• l’année dernière


00:00I still watch people put their ethnicity on a high seat.
00:04I watch other people put their gender on a high seat.
00:07I put people, people put their sexuality on this high seat, and God is somewhere down
00:13It's like, well, look, I really worship those things, and God, God, don't you dare call
00:17Him Lord.
00:18If your opinions and the opinion of people and culture are up there, but His Word is
00:37down there, ultimately, culture and people are your God.
00:45And you've got to learn to choose you this day whom you're going to serve, whether it's
00:49going to be God or man.
01:03Jonah chapter one, and verse 15, so they picked up Jonah and threw him into the sea, and the
01:13sea ceased from its raging.
01:18When Jonah surrendered, the storm surrendered, and it's in dying to ourselves that we find
01:26You see, when you finally surrender to God, you no longer need to surrender to anyone
01:34or anything else.
01:38So they tossed him into the sea, in verse 16, then the men feared.
01:46One man's disobedience put everyone on the ship in danger.
01:52Your particular contribution means more or matters more than you'd ever think.
01:58Whenever God tells you to say something or to do something, and you don't say it or you
02:03don't do it, everyone else is put at risk.
02:09You see, we only have one generation to reach our generation, and here's the question.
02:15If not you, who?
02:17If not now, when?
02:20You know, second, third, fourth, fifth chances are not promised to anyone.
02:27Then the men feared the Lord exceedingly.
02:32Now if you were with me last week, you know that at first they feared the storm, but when
02:38they realized and saw God's power over the storm, they feared the Lord.
02:45And when we truly fear God, every other fear begins to take second, third, fourth, and
02:49fifth place.
02:53And they offered a sacrifice to the Lord.
02:57Now there wasn't a whole lot left on the ship.
03:00I'm sure they began to throw a lot of things overboard, but whatever livestock was left,
03:07they sacrificed it to God.
03:11And God has designed creation so that whenever we truly encounter our Creator, our most basic
03:21instinct is to worship Him.
03:25They said differently, if Jesus be God and died for me, then no sacrifice is too great
03:34for me to make for Him.
03:38A writer said, we can give without loving, but we cannot love without giving.
03:50And after they offered this sacrifice, they took vows.
03:55They began to dedicate themselves to the one who saved them.
04:01In any successful walk with the Lord begins with being faithful.
04:06And what's wonderful about God is He doesn't ask us to make a vow of perfection.
04:11How many think you could do that?
04:14But we can make a vow to worship.
04:17And I have found in my journey, in my life, God only requires me to worship Him on two
04:24When I feel like it, and when I don't.
04:29But whatever my situation, He's do it anyway.
04:34Now verse 17, we start getting into the important stuff here.
04:40It said, now the Lord had prepared a great fish.
04:47Now many of us, you know, we went to Sunday school or what have you, we heard about Jonah
04:51and the whale.
04:52But the scripture here doesn't identify the particular species.
04:58The only thing it focuses on is the fact that God prepared it.
05:03So if God had to use something ordinary to do what had never been done, by the way, a
05:08whole giant squid, some giant squids like 30 feet long have routinely been found in
05:14the stomachs of sperm whales.
05:15So this is possible.
05:17So God might have used something ordinary to do what had never been done, or maybe by
05:22a special act, God created something extraordinary to do what nothing else could.
05:29But here's the big point.
05:31God still knows how to reach us wherever we are and do whatever it takes.
05:39Now the Lord prepared.
05:45He providentially guided the fish to the right location.
05:51He guided the fish with a right physiology, right temperament, just the perfect amount
05:59of hunger to encounter Jonah at just the right time.
06:05And I said all that to say there are no accidents with God.
06:12But I want to make a bigger point here.
06:15Normally we catch the fish, but God also knows how to catch the fish that will catch us.
06:26I just said something.
06:29God knows how to design the fish that will catch you.
06:37And Jonah was in the belly of the fish.
06:43How many of us who hear my voice right now have ever been swallowed up by something?
06:50You've ever found yourself in the belly of something you couldn't quite get out of?
06:56Perhaps it was an illness, maybe a relationship.
07:00Maybe it was loneliness, a financial situation.
07:04Maybe it was a bout of confusion or a myriad of other things, but you were just stuck in
07:09a situation that you couldn't quite get out of.
