Big Bad Husband Please Wake Up Part 2

  • 3 months ago
Big Bad Husband Please Wake Up Part 2
00:00:00Be good. If you don't marry Wayne Lyons and produce them an heir, your father is going to die.
00:00:11We don't have enough money for his treatment.
00:00:14But I don't see how that's a problem. Dad's company is doing just fine.
00:00:19Your father's company has been losing money for years. There's nothing left.
00:00:25What's wrong? Getting cold feet?
00:00:31I would too if I had to marry a Hafton man.
00:00:34Who also happens to be my boyfriend's cousin.
00:00:38God's mess.
00:00:40He's your father too, Sasha.
00:00:43Yeah, but you're his favorite, so it's your responsibility.
00:00:46Unless you want to watch our father die.
00:00:55Fine. I'll marry Wayne Lyons.
00:01:05Very good.
00:01:17So this is my husband.
00:01:20My cousin Wayne kicks the bucket. I'll marry the bitch and take over the company.
00:01:25So this is my husband.
00:01:45Is that Sasha and my boyfriend?
00:01:56How long does this have to go on?
00:02:01I have to stay with Ellie until she gets knocked up.
00:02:04When my cousin Wayne kicks the bucket, I'll marry the bitch and take over the company.
00:02:09What about the baby? She's not going to give you custody.
00:02:12She will. I told her I'll treat her like my own.
00:02:15With the heir of the Lyons Corporation under my custody, the company will be mine.
00:02:21Then we'll be together like it is.
00:02:29I can't believe this. He's been lying to me this whole time.
00:02:41And I'll treat you baby like my own. I promise.
00:02:44I know you're fucking my half-sister. I know your plan.
00:02:51I had to sneak away from the party downstairs to come and find you.
00:02:55It wasn't easy, but here I am. I just had to see you.
00:03:00What are you doing here, Roger?
00:03:02I wasn't going to let my girl get married off without telling her how much I love her.
00:03:06You still love me.
00:03:08Of course. Some fake marriage isn't going to change that.
00:03:12Plus, I know you're just doing it for your father.
00:03:16Everyone knows my cousin doesn't have much longer to live.
00:03:18This is just my aunt's last ditch effort to ensure Naira's produced.
00:03:25When he dies, we'll be together.
00:03:29And I'll treat you baby like my own. I promise.
00:03:33Get the hell away from me.
00:03:35I know you're fucking my half-sister. I know your plan.
00:03:39I mean, how stupid of you to do this under my nose.
00:03:41I can explain. Eloy, listen.
00:03:43Get your hands off of me. You lying prick.
00:03:49We're over.
00:03:52I never want to see you again.
00:04:02Oh my God.
00:04:19Where is she?
00:04:21Well, that's Ellie Holland.
00:04:24Your wife.
00:04:27I can't believe this.
00:04:30This is a miracle.
00:04:32Will my son be alright?
00:04:34Madam, we're still running tests and we'll know shortly.
00:04:39Oh, baby.
00:04:42You're awake.
00:04:44You were in a deep coma for six hours.
00:04:46You were in a deep coma for six months.
00:04:49I thought I lost you forever.
00:04:52Mother, where is she?
00:04:57Well, that's Ellie Holland.
00:05:00Your wife.
00:05:03What the hell are you talking about?
00:05:05Since when did I get married?
00:05:07Listen, I had to make sure the family line would continue.
00:05:12And she's from a good family.
00:05:14Got a good education.
00:05:17You're being ridiculous.
00:05:19I want a divorce. Now.
00:05:21Hey, buddy. This is no picnic for me either.
00:05:25Oh no, son. Why?
00:05:28She's your lucky star.
00:05:31You awoke just as soon as she got here.
00:05:34This has nothing to do with her being from a good family.
00:05:38Or my lucky star.
00:05:40This is about you.
00:05:42You and your aspirations.
00:05:44How can you say that about your poor mother?
00:05:50Do you know how much I paid for this?
00:05:54Five million.
00:05:57Oh, wow. Five million?
00:06:00Thank you, Mother.
00:06:02You were so worried about your precious family lineage
00:06:05that you whored out your coma to a stranger.
00:06:13Barbara! Doctor!
00:06:19I don't want to be in this situation anymore than you do.
00:06:22The thing is, my dad had a stroke.
00:06:24And we need money for his treatment.
00:06:28Is my mom okay?
00:06:34The doctor just took her to get some rest.
00:06:46I don't want to be in this situation anymore than you do.
00:06:52The thing is, my dad had a stroke.
00:06:55And we need money for his treatment.
00:06:59Did my mom say you were like from an impactful family?
00:07:02That usually means loaded.
00:07:04I suppose we were.
00:07:06But for some reason, my dad's company doesn't have any money anymore.
00:07:10And your mother offered us money for his treatment.
00:07:14If I married you.
00:07:20That sounds like something she would do.
00:07:24I just woke up.
00:07:26I still need to figure out who's behind my car accident.
00:07:29It might be a good idea to keep her around for a bit.
00:07:34Let's table this discussion at least until my mom gets better.
00:07:41I'm tired.
00:07:42Get some sleep.
00:07:48Wait, what are you doing?
00:07:53I'm changing into pajamas.
00:07:57But why are you changing into my room?
00:08:01I was told that we have to share a room.
00:08:05You're not staying here with me.
00:08:07Go choose any of the guest bedrooms.
00:08:16You're probably farting in your sleep anyway.
00:08:31I'm late?
00:08:34I'm late?
00:08:51Ellie, where the fuck are you?
00:08:53Amanda's shitting bricks.
00:08:55She's looking for you.
00:08:56Get your ass over here right now.
00:09:01I'm late?
00:09:04Yeah, no, I'll be there in ten.
00:09:12Where are you going?
00:09:16You have a job?
00:09:17Of course I have a job.
00:09:18How else am I supposed to pay my bills?
00:09:22Ellie, I wanted to discuss something with you tonight.
