Ehsaas Telethon - Qurbani Appeal - 12 June 2024 - Part 2 - ARY Qtv

  • 3 months ago
Ehsaas Telethon - Qurbani Appeal

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#EhsaasTelethon #QurbaniAppeal #ARYQtv
00:00There is no God but Allah.
00:07Welcome to you once again after the break.
00:10Your Assas Khurbani Appeal of 2024 is going on.
00:14I am Dr. Saeed Imran Warood and I have a panel of guests with me.
00:17We are talking about Khurbani, about Hajj.
00:20The special purpose of today's event is to convey our appeal to you
00:25which is being done by the Assas Khurbani Foundation.
00:28We want to convey our appeal to you that if Allah has given you the power
00:33then you should make at least one Khurbani with the Assas Foundation.
00:37As we said in the first part of the program,
00:40the areas where we make Khurbani are the residential areas of the privileged.
00:46The people who live around us also have the power.
00:49Allah has given them the power to make Khurbani.
00:53The scholars tell us that we can use all the meat if we want
01:00but it is better to divide it into three parts.
01:05One for us, one for our friends and relatives
01:07and one for the poor and the needy.
01:09We are not able to do justice to the third part.
01:13I feel that we are not able to do justice in the right way.
01:16We are not able to give justice to those who deserve it.
01:20We do not have the capacity to do it.
01:22We do not have the means to do it.
01:26We do not have the time or the facility to do it.
01:31It is very difficult to do it individually in today's world.
01:37There are institutions for it.
01:39We should seek the help of the institutions
01:40so that the meat of Khurbani is not only in the residential areas
01:44but also in the rural areas where our Muslim brothers and sisters live.
01:47Pakistan is on the map of the world.
01:52The geography of Pakistan is like this.
01:57There are mountains, deserts, dry mountains, green mountains
02:03and then there are scattered areas.
02:05Whether it is the Andhun-e-Sindh area,
02:06Balochistan, Koh-e-Salaman,
02:10Zeri Punjab, Wasti Punjab,
02:14KPK, Gilgit-Baltistan and many villages in Punjab
02:19where there is a lot of poverty and people need it a lot.
02:22There are many areas where people are not able to use this blessing every year.
02:28If this meat is distributed there,
02:32then these people deserve it more.
02:37At least they can get these blessings at this time.
02:41Alhamdulillah, the Ahsaas Foundation is trying to
02:43distribute these things to those areas as well.
02:46Our volunteers and representatives are present on the ground.
02:50They are doing this work.
02:52There are refrigerated vehicles so that the meat can be distributed properly.
02:57So that it doesn't get spoilt as it has been going on for many years.
03:01It is coming in the summer season.
03:03So there is a risk of spoiling it.
03:06So we have to keep it safe.
03:07The packaging is very clean.
03:10You can see it on the screen.
03:12The place where it is being distributed,
03:14the meat is being cut with the help of new technology
03:18so that it doesn't get spoilt.
03:19Before that, the place where the animals are kept,
03:23there are good arrangements being made.
03:25You know that these animals are kept at the farmhouses of the Ahsaas Foundation.
03:29There are vets and trained staff present there.
03:33They take care of them very well.
03:34If they get sick, they are given medicines.
03:39They are given clean drinking water.
03:41They are given good food.
03:42They are taken care of.
03:44This is taken care of so that they don't get any ailment
03:48that requires a sacrifice.
03:49So that the animal is free from any ailment.
03:50And when it is time for a sacrifice,
03:53then the animals are sacrificed.
03:55I would like to add one more thing here.
03:58After the sacrifice, the four sacrifices...
04:00This can also be a question in your mind.
04:03The meat is being distributed.
04:05We have already told you that it is being distributed raw.
04:07It is also being distributed cooked.
04:09It is also being distributed to our guests at our various offices.
04:13You can see that it is being distributed in hospitals,
04:15in different cities, in different blocks.
04:18But a question can also be raised that it is a matter of sacrifice.
04:21Obviously, it is a matter of sacrifice.
04:22And the money that is earned by selling the sacrifice,
04:25the Ahsaas Foundation uses it in their various projects
04:28that are carried out every year.
04:30They use it in their health department,
04:32in the construction of mosques and schools.
