baobab tree information by Sindhitv #sindhitv #viral #video

  • 5 minutes ago
The generic name honours Michel Adanson, the French naturalist and explorer who described Adansonia digitata.[5] The baobab is also known as the "upside down tree", a name that originates from several myths.[6] They are among the most long-lived of vascular plants[7] and have large flowers that are reproductive for a maximum of 15 hours.[8] The flowers open around dusk, opening so quickly that movement can be detected by the naked eye, and are faded by the next morning.[8] The fruits are large, oval to round and berry-like and hold kidney-shaped seeds in a dry, pulpy matrix.

In the early 21st century, baobabs in southern Africa began to die off rapidly from a cause yet to be determined. It is unlikely that disease or pests would be able to kill many trees so rapidly, and some have speculated that the die-off is a result of
