Midsomer Murders Season 23 Episode 1

  • 3 months ago
Midsomer Murders Season 23 Episode 1


00:00:00 [Music]
00:00:30 They've launched!
00:00:32 I repeat, they've launched!
00:00:35 This is not a drill. Find shelter, hug your loved ones.
00:00:39 This is it people. This is everything we've ever feared.
00:00:44 Can you believe they actually did it? Those morons!
00:00:49 They're gonna kill us all.
00:00:51 They've launched!
00:00:53 They've launched!
00:00:56 Can you believe they actually did it? Those morons!
00:00:59 They're gonna kill us all.
00:01:01 Come on, come on!
00:01:03 I forgot my phone. You go ahead, I'll get it.
00:01:07 Etta, are you there?
00:01:10 Come in. You need to get to the Fun Cup.
00:01:14 The whole world's gone to bloody hell. It's true.
00:01:18 Pick up, god damn you.
00:01:20 As soon as you get this message, grab Etta and get to the shelter.
00:01:25 [Music]
00:01:39 [Music]
00:01:54 [Music]
00:02:14 Stu, let me know as soon as you get here and I'll unlock the door for you and Etta.
00:02:20 Right.
00:02:23 [Music]
00:02:28 I always knew it would be like this.
00:02:34 I always knew this would happen.
00:02:37 I was right.
00:02:40 So damn them all.
00:02:43 Hello Warren.
00:02:45 Do you feel safe in the sound of your bunker?
00:02:49 I'm so glad, because you have two minutes to live.
00:02:53 As you breathe your last breath, remember you brought this on yourself.
00:03:00 [Music]
00:03:12 Oh no, it stopped.
00:03:15 [Music]
00:03:20 I hate you. No, I...
00:03:25 [Music]
00:03:54 [Music]
00:04:07 [Music]
00:04:36 [Music]
00:05:05 What is it?
00:05:06 It's my mum.
00:05:08 I can't believe it.
00:05:11 I mean only last week she said she was thinking about having a new kitchen fitted and now she's gone.
00:05:16 And booked it.
00:05:18 I mean of course she'll have to move out when it's been done.
00:05:22 Just to be clear, your mother...
00:05:24 Is coming to stay.
00:05:26 [Music]
00:05:29 [Phone rings]
00:05:31 [Music]
00:05:34 [Phone rings]
00:05:35 Winter.
00:05:37 [Music]
00:05:44 Fleur?
00:05:46 Victim is Dr. Warren Kane.
00:05:50 First indications are he suffocated to death.
00:05:54 Probably less than a few hours ago. I'd say around 6am.
00:06:00 Who found him?
00:06:03 Joseph.
00:06:04 Are you sure that he suffocated?
00:06:06 I just mean that there's no bruising around the nose or mouth where someone would have held him down.
00:06:12 This was hands free.
00:06:15 It'll be easier to show you.
00:06:19 [Music]
00:06:27 The killer reconfigured the venting system.
00:06:31 Sucked all the oxygen out.
00:06:32 The door's bomb proof.
00:06:34 The shelter's air tight.
00:06:36 I doubt he lasted long.
00:06:38 Sorry, did you say bomb proof?
00:06:40 I know a bit about this sir. It's called doomsday prepping.
00:06:43 I've got an uncle who dabbles which mainly involves going to his garage and stocking up on beer and crisps.
00:06:48 I'd say our victim was a tad more prepared.
00:06:51 There's enough supplies for months on end.
00:06:53 Food, medicines, toilets, beds.
00:06:56 It's better stock than a rock star's tour bus.
00:07:00 I should know. I've been on a few.
00:07:03 How easy would it be to tamper with this?
00:07:09 I'd say you'd need a good level of technical expertise.
00:07:13 Thank you Fleur.
00:07:16 Before you both lumber off, prior to his demise, he called two numbers.
00:07:25 [Music]
00:07:30 We're looking for a Mrs. Clodagh-Cain.
00:07:33 You found her.
00:07:36 You're not the first to give that look.
00:07:38 Most people think I'm Warren's daughter.
00:07:41 Please, come in.
00:07:43 I'm very sorry about what happened to your husband, but I'm afraid we need to ask you a few questions.
00:07:53 Of course. Anything to help.
00:07:56 When was the last time you saw your husband alive?
00:07:59 I can't believe I'm going to say this, but it was just after the missiles were launched.
00:08:04 Missiles?
00:08:06 There was a nuclear alert.
00:08:08 His voice on Warren's radio was urging him to get to safety.
00:08:11 Those morons, they're going to kill us all or something like that.
00:08:17 But you didn't follow him?
00:08:19 Warren had done this half a dozen times.
00:08:22 Warren had done this half a dozen times over the last few years.
00:08:24 If it wasn't an earthquake, it was a comet.
00:08:27 And one time there was even a swarm of killer bees.
00:08:30 But none of them ever materialised.
00:08:32 So you didn't take this threat seriously?
00:08:35 Have you ever lived with a person on high alert 24/7?
00:08:38 It's exhausting.
00:08:41 Was it always the same alert procedure?
00:08:45 No. Warren could get his information from anywhere.
00:08:50 He could have opened a fortune cookie and believed it.
00:08:52 This voice you heard, was it male or female?
00:08:56 Neither. It was electronic. Warren took off like startled hair.
00:09:02 The bunker was locked. How did you get in?
00:09:05 About an hour ago, when he hadn't come home, I dug out the code for the door.
00:09:09 I could never remember it, so I kept it in a drawer.
00:09:13 Your husband died between two and three hours ago.
00:09:17 The shelter is what, a ten minute walk from your house?
