• last year
Gelaran Light Sound Festival di tempat wisata Tebing Kepuh, Kabupaten Trenggalek, Jawa Timur. Kawasan ini adalah bekas tambang batu andesit yang disulap menjadi tempat wisata.
00:00The village of Terenggalek, East Java, Mohamad Nur Arifin,
00:08welcomes the head of the region who is a member of the Association of Governors of the Indonesian Regency of Apkasi,
00:16in Tebing Kepuh, Sukorejo Village, Gandusari District, Terenggalek Regency, Friday night, June 7.
00:22This area is a former coal mine, which was transformed into a village tourist attraction.
00:28In celebration of the 24th Anniversary of Apkasi, the government of Terenggalek Regency
00:33also utilizes the former coal mine by holding a Light and Sound Festival
00:38in the Tebing Kepuh Tourist Area.
00:43We know that in the past, a developed city or regency,
00:46usually if it is not based on resources, such as oil, coal, oil palm and so on,
00:51at least it is a big city that already has manufacturing or city services.
00:56But for other regencies, things like that are heavy.
00:59If you want to take the natural resources, it will be faced with environmental damage and so on.
01:05So now the latest project is how we monetize our natural advantages
01:10without having to be damaged, but can get money.
01:12How? With the eco-tourism package, as we show.
01:21The 24th Anniversary of Apkasi raises the theme of equality with nature.
01:25All regencies in the Indonesian archipelago,
01:28which has a resource of coastal and forest,
01:31are determined to unite with nature in order to build their areas.
01:36The Terenggalek Regency village government's Tebing Kepuh tour
01:40can be an example.
01:46From Terenggalek, East Java, Hanif Nasrullah, Berita Antara News Agency, reported.
01:55For more UN videos visit www.un.org
