怡保狮尾新村丈夫刺死妻子 警带嫌犯回现场案件重演

  • 3 months ago


00:00The story of the death of a 48-year-old girl
00:02The story of the death of a 48-year-old girl
00:04Yibao City, Weixin Village, Road 4
00:06A murder took place at about 8.30 this morning.
00:10The victim was a 48-year-old girl named You Meifeng.
00:13Her 12-year-old daughter saw her father's process of killing his mother.
00:17According to the source,
00:19the couple took their daughter out for breakfast this morning.
00:22After they came home, they had an argument.
00:25The husband knocked his wife down on the ground
00:27and used a weapon to beat his wife.
00:30Then he stabbed his wife with a knife,
00:32causing her to die on the spot.
00:34The family told the media that
00:36when the incident occurred,
00:38the 12-year-old daughter was also at the scene
00:40watching her father's process of killing his mother.
00:43After that, the neighbor called the police.
00:45The daughter called her relatives for help.
00:48According to the family,
00:50this was not the first time the husband of the deceased hit the deceased.
00:53He often did domestic violence.
00:55The man who is suspected of killing his wife
00:57has been taken to the police station
00:59where the incident took place.