00:09:20 Like I said, it was becoming exhausting.
00:09:25 So I went back to bed.
00:09:27 We believe your husband was lured to the bunker.
00:09:32 Do you know of anyone who might send him a hoax warning?
00:09:36 He'd been the village GP for years.
00:09:39 He was loved and well respected.
00:09:43 I mean, some thought the prepping was a bit much, but not to that extent.
00:09:47 One more thing, I noticed some lockers in the bunker with various letters on them.
00:09:52 They're for the members of Warren's prepper group.
00:09:55 Etta does odd jobs in the village and Stu bartends at the Huntsman's Horn.
00:10:00 That's where Warren holds his...
00:10:02 That's where he held his meetings.
00:10:06 Get on to Tech, see if they can work out where the hoax originated from.
00:10:09 Anything else?
00:10:11 Well, given the world was about to end, I'd like to know why only Warren made it to the bunker.
00:10:36 [KNOCKING]
00:10:40 That's a derby.
00:10:53 [LAUGHTER]
00:10:55 Ah, cute.
00:10:58 Well, you might be worth saving when the world goes to pot.
00:11:03 I hear about Warren Cain.
00:11:05 Apparently he rang you this morning.
00:11:07 Not as far as I know.
00:11:09 Well, his sat phone would say otherwise.
00:11:11 He rang you just before he was killed.
00:11:14 So, Warren's dead?
00:11:18 And you were one of the last people he tried to contact.
00:11:21 Why do you always do this to me? What do you mean the price has gone up?
00:11:28 Don't get cheap on me, Randall. I'm risking prison bagging game for Medora's fancy menu.
00:11:32 Randall, the police are here.
00:11:34 We'll all get arrested if they see this.
00:11:36 Get rid of him.
00:11:37 Right, the animal.
00:11:40 Uh, this is Detective Chief Inspector Barnaby.
00:11:44 You'll never believe what's happened.
00:11:47 Chief Inspector?
00:11:49 I'm looking for a Stu Levy.
00:11:51 Hi.
00:11:57 Peter, are you there? Come in.
00:11:59 You need to get to the bunker.
00:12:02 The whole world's gone to bloody hell.
00:12:04 One time I forgot to charge my phone.
00:12:07 I would have thought that it was a prerequisite.
00:12:09 Just in case the apocalypse...
00:12:11 Oh, here we go, another mickey taker.
00:12:13 The village is full of them.
00:12:15 I'm merely suggesting that it does seem odd that you didn't have your phone to hand, you know, in case a super volcano erupts.
00:12:20 Surprised you know about him.
00:12:22 Blame my uncle.
00:12:25 Where were you around six this morning?
00:12:27 Snuggled up in here.
00:12:29 Me and Stu had had a bit of a bust up.
00:12:31 You were a couple then?
00:12:33 Maybe not for much longer.
00:12:35 And you never left the camper?
00:12:39 Didn't have any reason to.
00:12:41 And if you had got his message, how long would it take you to get to the bunker?
00:12:46 A fair bit longer than Warren, but that was the plan.
00:12:50 He'd get there first and then he'd let me in when I arrived.
00:12:52 You got on well with Warren?
00:12:54 Very much so.
00:12:55 People like him and me represent humanity's last hope.
00:12:59 Because believe me, Armageddon is on its way.
00:13:03 Sir Warren's dead?
00:13:08 And you were the last person he called to warn you of a nuclear attack.
00:13:13 Looks like they missed.
00:13:15 Sorry.
00:13:18 I had my phone on silent.
00:13:21 Thank God though, otherwise there would be another dead body in the shelter.
00:13:24 Wait, did he call Etta as well? Is she alright?
00:13:27 He did, but as far as we know, she didn't make it to the shelter.
00:13:31 Where were you around six this morning?
00:13:34 Sorry, just need to grab these.
00:13:36 I was in the cottage across the road.
00:13:42 I'm house sitting for a friend.
00:13:44 Can anyone corroborate that?
00:13:46 Why would they need to?
00:13:48 Oh, I can.
00:13:50 I saw Stu in his living room when I was out jogging.
00:13:52 That's right. I'd just opened the curtains as he waved.
00:13:55 Almost tripped over a manhole cover in the process.
00:13:58 The proper group meet here most Wednesday nights.
00:14:09 It's the highlight of my dad's week.
00:14:11 Your father being?
00:14:13 Guy. Guy Burrows.
00:14:15 He joined Warren's group when we moved here.
00:14:19 He loves it.
00:14:20 Everyone's got to have a hobby, right?
00:14:22 Judging from the state of the art bunker, I'd say they take it pretty seriously.
00:14:26 Well, not that the rest of us do.
00:14:29 If their fears do come true, I reckon I could sprint into that bunker quicker than anyone in the village.
00:14:35 Would you know why Clodagh Kane didn't mention your father?
00:14:41 She didn't?
00:14:43 She's a bit of an airhead.
00:14:45 Sir.
00:14:49 Any luck with Etta Darby?
00:14:51 No alibi and her phone was off. What about you?
00:14:54 Yeah, Mr. Levy's phone was apparently on silent, though he does have an alibi.
00:14:58 We'll see if anyone can corroborate Etta's whereabouts.
00:15:01 Let's talk to a Guy Burrows first.
00:15:04 It appears he's also in the proper group.
00:15:08 Stay calm. He's gone.
00:15:10 Are you talking about Warren or the policemen?
00:15:13 Go pay stew for the deer, dear.
00:15:18 I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
00:15:28 I'm sorry.
00:15:30 I'm sorry.
00:15:32 I'm sorry.
00:15:35 I'm sorry.