00:09:26About our arrangement.
00:09:30Ellie, I have a proposal.
00:09:46Look who finally decided to show up to work today.
00:09:53Do you even know what's happened?
00:09:55What's happened?
00:09:56You never told me your husband woke up.
00:09:58Shh, keep your voice down.
00:10:00I'm sorry I'm late.
00:10:01It won't happen again.
00:10:03Yeah, it better not happen again.
00:10:05Or your ass is fired.
00:10:07Now, get to work.
00:10:10Do you even know what's happened?
00:10:15What's happened?
00:10:19Breaking news.
00:10:20Wayne Lyons of Lyons Enterprises has awoken from his coma.
00:10:23We are reporting live where Wayne Lyons recently checked himself out of the hospital.
00:10:28The Lyons family refuses to comment at this time.
00:10:32Do you live under a rock?
00:10:37No way!
00:10:38How surprising.
00:10:40If we can get the first scoop on this, we'll be golden for quarter two.
00:10:44I don't care what you have to do, Ellie.
00:10:46Make it happen.
00:10:54You never told me your husband woke up.
00:10:56Shh, keep your voice down.
00:10:58No one knows who Mary-Lynn is.
00:11:00Amanda would choke if she knew you named Wayne Lyons.
00:11:03She's been freaking out about him all morning.
00:11:07She's dying to get an interview with him.
00:11:09Yeah, well, that woman is so sweet.
00:11:13Maybe you should ask him for an interview.
00:11:16After all, he is your husband.
00:11:22I barely know the guy.
00:11:31Looks like you're going to get to know the guy.
00:11:47What's this?
00:11:48It's a diamond.
00:11:50A very big diamond.
00:11:53So, you're a magazine editor?
00:11:56You looked into me.
00:11:58Of course.
00:12:00I'd like to know the person I married.
00:12:04Did you find anything interesting?
00:12:07Nothing too unordinary.
00:12:09No dead bodies came up.
00:12:18So, you wanted to talk about something, Wayne?
00:12:22Sounded urgent.
00:12:31What's this?
00:12:32It's a diamond.
00:12:35A very big diamond.
00:12:37I'm not blind.
00:12:38I mean, why are you showing me this?
00:12:41You're my wife, Ellie.
00:12:43Am I not supposed to give you the ring?
00:12:46Wayne, you don't have to do that.
00:12:50I'm not blind.
00:12:51I'm not blind.
00:12:52I'm not blind.
00:12:53I'm not blind.
00:12:54I'm not blind.
00:12:55I'm not blind.
00:12:56I'm not blind.
00:12:57I'm not blind.
00:12:58You don't have to do that.
00:13:00I can't accept this.
00:13:01I mean, it's too expensive.
00:13:03Ellie, I want the ring back in a year.
00:13:08It's a prop ring.
00:13:10I think we should stay married for a year.
00:13:13As you know, I just woke up.
00:13:15And I have all these eyes on me.
00:13:18I don't want unnecessary drama right now.
00:13:22Are you talking about your mom?
00:13:25Let's just say I don't want to stir the pot right now.
00:13:27I think we should stay married for a year,
00:13:29then we'll divorce.
00:13:30That way you don't break the contract with my mother?
00:13:32And I will also have to sever it after the divorce.
00:13:38What about...
00:13:41The baby?
00:13:43The baby?
00:13:44Don't worry about the baby.
00:13:46I'll remove the baby from the contract.
00:13:50It sounds too good to be true.
00:13:52Well, I wouldn't be that fast of a hero.
00:13:56Lion's family?
00:13:58It's a snake pit.
00:14:04Are you saying that someone tried to kill you?
00:14:06That's out of your concern, Ellie.
00:14:08Are you in on this or are you out?
00:14:13That sound ominous.
00:14:16Care to elaborate?
00:14:18Do you know why I was in a coma?
00:14:24I, uh...
00:14:26I heard it on the news.
00:14:28In a car accident, right?
00:14:30Hit by a drunk driver.
00:14:32It's not that simple.
00:14:44Are you...
00:14:46Are you saying that someone tried to kill you?
00:14:50I'll look into it.
00:14:52That's out of your concern, Ellie.
00:14:54Answer my question first.
00:14:56Are you in on this or are you out?
00:15:02How many carats is that, five?
00:15:04Six, actually.
00:15:06Listen, I know you missed out on a real wedding and...
00:15:09That's my gift to you.
00:15:11I was joking about the retirement.
00:15:13Well, you can keep it and you should keep it.
00:15:26Well, I can't turn down a six-carat diamond.
00:15:41Well, to that I say...
00:15:45I look forward to working with you, Mr. Lyons.
00:15:53What do you want?
00:15:54Ellie, your father is dying.
00:15:56Come to the hospital to say goodbye.
00:16:15You try and avoid all the times I make silly faces.
00:16:18I just can't.
00:16:19I know.
00:16:20But don't do it.
00:16:21I'm not going to.
00:16:22I'm not going to.
00:16:25I really can't.
00:16:27I can't.
00:16:28I can't...
00:16:29I'm not coming.
00:16:30I'm not coming.
00:16:31I can't.
00:16:32I really can't.
00:16:33I've gotta go.
00:16:36What should I do?
00:16:37I don't know.
00:16:38I just haven't thought about it.
00:16:40I'm not going to.
00:16:41I'm not going to.
00:16:56He doesn't have much time left.
00:17:00He'd like to speak to you alone.
00:17:09I have something for you.
00:17:13Just no one.
00:17:20I'm here.
00:17:22Why are you leaving?
00:17:28I don't have much time left.
00:17:33Dad, please.
00:17:36Please, why are you doing this?
00:17:39Listen to me.
00:17:41I have something for you.
00:17:53Don't tell anyone about this flash drive.
00:17:58It contains my life's work.
00:18:03It's an artificial intelligence I created.
00:18:11Just no one.
00:18:14Not even family.
00:18:20Even safe.