07:15But what I've learned, I've learned that what the devil intends for evil, God still knows
07:20how to work out for our good.
07:28So here we have Jonah in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.
07:35So the big question is why did it take Jonah three days and three nights before he does
07:41what he's about to do?
07:43Because in the next verse here we're going to discover that he prayed unto the Lord.
07:50So why did it take so long for Jonah to seek the Lord?
07:57But maybe I could put it to you this way.
08:01Why has it taken you, though you're dying to talk to this person, but somehow you refuse
08:09to text them first?
08:13Somebody said, stubbornness and stupidity are twins.
08:23Sometimes we're not really waiting on God, God is waiting on us.
08:29So watch this.
08:31Then after three days and three nights, Jonah finally, finally prayed to the Lord.
08:43You know, it's important to have mommy and daddy praying for us, auntie and uncle, you
08:47know, sister, brother, you know, maybe pastor, or elder, or granny, grandmother, grand-grandaddy.
08:54But some things will not change unless you learn to pray for yourself.
09:06Until you get sick and tired of being sick and tired, some things will not shift in our
09:17Some answers to prayer are on a certain frequency, I can't quite explain it.
09:23But it's not until we reach that frequency of intensity that God responds.
09:31And there are moments I'm kind of like, okay God, I cry, please help me.
09:34And God's like, well, when you really want help.
09:39And the next time around, well God, come on, come on, would you help me?
09:41He's like, well, when you're really serious.
09:46But then after a while I go, God, would you help me?
09:49And that cry comes from my heart.
09:54It unlocks things.
09:58And there are moments in our journey a casual prayer won't do.
10:07But finally, Jonah prayed to the Lord.
10:11Now watch where he prayed from.
10:14From the fish's belly.
10:18This message today is for folks that are still in the middle of it.
10:23You've been asking God for a way out of it.
10:27You feel stuck.
10:28Well, Jonah's about to tell us what to do.
10:30Watch what he did.
10:31And what Jonah really, he starts telling a narrative, he starts telling his story.
10:35And he said, I cried out to the Lord because of my affliction.
10:45Why is it that it often takes affliction before we cry out the way we need to cry out?
10:54Proverbs 119.71 says, it says, it was good that I was afflicted that I might learn your
11:03Now that's grown folks stuff right there.
11:08Because when you're young you don't understand why this affliction happens.
11:11But you see, when you live long enough you understand there's certain lessons you only
11:16learn when you've been afflicted, when you've been through something, when you felt something,
11:22when you got to the end of your self.
11:28David said it this way, Psalm 18.6, in my distress, had I not been distressed I might
11:35not have cried out.
11:37I might have watched another television show.
11:39I might have called another friend on the phone.
11:41But in my—it got bad enough I had to find myself on my knees.
11:47In my distress, I called upon the Lord, cried out to my God, and He heard my voice from
11:56His temple.
11:59Unfortunately, sometimes affliction is the only way we'll learn.
12:08It used to be said, and I don't know that it can be said anymore, and I don't want to
12:11get anyone in trouble with social services.
12:14Love your children.
12:15Please do not abuse and harm your children.
12:19But in my generation it was said that God put special padding in a special location
12:27on the backside of a child.
12:34Special padding.
12:38So if they wouldn't learn from your word, they learn from the hand.
12:44Now I'm not recommending that.
12:45I don't want to get anybody in trouble.
12:50Certainly don't leave any bruises.
12:59I'm teasing and serious at the same time.
13:05So sometimes affliction is the only way our hard-headed selves learn.
13:16So God has to reluctantly send us to school.
13:24So Jonah prayed to the Lord from the fish's belly, and Jonah said, and He answered me.
13:35You can pray from wherever you are while you're still in the midst of that perversion, in
13:45the midst of that addiction, in the midst of bitterness, exasperation.
13:53God still hears a sinner's prayer.
14:03All throughout the book up to this point, all we've seen in Jonah was him misbehaving.
14:09All we saw Jonah do was disobey and run.
14:14But as bad as Jonah misbehaved, God still heard his prayer.
14:23And if you fight your battle on your knees, you will win every time.
14:36And he continues to tell a story.
14:43He said, out of the belly of Shoal, Shoal was Hebrew, is Hebrew for the grave.
14:48In other words, Jonah was in and out of consciousness.
14:52Jonah was literally at death's door.
