At a House Republican press briefing on Tuesday, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) was asked about the conviction of former President Trump.
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00:00 in the country right now and I've been traveling extensively around the country.
00:04 I was out this past week in the Rust Belt and I was in states like Ohio and
00:09 Michigan and Wisconsin and Illinois and when the verdict came down against
00:15 President Trump there was something palpable that happened around the
00:18 country and I don't know if you sensed it where you were and among the groups
00:20 where you were over the last week but people realize that we have reached a
00:25 new low and when you have activist prosecutors and the Democratic Party who
00:30 are so desperate because of the presidential campaign and the way it's
00:33 going they understand that Donald Trump though all the polling shows is crushing
00:37 Joe Biden they're in they're in panic mode on the Democratic side and they are
00:41 so desperate to stop Donald Trump he's winning in the swing states he's winning
00:45 among the people he's winning among new demographics that have never voted
00:49 Republican before they see this happening and they're so desperate to
00:53 stop him that they are willing to use the judicial system to do so it is a new
00:58 low and it's a dangerous one because what they're doing is they're eroding
01:02 the people's faith in our system of justice itself as leader Scalise said
01:06 people have to believe that justice is blind you have to believe that there is
01:10 equal justice under the law in order to maintain a constitutional republic this
01:14 goes to the very core of who we are the foundation of who we are as a nation and
01:17 that's why it's bigger than just President Trump it's bigger than just
01:22 these cases it's about our system itself and because of that there is a backlash
01:28 President Trump hit a fundraising record the day after within 24 hours of the
01:32 verdict we did as well on our fundraising platforms we raised record
01:38 amounts of money because people understand what's at stake now this is
01:41 not just a contest between two individuals for president it's now about
01:45 whether we're going to defend the integrity of our system itself and we're
01:48 going to do everything we can everything within our scope of our responsibility
01:52 in the Congress to address it appropriately and I announced this
01:55 morning to our conference we're working on a three-pronged approach you heard
01:59 leader Scalise and others reference it today but we're looking at various
02:04 approaches to what can be done here through the appropriations process
02:07 through the legislative process through through bills that will be advancing
02:12 through our committees and put it on the floor for passage and also through
02:15 oversight all those things will be happening happening vigorously because
02:19 we have to do that because the stakes are too high and because people are
02:22 losing faith in our institutions and that at the end of the day is something
02:26 that should concern every single one of us and I think it does