00:18:23I believe in you.
00:18:25I love you.
00:18:33Dad! Dad!
00:18:39Oh, Aaron.
00:18:47What did he say to you?
00:18:54Five million dollars for my dad's treatment.
00:18:58I think you took the money for yourself.
00:19:02Nothing, nothing. He just...
00:19:05He said that he loved me.
00:19:08He said that he loved me.
00:19:19Why did I marry Wayne Lyons, huh?
00:19:23Five million dollars for my dad's treatment.
00:19:25Where's the money?
00:19:26You're blaming this on me?
00:19:29I used the money for your father's treatment.
00:19:32You're so vile, Ellie.
00:19:34How dare you try to blame this on my mother?
00:19:36Five million dollars for my dad's treatment.
00:19:41I don't believe you.
00:19:44I think you took the money for yourself.
00:19:47Get out!
00:19:49Get out!
00:19:51After your father's funeral,
00:19:53I want you to go home and pack your shit
00:19:55and I don't ever want to see you again.
00:19:58Now that your father's gone,
00:19:59you'll have nothing to do with me anymore.
00:20:03Get out!
00:20:06Get out!
00:20:18Wayne's busy today.
00:20:20Busy my ass.
00:20:22Just face it, Ellie.
00:20:24No man wants you.
00:20:37Remember to pack your shit after this.
00:20:39Mother wants you out of the house forever.
00:20:42This is my house too.
00:20:44I'm entitled to this as much as you are.
00:20:47Just face it, Ellie.
00:20:48You're the stray dog that nobody wants.
00:20:51Even your husband, Wayne Lyons, doesn't care about you.
00:20:53Yeah, where's the big shot?
00:20:56Couldn't even bother to be here today, huh?
00:20:58Wayne's busy today.
00:21:00Busy my ass.
00:21:02Just face it, Ellie.
00:21:03No man wants you.
00:21:04Shut your trap, Sasha.
00:21:06Save the fight until after Dad's funeral.
00:21:09Have some respect.
00:21:10How dare you speak to me that way?
00:21:12Is there a problem here?
00:21:23From now on, I suggest you two think twice
00:21:25before disrespecting my wife.
00:21:27From now on, I suggest you two think twice
00:21:29before disrespecting my wife.
00:21:35I'm sorry about your father, huh?
00:21:37Thank you for coming.
00:21:39Of course.
00:21:40I'm your husband.
00:21:42I have to be here.
00:21:46From now on, I suggest you two think twice
00:21:48before disrespecting my wife.
00:21:53Unless, of course, you forgot
00:21:54we're having a last time at this meal.
00:21:58Unless, of course, you forgot
00:21:59we're having a last time at this meal.
00:22:03Wayne, thank you for that.
00:22:06I said my family was a snake pit.
00:22:08Looks like yours is not any better.
00:22:11Yeah, you haven't met the worst one yet.
00:22:14Oh, is Dad, Mom, Beth any wrong?
00:22:18How'd you know that?
00:22:20Well, she's walking in as we speak.
00:22:27You're selling Dad's house?
00:22:29You can't do that!
00:22:31One million dollars.
00:22:32I'll buy this house.
00:22:34Why, Mr. Lyons.
00:22:37What a pleasant surprise.
00:22:40So good to finally meet you in person.
00:22:45It is so good to meet you in person, too.
00:22:49I wanted to see what kind of person
00:22:51would list her late husband's house for sale.
00:22:54I'm a damn misfit, huh?
00:22:58You what?
00:23:00You're selling Dad's house?
00:23:02You can't do that.
00:23:03Dad bought that house with Mom.
00:23:05Well, they're both dead.
00:23:07And I can't afford the house,
00:23:08so of course I'm gonna sell it.
00:23:10I'm entitled to this house, too.
00:23:12And you can't sell it.
00:23:15I won't let you.
00:23:16Well, do you have money, then?
00:23:18Give me money, and I won't sell it.
00:23:28One million dollars.
00:23:32I'll buy this house.
00:23:34You and your daughter,
00:23:37pack your shit and get out.
00:23:58You know, I've been getting this sensation in my legs.
00:24:02I was just thinking a massage would be nice.
00:24:09I'll pay you back.
00:24:21Listen, Ellie.
00:24:23You don't have to worry about it.
00:24:24If you really want to pay me back,
00:24:26you can start right.
00:24:28Give me my massage.
00:24:30You know, I've been getting this sensation in my legs.
00:24:34I was just thinking a massage would be nice.
00:24:38That's amazing.
00:24:54Like this?
00:25:00Maybe, um...
00:25:02Maybe a bit harder.
00:25:15I didn't think you were able to.
00:25:17Able? Seriously?
00:25:18Yeah, I mean,
00:25:20I didn't think it would work so well.
00:25:23Well, maybe you should do another pass, but...
00:25:26This time, go higher.
00:25:28Then you'll see for yourself how much higher...
00:25:35Let me get it.
00:25:36Hold on. I will get it.
00:25:38Oh, my lord.
00:25:43Um, no.
00:25:45Thank you.
00:25:48I'm gonna go take a shower.
00:25:50Shower? Okay.
00:25:53No drink.
00:25:59Hold on. Hold on.
00:26:00My hair!
00:26:01Let me get it. Hold on.
00:26:03I will get it.
00:26:05Oh, my lord.
00:26:18This is...
00:26:19This is...
00:26:21Not what it looks like.
00:26:23I need you to make a grandbaby for me.
00:26:30I am planning a company party.
00:26:33I should thank Uncle Richard personally, shouldn't I?
00:26:37Mother, why are you here?
00:26:40Can't come visit my son?
00:26:45Wanted to both know that's not why you're here.
00:26:48I am planning a company party for Saturday.
00:26:52You've been awake for a couple of weeks.
00:26:55Nobody's seen your face.
00:26:57Be a good time to introduce Ellie, too.
00:27:01I've been in a coma for six months.