04:35They use it to provide clean drinking water,
04:37to dig wells, to install tube wells,
04:39to provide jobs to students,
04:42to cover their educational expenses,
04:44or to empower women.
04:45There are many such departments
04:47that are being run under the Ahsaas Foundation, Alhamdulillah.
04:51This money is being used there.
04:53And if, God forbid,
04:54a natural disaster or an unforeseen disaster occurs in the country,
04:58as we have seen in the recent past,
05:00that there was an earthquake in different cities of Pakistan.
05:03There was a flood.
05:06Then, due to heavy rains,
05:08there were many areas where people's crops were washed away.
05:11The crops were damaged.
05:13The houses were destroyed.
05:14So, in all these areas,
05:15the Ahsaas Foundation provides first aid facilities.
05:20Then, there is also a matter of rehabilitation.
05:22Then, on a permanent basis,
05:25until those people return to their lives,
05:28they are taken care of.
05:31They are given support to live their lives.
05:33So, Alhamdulillah, this money is being used in all these projects.
05:37So, if you want to make a donation to the Ahsaas Foundation this year,
05:39there is a very simple method on our screen.
05:42There are hotline numbers, studio numbers.
05:44You can talk to our representatives.
05:45If you want to know more details, you can ask them.
05:48You can use any means to transfer money.
05:51All the means are on the screen right now.
05:53There are IBN numbers, account numbers, and account details.
05:56If you are watching us from another country,
05:58there are account details there as well.
06:00You can use any means to transfer money
06:04and send it to us.
06:05We can book this donation, Inshallah.
06:07You can tell us the specifications of the donation you have booked.
06:12If you want to make a donation in a specific area,
06:15you can make a note of that as well.
06:17Inshallah, this donation will be made
06:18in the area mentioned by the Ahsaas Foundation.
06:22We will give you more details about this in the next part of the program.
06:26We have a guest with us.
06:27We will have a discussion with him as well.
06:29But we would like to invite the Prophet of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him,
06:35to join us in the program.
06:36For that, we have Sumair Bhai with us.
06:38Sumair Bhai, we would like to invite you.
08:07I just want to see...
08:23the morning of my Lord.
08:34I just want to see...
08:48the morning of my Lord.
10:55What to say? MashaAllah, Sumair Bhai.
10:58How beautiful. You are not well, but I can see that you are reading with a lot of love.
11:04Zahid Bhai, I will start with you.
11:06In Qurbani, we see that the equilibrium of a society is disturbed.
11:11The balance of a society is disturbed.
11:14So, Qurbani is not only a social factor,
11:19obviously, there are many things, many businesses.
11:23But still, even if we put it aside,
11:26we see that because of Qurbani, many people are able to...
11:32People tell us that the meat we get from Qurbani,
11:37we cook it every Sunday or every Friday for two months.
11:41And in these two months of the year,
11:43our children eat that meat six or eight times.
11:46So, those people who cannot afford it,
11:48this festival is more important for them.
11:52And they must be waiting for such a festival.
11:54Do you think that Qurbani plays a role in upgrading the balance of a society?
12:05Doctor, this is such a problem that
12:10in our country and in our region,
12:14our economic situation is not stable.
12:18We have a very conservative system in our country.
12:25We have a rich class and a very poor class.
12:29There is no middle class.
12:31Now, there is nothing. This is the reality.
12:34We still try to prove the numbers and statistics.
12:39That this will happen, that will happen, today this, tomorrow that.
12:41But you see, there are people around you
12:45who cannot even eat properly.
12:48Even in normal homes, you will see that there is not enough food for two people.
12:53Because there are so many other problems, people have their own problems.
12:56So, this issue of meat,
12:58you see, even now there is meat in the market for 1500 rupees a kilo.
13:03So, there is no price for the sacrifice of meat.
13:07Okay, the poor man, the eligible man who gets this meat,
13:12he uses it as his blessing and keeps it safe.
13:17And he tries to use it for a long time,
13:21for his children, for his family.
13:25This is also a solution to your economic problem.
13:29Sacrifice, reward is in its place.
13:31But there are so many households who keep this kind of meat
13:36and run their system.
13:39Absolutely right.
