• 4 months ago

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00:00We're just three weeks to go until the UK snap election.
00:06British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is now set to unveil his Conservative Party manifesto.
00:13He's due to promise financial security.
00:16This as the Tories trail the Labour Party in the upcoming polls.
00:20As nice as it would be for Brad Pitt to turn up at our manifesto launch, he's currently
00:25filming just outside with a brilliant British crew.
00:29One of the many UK-based productions taking place thanks to our support and tax cuts for
00:35the creative sector.
00:36So from the Northern Studios in Hartlepool, to Pinewood, to the Cumming Crown Studios
00:42in Sunderland, Britain is truly now the creative capital of Europe.
00:50So just thinking about that, the fact that we can lead the world in such competitive
01:03fields should make us all enormously proud of our country, but crucially optimistic about
01:10our future.
01:12Because we Brits can out-compete the best in the world.
01:20And what we Conservatives want is more British success stories.
01:28And that's what our manifesto will deliver.
01:31Now the last few years have been some of the toughest our country has faced in decades.
01:36We were hit by Covid and then the spike in energy prices following Putin's invasion
01:41of Ukraine.
01:42But economic stability is now returning.
01:45Inflation back to normal.
01:48Real wages been rising for almost a year now.
01:51And the economy growing healthily again.
01:54So the question now is, who is best to turn that foundation into a secure future for you,
02:00your family and our country?
02:03This manifesto is our clear plan for the United Kingdom.
02:08It's about the bold actions that we will take to deliver that secure future.
02:12We Conservatives know that security is essential for success.
02:18And that's why we're raising defence investment to 2.5% of GDP by 2030 to deal with the increasingly
02:25uncertain world that we live in.
02:27This is the biggest sustained increase in the defence budget since the end of the Cold
02:34And one that Keir Starmer will not match.
02:38Britain would rather keep the civil service at its bloated, pandemic level, rather than
02:44give our armed forces the equipment they need.
02:48And when there is a war in Europe, turmoil in the Middle East, China flexing its muscles
02:53in the South China Sea, we are in a world of increasing threats and we must show our
02:58enemies that this country, with our allies, will stand strong.
03:05This axis of authoritarian states – Russia, China, Iran, North Korea – must know that
03:11their attempts to destabilise our world will simply not succeed.
03:15Now is the time for bold action, not an uncertain Keir Starmer as our Prime Minister.
03:35Our increase in defence investment will not only fire up our defence industrial base,
03:40creating good jobs here at home, from Barrow to Lossiemouth, but allow us to stand up for
03:45our interests, deter our enemies and defend our values.
03:50It's only we Conservatives, with our iron resolve, who can be trusted to keep Britain
03:57We need border security too.
03:59The confidence that it is your government that decides who comes to our country and
04:05not criminal gangs.
04:10And that is why, if you vote Conservative on July 4th, the flights removing illegal
04:21migrants will depart in July, establishing the deterrent that will stop the boats.
04:28Because when people know that if they try to come here illegally, they won't get
04:32to stay, then they will stop coming.
04:36And if we are forced to choose between our security and the jurisdiction of a foreign
04:41court, including the ECHR, we will always choose our nation's security.
04:58But Labour have no answer to this question.
05:03As you saw the other week, Keir Starmer simply can't tell you what he would do with people
05:09who come here illegally, because he doesn't believe it's a problem.
05:13With Brexit we took control of our borders, but migration has been too high in recent
05:17years and we have a clear plan to reduce it.
05:20Last year we announced changes which mean 300,000 people who were previously eligible
05:26to come here now can't.
05:29And we will introduce a migration cap that means Parliament, your elected representatives,
05:34will vote on how many people should be able to come here every year.
05:39Our plan is clear. We will halve migration as we have halved inflation and then reduce
05:44it every single year.
05:52Now, we don't just need military and border security, as Putin's invasion of Ukraine
05:59has shown. We need energy security too.
06:03It is only by having reliable, home-grown sources of energy that we can deny dictators
06:08the ability to send our bills soaring.
06:11So in our approach to energy policy, we will put security and your family finances ahead
06:18of unaffordable eco-zealotry.
06:21Unlike Labour, we don't believe that we will achieve energy security via a state-controlled
06:27energy company that doesn't in fact produce any energy.
06:31That will only increase costs. And as Penny put it well on Friday, there's only one thing
06:37that the GB in Starmer and Miliband's GB Energy stands for, and that's giant bills.
06:49Now, our clear plan is to achieve energy security through new gas-powered stations, trebling
06:57our offshore wind capacity, and by having new fleets of small modular reactors.
07:03These will make the UK a net exporter of electricity, giving us greater energy independence and
07:07security from the aggressive actions of dictators.
07:11Let me just reiterate that. With our plan, we will produce enough electricity to both
07:17meet our domestic needs and export to our neighbours.
07:23Look at that. A clear, Conservative plan, not only generating security, but also prosperity
07:29for our country.
07:41And we Conservatives also have a plan to give you financial security.
07:46We will enable working people to keep more of the money that you earn, because you have
07:51earned it and have the right to choose what you spend it on.
07:55Now Keir Starmer takes a very different view. He says he's a socialist. And we all know
07:59what socialists do, don't we? They take more of your money because they think it belongs
08:04to them.
08:06Now I know Labour have been taking inspiration from one of Brad Pitt's most famous films.
08:11The first rule of Labour tax rises is that you don't talk about tax rises.
08:17But we know that the policies Labour have already announced...
08:21You were listening to British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak unveiling the Conservative Party
08:25manifesto. He's promising financial security to Britons. He even outlined a goal to halve
08:32immigration in the country and reduce it every year. This says the Tories are trailing the
08:38Labour Party in the upcoming polls.