00:27:03It hasn't been two weeks and you can't wait already?
00:27:07I can't walk yet.
00:27:09Wayne Lyons.
00:27:12This isn't the way you talk to your mother.
00:27:14I think what Wayne is trying to say is that he hasn't fully recovered.
00:27:21So, um...
00:27:22Maybe it would be best if we pushed the party a bit.
00:27:27At least until he...
00:27:33You don't understand.
00:27:35To be part of this Lyons family, you can't show any weakness.
00:27:38My brother, Richard Atkins, is the actor.
00:27:45You've come?
00:27:49I should thank Uncle Richard personally for that.
00:27:56I'll secure the interview with Wayne Lyons.
00:27:58Or else.
00:27:59Or else what?
00:28:00Your ass is my ass.
00:28:02I'm going to kill you.
00:28:04I'm going to kill you.
00:28:05I'm going to kill you.
00:28:06I'm going to kill you.
00:28:07I'm going to kill you.
00:28:08I'm going to kill you.
00:28:09I'm going to kill you.
00:28:10Your ass is fired.
00:28:19So Wayne just bought the house for you?
00:28:23His assistant came over with a suitcase of cash.
00:28:26Girl, I think Wayne Lyons has the hots for you.
00:28:30I think he's just being nice.
00:28:31Being nice?
00:28:33He stood up for you.
00:28:34Bought back your daddy's house.
00:28:36Gave you a six carat diamond ring.
00:28:38You call all that just being nice?
00:28:43I mean...
00:28:48Apparently they're having a party.
00:28:50On Saturday.
00:28:51Hosted by Wayne's mother.
00:28:53Would you want to go?
00:28:55It's supposed to be a big party and...
00:28:57I would feel a lot better if you went.
00:29:00A Lyons party?
00:29:02Heck yes!
00:29:03I would love to go!
00:29:06Oh shit!
00:29:07The gorilla's a little incoming.
00:29:17Where the hell were you yesterday?
00:29:19You missed work.
00:29:21I took the day off because of my dad.
00:29:22Yeah, I...
00:29:24I don't care about your excuses.
00:29:25I already told you last time.
00:29:27You're treading on thin ice.
00:29:31Now secure the interview with Wayne Lyons.
00:29:33Or else.
00:29:34Or else what?
00:29:37Your ass is fired!
00:29:55We're going dress shopping.
00:29:56So we're going to be back soon.
00:29:57Why don't you two ladies stay home?
00:29:59I'll send in a team of specialists.
00:30:00They'll take care of you.
00:30:01Holy shit!
00:30:03Can you and Wayne adopt me so I can move in with you two?
00:30:07Yeah, sure.
00:30:08I'll ask Wayne if he wants a 26-year-old daughter.
00:30:11Come on, let's go shopping.
00:30:12We still need some dresses for tonight's party.
00:30:14Okay, coming!
00:30:17Oh, uh...
00:30:18Wayne, Joy.
00:30:20You going somewhere?
00:30:21Yeah, I have some business things to take care of.
00:30:24Is this okay?
00:30:26Oh my god!
00:30:27Wayne Lyons!
00:30:28Is this okay?
00:30:30Oh my god!
00:30:31Wayne Lyons, it's so nice to finally meet you.
00:30:34I've heard so much about you.
00:30:35Our boss is, like, obsessed with you.
00:30:38You're all she ever talks about.
00:30:42Oh, sorry.
00:30:43I'm blabbing.
00:30:44We're going to go dress shopping.
00:30:45So we're going to be back soon.
00:30:46Why don't you two ladies stay home?
00:30:48I'll send in a team of specialists.
00:30:49They'll take care of you.
00:30:51Stay home, relax, have fun.
00:30:55Joy, why don't you call Mr. Lee
00:30:57and tell him to send his team over here.
00:31:02And I'll be back tonight to pick you up for the party.
00:31:12You have the best husband ever!
00:31:17Boss, does Mr. Allen know about your legs yet?
00:31:21Not yet.
00:31:23I have to take care of Richard first.
00:31:54You two ready?
00:32:02Oh, my ladies, let's get this party started.
00:32:52Wayne just texted.
00:32:54He'll be back in five minutes.
00:32:56How do I look?
00:32:58You look like one sexy mama.
00:33:04Let's take selfies.
00:33:10Ellie? Sophie? You two ready?
00:33:24You need to have better taste in men, Ellie.
00:33:31Wait, wait, how did you know that?
00:33:33Oh my god.
00:33:40Hey, I think your assistant has the hots for my best friend.
00:33:44You know, I think so too.
00:33:55What the hell is Roger doing here with Sasha?
00:34:01That's my cousin, Richard's son.
00:34:03A part of the company.
00:34:05Right. Gross.
00:34:09Forgot about that.
00:34:11A father like son.
00:34:14Didn't you used to date him?
00:34:16Don't remind me.
00:34:18He cheated on me with my sister.
00:34:21I know, that's typical of him.
00:34:26You need to have better taste in men, Ellie.
00:34:32Wait, wait, how did you know that?
00:34:36Oh my god.
00:34:39Wait, don't tell me you could hear everything when you were in a coma.
00:34:49Hello, Uncle Richard.
00:34:51How are you feeling?
00:34:53You should be staying home and recovering.
00:34:57That must have been terrifying.
00:34:59I mean, to be able to hear and know everything, but to not be able to do anything about it.
00:35:05I felt like I was trapped in my own body.
00:35:08It was a nightmare.
00:35:10I wanted to die.
00:35:12Wait, I'm so sorry you had to go through that.
00:35:15But then you showed up, and you felt so heavy when you fell on me.
00:35:19I woke up.
00:35:21So thank you.
00:35:22Hey, are you cool with that?
00:35:24Well, if it isn't my favorite nephew and his new bride.
00:35:28I'm your only nephew.
00:35:30Hello, Uncle Richard.
00:35:32How are you feeling?
00:35:34You should be staying home and recovering.