13:40So, I think you should realize that the remaining meat
13:46should be stored in its own way and for a long period of time,
13:52where there is a demand for it,
13:57if there is a demand for a marriage,
13:59then they adjust all these things in some way.
14:02Now, in the houses, we have a fridge,
14:05we have to keep it in that.
14:06So, 10 kilos, or 5 kilos, or 15 kilos of meat can come in it.
14:10So, it will not last more than 2-3 months, 4 months after poisoning.
14:15Even if you use half a kilo in a week, it will end.
14:19But this is a good thing to heal people's wounds.
14:26And there is a reward for a sacrifice and a reward for a reward.
14:31Whatever you do is a reward for them.
14:33Whatever you eat is also a reward for them.
14:35But there is also a reward for them.
14:36So, their time, some time goes by well.
14:40So, the point is that...
14:42I have a small question.
14:44What is the daily wage of a worker in today's day-to-day life?
14:49I don't think it will be more than 2000 rupees.
14:52This is also a skill.
14:55If there is a mason or a plumber,
14:58I think the average worker will get around 1300-1400 rupees.
15:02If you take an office worker, his salary is 30-35 thousand rupees.
15:06So, if you take out the curtains...
15:08If there is a salesman in the market, his salary is 35 thousand rupees.
15:10He goes to his shop from morning to evening.
15:12Does he have to go and come back?
15:13He has to go and come back.
15:14He has to take care of his fate, his skills, everything.
15:17Does he have to eat?
15:18Of course, he has to eat.
15:19So, he eats out in the afternoon.
15:20Even if he has to eat, what is the problem?
15:22If he gets food from there...
15:24So, the curtain is 1200 rupees.
15:25So, of course, from morning to evening,
15:27he puts all his skills and everything in that place.
15:31Javed, you have seen many decades of life.
15:35In today's time, can you run a house for 1200 rupees
15:37with the prices of food and drink?
15:41Just as far as food and drink is concerned,
15:43let education, health and other necessities remain.
15:48Just as far as food and drink is concerned,
15:49if you have to pay utilities for the house and rent,
15:53and food and drink, which is a fundamental thing,
15:55although education is also a fundamental thing,
15:57health is also there, but can you run a house?
16:00Imran, I am not just stating the facts.
16:03I was just coming back from an ARY transmission.
16:05I spoke to the driver.
16:07He stopped the car on the way and took a roti.
16:10I told him that the kitchen is there and I am taking the roti.
16:13So, the point is that all these things are such
16:18that a common man's utility bill
16:23and if he leaves the police station,
16:25then only a third person can do it.
16:27Nothing else can be done.
16:29So, this is a blessing for our brothers like him,
16:32that at least, although this is a shame for us.
16:36I think that there are some people in the society
16:39who are very noble and some have a purpose of having a roti.
16:41They say that everything is good and the enemy's rule is true.
16:44So, this is a shame for us
16:46that there are so many ungrateful people in the society.
16:48The balance of the society is so bad.
16:50So, at least, let's try to make this work of charity
16:53more widespread in Bakhraeed.
16:56And the scholars say that if we have the capacity,
16:58then we should give more.
17:01But many people are like this.
17:02Mufti Nawab Nafeez Ahmed Siddiqui was in the program the day before yesterday.
17:09He said a very good thing.
17:11He said that the beauty of this is that
17:14the legal requirements are in their place.
17:16The beauty of this is that you don't have more than three days of meat.
17:19That's right.
17:20You don't have more than three days of meat.
17:21God has given you the power to buy and eat.
17:24You don't have more than three days.
17:25You can distribute the rest.
17:26But I will tell you that
17:28Mr. Hazari has shed light on all this in a very good way.
17:34But you see, our hearts bear witness to the fact
17:39that there is nothing like this.
17:41We are not even close to the real spirit of this sacrifice.
17:46Here, we do such things in order to show the world
17:53that we don't become sinful because of the reward.
18:00May God bless you.
18:01For example, there is a saying that
18:03whoever has been given by God, he is given without any expectation.
18:06If God wants, He can give countless.
18:08What is the need to count?
18:09Two parts, three parts, what is the big deal?
18:11That's right.
18:11We have such people here.
