Enfrentan a periodista independiente por grabar una cola

  • 3 months ago
Enfrentan a periodista independiente por grabar una cola
La activista y periodista independiente Milagro Cervera se encontraba grabando una cola cerca de la terminal de ómnibus en Pinar del Río cuando fue interceptada por varias personas y cuestionada. “Está prohibido aquí y en el mundo entero firmar una cosa pa’ Facebook” se le escucha decir a una de las mujeres. La periodista dijo a ADN que luego de eso tuvo que regresar a su casa.
#libertaddeexpresionenCuba. #cubaestadofallido #cubasidictadurano


00:00 I can't sign.
00:02 Why do you have to sign?
00:04 I want to sign. I'm free to sign whatever I want.
00:06 But that's forbidden here in the world.
00:08 I want to sign something for Facebook.
00:10 But I'm giving you because you have to sign that line like that.
00:12 Look, gentlemen.
00:14 This is how I want to see the system of people.
00:18 We are in Pinal del Río.
00:22 In a line of people who don't know what they are selling there for what they are selling.
00:34 For the book. I don't know.
00:36 There they are.
00:44 With a tremendous fight.
00:48 This is how I want the system.
00:52 That people are.
00:54 There comes the police.
01:04 Fixing the line.
01:06 I don't know what they are fixing because there is nothing to fix here.
01:08 This is near the bus terminal.
01:14 A store.
01:18 A store that sells DVDs.
01:20 A store that sells DVDs.
01:22 A store that sells DVDs.
01:24 A store that sells DVDs.
01:26 Look, gentlemen.
01:28 Look at the population density that there is.
01:30 Look at the population density that there is.
01:32 Look at the population density that there is.
01:34 Here they are.
01:36 Here they are.
01:38 To be able to take what they want.
01:44 What the system wants them to have.
02:04 This is how Cubans live day to day.
02:08 What is the situation?
02:22 What is the situation?
02:24 I can't sign.
02:26 Why do you have to sign?
02:28 I want to sign. I am free to sign anything.
02:30 But, but, mommy, it is forbidden here in the world to sign anything.
02:32 But, but, mommy, it is forbidden here in the world to sign anything.
02:34 But, but, mommy, it is forbidden here in the world to sign anything.
02:36 But, but, mommy, it is forbidden here in the world to sign anything.
02:38 But, but, mommy, it is forbidden here in the world to sign anything.
02:40 But, but, mommy, it is forbidden here in the world to sign anything.
02:42 But, but, mommy, it is forbidden here in the world to sign anything.
02:44 But, but, mommy, it is forbidden here in the world to sign anything.
02:46 But, but, mommy, it is forbidden here in the world to sign anything.
02:48 But, but, mommy, it is forbidden here in the world to sign anything.
02:50 But, but, mommy, it is forbidden here in the world to sign anything.
02:52 But, but, mommy, it is forbidden here in the world to sign anything.
02:54 But, but, mommy, it is forbidden here in the world to sign anything.
02:56 But, but, mommy, it is forbidden here in the world to sign anything.
02:58 But, but, mommy, it is forbidden here in the world to sign anything.
03:00 But, but, mommy, it is forbidden here in the world to sign anything.
03:02 But, but, mommy, it is forbidden here in the world to sign anything.
03:04 But, but, mommy, it is forbidden here in the world to sign anything.
03:06 But, but, mommy, it is forbidden here in the world to sign anything.
03:08 But, but, mommy, it is forbidden here in the world to sign anything.
03:10 But, but, mommy, it is forbidden here in the world to sign anything.
03:12 But, but, mommy, it is forbidden here in the world to sign anything.
03:14 But, but, mommy, it is forbidden here in the world to sign anything.
03:16 But, but, mommy, it is forbidden here in the world to sign anything.
03:18 But, but, mommy, it is forbidden here in the world to sign anything.
03:20 But, but, mommy, it is forbidden here in the world to sign anything.
03:22 But, but, mommy, it is forbidden here in the world to sign anything.
03:24 But, but, mommy, it is forbidden here in the world to sign anything.
03:26 But, but, mommy, it is forbidden here in the world to sign anything.
03:28 But, but, mommy, it is forbidden here in the world to sign anything.
03:30 But, but, mommy, it is forbidden here in the world to sign anything.