14:55And this is why, you know, I don't always discount, you don't know what happens to a
14:58person in their final hours right before they pass.
15:03He had been stubborn up to this point, but finally he got to death's door and said, and
15:08I cried and you heard my voice.
15:15Jonah messed up, but God still heard him.
15:20I like what C.S. Lewis said, he said, the Christian does not believe that God loves
15:25us because we are good, but that God makes us good because He loves us.
15:32So Jonah is continuing to tell us what he said from the stomach of the fish so that
15:42any of us ever find us in the belly of a situation, we ever find ourselves stuck in a situation
15:50that seemed to have been custom designed for our particular rebellion, we'd have a model
15:58to look to.
15:59He said, for you cast me into the deep.
16:03And this is important.
16:05It was literally, it was the sailors that threw him into the water.
16:09But Jonah recognized that it was God's plan that was being worked through men.
16:14This is important.
16:15Do not get bitter when people throw you overboard.
16:19Maybe God let that happen because you were going with them in the wrong direction.
16:26So that relationship that did not work, you better thank God that they threw you out and
16:31didn't call you back, because you were going with them in the wrong direction.
16:39For you cast me into the deep.
16:42Again, we saw the sailors do it, but God was behind some of the events happening.
16:47Into the heart of the seas and the floods surrounding me, all your billows and your
16:52waves passed over me.
16:56Ever love a person whose attitude took all the fun out of it?
17:02Yeah, this is how it was with Jonah and the Lord.
17:06And it's not that we love that troubled child less, we just enjoy loving them less.
17:13You see, God doesn't bring His children through troubled waters to drown us, but to cleanse
17:20us from the garbage that gets in love's way.
17:26Then I said to myself, I started coming to myself, and listen, in a moment we're going
17:31to talk about how far down he had gone, but I said to myself, and when you're in the middle
17:37of it, it's what you say to yourself.
17:38Mama may say, daddy may say, a psychologist might say, but what you say to yourself is
17:46one of the most important things.
17:48The prodigal, he said he came to himself.
17:53Mom and dad, you can spend all that money sending your child to college, but if your
17:59child don't want to go, until that child says to themselves, I need to do this thing, you're
18:09only going to get so far.
18:12That was free for somebody in the room.
18:20Then I said, I have been cast out of your sight.
18:25He realized that his greatest pain was not from his circumstances, but from his separation
18:31from God.
18:33James 4 and 8 tells us, draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.
18:41Yet he's coming to himself.
18:44He's in the middle, he's in this fishy, this stinky, messed up situation.
18:50Yet I will look again towards your holy temple.
18:58The only reason he got out of the situation, because he looked again.
19:03Beloved, you've got to look again, because when God is all you have left, you are left
19:12with all you need.
19:20So he's still telling his story, he's saying it in the first person, because this is literally
19:26what happened to him.
19:27He said, the water surrounded me.
19:30And he was totally overcome and overwhelmed.
19:33But then it says, even to my soul.
19:37So his problem was not just on the outside, it was happening, the problem was in his soul,
19:42on the inside of him.
19:44The deep clothes around me, the clothes around him physically, but also his very soul.
19:51The weeds were, seaweed, were wrapped around my head, and the more Jonah struggled to get
19:57out, the tighter his circumstances wrapped around him as he tried to get out in his own
20:04He couldn't.
20:05And then watch verse six.
20:06I went down.
20:07Remember in 1 and 3, Jonah went down to Joppa?
20:12Then in 1 and 5, he went down to the lowest part of the ship.
20:18Then in 115, he's thrown down from the ship into the water.
20:23Now in 2 and verse 5, he finally goes down to the bottom of the sea.
20:30But what Jonah is about to teach us, just because you hit the bottom doesn't mean you
20:35need to stay there.
20:39This is his testimony.
20:40This is his story.
20:41He said, I went down to the moorings of the mountains.
20:45The fish took him deep.
20:48The earth with its bars closed behind me forever.
20:52There was no way for me to get out.
20:55I was swallowed up.
20:57My destiny seemed to be in the hands of the circumstance or this fish that I was in.
21:03But again, when you're down to nothing, God is always up to something.
21:08But watch what he says.
21:11Yet you have brought me up from the pit.
21:18And my soul fainted within me when no one else could help.
