a day longer.
01:12:53I'll be back soon.
01:12:55I promise.
01:13:19Becca, it's Allegra.
01:13:21How are you doing?
01:13:22Um, it's going okay, I guess.
01:13:25James just left and he's heading back south.
01:13:28I bet he is after the shit this morning.
01:13:31Wait, what do you mean?
01:13:34Something happen?
01:13:36Oh, damn, babe.
01:13:37Did he not tell you?
01:13:38You need to check your phone.
01:13:40You have made national news, sweetie.
01:14:18We're going to have a very serious conversation, Tali, because you seem to think that you're
01:14:37able to dictate to me what it is that I do and that's not going to fly.
01:14:41You are screwing my best friend.
01:14:43And then on top of all that, you made me look like a complete fool by your actions.
01:14:49You made yourself look like a fool.
01:14:51And how dare you stand there and make such a big fuss about me being with Becca when
01:14:55for over a year you went behind her back sleeping with her boyfriend and now you're knocked
01:14:59out by him.
01:15:00How dare you say something like that about him?
01:15:03He's going to be your future son-in-law.
01:15:05You know, I'm your daughter.
01:15:09Why don't you care about me and my feelings and my desires?
01:15:13Tali, you have no idea how to take care of yourself.
01:15:17You don't clean up after yourself.
01:15:19You don't cook.
01:15:20You don't even wash your own laundry.
01:15:22So how in the hell are you going to take care of yourself, let alone someone else?
01:15:26You think that you are so much better than everyone at everything.
01:15:30But you know Chad, he's actually a really nice guy and comes from a very nice family.
01:15:36And I just, you know, I really don't understand what makes you hate him so much when you're
01:15:41willing to screw someone like Becca.
01:15:44If you marry that boy, your trust fund money is gone.
01:15:50The day you turned 18, I told you I will pay you a monthly allowance while you went to
01:15:54school and after you graduated, while you got set up in your career until you could
01:15:57support yourself.
01:15:59I will stop doing that.
01:16:02Then I'm going to move in with Mother.
01:16:05You are not my father.
01:16:07That bitch, she changed you.
01:16:10And I'm going to make her pay for everything that she's done to me and this family.
01:16:15Do what you must, Tali.
01:16:18Of course I will set something up for my grandkids.
01:16:21So that way they have money when they turn 18.
01:16:25But I'm not giving you another penny if you marry that boy.
01:17:02Well, where do you want me to start?
01:17:04I could explain how all my teachers were giving me nasty looks or how the dean seems
01:17:11to always have a snarky comment.
01:17:13Or better yet, how the entire school knows that I'm sleeping with you and everyone
01:17:17finds me horrible for sleeping with my best friend's dad.
01:17:20Oh, it was that kind of day, huh?
01:17:29When are you coming home, James?
01:17:31I hope to be there by the weekend, sweetie.
01:17:34I'm almost done with things here and then I should be able to come up for a few days.
01:17:38Bye now.
01:17:45My business isn't the concern of your boss anymore.
01:17:49See, that's where you're wrong.
01:17:52You don't get to decide when business is over.
01:17:55Sergei respects you.
01:17:57He doesn't want things to end badly with you.
01:18:00So he sent me to talk some sense into you, considering how close we used to be.
01:18:10I would consider what we used to do as being close.
01:18:18Sergei and Allison, they may have gotten lunch together the other day.
01:18:23He felt bad for the woman that was cast aside for being too old.
01:18:27Cast aside for being too old?
01:18:31Allison cheated on me, which is why I divorced her.
01:18:34But I find it interesting that Sergei took the time to speak with her.
01:18:38What did he think he would get from it?
01:18:40This won't end well for you, James.
01:18:43Don't be an idiot.
01:18:45A man like Sergei isn't forgiving.
01:18:48And the very fact that he's even giving you a chance to reconsider should shine in your eyes like the illuminating factor that it is.
01:18:58I was trying to help. I didn't think that you knew.
01:19:02What? That you went behind my back and met with Sergei?