18:13They bring an animal worth 40 lakhs.
18:15We have such people here who still can't buy an animal worth 100,000.
18:19What will we do about that?
18:20The reward for the sacrifice is far away.
18:22There are seven parts in the one worth 40 lakhs
18:24and there are seven parts in the one worth 100,000.
18:27So, there should be such a thing
18:30that people should have such a goal that
18:34I am doing something worth 40 lakhs.
18:36So, I should do it for ten animals.
18:38And I should do it as far away as possible.
18:41In such institutions.
18:42So that it can spread.
18:43So that its popularity increases.
18:44Absolutely right.
18:45Now, sir, we will come to you.
18:46And we were talking about the non-violence in the sacrifice.
18:48We see that when it is the time of Hajj,
18:52the animal is sacrificed there.
18:54So, there are such reports.
18:56Maybe I am not a believer.
18:58I can't confirm this.
18:59But anyway, the reports are that the meat is buried.
19:05That it can't be distributed.
19:07It is there in such a large quantity.
19:10So, there are such things in the society
19:12that there are so many problems on one side
19:14and so many problems on the other side.
19:16So, doesn't this distribution of the society
19:18hurt people?
19:20Yes, you have said a very good thing.
19:22But the matter of Hajj is a little different.
19:24As you said in the beginning
19:26that people from all over the world gather for Hajj.
19:30So, when about 30-35 lakh people gather,
19:34then the sacrifice of thanksgiving is there.
19:37The sacrifice is not obligatory on them.
19:39It is not separate.
19:40So, I think that what you have said about the burial,
19:44I think that the Saudi government
19:46sacrificing 30-35 lakh people in one day is a big thing.
19:51You are absolutely right.
19:52But according to our information,
19:54the meat is safeguarded in such a way
19:57that it is sent to the countries of the world.
19:59Obviously, it is sent.
20:00Yes, it is sent.
20:01But there is a possibility that it is wasted.
20:03Yes, you are talking about meat.
20:05Obviously, there is a shortage at that time
20:07and it is very difficult to control it at that time.
20:09By the way, in Saudi Arabia,
20:10the utensils that are placed in front of the creator of the world
20:13and the way the food is eaten on camels,
20:15then the waste of food is more than the value of the food here.
20:19The utensils that are placed in Ramadan as well.
20:21So, there is more waste in that.
20:23And what is happening in our marriages in Pakistan?
20:27Let's look at that first.
20:28That is compulsory.
20:30But it can be controlled.
20:31There is food for 700, 800, 600, 500 people.
20:33But in that, we can give them some advice,
20:37but we cannot target that thing.
20:39Because the matter of Hajj is a different thing.
20:43But here, if the meat of sacrifice is being buried in such a way,
20:46or it is getting spoiled.
20:47It is buried here, but not in the land.
20:50It is not buried in the land, but it gets spoiled.
20:53Now, there are some institutions in which there is a lot of information
20:57that those who collect it, they do it.
20:58But their system of distribution is not so good
21:01in which it gets spoiled.
21:02Then, even though meat is sold, we have to watch it on media channels.
21:05Yes, just like that, the meat of your charitable institutions is sold.
21:08So, in this, we should keep in mind
21:11about the believers, about the people.
21:13We can talk about it in a way,
21:16but in this regard, we can talk about it so that the people can make good decisions.
21:19Yes, this is what I was saying.
21:21We can talk about it in this regard,
21:23so that the people who listen to us,
21:25they should be very careful.
21:27And those people who have confidence
21:30that they will convey the faith to their people,
21:33this is also the commandment of the Qur'an.
21:34Verily, Allah commands you to give trust to their people.
21:38Because when people make institutions their lawyers,
21:41it is necessary for the institutions to convey their faith to their people.
21:46Absolutely right.
21:47So, in this, I have mentioned a little bit about the Hajj to Pass-e-Mandar.
21:50In that, your question was left out.
21:53The question was that we had talked about Fazeelat and Pass-e-Mandar.
21:57You had asked a general question in that.
22:00Look, there is a sacrifice
22:02and the second is to offer prayers with the Jama'at,
22:05and the third is Eid, and the fourth is Hajj.
22:08These four or five worships are such that
22:11they are ordered to be performed in congregation.