21:28When I was getting what I deserved, I remembered God's mercy.
21:39He says, in that terrible situation, I remembered the Lord.
21:44And I remember the verses my pastors used to teach.
21:51I remember the songs of Zion my mother used to sing.
21:55I remember the presence of God I experienced when I was in the midst of God's people.
22:01And I remembered the Lord, which implies up to that time he had forgotten.
22:08And sometimes affliction comes into our lives to remind.
22:17And the more—now listen, everyone who lives godly in Christ is going to suffer persecution.
22:22You're going to deal with stuff no matter what.
22:25But some stuff doesn't have to be.
22:28If we would just keep in the forefront of our mind God is faithful.
22:33He is God.
22:34I am man.
22:36He said X, so I say X.
22:37He says Y, I say Y.
22:40I am creature, he is creator, and I submit.
22:49And my prayer went up to you in your holy temple.
22:54And what's about to happen here is God is going to give Jonah a revelation.
23:01Eventually God is going to kind of just slip to the quick and really speak to why Jonah
23:07was in the situation that he was in.
23:10And if you cry out to him God will give you answers.
23:12You might not like the answer, but God will give you the answers.
23:17So he prays to the Lord, so he's doing his part.
23:21But prayer is not a monologue, it's a what?
23:26You've got to wait for God to speak back.
23:29And God heard the prayer, but then listening to what God said, he said, listen Jonah.
23:33Those who regard worthless idols, this is important because he was a prophet.
23:41He was probably of the school of the prophets.
23:43We talked about that.
23:44They didn't have any idols in his home.
23:46There were no physical idols in his life.
23:50But in this case, the idol was not a physical, material thing.
23:59It was the prophet's own stubbornness, his own willfulness, his prejudices and biases.
24:08Any opinion that matters more than God is an idol, even if it's your own.
24:18So let's, a little context, so Jonah didn't want to go to the Assyrians.
24:24They're different people, they're brutal people, they're mean people, they're full of idolatry.
24:29I don't want any part of them.
24:31You know, I am a Hebrew, and I'm Jewish, and I don't want anything to do with those people.
24:40So the man who didn't want to go deal with the people with idols, God had to reveal idols
24:44of his own.
24:48God will, priest, yes He will.
24:56Those who regard, now listen, there'll be idols all around us, but it's our heart regard
25:02to the thing that makes the difference.
25:06Those who regard worthless idol, an idol is anything we create and put in the place of
25:14obedience or used as an excuse rather than obeying the voice of the Lord.
25:24Those who regard worthless idols, now watch this, forsake their own mercy, meaning God
25:34never forsook Jonah, Jonah forsook God.
25:40And how did he do it?
25:42By clinging to his own machinations.
25:43He's like, Lord, I know you're telling me to go to those people, but my opinion is those
25:49people don't need to hear your voice.
25:52My opinion is that, matter of fact, I have a whole culture of opinion here.
25:56My culture backs me up in this.
25:59We are the Hebrews, and we don't mess with those people.
26:03They're not kosher.
26:08But those who regard worthless idols forsake their own mercy.
26:13The opinion of men would put up against the opinion of God.
26:16If the opinion of men or women and people is higher, that's ultimately your God.
26:23And anything that's been created by man's hands or mind is an idol, just something created
26:31out of the imagination of a person and put in the place of God.
26:36And many of us have things in our imagination.
26:38Pay attention to what I'm saying.
26:39Many things in our imagination, our excuses, rationalizations, our ideas about what should
26:44be, we raise it up above what God's Word says.
26:50And to God, it's an idol.
26:54And because he was committed to a level of idolatry, in this case, he put his ethnicity
27:02on this high seat.
27:05I watch people, they put their political party on the high seat.
27:09I still watch people put their ethnicity on a high seat.
27:13I watch other people put their gender on a high seat.
27:16I put people, people put their sexuality on this high seat, and God is somewhere down
27:22It's like, well, look, I really worship those things, and God, God, don't you dare call
27:26Him Lord.
27:41If your opinions and the opinion of people and culture are up there, but His Word is
27:46down there, ultimately, culture and people are your God.
27:54And you've got to learn to choose you this day whom you're going to serve, whether it's
27:58going to be God or man, God or me, myself and I.
28:13Those who regard worthless, and it's worthlessness.
28:16All these things we so highly regard, they're not going to be here for so long.
