• last year
Entrepreneur Dale Vince says that he backs the i's 'Save Britain's Rivers' manifesto and urges the Labour Party to join the Green Party and the Lib Dems in adopting them.


00:00 It's a really important issue, the state of our rivers.
00:03 They've probably never been as bad, I would say.
00:06 And they've really peaked, haven't they, with the most incredible amount of sewage
00:11 in the rivers in the last 12 months.
00:12 But look, I think it's just one of the most important things, you know.
00:15 It's not just about the fact that we can't swim in them,
00:17 and wildlife can't thrive in them, you know,
00:19 and rivers are just an important part of the ecology of our country.
00:23 And they're being polluted just for the sake of money.
00:26 The Liberal Democrats and Green Party have signed up to our manifesto.
00:30 We would like to see the Conservative Party and Labour also sign up.
00:34 You're obviously a major donor to Labour.
00:36 Do you think the party should sign up to our manifesto?
00:38 I don't see why it wouldn't, or shouldn't, I should say.
00:42 I don't see why it shouldn't, because it's a simple, strong manifesto that we need.
00:50 And I think post the election,
00:53 I'm hoping that we'll see Labour clamp down on the water companies.
00:56 And, you know, my personal favourite policy is
01:00 don't allow any more dividends until they've fixed the problem.
01:03 Make them spend that money on fixing the problem.
01:05 That's what they should have done in the first place.
01:08 Who do you think is currently the strongest party on this issue?
01:11 Do you think Labour's got a strong message out on it?
01:14 That's a tough question. Who's got the strongest message?
01:16 I haven't really seen a lot of strength from anybody.
01:19 I mean, I'd say probably the iNews party have got the strongest message.
01:23 I'm not sure.
01:24 I'm not sure.
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