• 4 months ago
नगरीय विकास मंत्री झाबर सिंह खर्रा ने कहा कि युवा पीढ़ी को पुरातन इतिहास के वैभवशाली तथ्यों से जब तक अवगत नहीं कराएंगे तब तक उनमें राष्ट्र प्रेम व राष्ट्र भक्तों व राष्ट्र के प्रति श्रद्धा का भाव पैदा नहीं होगा। इसलिए विकृत किए गए इतिहास को दोबारा लिखकर मातृशक्ति व वरिष्ठजन के जरिए भावी पीढ़ी को बताने की जरूरत है। वह शनिवार को महाराणा प्रताप जयंती की पूर्व संध्या पर पुष्कर घाटी स्थित महाराणा प्रताप स्मारक पर आयोजित कार्यक्रम के बाद पत्रकारों से मुखातिब थे। उन्होंने कहा कि देश में वर्षों से इतिहास को लेकर संघर्ष होता रहा। चहेते इतिहासकारों के माध्यम से राष्ट्र को ताेड़ने का प्रयास किया गया। इतिहास को तोड़-मरोड़ कर पेश किया गया। इसकी वजह से युवा पीढ़ी देश के वैभवशाली इतिहास व महान लोगों के बलिदान को नहीं जान सकी।


00:00 What kind of a nation is this? What kind of citizens are they?
00:05 They have been struggling for thousands of years, and yet this nation is not being taken away.
00:10 Its culture and culture is being destroyed.
00:13 And for this, through them, the education system of the Mekola for the last few years was in progress.
00:23 The Gurukul were abolished and implemented, and after that, through their favorite historians,
00:30 the history of this nation was broken down and presented.
00:34 Because of this, when we will not let our future generations know about the wonderful things of our ancient history,
00:46 until then, they will have to develop a love for the nation and a feeling of loyalty to their great patriots.
00:54 And if there is no feeling of loyalty, then there will be no feeling of loyalty to the nation.
00:58 Therefore, it is necessary that the history that has been distorted,
01:02 is rewritten in the form of a historical document,
01:06 and our mother power and the ancestors will be passed on to our future generations.
01:12 So that they develop a feeling of respect for their nation and their great patriots,
01:19 and a feeling of love for the nation,
01:21 and they always continue to be the future of the nation's progress and strength in their thoughts and minds.
01:28 So that our millions of great ancestors, who sacrificed themselves to save this nation,
01:36 who fought for thousands of years against the foreign invaders,
01:42 who freed the nation from the rule of the East India Company and the British Crown,
01:48 and who fulfilled their dreams, hopes and aspirations,
01:54 and who succeeded in building a nation of dreams and hopes,
01:59 and who brought them to the right path.
02:02 So this is my...