28:22You know, you're going to live in eternity far longer than anything you've ever experienced
28:27And when you weigh it in the balance, it's just like, really?
28:31Eternity in this moment, I think eternity matters more.
28:38Those who regard worthless idols forsake, watch this, their own mercy.
28:43The mercy's there, they just forsake it.
28:48And what He's saying is, and I guess it can be posed to us this way, did God leave you,
28:55or did you leave Him?
28:58But I will sacrifice to you without complaining and talking about my opinion the way I think
29:04it should be.
29:05Those people over there ought to die.
29:06I don't have no time for it.
29:07I want to do some other things.
29:09I had other aspirations for my life.
29:12But I will sacrifice to you with a voice of thanksgiving.
29:19Father, thank you that you even told me to do anything.
29:22Thank you that you cared enough to care about anybody.
29:26Thank you that you knew my name to even call me, and he had to get back to gratitude.
29:31But what I want you to notice is he didn't wait until his situation was resolved to thank
29:38You can't wait until the battle is over to praise God.
29:44He thanked God while he was still in the middle of it, in the belly of it.
29:49To come out of the storm, you've got to learn how to thank God and praise God in the midst
29:53of the storm.
29:55There's always something to be thankful for.
29:58I may not have that, but God, I do have this.
30:01God, I might not have a million dollars, but listen, I did have a meal at lunch, and I'm
30:06not so sure about dinner, but Lord, thank you for lunch.
30:09Lord, Lord, I may not have new shoes, but I do have ten toes, God.
30:14You hear what I'm saying?
30:15I may not have the jacket I want, but dear God, I have shoulders that are strong.
30:19You've got to learn to be thankful for what you have in the situation that you're in.
30:43And then Jonah continued, he said, I will pay what I have vowed.
30:50You see, he vowed to obey God in his prophetic ministry, and he renounced his vow by going
30:59the other way.
31:00Now you see, our vows matter.
31:05If God can't trust your promises to Him, how can anyone else?
31:10He said, I will pay what I have vowed.
31:17I'll get back to my calling.
31:20Now here we're talking about the high office of prophet and everything, but for us in this
31:24room it may not be to being a prophet, but maybe it's just to being a good dad.
31:30Maybe it's just back to being a good mother, a good woman, a good man.
31:35You hear what?
31:36Lord, Lord, I'm going to pay what I have vowed.
31:39You see, wherever—your calling is wherever God assigned you.
31:44You know, Martin Luther and them, they got it right, because they started talking in
31:47terms of vocation.
31:48You see, there was this idea that there was the clergy, and then there were the other
31:52And the only people that had the call of God in their lives were the clergy.
31:55No, God calls us into vocations as well.
31:58You know, God puts you in business, and He puts His hand on you in business.
32:02He might put His hand on you while you're behind the retail counter.
32:05You understand?
32:06I don't know what your assignment is.
32:08He might just assign you to raise one baby, but that's your life assignment.
32:12He might just assign you to love one man or one woman.
32:15That's your assignment in life.
32:17He may—listen, you might live a life single, but God's assigned you to pray like no one
32:22else has ever prayed.
32:24That's your assignment and your calling.
32:29And what Jonah decided, I'm going to get back to what the Lord told me.
32:36I'm going to pay what I told Him.
32:37I sung that song, Yes, Lord, Yes, Lord.
32:40I sung those songs, and now God's calling due, you know, the confession.
32:48So the Lord spoke to the fish, but I want you to notice before He spoke to the fish,
32:51Jonah had to do four things.
32:54Number one, Jonah prayed.
32:56Number two, Jonah let go of his idols, opinions and things that he put above God's Word to
33:07Number three, Jonah gave the sacrifice of praise.
33:14Number four, Jonah returned to his vow or his calling.
33:21By the way, your calling will keep calling you until you answer.
33:30You can try to hide in the fish as much as you want.
33:34You can go as low as you want to the bars of the mountains, but your calling will keep
33:40calling to you until you answer.
33:51I have found in life, and in fact, if I could just share personal testimony, the reason
33:56I understand this book so well is in many cases I have been, and many times in my life
34:01I have been Jonah.
34:05And I remember when we started Church at 14th Street, it failed.
34:15We no longer had the means to pay for the facility we were in, and I was like, Lord,
34:23I'm a terrible pastor.
