Court métrageTranscription
00:00 "Maman, papa, mes 10 soeurs."
00:02 "Et moi, Lincoln Cloud."
00:04 "Moi je veux explorer, et s'y retrouver."
00:07 "Lincoln Cloud !"
00:08 "Et qui sait ce que je vais trouver."
00:11 "Pour être réaliste, je vais passer toute ma vie dans l'ombre de mes soeurs."
00:15 "C'est maintenant, c'est maintenant, c'est maintenant, c'est maintenant, c'est maintenant."
00:21 "Lincoln ! Notre famille est venue en vacances ici à la recherche de nos ancêtres."
00:25 "Bienvenue au Lock Cloud !"
00:26 "On a trouvé un nouveau héros !"
00:28 "Bienvenue au Lock Cloud !"
00:30 "On a trouvé notre ville, notre château."
00:32 "As slow and easy as you like."
00:38 "You know everything there is to know about me, right ?"
00:40 "I've never, ever..."
00:45 "It's important that we eat dinner as a family."
00:49 "It sure as hell is."
00:51 "What's going on with you, man ? Are you going through a midlife crisis or something ?"
00:55 "Or something."
00:57 "You should seriously consider taking a lover."
00:59 "I mean a woman."
01:01 "Creature's name is Jeff."
01:03 "Talking mongoose."
01:08 "You have a family, you are peculiar."
01:11 "Did you observe this creature ?"
01:13 "No, no."
01:14 "I did hear it."
01:16 "We are going to the Isle of Man."
01:18 "I have almost 20 years of research in this field."
01:21 "You're here to say Jeff is the creature here ?"
01:23 "Well, because we can't see him, doesn't mean he ain't here."
01:27 "The daughter is a ventriloquist."
01:29 "The brains."
01:31 "I'm the boy."
01:35 "We're ghosts and we solve mysteries."
01:40 "Is that boy detectives ?"
01:48 "It's aces, right ?"
01:49 "It's just a stupid name."
01:52 "The end of the world"
01:54 "There's always going to be another one around the corner."
02:00 "Exactly."
02:01 "Do you think we could ever change things ?"
02:04 "Stop all the monsters, all the bad."
02:07 "That would be nice."
02:11 "If the stars fall down on me"
02:15 "And the sun refuse to shine"
02:20 "Then may the shackles be undone"
02:25 "It's real and it's coming."
02:30 "We are wandering into the literal end of days as we speak."
02:36 "I think he's serious."
02:39 "The Immortus Project"
02:41 "It's the pursuit of immortality."
02:44 "Have you ever wondered why you've looked exactly the same for decades ?"
02:50 "They get your longevity."
02:55 They get you longevity.
02:57 !