00:15:37 I told Warren, run continual tests on the equipment. Nothing's infallible.
00:15:45 Shelters have got to do the one thing that they're supposed to do.
00:15:49 I mean, imagine if they'd been real missiles.
00:15:52 The air vent was deliberately tampered with.
00:15:55 Are you serious?
00:15:57 Clodagh didn't come into the shop, so I rang her. I can't believe it.
00:16:02 Paige, this is Detective Chief Inspector Barnaby and Detective Sergeant Winter.
00:16:07 They hear about Warren.
00:16:09 She said you don't think it was an accident.
00:16:11 We know it wasn't.
00:16:13 Had Warren upset anyone recently?
00:16:16 No, not that I know of.
00:16:19 Are you sure about that, Mr. Burrows?
00:16:21 What does that mean?
00:16:23 We know you're a member of the prepper group, but there's no record of Warren calling you this morning when apparently the world was about to explode.
00:16:32 Warren's mind would have been on just one thing, getting to the shelter. I would have been exactly the same.
00:16:38 He managed to phone Etta Darby and Stu Levy in his apparent panic?
00:16:43 Well, that's not to say that he wasn't going to phone me next. Obviously, he just didn't get the chance.
00:16:48 Hang on a minute. When did this all happen?
00:16:50 Around six o'clock this morning. I was still at the fire station.
00:16:53 I'm a part-time volunteer. I was covering night shift.
00:16:57 Were you there alone?
00:17:00 But my husband would never desert his post. He's one of life's saviors, aren't you, Guy?
00:17:06 Assuming Warren had called you, what would have happened?
00:17:09 Presumably, you'd abandon the fire station then.
00:17:12 Immediately. I'd call my family, tell them to get to the shelter, and I would go straight there.
00:17:17 But, I mean, it's a moot point. The situation would never arise. Prepping is just a bit of fun, Chief Inspector. It's not actual life and death.
00:17:26 I'm afraid it was for Warren Kane.
00:17:29 Oh, I see.
00:17:30 The victim could probably last a minute without oxygen.
00:17:37 Which was ample time to get to the door and punch in the code. I tried it myself.
00:17:43 So, what prevented Warren from doing so?
00:17:46 This...
00:17:48 ...was laced with an unhealthy amount of amphetamines.
00:17:56 He had slugs and he wouldn't have known his arm...
00:17:58 I think we get the picture.
00:18:00 So the killer was in the bunker, could have left fingerprints.
00:18:04 There are fingerprints everywhere, but none that match any on record.
00:18:08 Any thoughts as to where the amphetamines might have come from?
00:18:11 There's a medical cabinet in the shelter jam-packed with all manner of prescription drugs.
00:18:17 Including enough amphetamines to make a herd of elephants dance the can-can.
00:18:22 Was the cabinet locked?
00:18:24 No, wide open.
00:18:26 I'd say someone laced the whiskey, knowing for certain Warren would see it and down it immediately.
00:18:33 Which implies the killer is someone who knew Warren well.
00:18:37 Now let's talk to Clodagh Kane again.
00:18:40 Only this time we're not looking for Warren's enemies, we're looking for his friends.
00:18:44 We're looking for his friends?
00:18:45 I came as soon as I could.
00:18:56 How are you doing?
00:18:59 How do you think?
00:19:02 I'm finally free of Warren.
00:19:06 [Dramatic music]
00:19:08 Clodagh, what are you doing here? You didn't need to come in.
00:19:17 Anything's better than sitting at home drowning in scotch.
00:19:20 Well, actually, that was my first thought, but I couldn't find any.
00:19:24 Well, I wish I could cheer you up, but it's official. I've had a notice of repossession.
00:19:34 Hmm. Stuff that.
00:19:36 Well, I wish I could, but it won't change anything.
00:19:39 But I know what will, darling. Warren's life insurance.
00:19:42 You can't plough that into my shop.
00:19:44 Correction. Our shop.
00:19:46 Obviously I'll have to take a controlling interest, but think of it this way.
00:19:53 You get to be around your beloved books and I get to be in business with my best friend.
00:19:59 Every nuclear cloud has a silver lining.
00:20:03 [Dramatic music]
00:20:05 Mrs. Kane.
00:20:12 You find who did it already?
00:20:15 No, but we did find amphetamines in your husband's whiskey.
00:20:20 He was drugged. Who knew he would definitely drink that whiskey?
00:20:25 Well, that'd be half the village.
00:20:30 He was the world's worst panicker. The slightest thing had him reaching for the bottle.
00:20:34 How are your electrical skills, Mrs. Kane?
00:20:37 Ask Paige. I changed a plug here once and blew the electrics.
00:20:42 Yeah, I can vouch for that. I had to get Etta Darby in to fix it.
00:20:46 Is that all? Only I have to use dear Warren's life insurance to save a shop.
00:20:55 And before you scowl at me, that's what he was all about. Saving things. The planet, the people, everything and anything.
00:21:02 Even bookshops.
00:21:04 As a matter of course, we always check the beneficiaries of a victim's will.
00:21:09 And it seems that your husband wasn't insured.
00:21:12 Check again.
00:21:15 We sat down and did it together. And it was a rather chunky sum.
00:21:19 I called his solicitor on the way here and Warren cancelled it a long time ago.
00:21:24 Apparently he didn't think there was much point.
00:21:26 After all, who would be left to make a payout in the event of, say, an alien invasion?
00:21:32 Alien invasion?
00:21:34 Oh, that panicky alarmist buffoon. For once I thought he'd actually done some good.
00:21:39 Well, you do still get the farmhouse and of course the nuclear shelter.