34:26Maybe you didn't call me.
34:29Maybe I take your Word too seriously.
34:32God, you know what, I'm just going to go back into business.
34:37I'm done with this thing.
34:39And in the midst of that, by the way, I dealt with a sickness, and I'm not saying God put
34:45that on me, but it's just a way sometimes some things happen to remind you how much
34:51you need God and how much, you know, you kind of take life in limb.
34:57You know, it's for granted, but in that time, this is how Grace Church started.
35:07I couldn't sleep.
35:09I wake up at night seeing souls, seeing people.
35:14Sometimes multitudes, sometimes a few, looking all different types of ways, and it actually
35:22literally began to haunt me.
35:25I was like, you know, this is the devil.
35:26How is God going to haunt somebody?
35:28That's what ghosts do, right?
35:30Then I'm like, holy ghost.
35:32Okay, holy ghost.
35:33Okay, okay.
35:34I get it for the first time.
35:41But you would think that I started Grace because I was this great man of faith.
35:46I got tired of not being able to sleep.
35:50I got tired of the lack of rest.
35:52I said, Lord, I'll do it one more time.
35:54So, I put the high school on my credit card and all the rest.
35:57I won't even tell you.
35:58Don't do what I did, but God got me through it.
36:03But that whole first year was funded on credit, but it was just me trying to get rest.
36:12Your calling will keep calling you until you answer.
36:18So, the Lord spoke to the fish after Jonah did four things.
36:33He prayed, he let go of his idols, he gave God a sacrifice, prayed number four, he returned
36:38to his calling and his vow.
36:39And by the way, the best apologies have three parts, three parts, three parts.
36:43I'm sorry, it's my fault, and what can I do to make it right?
36:51I'm sorry, it's not, no, I'm sorry if I did anything.
36:55No, I'm sorry I did some stuff, okay?
36:57How many of y'all hear this part?
37:00I'm sorry if I did anything.
37:02You know you did something.
37:03What do you mean if you did something, that's not an apology.
37:08I'm sorry, it's my fault.
37:13Even though just leave it there, what can I do to make it right?
37:18And that's when he returned to his vow.
37:19He said, listen, I will pay my vow.
37:21He tried to make it right.
37:22I'm going to get back to my calling.
37:25Watch what happened.
37:26And it vomited Jonah.
37:29If you want to give the devil the greatest stomach ache that he's ever had, open your
37:34mouth and say, God, this is not your fault.
37:38I'm sorry, what can I do to make it right?
37:43Some of y'all are getting what I'm saying today.
37:49Lord, I ran when I should have, I quit when I should have hung in there.
37:55I left you, but you didn't leave me.
37:59And when you do that from the belly of your situation, the devil's going to be forced
38:02to let you go.
38:05And we're just about there.
38:07And it vomited Jonah onto dry land.
38:13God recalculates better than any GPS system ever can.
38:22He still knows how to get you back to where he wants you to be, because his plans are
38:27always bigger than our mistakes.
38:35So as you listen to me talk about Jonah today, if all we learned about was a man and a fish,
38:43we missed the point.
38:46My prayer is that you could see yourself in the shoes of Jonah.
38:55My prayer is that you ask God, show me where I put things above your directions and your
39:02word and your instruction to me.
39:04Lord, show me where I'm regarding worthless idols in my life.
39:08Lord, reveal to me, Lord, so I can lay them down even at your feet, Lord.
39:13I'm ready to pray, Lord.
39:14Lord, I want to get rid of these idols, God.
39:16I'm ready to stop looking on the negative and begin to focus on the good things you
39:22give me.
39:23I'm willing to get back to praise and hope, and God, I'm willing to get back to my calling
39:28and my vow and commitment to you.
39:34When it vomited Jonah onto dry land, God can get you back to wherever it is you need to
39:44If you cry out to him in whatever situation you might be in and be willing to surrender
39:55and give it back to God.
39:56Did you get anything out of that today?
40:01Thank you so much for visiting our YouTube channel.
40:11My hope is that you found something in today's message that has blessed you.
40:15If you've been touched, if you've been inspired by what you've heard and you want to help
40:19us reach others, I encourage you to like this video, subscribe, comment, and share this
40:24message with someone else.
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40:34I hope to see you back here again.
40:36God bless you.