01:19:05Crying wolf to a man I'm trying to get my family away from?
01:19:08All because I'm sleeping with a woman that isn't you?
01:19:11Have you lost your fucking mind, Allison?
01:19:14Fuck you, James!
01:19:17I did everything right.
01:19:19You are the reason that everything went bad.
01:19:23All I have wanted is for you to pay attention to me.
01:19:29For you to love me and want to make things work.
01:19:33But all you cared about was your business.
01:19:36You didn't care about the family that you were losing.
01:19:38So it's my fault? My fault?
01:19:40The only thing that was my fault was ever being with you.
01:19:44I should have listened to everyone back then.
01:19:46I should have left your ass in the front steps of that house and walked away never looking back.
01:19:50You ruined everything!
01:19:52Now don't you stand there and put this all on me.
01:19:55I had no idea that your businesses with him were over.
01:20:00James, if you don't continue, he's going to kill you.
01:20:05And I don't want to put our daughter in that position.
01:20:08Do you really want to risk her life?
01:20:12Stay away from me, Talia and Becca.
01:20:14You need to grow up, Allison.
01:20:17You'll be happy to know that I have no idea where Talia is.
01:20:21So I can't exactly stay around her.
01:20:23What? What do you mean you don't know where she is?
01:20:26While you were all fucking your little bitch up north, she ran off.
01:20:32And I have no idea where she is or who she's with.
01:20:36The beach house is dirty but it's empty.
01:20:39And I even went to your place.
01:20:42My housekeepers have no idea where she is.
01:20:45When was the last time you saw her?
01:20:47Last week.
01:20:49After you guys got into a fight.
01:20:52I'll find her.
01:20:54For now, stay the fuck away from all of us. You're not wanted.
01:21:13James, a man just...
01:21:22Hey, what's going on? I'm in the middle of something.
01:21:26Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bother you.
01:21:28I just was checking in on you.
01:21:32I haven't really heard from you today and you're supposed to be here tomorrow.
01:21:35So I just wanted to figure out what time so I could plan something.
01:21:41I'm not going to be able to make it tomorrow.
01:21:43There are a lot of things going on and they are just very complicated at the moment.
01:21:47And as much as I would love to be there with you, I honestly can't.
01:21:52Okay, I completely understand.
01:21:57I'll just figure something else out to do.
01:21:59Do you know when you might be up here?
01:22:02No, I don't know when I'm going to make it up there.
01:22:05But I do really have to go.
01:22:07So can we pick up this conversation tomorrow morning?
01:22:10I have some free time. I can schedule you in.
01:22:18Are you going to tell me how you're really doing?
01:22:21Come in.
01:22:24Well, besides the fact that the entire campus knows that I'm screwing James
01:22:29and they also think I'm sleeping with you too.
01:22:33Let's think.
01:22:35Well, James was supposed to see me this weekend, but he can't.
01:22:39And yeah, I guess that's all that's really going on.
01:22:42Oh, I did forget.
01:22:45I now have to schedule in order to have conversations with James
01:22:49because he's too busy to deal with me.
01:22:54You know what? I know the Dean there. I'll make a call.
01:23:03Can you believe it?
01:23:05I absolutely cannot believe that he got that little bitch pregnant
01:23:08and then brought her home to me like I was supposed to do something about it.
01:23:13Look who it is.
01:23:16The little slut who thought she could get into my family.
01:23:20You heard what I said.
01:23:24I heard through the grapevine that you weren't coming back to Yale this year.
01:23:27So what are you doing here?
01:23:29I don't know who you heard that from, but that definitely is not right.
01:23:33It's my final year, and I plan on finishing with honors just as I started.
01:23:38I've got to make sure I get those grades, and then I'll take myself on to bigger and better things.
01:23:43Wish I could say the same for your son.
01:23:47I wish you had had that kind of fire in you before.
01:23:50Maybe I would have actually considered you a match for him.
01:23:54As much as I would have liked that before, Barbara, that will never happen now.
01:23:58I'd rather be single than with an arrogant prick who likes to beat on women.
