How the World Judges you! || Acharya Prashant

  • 3 months ago
00:00That's the way the world is.
00:01They will benchmark you against the others.
00:03They will say you are 68%, the other one is 82%.
00:07So they will declare you a mediocre one.
00:09But you should not take their words to heart.
00:12You should know where that 68 is coming from.
00:15Your responsibility does not lie in matching the one with 82.
00:23Your responsibility lies in converting the 68 to 72.
00:28Be on an endless journey of improvement.
00:31No quantum of improvement is sufficient.
00:34You have to ask yourself how better I am compared to what I was yesterday.
00:42You are on your own individual journey.
00:45It is not possible or wise to compare yourself against others.
