• 4 months ago


00:00Operation Restore Record is underway back home while Biden is still in France.
00:06Members of our corrupt press working overtime to hold up the latest economic data as proof
00:12that the Biden agenda is working.
00:16Big number.
00:17You never know with the jobs market.
00:18I can't.
00:19Every time I come to it, I just feel like it's eyes open, jaw dropped.
00:23It continues to defy expectations.
00:24These really good job numbers today, and it's not just job numbers.
00:28It's wages and how it relates to the rate of inflation.
00:31A strong U.S. jobs report showing employers hired significantly more people in May than
00:37economists had expected.
00:38These are incredible numbers.
00:41One problem here.
00:42You lift up the skirt a bit on the report and you see some disturbing trends.
00:47The job growth component, the 272,000 that The New York Times and others are crone about
00:52today comes with a higher unemployment rate, went up to 4 percent, fewer full time workers
00:59and more people holding multiple jobs because they just have to.
01:03Now let's keep digging deeper.
01:05The number of foreign born workers, including illegals, jumped 414,000, while native born
01:13workers dropped 663,000.
01:19On cue, though, Politico tried to help the Biden team deflect that story.
01:24Someone named Amar Musa from the Biden reelection squad called the foreign born versus native
01:30born jobs comparison racist nativist attacks.
01:35Now, how weak is that?
01:38A tight labor market, one that's not saturated by illegals, is actually the best thing for
01:43minorities and others because then wages are not suppressed.
01:48And this graph captures how Americans are literally being replaced in the job market.
01:53But look, why is anyone surprised?
01:55The Biden regime doesn't believe in Americans first.
01:59They've proven that because they're all citizens of the world and they will always and I mean
02:04always prefer immigrants legal or illegal first.
02:11Joining me now, Sean Duffy, co-host of The Bottom Line on Fox Business, and Ben Domenich,
02:15editor at large of The Spectator.
02:16Both are Fox News contributors.
02:18Now, Sean, I think they keep going back, take another bite at the Bidenomics apple, thinking
02:25that it will translate into support, I guess, among independent voters.
02:31Is this going to work?
02:32So they have to be shocked that the American voter still is concerned about the economy
02:35as the number one issue and inflation as the number one issue, if these numbers were so
02:40But to your point, Laura, these are part time jobs that are being created that are going
02:44to foreign born legal or illegal workers.
02:46The American workers are losing jobs.
02:48And in the household survey, you mentioned this as well.
02:51There's been a loss of four hundred and eight thousand jobs.
02:54So there are less jobs out there, but more people working two jobs, which is why in Virginia,
03:01the race is tied at 48 to 48 between Donald Trump and Joe Biden and why Donald Trump is
03:06winning or improving his numbers with Hispanics, blacks and young young Americans under the
03:11age of 30, because these are the issues they care about.
03:14They're not getting the jobs and they can't buy homes because of Joe Biden's stupid spending
03:18and high interest rates and inflation.
03:20Now, Ben, Biden's chief economic adviser was on Fox today touting the strength of this
03:27labor market.
03:30We know we have one of the most persistently strong labor markets this country has ever
03:37Not only is this labor market continually offering up large numbers of good jobs to
03:44working Americans, we're also seeing wages beat prices.
03:48Ben, wages are beating prices.
03:51I don't know a single American who feels that way tonight.
03:56Do you?
03:57I can't I can't believe you want me to respond to someone as stupid as Jared Bernstein.
04:04You're cruel to me, Laura.
04:06I'm sorry.
04:07Look, one of the things that I think we should actually appreciate about this is that some
04:11of the thing that we should understand is that a lot of this is happening by design.
04:16If you look back at May of last year to today, you have two point eight million, two point
04:21six million, something somewhere in that range.
04:23Jobs created one point one million of those jobs are in health services, social services,
04:29you know, another four hundred plus thousand to six hundred thousand of them are government
04:35So what does that mean?
04:37It means that they're directly or indirectly funded by the taxpayer, essentially because
04:42Joe Biden doesn't know how to create a thriving economy in which people can get good jobs.
04:48He's instead using your money to hire a bunch of people, making them both dependent on taxpayer
04:54funds and equivalently dependent on the Democratic Party, which is going to flow all of that
05:00money to their jobs, keep them employed, et cetera.
05:03And that's something that is happening by design.
05:06They want to dramatically increase the number of people who are dependent on taxpayer funding
05:11for their jobs.
05:12And that's not a that's not by accident.
05:15That is intentional.
05:16Yeah, this has all been intentional.
05:17Sean, Judge Rashan from Trump's New York hush money trial sent a letter to both the prosecution
05:24and the defense notifying them about a comment that was left on the New York state unified
05:28court system's Facebook page, apparently that is from the day before the Trump verdict.
05:35And it said, my cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted.
05:39Thank you, folks, for all your hard work.
05:41Now, Sean, we have not confirmed who left that comment.
05:46But any thoughts?
05:47But this story continues to be this this trial, the verdict, everything is strange with the
05:51former president.
05:52But yeah, there's going to be investigation, not just probably by the judge, but also by
05:56the Donald Trump team.
05:57Find out was this just some rando who didn't know anybody that posted on the site or was
06:01this actually a cousin of a juror?
06:04What impact, if any information flowed to that juror and what impact does this have
06:08on their verdict?
06:09That only time will tell.
06:10But again, strange, strange case.
06:12Can I make one last point?
06:13I disagree with Ben on the last question.
06:16By design, they think they can be the old Soviet Union.
06:19So they want government jobs, government led economies.
06:22But they think that's going to work and drive the private sector.
06:26We know wherever that's tried, it's called socialism or communism.
06:29It always fails.
06:30So they're trying to juice an economy, not by free enterprise, but by state run economies.
06:35And it never works.
06:37So I personally agree with you, Ben, but not fully.
06:39Well, we'll see if they try to play around with the interest rates.
06:43This is the last gasp here.
06:46Sean and Ben, thank you.
