Evoland - Part 5

  • 3 months ago
Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the story of Evoland!
Before we confront Zephyros... we need to make sure, we get all stars and cards, get that delicious meat for the merchant, visit Noria Mines again (blast you, chest!!!!) and make a progress in the Sacred Grove!
Also.. in Sacred Grove... eventhough i got through that small tree thanks to my great genius I store in my brain.... I got immediately stuck in the next part. But then, my wife with her even greater genius came and told me to try THE BOMB on the crystal... All hail to my greatest wife!!!

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Try the game for yourself! ► https://store.steampowered.com/app/1020470/Evoland_Legendary_Edition/; https://www.gog.com/en/game/evoland_legendary_edition; https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/evoland-legendary-edition-5753ec

Developer: Shiro Games ; https://shirogames.com/
Publisher: Shiro Unlimited ; https://shiro-unlimited.com/