00:21:43 Who'd want to live next door to a death trap?
00:21:46 I can't believe he did that to me.
00:21:49 He did that to me.
00:21:50 See what you can find on Clodagh and Page. It appears they both thought they would benefit from Warren's death.
00:22:00 If he wasn't scared of little green men.
00:22:02 Oh, that's text, sir. Looks like they've found the source of the hoax.
00:22:06 Seems it was coming from the forest.
00:22:08 Oh, I assume you're eager to check it out?
00:22:11 Well, here's a brand new shoe, sir.
00:22:13 Oh, it'll give you a chance to break them in.
00:22:16 So I should look into Clodagh and Page?
00:22:18 Just as soon as you get back.
00:22:47 How are your powers of observation, Winter?
00:22:49 Hopefully better than my sense of direction.
00:22:52 I'm looking at photos of the lockers in the bunker. You know what I don't see?
00:23:01 I don't know. Beer and crisps?
00:23:04 The lockers are labelled as follows.
00:23:07 W for Warren, C for Clodagh, S for Stew and E for Etta.
00:23:11 But what letter isn't there?
00:23:15 Er, G? Doesn't G for Guy?
00:23:18 Which explains why Warren didn't call him.
00:23:22 Guy doesn't have a place in the shelter. And I'd like to know why.
00:23:27 Freeze!
00:23:39 Lest you want to lose a foot.
00:23:41 You've got a licence for this?
00:23:44 I'd have to ask Stu Levy about that.
00:23:46 Wait, I didn't catch your name.
00:23:48 Lyra.
00:23:50 Where's the younger version of you?
00:24:02 Only there's a spare space in the shelter now.
00:24:05 I'll be sure to let DS Winter know.
00:24:07 No, I'm serious. We'll need someone to help kick-start the human race again.
00:24:12 And he looks like he's got some good genes.
00:24:15 Did you not see all the powdered milk and baby stuff in the shelter?
00:24:20 Prepping isn't just about survival. It's also about rebirth.
00:24:25 Hence, um, Warren having a much younger wife.
00:24:30 Oh, it's just a shame Clodagh never bought into his Adam and Eve vibe.
00:24:37 Did that cause problems between them?
00:24:41 Possibly. I mean, I never saw her at any of the group meetings, that's for sure.
00:24:45 Talking of which, do you know why Guy is no longer in the group?
00:24:51 Couldn't care less. Just means when the time comes, the rations will last longer.
00:24:57 Sweet.
00:25:02 So you set this all up yourself then, did you?
00:25:10 I'm not just a lined face.
00:25:12 I take it you're a prepper as well then?
00:25:16 Me? No. I'm just deking out an existence since I quit my job at Dallow Farmer.
00:25:21 The virology centre in the next village? You were a scientist?
00:25:25 That's Guy Burrows' field.
00:25:27 He told us he was a fireman.
00:25:29 In his spare time. In his day job he researches viruses.
00:25:34 And he would, wouldn't he? That's what humanity's heroes do, don't they?
00:25:39 I was in charge of maintenance and security.
00:25:42 Until I decided to opt out.
00:25:45 I'm here to talk about the hoax message that you sent Warren Kane.
00:25:52 Have you been picking wild mushrooms? What hoax?
00:25:55 Warren was murdered this morning.
00:25:57 He was suffocated in his shelter after you sent a nuclear warning at precisely 6am.
00:26:03 See this lot here? I trekked down to the supermarket this morning.
00:26:08 I was scavenging the bins for the food that they throw out.
00:26:10 Did anyone see you?
00:26:12 Well no, the whole point is you're not seen.
00:26:14 I used to be a widely respected wife of the local GP.
00:26:17 I don't really want to be seen with my head in a bin.
00:26:19 You and Warren were married?
00:26:21 It was my personal apocalypse, I'm afraid, yes.
00:26:25 Until I grew too old for him and he threw me out.
00:26:28 It's a strange thing when you reach your sell by date.
00:26:31 But inevitable if you knew Warren's beliefs.
00:26:36 Inevitable in what way?
00:26:38 Well, I can hardly restart the human race at my age, can I?
00:26:41 You got divorced when he took up with a younger woman?
00:26:44 She's not particularly young now.
00:26:47 You think he would have traded her in as well?
00:26:49 Ruthlessly so, yes.
00:26:51 He would have sweat-clothed his entire life away just like he did mine.
00:26:54 When did you last see Warren?
00:26:56 Oddly enough he came to see me the other day.
00:26:58 I haven't seen him for years.
00:27:01 He was scared.
00:27:04 Warren was always scared but this time he looked really spooked.
00:27:08 Did he mention why?
00:27:10 He mumbled something but I was too busy trying to send him packing.
00:27:13 He ruined my life, remember?
00:27:15 - Stop it! - What are you doing?
00:27:25 - Can you just stop it? - That's not fair!
00:27:27 - It's not fair? - Jane, Jane!
00:27:29 - Can you not? - Stop! Stop it!
00:27:31 - Can you not? - Stop doing that!
00:27:33 Jane, no! No!
00:27:34 - Jane! - No, it's you. You're not concentrating.
00:27:38 Zane, are you going to say something?
00:27:46 About what?
00:27:48 About Warren, obviously.
00:27:50 What's to say? He's dead.
00:27:52 He's shuffled off to some nuclear shelter in the sky.
00:27:55 - Someone killed him, Zane. - Don't look at me.
00:27:57 I'm not! It's more the really scary thing that Dad could have been trapped in.
00:28:01 No, no, no. Do not call him Dad. He is not my dad.