22:17And what is the reason for this?
22:18So that the glory and splendor of Islam is visible.
22:22In the Holy Qur'an, it comes to a point,
22:24when Allah mentioned Badr,
22:27the army of the disbelievers,
22:30they were seen as a minority in the eyes of the Muslims.
22:33And when they were seen as a minority,
22:35what were their aspirations?
22:36They were increasing.
22:37So, when it is the day of Arfa,
22:39and in that, when people gather in hundreds of thousands of clothes,
22:45they gather in Arfa.
22:47The glory and splendor of the Muslims.
22:48Yes, there is glory and splendor.
22:50So, some commentators say that it will be a pleasure for you
22:54if you read the Qur'an with translation.
22:56And the enemies will be slaughtered, and the people will be cut off.
23:00And the morning will be dark, and there will be no trace of it.
23:03Some commentators have written that
23:05this means the camels of the pilgrims.
23:08That is, when the pilgrims ride on their camels,
23:12and then they are going for Hajj,
23:14then Allah is taking oath of those camels as well.
23:17And when their ears hit the ground,
23:19dust flies and cracks are formed.
23:22He is taking oath of this as well.
23:24And some commentators say
23:26that he is taking oath of the camels of Jihad.
23:28Even if it is the camel of Hajji, Allah is taking oath of it.
23:31And even if it is the camel of Ghazi, Allah is taking oath of it in the Holy Qur'an.
23:37And then it is better that there should be a lot of funerals.
23:42And likewise, there should be a lot of prayer in Tarawih.
23:45Eid prayer is done in our mosques.
23:47It is better to arrange it in the field.
23:50In fact, I have been saying for a long time in my sermons
23:52that if there are seven or eight mosques of the same religion,
23:56then they should be done in the same place in the field
23:59so that there is a big gathering
24:01and a victory over the disbelievers
24:04and the glory of Islam.
24:06And another thing is that where the glory of Islam is shown
24:10because of Hajj,
24:12the commentators have also written that
24:15if there is a sinner of the highest rank,
24:18he certainly repents on the day of Arafah.
24:20And this is our experience, Mr. Javed.
24:22We have also seen that when we are in the field of Arafah,
24:26young people like you are also crying.
24:30And the old people are also crying.
24:32Those who do not even know how to cry, they are also crying.
24:34And then it is a very interesting thing
24:36that Allah sent Jibreel-e-Ameen to His Beloved
24:40and then took the news of Hujjaj-e-Kiram after Jail.
24:44And when the angels returned to Allah,
24:46Allah said that the slaves of My Beloved
24:49and My Beloved came to Arafah today, what are they asking for?
24:52So the angels said, Maulana, they are asking for forgiveness.
24:54So He said, then listen, we have forgiven them.
24:57That community was forgiven.
24:59Even now, when the day of Arafah comes,
25:03Allah calls the angels that what are they saying in the field of Arafah?
25:06So the angels say, Maulana, they are asking for forgiveness.
25:09They are asking for forgiveness for their sins.
25:10So Allah says, then you become a witness.
25:13I have forgiven all the people who have come here.
25:16And the true hadith of Bukhari Sharif is pure.
25:18When a person does Hajj and his Hajj is accepted,
25:21it is as if he has just come into the world from the womb.
25:27So a person should participate in this, in collective worship.
25:32And then there is another thing.
25:33Like I talked about collective sacrifice in your previous program,
25:37that when we pray with the community,
25:41we participate in Hajj or we make a collective sacrifice,
25:44then there are people of different nations,
25:46there is different money, there are different hearts.
25:49There can be someone who is pious and pious.
25:52His sacrifice will be accepted by everyone.
25:55If you read the Holy Qur'an,
25:56then the background of the sacrifice,
25:58Allah says, the first sacrifice that took place,
26:00We recite the two sons of Adam with truth on you.
26:13He said that when the two sons of Adam made the sacrifice,
26:19one of them was accepted.
26:22The other was not accepted.
26:26So the one who was not accepted,
26:28what did the one who was accepted say?
26:30He said, Allah accepts the sacrifice of pious and pious people.
26:38And the connection of righteousness is with the heart.