01:24:03But what can I say? Like father, like son.
01:24:09I'll be home tonight.
01:24:17Yay! I can't wait.
01:24:19I spoke to Barbara today, and I used the term talked loosely,
01:24:25but I think Tali might be living with her, or at least staying at his apartment here.
01:24:31Let me get Frank on that immediately.
01:24:41Please help me.
01:24:43Tali, what happened?
01:24:45Are you okay? Come.
01:24:49Here, go sit on the couch.
01:25:01I'm so sorry.
01:25:03It's okay.
01:25:05It's okay.
01:25:08It's okay.
01:25:16We need to call the hospital. You need an ambulance.
01:25:20No. I can't go to the hospital.
01:25:24I'll be okay, though.
01:25:27This isn't the first time it's happened to me.
01:25:30He never hurts the baby, though.
01:25:33Just look at my face.
01:25:37How did you find me?
01:25:39Well, it's not hard considering the rumors trickling around.
01:25:45Do you have a key card to get in here?
01:25:48No, the lady downstairs let me in.
01:25:57Just getting on the plane now. I'll be there in a few hours.
01:26:00I need to find Tali.
01:26:02That's actually why I'm calling.
01:26:05What do you mean? Have you seen her?
01:26:09You could say that.
01:26:15Becca, where is she?
01:26:17Okay, there's no need for the attitude.
01:26:19Well, don't act the way you are. You said that you had seen her now.
01:26:23How am I acting?
01:26:28She's on the couch in our living room.
01:26:35Where is she?
01:27:05Daddy, no!
01:27:07You made the wrong choice!
01:27:09Please, Daddy! You're only going to make it worse, Daddy!
01:27:12Please, stop it, Becca! He's only going to make it worse!
01:27:19Becca, stay out of this!
01:27:20What the fuck is going on?
01:27:21It's none of your business!
01:27:22I am your girlfriend, James.
01:27:24We're supposed to be a team, and you involve me in all of this.
01:27:27So, yes, it is my fault.
01:27:29It's not your fault.
01:27:31James, we're supposed to be a team, and you involve me in all of this.
01:27:34So, yes, it does have to do with me.
01:27:37Your daughter's in my apartment wearing my clothes.
01:27:40And after everything she has done to me, I gave her a safe space to be.
01:27:45Yet this doesn't concern me.
01:27:47Chad, get that to her!
01:27:55So you plan to go and beat him up?
01:27:57Acting irrational about this, that's how you want to handle it?
01:28:01I'm not a good person, Becca.
01:28:03I'm dangerous, and I do dangerous things.
01:28:05You would do well to remember this.
01:28:09My life isn't legal, and neither are my actions.
01:28:12Your daughter needs you.
01:28:27You need to start from the beginning, and tell me everything that happened.
01:28:50You need to start from the beginning, and tell me everything that happened.
01:28:57So, um, after I left Miami, I went with Chad to stay with his parents for a few weeks.
01:29:03And his mom really didn't want us to be together.
01:29:07And then his family tried to force me to get an abortion, even though I didn't want to.
01:29:14And then they realized after I went to the doctor how far along I was, and that's when it got really bad.
01:29:21How far along are you?
01:29:24Six months.
01:29:42Do you understand the complications of what you've done with all the partying and drinking?
01:29:46The damage you could have done to that child?
01:29:50How stupid could you actually be?
01:29:53We need to get you to a doctor.
01:29:55No. No, I can't go to a doctor. I don't want him getting arrested.
01:30:18I need to apologize to you.
01:30:21I shouldn't have spoken to you like that earlier.
01:30:26I was just so angry by everything that happened.
01:30:29What Chad had done to her.
01:30:33I lost control of myself and lashed out at the one person I shouldn't have.
01:30:38I don't know what you expect me to say.
01:30:41Everything has been so chaotic since the moment I met you this summer.
01:30:47Even though we're together and we have these amazing moments, it's become nothing but toxic.
01:30:58We can make this work.
01:31:01We'll figure it out as we have been.
