• last year
The Greatest Adventure: Stories from the Bible is an animated film series produced by Hanna-Barbera that tells of three young adventurers who travel back in time to biblical events, released between 1985 and 1992. Music by Hoyt Curtin.

This is an unofficial soundtrack for each episode of the series.

01. Samson & Delilah [Main Theme] 0:00
02. Moonlight (Just Crickets...Or Lions) 1:24
03. The Strength Of Samson 1:54
04. Meeting Samson 2:44
05. Samson's Arrival 3:32
06. Fool Heart (No Fear) 4:13
07. Men Of Judah 5:24
08. Bound For Gaza 6:32
09. Philistines' Slain (Donkey's Jawbone) 7:18
10. Delilah 8:57
11. Betrayal (11,000 Shekels) 9:33
12. Sorek (The Deceitful One) 11:05
13. Seven Willow Switches 11:27
14. Manoah's Wife 12:20
15. The Secret Of Your Strength 13:37
16. New Ropes (Why Do You Mock Me?) 14:26
17. Collecting Taxes 14:39
18. Trust 15:15
19. A Kite 16:13
20. Seven Braids (Loom) 16:36
21. Gliding (Just A Bird) 17:37
22. Promise To God 18:57
23. Weak As A Lamb 19:55
24. Blinded (The Mighty Samson) 20:53
25. Merrymaking 21:30
26. Temple Collapse (Avenge The Philistines) 21:54
27. Samson & Delilah [End Credits] 23:34

Total Running Time: 24:24