26:41And when there is righteousness and sincerity with the heart,
26:45then it is mentioned in the Qur'an,
26:46Allah will not take their flesh and blood,
26:49but righteousness will take them.
26:51The meat or blood of their sacrifice will not reach Allah,
26:55but righteousness will reach.
26:56As our brother Javed was saying,
26:58there is an animal worth 400,000 and there is no righteousness.
27:02There is an animal worth 100,000 and there is no righteousness.
27:04So it is not accepted by Allah.
27:06If it is a part of 25,000 rupees,
27:09but there is righteousness and sincerity behind it,
27:12then Allah will accept it.
27:14So we should try to have intentions.
27:17Imam Ghazali has also written,
27:19that the intention of a believer is better than his actions.
27:26And the first pure hadith of Bukhari,
27:28although Imam Bukhari has mentioned Kitab al-Wahi,
27:30the first pure hadith is,
27:31Innamal a'malu bin niyyat.
27:33The origin of actions is on intentions.
27:37So sacrifice is also a part of Islam.
27:39Please explain the next part of this hadith.
27:41And man will get that only.
27:43He will get that only for which he will migrate.
27:45The Holy Prophet Muhammad said,
27:46If he migrates for the world, he will get the world.
27:50And if he migrates for the woman,
27:51It means that it is a combination of intentions.
27:54The Holy Prophet Muhammad said,
27:55If he migrates for the woman, he will get married.
28:00That is, for the world, he will get the world.
28:02And if it is for marriage, he will marry that woman.
28:05The last part of the hadith is,
28:07Whoever migrates for the sake of Allah and His Messenger,
28:10he will get Allah and the Messenger of Allah.
28:13And where is the Messenger of Allah right now?
28:15The companions said,
28:16This is the narration of Abu Dawood Sharif and Tirmidhi Sharif.
28:18O Messenger of Allah, when you will migrate for the world,
28:22Okay, it is not in the hadith that you will migrate for the world.
28:26Explanation is needed when someone makes a claim.
28:32So my brother said,
28:33When I will migrate for the world,
28:36These are my words.
28:37So the companions said,
28:38Where should we look for you?
28:40He said, look in the poor.
28:42So what does it mean to look in the poor?
28:45That is, fulfill the needs of the poor.
28:48You will take care of me, Muhammad and the Messenger of Allah.
28:52That is, you are seeing my blessed face.
28:56The blessing you are getting from this,
28:58Those people who will not be able to see my face,
29:01He should help the poor and the needy.
29:04And then the right hadith comes in the Holy Qur'an,
29:06As long as the man is in the help of his believer brother,
29:11Allah also helps him.
29:14Hazrat Ghazali, may Allah have mercy on him,
29:15has quoted a great hadith.
29:17He said, when a man spends for the poor,
29:21Allah keeps that wealth in his family.
29:24And when his family stops spending on the poor and the needy,
29:30Allah takes that wealth and chooses a nation
29:34that will help the poor and the needy.
29:38And in the second hadith, my master said,
29:40The sustenance that is given to you from the poor,
29:46That is, the sustenance that is given to you is because of the poor.
29:49If Allah wants, He can make everyone rich.
29:52But the world's system will stop.
29:54If Allah wants, He can make everyone poor.
29:56The world is the cause of all causes.
29:57It is the cause of all causes.
29:58He is giving it to someone and getting it from someone.
30:02We have heard so many incidents like this.
30:04The incident of the life of Moses,
30:07that a person who wanted to be given the sustenance of his whole life at once,
30:12and he was given so much sustenance.
30:13And there are so many incidents like this.
30:15There are so many incidents like this.
30:16If there are any such stories, any such incidents.
30:18Like this one in Bani Israel.
30:20Yes, the incident of Moses.
30:21The cow that was slaughtered,
30:24was in the possession of these two orphans.
30:27And their father used to serve the poor and the needy a lot.
30:31And he used to take care of them.
30:33So how did Allah make arrangements for the wealth of these orphans?
30:37When a person was killed in Bani Israel,
30:39he was told to slaughter the cow.
30:41So he asked question after question, question after question,
30:45and then he got trapped.
30:46Then that cow, whether it was yellow or yellow,
30:50and it had never been farmed,
30:52or it had never been watered,
30:53or it had never been grazed.