00:35:36I feel fantastic.
00:35:38Now that I'm awake, I feel like my face should be seen more in public, don't you think?
00:35:43Let our employees know their CEO is back.
00:35:50My accident was severe.
00:35:52That's why I'm going to get to the bottom of this.
00:35:55What do you mean, get to the bottom of it?
00:35:58Oh, dear boy.
00:36:00The company's in good hands.
00:36:03Your accident was severe. You should take it easy.
00:36:06You know, Uncle Richard, my accident was severe.
00:36:10That's why I'm going to get to the bottom of this.
00:36:12What do you mean, get to the bottom of it?
00:36:14A drunk driver hit you.
00:36:16I don't know, Uncle Richard, but I can't help but the feeling that my accident wasn't the accident, you know?
00:36:22What makes you say that?
00:36:24Do you know anything? Have you heard something?
00:36:28The driver died upon impact, but his wife and kids are alive.
00:36:35Anyway, I don't want to bore you with all this information.
00:36:39Is Wayne saying what I think he's saying?
00:36:42Uncle Richard.
00:36:44As you can tell, my legs are not fully recovered yet.
00:36:48Please help me with the company for a bit longer.
00:36:51Sure, sure.
00:36:53Thank you.
00:36:54Of course.
00:36:55Of course.
00:37:02You idiot. I told you no loose ends. Wayne is suspicious.
00:37:33Oh, watch out.
00:37:35Oh my God, Wayne.
00:37:40I should ask Wayne about his car accident.
00:37:43Does it have something to do with his uncle?
00:37:53Oh, watch out.
00:37:55Oh my God, Wayne.
00:37:57Oh my God, Wayne.
00:38:02Be careful.
00:38:03I was actually just looking for you.
00:38:05For me? In the bathroom?
00:38:08Where are you going?
00:38:21You idiot. I told you no loose ends. Wayne is suspicious.
00:38:31He's zoned out there.
00:38:32Sorry, I was just thinking of something.
00:38:38You idiot. I told you no loose ends. Wayne is suspicious.
00:38:43No, no, I don't care. Just fix this.
00:38:46Mention something about the driver's wife and kids. Get rid of them.
00:38:50It's Richard.
00:38:52The driver's wife and kids. Get rid of them.
00:38:55It's Richard.
00:38:57You were right. He's the one behind the whole car accident.
00:39:03The fish has taken the bait.
00:39:05So has I.
00:39:39One other thing I thought you should know.
00:39:41It's been three days. Where is my interview with Wayne Lyons?
00:39:46Hey, boss.
00:39:49There's one other thing I thought you should know.
00:39:53What is it?
00:39:55So I was talking to Sophie.
00:39:57Talking to Sophie, huh?
00:40:00Yeah, I was talking to Sophie.
00:40:03Anyways, their boss is bat shit crazy.
00:40:09She threatened Ellie that if she didn't get an interview with you, she's fired.
00:40:17She's fired.
00:40:23But I'd really love to see who has the guts to fire my wife.
00:40:35It's been three days. Where is my interview with Wayne Lyons?
00:40:43Let's be realistic here.
00:40:45No one at this office has ever been able to scare an interview with Lyons.
00:40:49Let alone Wayne Lyons.
00:40:51All my sources say that we married some random girl.
00:40:55I mean, do you know how late we are?
00:40:58How is it that all the other people can get all the details but you can't?
00:41:03God, you're so incompetent!
00:41:07Amanda, I am your best editor.
00:41:10And I have had it with you.
00:41:13You have harassed me non-stop since I got here.
00:41:17And you have treated everyone here like shit.
00:41:19And you do not respect any of our boundaries.
00:41:22And you yelled at me when I needed to take a day off for my dad's funeral.
00:41:28I am done with your crap.
00:41:33I quit.
00:41:39Get out.
00:41:40Get out of my office!
00:41:42You don't get to kick her out.
00:41:47I quit.
00:41:50I quit.
00:41:54Get out.
00:41:55Get out of my office!
00:41:57You don't get to kick her out.
00:42:03You're Wayne Lyons.
00:42:07Wayne, what are you doing here?
00:42:12Little Bird told me that my wife needs my help, so I'm here.
00:42:21And you...
00:42:23You must be his patron.
00:42:29I'm Chief Editor Amanda Jones.
00:42:32It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Lyons.
00:42:35You're fired.
00:42:38Yeah, see, I own this company starting this morning.
00:42:42I am your new boss.
00:42:45And I say you are fired.
00:42:51Get out.
00:42:53You're just going to stand there and look at me?
00:42:55You backstabbing little bitch!
00:42:58You should have told me.
00:43:00You make me look like idiots!
00:43:03You make me look like idiots!
00:43:27Do you really think I'm doing all this because of fake magic?
00:43:34Wayne, you don't need me. My knight in shining armor all the time.
00:43:38I can fight my own battles.
00:43:41Ellie, I'm your husband.
00:43:43Why didn't you ask for help?
00:43:46I mean, I had to find out from Joey, who found out from Sophie that my wife has trouble with her boss.
00:43:53And why didn't you ask for an interview?
00:43:56You didn't think I'd say yes?
00:43:57Because I didn't want to put any pressure on you.
00:44:00Plus, I'm not actually your wife.
00:44:07Let's just pretend.
00:44:13What if I told you that I've changed my mind?
00:44:19Changed your mind about what?
00:44:23Do you really think I'm doing all this because of fake magic, Wayne?
00:44:30I'm doing this because I like Ellie.
00:44:44But I got something that you need to hear.
00:44:47Where are you?
00:44:49Hurry up!
00:44:54I like you too.
00:44:57Hey boss!
00:44:59Uh, I'm sorry, I didn't see anything.
00:45:04Joe, it's really bad time.
00:45:06Yeah, I know.
00:45:08But I got something that you need to hear.
00:45:11Ellie, you need to hear this too.
00:45:15Where are you?