00:28:02 - That's been made very clear, actually. - Come on, Zane, you're driving us all mad with this.
00:28:04 Do you know what? Warren did that, not me.
00:28:06 Zane! Zane, come on, please.
00:28:09 Oh, well these need to go. All of them? They're just a bunch of blithes, aren't they?
00:28:13 Zane!
00:28:15 Guy's not here.
00:28:25 I'm not actually sure where he is, to be honest.
00:28:28 Then perhaps you can tell me why your husband is no longer in the prepper group.
00:28:32 What are you talking about? Of course he is. He's been a member for years.
00:28:35 There are several lockers in the bunker, each assigned with an initial letter, but there's no 'G' for Guy.
00:28:43 Well, there must be a mistake. I mean, Guy goes out every Wednesday night to the Huntsman's for a prepper meeting.
00:28:49 Inspector Barnaby?
00:28:55 Inspector Barnaby?
00:28:56 Becky, you work in the pub. Have you seen your father at these meetings?
00:29:03 I don't work Wednesdays. I do a spin class.
00:29:07 [Door creaks open]
00:29:08 Well?
00:29:34 Zane, this is our turning point, Guy. It's going to get out sooner or later, you and I, so why not now?
00:29:40 Hang on.
00:29:42 Paige is already in pieces over the repossession letter, so, you know, she's miserable anyway.
00:29:46 Clodagh, I don't think it quite works this way.
00:29:49 I'm going to sell up. Get us out of this godforsaken place.
00:29:52 What if I buy the shelter from you? Would that help things?
00:30:02 No, it wouldn't. When this started, you said you wanted to rescue me, Guy. That's what you promised.
00:30:07 Just hear me out. I have savings that Paige doesn't know about.
00:30:12 Her bookshop's going under, and you're hiding money from her.
00:30:15 I'm a survivalist, Clodagh. Of course I'm going to have a contingency fund.
00:30:18 Well, then, let's live off that until this place sells.
00:30:21 Let's just sit tight. For now. Please.
00:30:29 You were meant to be my saviour, but I'm not really feeling that right now.
00:30:33 I'll work something out. I promise.
00:30:48 So, when was the last time Guy Burrows attended a prepper meeting?
00:30:58 Couldn't say for sure.
00:30:59 I skipped those nights. Couldn't bear all that talk about the end of days.
00:31:04 Mr. Levy?
00:31:06 Oh, must be weeks ago. Yeah, yeah, it's got to be around a month since Warren threw Guy out.
00:31:12 He did?
00:31:14 And how did Guy feel about that?
00:31:17 Somewhere between enraged and furious. Which is why I was surprised to see them in here together again.
00:31:25 When was this?
00:31:27 A couple of days ago.
00:31:28 I don't recall that.
00:31:29 Because you were in bed with a cold. Becky had to cover for you.
00:31:33 And how were things between them?
00:31:35 Strained. Yeah, Warren saw something that scared him, I don't know what, but Guy told him I was being stupid,
00:31:44 and that he'd prove it if it meant he could get back in the group again. Then they saw me and took it outside.
00:31:49 What would it mean to Guy not having a place in the bunker?
00:31:53 It would drive him crazy. When I started the prepper group with Warren, we said it was for the good of mankind,
00:31:59 but in truth, it was all about saving ourselves.
00:32:02 You're also a prepper?
00:32:04 Oh, God, no. I quit that years ago, it wasn't for me. But for a fanatic like Guy, survival's everything.
00:32:11 Who knows what lengths he'd go to.
00:32:13 Sir.
00:32:14 I met with Elira Kane.
00:32:20 In a moment, Winter. First, get on to uniform. I want Guy Burrows picked up.
00:32:24 What are those for?
00:32:42 Soften the blue of the repossession letter.
00:32:44 You always look after me, don't you?
00:32:49 You, me and the kids. Us against the world.
00:32:53 Wait a minute.
00:32:57 How did you know about the letter? It came here to the shop.
00:33:02 Erm, I'm pretty sure that you told me, actually.
00:33:06 Listen, Guy, the police have been round, and they want to know why you lied about being in the prepper group.
00:33:12 And right now, I want to know as well.
00:33:16 [Doorbell rings]
00:33:17 Erm, I need to get back to the fire station.
00:33:31 No, you're not going anywhere until you've told me what's going on.
00:33:34 Paige, I'm doing this for all of us. I promise.
00:33:39 Just bear with me, please.
00:33:42 [Dramatic music]
00:33:44 [Door creaks]
00:33:46 [Door creaks]
00:33:47 [Door creaks]
00:33:50 [Door creaks]
00:33:52 [Dramatic music]
00:33:54 [Door creaks]
00:33:55 [Dramatic music]
00:33:57 [Door creaks]
00:33:58 [Dramatic music]
00:34:00 [Door creaks]
00:34:01 [Dramatic music]
00:34:03 [Door creaks]
00:34:04 [Dramatic music]
00:34:06 [Door creaks]
00:34:07 [Dramatic music]
00:34:09 [Door creaks]
00:34:10 [Dramatic music]
00:34:12 [Door creaks]
00:34:14 [Dramatic music]
00:34:15 [Door creaks]
00:34:16 [Dramatic music]
00:34:18 [Door creaks]
00:34:19 [Dramatic music]
00:34:21 [Door creaks]
00:34:22 [Dramatic music]
00:34:24 [Door creaks]
00:34:26 [Dramatic music]
00:34:28 [Door creaks]
00:34:30 [Dramatic music]
00:34:32 [Door creaks]
00:34:34 [Dramatic music]
00:34:36 [Dramatic music]
00:34:38 [Door creaks]
00:34:40 What is this?