01:31:18By tomorrow morning, you and Tali are going to be back in Miami.
01:31:24I've done a lot of bad things in my life, Becca.
01:31:30One of them was making shady deals to build my empire.
01:31:38Illegal things that cause people to get hurt.
01:31:43That cause people to get hurt.
01:31:46Okay. I mean, I knew you did things that was obvious, but why not explain that to me to help me understand?
01:31:56I made deals with a Russian leader named Sverdlov years and years ago when I was just a young man trying to build my empire.
01:32:06My business with him led me to do very shady deals.
01:32:12Mixed with the wrong people and make a lot of enemies.
01:32:18Now that I'm older, I try to pull away from the business dealings I did before, but now I've created an enemy of Söder.
01:32:27Wait, do you mean like the Mafia?
01:32:33Yes. I mean the Mafia.
01:32:37Because I'm refusing to re-sign new deals, they are making threats that could potentially risk the safety of the people around me.
01:32:48I wouldn't allow them to get anywhere near you.
01:33:00Hi. Hi. Take care.
01:33:31I want you to calm down.
01:33:36We can spend some time together and have fun.
01:33:40James, please.
01:33:43Just go.
01:33:45Take care of yourself.
01:33:48Maybe we can talk in the future.
01:34:59This better be good for you to call me right now.
01:35:01It's nice to talk to you as well.
01:35:05I just wanted to call to see if you've heard anything about Becca.
01:35:09Come on, James. That's not what you want to know now, is it?
01:35:14I haven't spoken to her in a bit.
01:35:17We've traded some texts. However...
01:35:21I hear studying can be torturous.
01:35:28We've been friends for some time.
01:35:31I get what you're putting down, James.
01:36:04How are you?
01:36:06Hi. How are you?
01:36:08So good to see you.
01:36:09Come in. Come in.
01:36:23You're a wonderful cook, Becca.
01:36:24Thank you.
01:36:26Maybe next time I can cook something you like.
01:36:28I'll eat your wonderful cooking after I age out of modeling.
01:36:33I imagine James has been busy.
01:36:36He's been caring for Tali, which is a full-time job.
01:36:40Now that it's out of the way, I can fairly compete for you.
01:37:01You need to see a doctor.
01:37:06Now, we've been after Sergey for ten years now.
01:37:09But no matter what we do, we can't seem to get close enough to him.
01:37:13However, he's made a point multiple times to get a hold of you.
01:37:18So, we want to strike a deal.
01:37:21Because we could put you away for 15, 20 years with everything we have on you.
01:37:25With everything we have on you?
01:37:27Oh, that is unless Sergey kills you first.
01:37:37But under one condition.
01:37:40I want to make sure that my family,
01:37:43my daughter,
01:37:46all of them are protected and kept safe.
01:37:51And that pretty girl up in New York?
01:37:53I want her protected too.
01:38:06We'll get a call soon.
01:38:11Have a good night, Mr. Valentino.
01:38:23Hang on, Tina.
01:38:43Telly needs me.
01:38:45Telly doesn't need a mother in your condition.
01:38:47Her daughter needs her mother.
01:38:49Leave Allison.
01:38:51No, James, you can't. Let me go.
01:38:53Allison, it's okay.
01:38:55It's okay.
01:39:23Becca, just in case you don't read my text, Telly needs you.
01:39:27She's gone into a premature labor.
01:39:31You don't have to go, Becca.
01:39:33Don't influence her, Neil. It's her choice.
01:39:37It's too early for Telly to give birth.
01:39:40She must be freaking out.
01:39:42She has parents.
01:39:44That type of situation is for family only.
01:39:46I can see why you're so upset.
01:39:48I know.
01:39:49You have a good life here.
01:39:51New York's been good to you.
01:39:57Telly needs me.
01:40:00After I help her,
01:40:03I'm going to tell James that I'm pregnant.
01:40:23How long have you been standing there?
01:40:26Long enough.
01:40:28I can tell you've gotten the hang of it.
01:40:35did I hear the phone earlier?
01:40:39I'm sorry.