30:55He went and met a woman
30:57who gave the mother of two orphans.
30:59When she found out that she needed this cow,
31:02do you know how much gold was given to her?
31:04She said, I want so much gold that when you slaughter it,
31:07you will give me its skin full of gold.
31:10And then who was given it?
31:11It was given to those two orphans.
31:13So the point is that when we cooperate with someone,
31:17then because of that cooperation, Allah too.
31:20When we give to someone, then Allah gives to us too.
31:23And when we give to someone...
31:25There are two people, doctor,
31:27who have always been generous,
31:29so they always get that blessing.
31:31A trader, as long as he helps the poor,
31:34he always gets the wealth.
31:35And when a religious scholar spreads his knowledge,
31:39he always gets that knowledge.
31:41This is the reason why the government said,
31:42when a person dies, his deeds are complete.
31:45When a person dies, his deeds are complete.
31:48Except for three.
31:50There are three remaining.
31:51From charity to charity.
31:53Charity to charity.
31:54If you build a mosque, a mosque, a bridge,
31:57and you give a house to an orphan,
32:00like Hazrat Usman Ibn Affan bought a well and donated it to the people of Medina.
32:05He will remain in the grave and he will continue to be rewarded.
32:07And not just the well, but the Well of Usman.
32:09Yes, the Well of Usman is still there.
32:10The Well of Usman, the hotels are still there,
32:12the Well of Usman, and so many other things.
32:14There is a bank account.
32:15Yes, yes.
32:16And the second is,
32:17knowledge that will benefit the people.
32:19Knowledge that will benefit the people.
32:23And in the end, it is said,
32:24Those who are righteous will be called righteous children.
32:28After death, it is also a very good thing that someone's children remain righteous.
32:32This hadith was completed here.
32:34Now I will connect this hadith with another hadith, Doctor.
32:36In the second place, the government said,
32:38those whose children are not mature,
32:39if two die, they will take their parents to heaven.
32:43Amma Aisha said, O Messenger of Allah,
32:44those whose one dies,
32:45will also be taken to heaven.
32:48Amma Aisha's children did not die.
32:49She was the wife of a prophet.
32:51The third question you asked is a very common question.
32:54Amma Aisha said, O Messenger of Allah,
32:55those whose two die,
32:57will take their parents to heaven.
32:59Those whose one dies,
33:01those who do not die,
33:03if they die,
33:04what will happen to them?
33:05My master said,
33:05I am the one who will take them to heaven.
33:08That is, the government of the Holy Prophet,
33:10for everyone,
33:11where there is a reward for the trader,
33:12there is a reward for the scholar,
33:15there is a reward for the children.
33:17And those who have no children,
33:18no scholars, no wealth,
33:21they should make a bond with the government.
33:24The government will not leave even the trader.
33:25In the Sahih Hadith of Bukhari Sharif,
33:27on the Day of Judgment,
33:28the true and trustworthy trader,
33:30with whom will he be taken?
33:31Yes, he will be taken to heaven.
33:32He will be taken with the prophets.
33:34He will be taken to heaven.
33:36But he will be taken with the prophets.
33:38That is, a pious man,
33:39who does business,
33:40his status and rank is that
33:42on the Day of Judgment,
33:43he will be taken with the prophets.
33:44This is the reason why I keep saying this to my parents.
33:47Like for a Mufti,
33:48for a scholar,
33:49they do a course of eight years.
33:51For every lawyer of ours,
33:52for every trader,
33:53for every teacher,
33:55they should read the books of the religion of Islam,
33:59which are related to their field.
34:01So that they are doing the work,
34:02and they are doing the work in such a way that
34:05the way of doing the work is taught to us by Islam.
34:07Because Islam is not just a religion.
34:09We understand and we have been told.
34:12This is the constitution of life.
34:13This is the law of life.
34:15This is the way of living life.
34:16And with this, we get guidance in every field of life.
34:19And if we want to take guidance,
34:21then in a better way.
34:23Look at the economic model of Islam.
34:24Look at the educational model of Islam.
34:25There are many departments of Islam
34:27which started in the family of Islam.
34:30For example, in the time of Umar Farooq.