00:34:41 [Radio static]
00:34:43 [Radio static]
00:34:44 [Radio static]
00:34:46 [Radio static]
00:34:48 [Dramatic music]
00:34:50 [Grunts]
00:34:52 [Dramatic music]
00:34:54 [Radio static]
00:34:55 [Dramatic music]
00:34:57 [Dramatic music]
00:34:59 [Dramatic music]
00:35:01 [Dramatic music]
00:35:03 [Dramatic music]
00:35:05 [Dramatic music]
00:35:07 [Dramatic music]
00:35:09 [Dramatic music]
00:35:12 [Dominoes falling, chain snapping everywhere]
00:35:15 [Monster growling]
00:35:23 [Gasping, throwing up]
00:35:30 [Dominoes falling, chains snapping everywhere]
00:35:42 [Dominoes falling, chains snapping everywhere]
00:35:52 [Dominoes falling, chains snapping everywhere]
00:36:02 [Footsteps]
00:36:06 I didn't know we were decorating.
00:36:11 I'm just touching up a few patches.
00:36:14 You know how my mother likes to point out every little imperfection.
00:36:18 I'm sure we'll all be having far too much fun for her to even notice.
00:36:22 Morning.
00:36:24 What's all that?
00:36:25 Survival rations. Sir asked me to pick up some beer and crisps.
00:36:29 Survival rations?
00:36:30 Not survival rations. Winter's got it all wrong, haven't you, Winter?
00:36:35 Yes. Yes, I have.
00:36:37 You see, I thought it would be nice to have a few things in for when your mum comes to stay.
00:36:42 Yes. They're for your mum.
00:36:47 Shall I just, um, I'll put them in the garage.
00:36:51 Just put them in the garage.
00:36:55 You're thinking of sneaking off into the garage while my mother's here?
00:36:58 Nobody's sneaking anywhere. It's Winter. He gets confused.
00:37:02 Sir.
00:37:04 [Music]
00:37:10 [Music]
00:37:19 Fleur?
00:37:21 It's a new one on me. Death by lifeboat.
00:37:25 Odds on it came from Warren's nuclear shelter.
00:37:29 Uh, the victim's phone.
00:37:31 Soon as we get access, I'll see if there's anything of note.
00:37:36 Two people killed by the very things they thought would save them.
00:37:39 You think it's a message?
00:37:41 Well, if it isn't, why go to all this trouble?
00:37:44 Sir, apparently Paige Burrows has turned up at the office.
00:37:57 Thank you for coming in. I appreciate this is a very difficult time.
00:38:02 Someone killed my husband. Of course I'm going to come in.
00:38:07 Can you tell us why Guy went into the forest yesterday afternoon?
00:38:12 He got a text. Said it was the fire station.
00:38:16 And you?
00:38:18 I stayed at home. I went to bed early.
00:38:22 Hadn't been the best of days. I just wanted to hide under my duvet.
00:38:26 We now know that Guy went to meet Warren a few weeks after he was kicked out of the prepper group.
00:38:33 What do you mean he was kicked out?
00:38:35 Warren didn't want your husband in the group anymore.
00:38:41 Mrs Burrows?
00:38:45 Oh, that man.
00:38:48 That wretched, awful man. Hadn't he hurt Guy enough?
00:38:53 Warren turned up at our door about a month ago and told Zane that he'd been adopted.
00:39:02 We'd made the decision not to ever tell him. We wanted him to always feel like he was ours and we were his.
00:39:08 And Warren just marched in, said what he had to say and then stormed out.
00:39:14 If you'd kept such a big secret from your son, how did Warren know about it?
00:39:19 Before we moved to Black Trees, I was having trouble bonding with Zane.
00:39:27 So I went to my GP and when we moved here, I switched to Warren's practice so obviously he had access to my medical history.
00:39:35 Didn't think to report it to the medical body.
00:39:37 No, Guy said we had to keep a lid on it for Zane's sake. He was adamant that no one else would find out.
00:39:43 What I don't understand, though, after all that, is why would your husband pretend to still be a member of Warren's prepper group?
00:39:54 Look, I really have no idea.
00:39:57 So what was he really doing, Mrs Burrows?
00:40:00 How would I know? He told me he was going to the meetings every Wednesday night without fail.
00:40:06 And that idea didn't bother you?
00:40:08 My son was hurting. Helping him was and still is my number one priority.
00:40:14 Listen, Guy was Guy. And nothing, I mean nothing, would keep him from prepping.
00:40:19 Yes, it hurt that he went a lot. But you have absolutely no idea how committed he was.
00:40:25 It was a way of life for him. It came before anything.
00:40:29 So can you please just stop trying to twist things or look for motives or whatever it is you're trying to do?
00:40:35 Because we were everything to him. Mum, Zane and me. And that is the honest truth.
00:40:41 It's true. Guy even managed to get hold of the entrance code to the bunker.
00:40:45 And that's because he wanted all of us to know that we had somewhere safe to go.
00:40:49 Even me. Despite Warren's ridiculous remit.
00:40:53 What do you mean that he managed to get hold of the code?
00:40:55 Well, I mean I never asked Guy where he got it from.
00:40:57 But he just said, look, if a meteor suddenly appeared in the sky, we were all to get to the shelter as fast as we could.
00:41:04 Is there space for eight people?
00:41:05 I think Dad was just thinking of us.
00:41:08 So he would get to the bunker first and lock the other members out? Were they aware of that?
00:41:15 Only that wouldn't have made him very popular.
00:41:18 Well, presumably not. But Guy would hardly tell them.
00:41:23 He was very smart when it came to prepping.
