• last year
Merespons kasus 'Polwan bakar suami' Menko Polhukam Hadi Tjahjanto membeberkan sejumlah upaya pemerintah untuk memberantas judi online.
00:00In response to the case of a female police officer in Mojokerto who burned her husband because of online gambling,
00:06Minister of Political, Legal and Security Coordinating Officer Menko Polhukam Hadi Chahyanto
00:11stressed that online gambling is a phenomenon that is very disturbing to the people.
00:16Hadi Chahyanto on Wednesday, June 12, in Central Jakarta, stated that
00:20his party cooperated with the Ministry of Communications and Informatics Kemencominfo
00:25and the related ministries have been working hard to close many accounts that have online gambling activities.
00:32Then we also work with OJK and PPATK,
00:39which have blocked 5,000 accounts.
00:46We will not continue these 5,000 accounts.
00:52We will not continue and we will inform the media.
00:59Hadi added that his party is trying to form a task force, SATGAS,
01:03to eradicate online gambling, which consists of various government agencies.
01:08Previously, on June 8, one of the members of the Mojokerto police force,
01:12Briptu Fadilatunikmah, was placed as a suspect in the case of his husband's burning,
01:17Briptu Rianwiwi Caksono, who is also a member of the police force.
01:21The incident was refuted by his husband's habit of spending money on online gambling.
01:27From Jakarta, Irvan Shah Nasution, Antara News Agency, reported.