34:31Like our Javed Bhai said in a conversation,
34:34that how much is the demand of animals and how much is the supply.
34:37So, the Prophet, peace be upon him,
34:38has stated one principle in the chapter of trade.
34:40I am just giving one example.
34:41My master said that in any country,
34:45increase the demand from the demand to the supply.
34:50That is, you increase the supply of the goods.
34:54And the demand will decrease and the supply will increase.
34:58So, the Prophet, peace be upon him, asked the Companions,
34:59O Messenger of Allah, what will be the result of this?
35:02He said that the price will decrease.
35:04It will go down.
35:05That is, our government should take only one Hadith of the Prophet.
35:08After reading the matter of demand and supply,
35:11they should act on this.
35:12I think that our country will have a lot of donors.
35:15Keep the money in circulation, keep it in circulation.
35:18Don't accumulate wealth, keep investing it.
35:22This is the model of the society that the world is following today.
35:25Yes, the time is also short.
35:27There was a man in your time.
35:29Javed Sahib was stroking his horse.
35:32And he was saying that he has come from Nishapur.
35:34So, the Prophet, peace be upon him, came and the Prophet, peace be upon him,
35:36held him and said, yes, he has come from Nishapur.
35:39Don't lie.
35:40And even if you lie a little bit in trade,
35:43it is not that it is permissible.
35:44If you say that it is permissible, then the Prophet, peace be upon him,
35:47kept the charity.
35:49And the second thing is that
35:51because of the agreement,
35:52because of the agreement, the trade increases.
35:54After reading the correct Hadith of Bukhari,
35:56Imam Bukhari stated in Bab-ut-Tijarat
35:59that whoever wants to increase his wealth,
36:02he should trade with his close relatives.
36:05He will get a lot of blessings in his wealth.
36:08So, in our country, where there is a distance from religion,
36:11our hearts are united.
36:14When we become one, when we agree,
36:18when we become one on a national level,
36:20then, God willing, in our country,
36:22God willing, and it is also related to lying,
36:25that by lying, the wealth is sold, but there is no blessing.
36:27So, this is a matter of blessing, basically.
36:29Alhamdulillah, a lot of friends are contacting us right now
36:32and are booking their share of the sacrifice.
36:35I will also take the names of some people on the screen.
36:38Mrs. Naheed Khan has contacted Canada.
36:43She has taken one share in the cow
36:44and she wishes to be sacrificed in Pakistan.
36:48Mrs. Zubaida Bawa has contacted the USA.
36:52She has taken 14 shares in the cow
36:54and she wishes to be sacrificed in India.
36:57Mr. Asmat, probably Mrs. Asmat, has contacted the USA.
37:03She has taken seven shares in the cow
37:05and she wishes to be sacrificed in India.
37:09So, we thank Mrs. Naheed, Mrs. Zubaida, and Mrs. Asmat.
37:14Thank you very much for contacting us
37:16and for taking part in this collective sacrifice
37:18that is being done by the Ahsaas Foundation.
37:21God willing, this sacrifice will be made by you
37:23in all these areas.
37:24There is something else.
37:25Mr. Hassan Sarwar has taken three shares in the cow from the USA
37:30and he wishes to be sacrificed in Pakistan.
37:33Mr. Hassan, thank you very much.
37:35Mrs. Rabia Anwar has contacted the USA
37:38and has taken four shares in Pakistan.
37:40Mr. Syed Akram Ali has also contacted the USA
37:43and has taken 14 shares in Pakistan.
37:46He wishes to be sacrificed in India.
37:48We thank all our friends.
37:51At the end of the program, we will try to pray for all our donors,
37:54especially for them, and for all Muslims in general.
38:00May God grant all of us what we ask for.
38:06We will now listen to a recitation from the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
38:10Mr. Sumair is with us.
40:00I remember the plight of the people of Madinah
40:17I remember the plight of the people of Madinah
40:42I remember the plight of the people of Madinah
41:03I remember the plight of the people of Madinah
41:33I remember the plight of the people of Madinah
41:35I remember the plight of the people of Madinah
41:43I remember the plight of the people of Madinah
41:59I remember the plight of the people of Madinah
42:16I remember the plight of the people of Madinah