00:41:26 He didn't care about anybody else. As long as we were safe.
00:41:33 And as crazy as it was, I loved him for that.
00:41:46 Randall, a little help please.
00:41:52 Stu? Becky? In here.
00:42:02 Hey, come on.
00:42:04 Hey, you have a drink with me. I'm raising a glass to the dead.
00:42:08 She won't, she won't drink with me.
00:42:10 He keeps doing this, saying all sorts of weird things.
00:42:12 She won't drink. She won't have it.
00:42:13 Thank you. I've got it from here. Thanks Becky.
00:42:15 A glass of water please.
00:42:18 Oh, Guy.
00:42:21 You promised me. You swore you'd never touch another drop again.
00:42:25 I've only had one.
00:42:28 Come on, let's have a load on, shall we?
00:42:30 Guy and Warren have gone.
00:42:32 And they were right, weren't they? The world is ending.
00:42:35 This one is going to be one person at a time, until there's nobody left.
00:42:41 OK.
00:42:42 Now I need to, um...
00:42:43 Randall, please don't.
00:42:45 Randall, come here.
00:42:46 What's going on?
00:42:51 What have you found out about Paige Burrow so far?
00:42:54 I haven't got round to her yet. You sent me into the woods, remember?
00:42:56 No time like the present.
00:42:59 While you're about it, delve into the sun, Zane.
00:43:05 Warren snatched away everything he's spent his life believing in.
00:43:13 How long do you think it would take the killer to get from where the hoax was broadcast to Warren's bunker?
00:43:19 It's not that far, actually, but the train's pretty heavy going.
00:43:24 Now, given that Warren had to drink the whiskey and the amphetamines needed time to take effect,
00:43:29 I'd say he was probably dead within two or three minutes of arriving at the bunker.
00:43:35 Could the killer have made it in that time?
00:43:40 Fancy another walk?
00:43:43 I had a feeling we'd be going back there.
00:43:49 No sign of Lyra Kane.
00:43:52 None. I have to say, it's surprisingly cozy in there.
00:43:57 Now, get over to the bunker, then. I'll time you.
00:44:00 You're the one with the wellies, sir. I'll time you.
00:44:02 Oh, you'll be quicker. After all, you're prime genetic stock, according to Etta Darby.
00:44:12 Fine.
00:44:34 If you can hear me, it's highly unlikely anyone could have made it to the shelter in the time.
00:44:41 Someone had to have been lying in wait for Warren.
00:44:44 I was afraid of this. One person to send the hoax and another to operate the air vent.
00:44:51 I think we're looking for two killers working in tandem.
00:44:59 I want everything you can find on Becky Burrows and Stu Levy.
00:45:03 Hey, you!
00:45:07 I've found another body. This way.
00:45:11 That's Lyra Kane.
00:45:15 There!
00:45:26 What on earth are you doing in the forest? You hate it here.
00:45:31 I can't find her.
00:45:35 I don't remember where she is.
00:45:38 You need to come home.
00:45:40 I need to go back in.
00:45:41 No, no, no, you need to come home with me.
00:45:43 You've had enough of madness for one day. Thank you for calling me.
00:45:47 Lyra, I didn't recognise you with your head out of the bin.
00:45:55 I take it you two don't get on.
00:45:57 Used to. Until Randall turned into an intolerable drunk overnight.
00:46:04 Mrs Kane, how well do you know Stu Levy?
00:46:07 I don't.
00:46:08 We know that he comes to your tent.
00:46:10 No, he doesn't. He sets the odd trap nearby, but the man's a ghost.
00:46:14 There one minute, gone the next. Knows the forest better than even I do.
00:46:18 How about Becky Burrows?
00:46:20 Becky? Not set eyes on her in years.
00:46:27 Forgot to thank you for giving me that alibi.
00:46:31 I said it without thinking. Don't know why.
00:46:35 I bet you do know. Have you really think about him?
00:46:39 Well, I guess I was just worried they'd find out about you poaching.
00:46:43 Oh, Baba, you're worried about me?
00:46:47 Well, I like the sound of that.
00:46:49 So, how about I thank you properly over a drink?
00:46:54 Etta might not like that.
00:46:55 Etta's not invited. Plus, we're still not talking anyway.
00:47:01 All right. Date it is then. But not a drink.
00:47:06 No? Well, what then?
00:47:09 You'll find out.
00:47:10 Oh.
00:47:13 Lyra could have sent the message.
00:47:15 She was angry and lost after Warren traded her in for a younger, child-bearing model.
00:47:19 But why would she act on that now and not before? And who would help her?
00:47:23 Well, I know that Stu Levy sets animal traps close to her tent.
00:47:27 Trouble is, he's got an alibi.
00:47:29 Well, apart from Warren, she didn't mention any other visitors or any friends, for that matter.
00:47:34 What did Warren want?
00:47:36 Lyra said that he was scared. It seemed that something had spooked him.
00:47:40 Which is what Stu Levy told me about Warren when he saw him talking to Guy in the pub.
00:47:46 Maybe he heard more than he realizes.
00:47:48 I think we should find out.
00:48:08 No one home as far as I can see.
00:48:11 Stu told me he was in his living room when Becky waved to him, but...
00:48:18 they couldn't possibly have seen each other.
00:48:22 Which means they're both lying.
00:48:28 Becky, I don't seem to be able to do this in person.
00:48:35 We never get the time to talk.
00:48:37 You're always busy working and I don't feel like I've ever been able to find the time to get the right moment.
00:48:45 And this seems to be the best way, easiest way, for me to say what I need to.
00:48:52 Well, you know, since it turns out that we're not actually siblings...