01:40:41I'm sorry.
01:40:43I'm sorry.
01:40:45I'm sorry.
01:40:47I'm sorry.
01:40:53you should call her.
01:40:55I know how much you've been missing her.
01:40:58I see how unhappy you are.
01:41:03I'm sure she's moved on, Telly.
01:41:19I'm sorry.
01:41:49Hey, Trane.
01:41:51Well, hello there, Rebecca.
01:41:53It's funny seeing you in these parts.
01:41:55What the fuck are you doing here?
01:41:58You better watch yourself, Rebecca.
01:42:01You're sadly mistaken if you think you can get James
01:42:03or that he wants you.
01:42:05He's only been with me twice
01:42:07since you've been out of the picture.
01:42:09And he was more than satisfied both times.
01:42:12I'm sorry.
01:42:14I'm sorry.
01:42:16I'm sorry.
01:42:17He was more than satisfied both times.
01:42:19Go to hell.
01:42:23You know, Rebecca,
01:42:25bad things happen to people who don't know
01:42:27how to mind their business.
01:42:29You better watch your back.
01:42:32Enjoy New York, Katrine.
01:42:34I hope this is the last time we'll see each other.
01:42:50What are you doing in my office?
01:42:52Oh, James.
01:42:54Is that any way to greet me, lover?
01:42:57I know you missed me.
01:42:59I thought I clarified that I didn't want
01:43:01to see you in my office again.
01:43:03Oh, well,
01:43:05it isn't like you have a choice now, is it?
01:43:08Daddy wanted to come kill you,
01:43:10but I persuaded him to let me see you instead.
01:43:14I'm sorry.
01:43:15Why would your father want to kill me
01:43:17over not giving him a contract?
01:43:19Oh, that isn't why.
01:43:21He thinks you're doing deals with the Feds.
01:43:24I told him you must be mistaken.
01:43:26We all know what kind of man you really are.
01:43:30he sent me here to talk sense into you.
01:43:33The Feds?
01:43:36Why the fuck would he think that?
01:43:39Get back with me, James.
01:43:41Father will forgive you.
01:43:42If you do.
01:43:49But no thanks.
01:44:13Looks cute.
01:44:15Thank you.
01:44:20I can't wait to see Becca, Dad.
01:44:42Merry Christmas, Madam.
01:44:44Merry Christmas.
01:44:46And Happy New Year.
01:45:16Let's go.
01:45:23Oh, my gosh.
01:45:28He is so handsome.
01:45:31He is, isn't he?
01:45:33He is.
01:45:35He is.
01:45:37He is.
01:45:39He is.
01:45:40He is, isn't he?
01:45:43Gosh, Becca.
01:45:45I can't believe it.
01:45:47I did so many horrible things.
01:45:49No, don't.
01:45:51Do not think about the past.
01:45:53He is healthy.
01:45:55He's beautiful.
01:45:57He's perfect.
01:45:59Yeah, he is.
01:46:03you have always been such a good friend to me.
01:46:05Through everything.
01:46:07Even when I didn't deserve it.
01:46:08Talia, the past is the past.
01:46:22follow me.
01:46:24I want to show you something.
01:46:32Did you put the nursery near James' room?
01:46:35Something like that.
01:46:36Don't you think my dad would be the best person
01:46:38to watch after him in the middle of the night?
01:46:44Are you ready, Becca?
01:47:11I hope I'm not disturbing you.
01:47:13Disturbing me?
01:47:19I'm so happy you're back.
01:47:23There's something I want to talk to you about.
01:47:25I thought it would be later,
01:47:29but now seems better than later.
01:47:37You're pregnant?
01:47:44I think you know how someone gets pregnant, James.
01:47:54May I?
01:48:01It happened in August.
01:48:07I'm sorry.
01:48:15There's so much to talk about, James.
01:48:23You've known about this pregnancy longer than I have.
01:48:26May I have some time to enjoy the moment, please?
01:48:46Mr. Valentino, this just came for you.
01:49:03Oh, you're so cute.