00:45:28Where are you?
00:45:33Hurry up!
00:45:34Hurry up!
00:45:57Jeez, Bethany, hurry up!
00:46:00Wayne Lyons gets the prototype before we do, it's over!
00:46:02Well, don't you think I know that?
00:46:06I told you not to contact me unless it was an emergency.
00:46:10Okay, well it is, okay?
00:46:14Wayne Lyons is suspicious.
00:46:17You mentioned the driver's wife and kids may know something.
00:46:20But when I sent my guys to look for him, they were already gone.
00:46:23Well, that was a stupid move.
00:46:25Clearly it was a setup to see if you'd make a move.
00:46:28Now they know for sure!
00:46:29They know for sure!
00:46:31And Willie's got no proof.
00:46:33You on the other hand, did you find the prototype?
00:46:36That voice sounds familiar.
00:46:38Yeah, keep listening, you'll hear why.
00:46:41No! No!
00:46:48I'm beginning to think that old bastard gave it to Ellie.
00:46:53But I searched the hospital room, it wasn't there.
00:46:56Wasn't in the office.
00:46:57Where the hell could it be?
00:46:59Geez, Bethany, hurry up!
00:47:01Wayne Lyons gets the prototype before we do, it's over!
00:47:04Well, don't you think I know that?
00:47:08You know, you're the one that fucked this plan up.
00:47:10No, I did my part.
00:47:12I got rid of the old bastard.
00:47:14Why is Wayne Lyons still alive?
00:47:17Everyone thought he was going to die from the coma.
00:47:20How could I know he'd wake up?
00:47:27I don't think they have the prototype.
00:47:31How do you know?
00:47:33You really think I'd marry Ellie off to Wayne Lyons for a measly five million?
00:47:42If I put a device in her computer,
00:47:46if the prototype turns on, I would know.
00:47:52I always had a plan B.
00:47:55Unlike you.
00:47:58Cunning old fox.
00:48:13My father was murdered.
00:48:23What do you have to do with the prototype?
00:48:28I can't believe this.
00:48:34It's okay. It's okay. I'm here.
00:48:36I'll protect you.
00:48:42How could she?
00:48:45I mean, her own husband!
00:48:49It's the prototype.
00:48:52It's worth billions.
00:48:54When there's enough money at stake, people do crazy things.
00:48:57I had to learn in the hard way.
00:49:05What do you have to do with the prototype?
00:49:12I've known your father for a very long time.
00:49:17Joey and I, we both did.
00:49:22Your father's prototype.
00:49:27I was the one who sponsored his idea.
00:49:30Ellie, we were on the verge of a breakthrough.
00:49:34Mr. Holland figured it out.
00:49:36The prototype is ready.
00:49:48I'm on it.
00:49:59And I had my suspicion that your father's company has a mole working with Richard.
00:50:06I just didn't think it was going to be a stepmother.
00:50:11The most important thing now is to find the prototype before they do.
00:50:15This is the final puzzle piece.
00:50:28The prototype.
00:50:32I have it.
00:50:45Thank you.
00:50:56Do you think our plan will work?
00:50:58It has to.
00:51:00Plus, we have one more thing to our advantage.
00:51:15Thank you.
00:51:17Are you coming?
00:51:19I'm on it, I have to apologize.
00:51:22I'm in a hurry.
00:51:32I'll have to attend to my test tomorrow.
00:51:34Don't worry.
00:51:37What should we do?
00:51:40I don't know how to do it.
00:51:42Angela, can you help me?
00:51:44What is it?
00:52:03Wayne, your legs!
00:52:06Richard still thinks I'm confined to his wheelchair.
00:52:09We can use it to our advantage.
00:52:14Plus, I've been wanting to do this for a very long time.
00:52:17Do what?
00:52:19Get out of this damn wheelchair and make it work.
00:52:36Ellie, what are you doing here?
00:52:40Let's disappear
00:52:44Without goodbyes
00:52:48And say we've gone mad
00:52:52And lost our minds
00:52:55Oh, who cares?
00:52:58Cause it's true
00:53:04I'm madly in love with you
00:53:10So let's float away
00:53:15Toward the moon and the stars
00:53:20And let them all talk
00:53:22About how hopeless we are
00:53:26Oh, who cares?
00:53:30Cause it's true
00:53:39I'm madly in love with you
00:53:42So let's float away
00:53:45Toward the moon and the stars
00:53:48And let them all talk
00:53:51About how hopeless we are
00:53:54Oh, who cares?
00:53:57Cause it's true
00:54:10Ellie, what are you doing here?
00:54:13Uh, Wayne backed the house.
00:54:16I thought you were moving out.
00:54:19I'm going to go change the lock on the door.
00:54:22You think I want to live here any longer?
00:54:25My new place is under renovations
00:54:29And should just be a few more days.
00:54:32Just make it quick.
00:54:35I'm going to pack some of my old things.
00:54:38Sophie's helping me.
00:55:06Ellie, what are you looking for?
00:55:11Come on, let's go.
00:55:27Ellie, what are you looking for?
00:55:36Did you find it?
00:55:39Yeah, I did. Come on, let's go.
00:55:46You done?
00:55:48Yep, but I need to get back to my daddy's house soon, okay?
00:55:52You ungrateful brat.
00:56:06It's Ellie.
00:56:08She came back here looking for something.
00:56:11Monitor her computer.
00:56:17You think she bought it?
00:56:19Let's find out.
00:56:21Oh, I can't believe that old bastard gave it to Ellie.
00:56:27You think she bought it?
00:56:30I don't know.
00:56:33You think she bought it?
00:56:35Let's find out.
00:56:45Oh, whoa.
00:56:47What is this thing?
00:56:50He never told me about any of this.
00:56:53Well, he probably wanted to keep you safe.
00:56:56Ellie, your father was a genius.
00:56:58The most brilliant and hard-working man I've met.
00:57:04And he died.
00:57:06Oh, yes.
