Coronation Street 24th December 2004 Part 2

  • 2 days ago
Tracy's in severe shock thinking that Karen's kidnapped Amy. Steve phones Karen and asks her to bring Amy back. Karen hadn't realised that Amy was in the car. Tracy grabs the phone and shouts at Karen making matters far worse. Ken and Deirdre try to placate a hysterical Tracy. Jason asks Violet to stay with him over Christmas. She says that she'll think about it. Cilla wangles herself a job helping out with the wedding buffet so she and Les can have a free Christmas lunch. Steve and Tracy go off in his taxi and frantically search for Karen and Amy. Steve speaks to Karen again. Karen tells Steve what an ugly baby Amy is compared to how their baby would have been. Steve's now seriously worried. Violet decides she will stay at No.11 for Christmas. Jason's delighted and they kiss passionately. Steve speaks to Karen again and she tells him that she's on the Red Rec. Yvonne tells Claire that she's resigned from her job as a tax inspector before she gets the push. She admits the investigation of Fred and Ashley was illegal and stupid. She admits that she can now see that Claire marrying Ashley is a good thing. Tracy and Steve are shocked to find the people carrier on fire and no signs of life.