01:49:08No, you said you wouldn't hurt her.
01:49:11Or my grandchild.
01:49:13No, you promised!
01:49:15No need for all the emotions.
01:49:18You promised.
01:49:20You know the consequences of dealing with the devil.
01:49:37Did I miss something?
01:49:41Our entire dinner.
01:49:43I keep thinking you're going to shoot anyone that walks past the table.
01:49:48I hope you understand that you're pregnant, and I've put you in a very dangerous situation.
01:49:52I understand, James.
01:49:54But can we please enjoy our time together?
01:49:57I'm sorry.
01:49:59I'm sorry.
01:50:01I'm sorry.
01:50:03I'm sorry.
01:50:04But can we please enjoy our dinner?
01:50:07At this rate, I think I'm going to get sour lemons for dessert.
01:50:12I must protect you.
01:50:15I have never felt more protected.
01:50:20Give us some more time, Mr. Valentino.
01:50:23Everything's going to work out.
01:50:24No! I have no more time!
01:50:27We've done everything we promised, Mr. Valentino.
01:50:30And everything should be over in a few weeks at best.
01:50:47I have a pregnant girlfriend.
01:50:49Do something to capture Sergey!
01:51:04Becca, I'm not angry that you're pregnant with my future brother or sister.
01:51:09You're going to make an amazing mother.
01:51:12You're already an amazing person already.
01:51:14So you don't hate me?
01:51:17Of course I don't hate you.
01:51:19I hate what got us to this point, you know?
01:51:22Ever since having a baby, I'm a changed woman.
01:51:27And so, that brings me to my next point.
01:51:31If anything were to ever happen to me,
01:51:34I want you to take full custody over my son.
01:51:38My dad would be a wreck.
01:51:41And my mother is obviously out of the question.
01:51:42So, I hope that's okay.
01:51:48Telly, if anything ever happens to you, I promise you,
01:51:53I will take care of your son.
01:51:56But enough of the heavy stuff, okay?
01:51:59Tell me what else is going on.
01:52:01Well, okay.
01:52:05Mom journeys.
01:52:08Nancy, take my son to the panic room.
01:52:10Okay, wait. Get up. I can help you.
01:52:13Let's go.
01:52:23You finally returned my call.
01:52:25Mr. Valentino.
01:52:27It's my ass on the line, Greg. It's my ass!
01:52:29I need your help.
01:52:31Mr. Valentino, FBI's operation is-
01:52:35Do it, Greg. Tonight.
01:52:37No excuses.
01:52:40No excuses.
01:53:03Mr. Valentino.
01:53:06The time has come.
01:53:12A daughter's love
01:53:17is no match for a man's desire for his woman.
01:53:26We go home.
01:53:29Greg, this is James Valentino.
01:53:31Sergey has Telly and Becca tied up at my home.
01:53:34We're leaving.
01:53:41No, no.
01:53:46Lower your hands. I'm not the cops.
01:53:52You're worse.
01:53:54No, no.
01:53:57Forget about me.
01:54:07What's your choice, James?
01:54:14This could have been so easy.
01:54:16All you had to do was continue your relationship with Katrin.
01:54:22Are you the chosen one, Ms. Wood?
01:54:27What the fuck?
01:54:35FBI! FBI! FBI!
01:54:40Hey, get down! Get down! Drop it!
01:54:42Get down! Stand down!
01:54:44Get on the ground!
01:54:46Get down! Get down!
01:54:56Stand down now! Stand down!
01:54:58Get down! Stand down!
01:55:09Everything's okay now.
01:55:11Everything's okay.
01:55:14Lost sight of target. Repeat, I lost sight of target.
01:55:17Sergey, find the matter.
01:55:19Daddy, please don't go after them.
01:55:21I need a bus to the Valentino house.
01:55:23Victims appear fine.
01:55:25One of them appears pregnant. I need transport to the hospital.
01:55:27I'm taking Ms. Valentino to the ambulance.
01:55:29I need Ms. Wood soon, all right?
01:55:31Come on.
01:55:46I got everything's okay now.