00:57:09Ellie, his work is going to change the world.
00:57:14And we have to ensure that his legacy lives on.
00:57:21Thank you, first, for helping my dad, and...
00:57:26Now for helping me.
00:57:32The prototype. It's been turned on.
00:57:35Oh, I can't believe that old bastard gave it to Ellie.
00:57:40Well, where is it right now?
00:57:42Well, it's showing up at the Lions' estate.
00:57:45We have to get it.
00:57:52Wayne's throwing a party this weekend for my sister's birthday.
00:57:55It'll be the perfect opportunity to steal the prototype.
00:57:58I wasn't invited, and I can't just show up.
00:58:01You'll just have to be my plus one.
00:58:18The recordings alone probably aren't going to put him in jail, but...
00:58:21We can scare them.
00:58:38That was Richard.
00:58:42He said Roger and Sasha are getting engaged, so he's bringing Beth in as his plus one.
00:58:51He even had the audacity of telling me they were family now.
00:58:54How perfect.
00:58:56Okay, I'm going to barf.
00:59:01What this means?
00:59:03It means they bought it.
00:59:05Oh, God, do you think it's going to work?
00:59:07It has to. I mean, the recordings alone probably aren't going to put him in jail, but...
00:59:11We can scare them.
00:59:25Someone once said they didn't want to share a room.
00:59:30That was an instant regret.
00:59:33You scared the bejesus out of me.
00:59:35Oh, I'm sorry.
00:59:38Let me make it up to you.
00:59:44I'm sorry.
00:59:46I'm sorry.
00:59:48I'm sorry.
00:59:50I'm sorry.
00:59:53Beth, where are we going?
00:59:55Well, you're my wife. Shouldn't we sleep in the same bed?
01:00:02Someone once said they didn't want to share a room.
01:00:07That was an instant regret.
01:00:09It changed your mind, huh?
01:00:11Yeah, it did.
01:00:14Maybe because it's...
01:00:19Because of what?
01:00:35Let's get these motherfuckers.
01:00:53Let's get these motherfuckers.
01:01:13You're late.
01:01:15You're late.
01:01:17I was going to let you meet my friend.
01:02:17Okay, Ellie. You can do this.
01:02:23Sweetheart, are you ready?
01:02:40We're still going to be family after all.
01:02:45Let bygones be bygones.
01:03:22There you are.
01:03:23What are you doing here?
01:03:25Haven't you heard?
01:03:27Roger and Sasha are engaged.
01:03:32I heard.
01:03:35You finally got what you wanted.
01:03:38Oh, come on, Ellie. Don't be like that.
01:03:41I mean, it seems we're still going to be family after all.
01:03:56Oh, no.
01:04:04Bygones be bygones?
01:04:10What's wrong?
01:04:14Cheers, Beth.
01:04:26Oh, my goodness.
01:04:30Ellie, I didn't know you were such a lightweight.
01:04:32Ellie, are you okay?
01:04:34Well, she's fine.
01:04:35She's just a little tipsy.
01:04:40Ellie, you okay?
01:04:41Let's see.
01:04:42We're going to take her upstairs so she can rest.
01:05:02Oh, wait.
01:05:03Don't worry.
01:05:04I'll help her.
01:05:05You just sit back in your little chair.
01:05:07Come on, Ellie.
01:05:08Let's get you to rest.
01:05:13For the love of Christ.
01:05:17All right.
01:05:18Almost there.
01:05:19All right.
01:05:32Does she know?
01:05:34I saw her drink it.
01:05:36Come on.
01:05:37We don't have much time.
01:05:38Let's find it.
01:05:46I'll go right.
01:05:47You go left.
01:05:48Got it.
01:05:50Not in the house.
01:06:09I don't go right, you go left.
01:06:30This door's locked.
01:06:48Well, I locked something.
01:06:54I didn't know you had straight skills.
01:06:59There's a lot about me you don't know.
01:07:13Ellie, you're awake!
01:07:17You two didn't actually think I'd fall for your plan, did you?
01:07:20Where the hell could it be?
01:07:38Found it.
01:07:43Finally, after all this fucking work.
01:07:50Is that why you two decided to kill my father?
01:07:58Ellie, you're awake!
01:08:05You two didn't actually think I'd fall for your plan, did you?
01:08:11We're still going to be family, after all.
01:08:18Oh no!
01:08:31You sneaky little bitch!
01:08:35I suggest you get out of our way unless you want to get hurt.
01:08:39Who are you trying to hurt, uncle?
01:08:46I believe you have something that belongs to me.
01:08:49Wayne, let's be honest.
01:08:52You're a cripple.
01:08:55Joey, please wait outside.
01:08:58I have a few things to discuss with my uncle.
01:09:06Wayne, they have a prototype.
01:09:11I believe you have something that belongs to me, uncle.
01:09:16Wayne, let's be honest.
01:09:19You're a cripple.
01:09:21Your future's over.
01:09:23Let me have the prototype and I'll take Lion's Enterprise to new heights.
01:09:27I'm a cripple.
01:09:29Thanks to you.
01:09:31Let's go.
01:09:33We don't waste our breath on them anymore.
01:09:37Because I know you both planned to kill my father and Wayne.
01:09:39He'll know what you're talking about.
01:09:50Don't you think I know that?
01:09:52You're the one that fucked this plan up.
01:09:55I did my part.
01:09:57I got rid of the old bastard.
01:09:59Why is Wayne Lion still alive?
01:10:15That's my father, you evil bitch!
01:10:22You know, on a second thought, Beth and his rights.
01:10:26Wait, we're just bluffing.
01:10:28Wait, what?
01:10:34Wayne, let's make a deal, hmm?
01:10:37I mean, we're family, right?
01:10:39Surely you can forgive me?
01:10:41Forgive you?
01:10:43For trying to kill me?
01:10:45You must be delusional.
01:10:47Ellie, how many years for attempted murder?
01:10:49I'd say at least ten years.
01:10:51I'd say, considering how severe your condition is,
01:10:54you'll go up to 25.
01:10:56Richard, don't fall for their tricks.
01:10:59They're bluffing.
01:11:01Shut your mouth, Bethany.
01:11:03We both know that you'd ride out Richard to save your own ass.
01:11:06And she killed her husband, after all.
01:11:11Listen, Wayne.
01:11:13I'll admit, I did hire someone to hitch a car.
01:11:16But I was only trying to stop you from seeing Aaron Holland.
01:11:20I wasn't actually trying to kill you.
01:11:23And I'll step down as CEO.
01:11:25You can have your position back.
01:11:28How's that sound?
01:11:31Wayne, I think your uncle might be into something.
01:11:34You think so?
01:11:38We also want all the shares to lie on tenterflies.
01:11:42No, no, that's black.
01:11:44And what you did was an attempted murder.
01:11:46Shall we call it even?
01:11:52But I want all the evidence wiped.
01:11:55You know, on a second thought,
01:11:58Bethany is right.
01:12:00Wayne, we're just bluffing.
01:12:05Richard, you dumbass!
01:12:08Everything in this room is being recorded.
01:12:10We got you.
01:12:12Bethany, watch out!
01:12:17I faked being a cripple, and you fell for it.
01:12:20And that USB in your pocket?
01:12:22That thing's not real.
01:12:26Watch out!
01:12:33I faked being a cripple, and you fell for it.
01:12:36And that USB in your pocket?
01:12:38That thing's not real.
01:12:41We were placed a long time ago.
01:12:43You deserve everything that's coming to you.
01:12:45Hey, boss.
01:12:47Is everything alright here?
01:12:49Charlie, you okay?
01:12:51Police are on their way.
01:13:04I tolerated you.
01:13:07All these years.
01:13:10And you took my father away from me.
01:13:15You're going to rot in prison, Bethany.
01:13:18And I'm going to make sure of it.
01:13:22That old bastard never loved me.
01:13:26The only thing he ever loved was you.
01:13:29And you.
01:13:30The only thing he ever loved was you, your mother,
01:13:33and that fucking prototype.
01:13:36You even made it with your mother's voice and personality.
01:13:41He deserved to die.
01:13:54You want to know why your mother's going to prison?
01:13:55Because she killed our father.
01:14:01What the hell's going on?
01:14:03What did you do, Ellie?
01:14:05What the hell did you do to my mother?
01:14:08I'm sending her to prison.
01:14:11How dare you?
01:14:13You bitch!
01:14:15Take a good look at yourself, Sasha.
01:14:17See what you've become.
01:14:19You think Dad liked me better?
01:14:23You think Dad liked me better?
01:14:25Did you ever wonder why?
01:14:27It's because you're such a disappointment
01:14:29and you have no goal in life.
01:14:31You don't even have a job
01:14:33and all you do is you get facials
01:14:35and you go shopping.
01:14:37You can't talk to me like that.
01:14:39Shut up. I'm not done.
01:14:41When Dad got sick,
01:14:43I was the one who stepped in and married Wayne Lyons.
01:14:45And what did you do?
01:14:47You went behind my back
01:14:49and slept with my boyfriend
01:14:50and you schemed against me.
01:14:52You're own fucking sister!
01:14:55You want to know why
01:14:57your mother's going to prison?
01:15:00Because she killed our father.
01:15:06No, I...
01:15:08I don't believe you.
01:15:11Come on, Wayne, let's go.
01:15:16Oh yeah, Roger.
01:15:18Starting from the day you were banned
01:15:20from all the Lyons properties and resources.
01:15:23Don't bother showing your face in front of me ever again.
01:15:35Ellie, thank you for everything.
01:15:39Now there's just one thing left to do.
01:15:42I love you, Daddy.
01:15:56How'd the conversation go with your mother?
01:15:59Oh, she's shocked.
01:16:01But this time she's on my side.
01:16:04Well, of course.
01:16:06I mean, you know,
01:16:08it's not like you're going to get away with it.
01:16:10Well, of course.
01:16:12I mean, she's your mother after all.
01:16:14She loves you.
01:16:16I mean, even though Richard is her brother,
01:16:19she can't stand to see him kill you.
01:16:21You know, I was scared she'd tell me to let it go.
01:16:24To keep up the family image.
01:16:30But what?
01:16:32Then she said,
01:16:34let him rot in prison, Dad.
01:16:42thank you for everything.
01:16:45No, Wayne, thank you.
01:16:52Now there's just one thing left to do.
01:17:02I can do this.
01:17:04It's time to let the world know
01:17:06what my father and I accomplished together.
01:17:09I can do this.
01:17:11It's time to let the world know
01:17:13what my father and I accomplished together.
01:17:18Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
01:17:21And welcome to this press conference.
01:17:24Today we are excited
01:17:26to announce the launch of Maple AI,
01:17:30an artificial intelligence
01:17:32created by my father with the help of Wayne Lyons.
01:17:36More than anything,
01:17:38my father wanted to help the world.
01:17:41And he didn't care about money nor fame.
01:17:46And he devoted his entire life
01:17:49to the research and the creation of this prototype.
01:17:55And today,
01:17:59we're excited to announce
01:18:01the launch of Maple AI,
01:18:03an artificial intelligence
01:18:05created by Wayne Lyons.
01:18:07And we're excited to announce
01:18:09the launch of Maple AI
01:18:11to the entire world
01:18:13for free.
01:18:16And although
01:18:18he's no longer with us,
01:18:21his legacy lives on.
01:18:24Maple AI is now merged
01:18:26with Lyons Enterprise.
01:18:29And it's going to help many people
01:18:31for years to come.
01:18:35Thank you.
01:18:46We did it.
01:18:48You were wonderful.
01:18:50I'm sorry.
01:18:58So, where do we go now?
01:19:00Anywhere, Hayley.
01:19:02We can go anywhere.
01:19:35Thank you.