00:48:59 Well, the truth is, I think I've liked you.
00:49:03 Without realizing I've liked you.
00:49:06 If that makes any sense.
00:49:08 What are you doing? That is your sister!
00:49:12 She's not, though, is she?
00:49:14 And I needed to know how I feel.
00:49:16 Your father is dead and this is all you can think of doing?
00:49:19 My father is someone else and you know what? So is my mother!
00:49:23 Oh, fine, go and find them then, but if they didn't want you back then, why would they want you now?
00:49:30 We need to talk to Becky.
00:49:32 She's not here. Please, just leave us alone.
00:49:57 See these? These are from a mother and her baby.
00:50:02 Probably came this way around 20 minutes ago.
00:50:05 I'm not sure I could kill a mother, let alone a baby.
00:50:08 There's not going to be any killing today. It wouldn't be very romantic, would it?
00:50:13 You smell this forest so well.
00:50:18 Yep. It's every silent inch.
00:50:21 What was that?
00:50:27 Don't worry. You're safe with me now.
00:50:31 Becky was here earlier, but stews are not working today.
00:50:39 Why, have they done something?
00:50:41 Sir.
00:50:42 Thanks, Pete.
00:50:44 Just had an update on Guy Burrow's phone.
00:50:48 Clodagh Kane had been calling or texting him upwards of six or seven times a day.
00:50:52 Oh. Even money says that Guy came by the code for the bunker.
00:50:58 You talk to Clodagh while I try and locate Becky and stew.
00:51:02 I suppose I did phone Guy on the odd occasion, but he's my best friend's husband. Why wouldn't I?
00:51:15 It isn't illegal, unless there's some new law I don't know about.
00:51:19 Well, according to Guy's phone records, you contacted him a little more than on the odd occasion.
00:51:26 Look, I was lost, okay? I was in dire need of someone to come along and rescue me.
00:51:31 From Warren?
00:51:33 You have no idea what he was like.
00:51:36 He didn't see me as a wife. He just wanted someone to breed with when the aliens dropped from the sky.
00:51:42 That's all he saw me as, livestock.
00:51:46 So go ahead. Jail me for wanting to be loved.
00:51:50 How did he find out about your affair?
00:51:53 I told him.
00:51:56 Sorry?
00:51:57 I wanted out of my marriage. I thought he would divorce me, but instead he just punished Guy.
00:52:02 But that didn't stop you and Guy?
00:52:04 Of course not. It made me want to escape even more.
00:52:07 But that didn't happen?
00:52:09 I really thought Guy was going to save me. I needed him to.
00:52:15 Did you give him the code to the bunker?
00:52:17 Oh, that stupid bunker. He wouldn't shut up about it.
00:52:22 Please don't tell me that's what he was really after.
00:52:28 Where were you yesterday evening?
00:52:30 Sitting in my house, wondering why no one wants me for me.
00:52:35 Does Paige have to know any of this? Only she's a very dear friend and I really don't have anyone else.
00:52:44 Where the hell have you been?
00:52:46 We're talking again, are we?
00:52:52 I was out, honing my hunting skills.
00:52:56 Honing your hunting skills?
00:52:59 Alone?
00:53:01 What's that mean?
00:53:02 Well, the police have been looking for you and Becky Burrows all morning.
00:53:06 You're paranoid.
00:53:08 You say that like it's a bad thing.
00:53:10 Except paranoia is a good thing, Stu. Because it keeps people alive.
00:53:15 Yeah, well, tell that to Warren and Guy.
00:53:17 They clearly weren't up to scratch.
00:53:20 It's nice to see you care.
00:53:22 Survival is everything and they both failed miserably, so it's best to cut the chaff from the wheat now.
00:53:29 I think you might be a little too intense for me, Etta.
00:53:33 Are you ending it between us?
00:53:35 It's just right now I'm thinking about whether I could share a bunker with you.
00:53:38 And the answer is probably no.
00:53:41 Becky's not getting my place in the bunker.
00:53:44 I am warning you, Stu. That would be a big mistake.
00:53:49 Mr. Levy. At long last.
00:53:55 Surprise.
00:54:02 [SIGHS]
00:54:04 Is this all from Warren, Shilt?
00:54:11 Well, consider it a part of a long overdue divorce settlement.
00:54:14 Well, if I ever had a son, he'd be just like you. Always looking out for me.
00:54:20 So, would you like to tell me what's bothering you?
00:54:25 Nothing.
00:54:30 We're sane. We don't do secrets.
00:54:33 Okay.
00:54:38 How do you tell someone that you've fallen in love with them?
00:54:43 Someone's caught your eye.
00:54:45 I've tried to fight it, but I can't.
00:54:49 What are you doing? Go after her before someone else steals her from under your nose.
00:54:53 That can happen.
00:54:54 It happened to me.
00:54:56 If you don't act now, you'll never forgive yourself.
00:55:00 Look, Becky only lied to you because she's into me.
00:55:08 Giving someone a false alibi is a serious business.
00:55:11 I know, but she's into me big time.
00:55:14 And, uh, I mean, who can blame her?
00:55:17 In fact, we were just in the forest and on a date, which is why you couldn't find us.
00:55:21 According to Lyra Kane, you go to the forest for other reasons, namely poaching.
00:55:28 What, and you believe that old bat?
00:55:31 Were you at the bunker when Warren was killed? And the truth this time?
00:55:37 Right.
00:55:39 Okay, I was poaching, but that's all, I swear.
00:55:43 That's why my phone was on silent. I didn't want to scare the deer away.
00:55:48 And for the record, I really liked Warren.
00:55:50 Even though he was keen for Etta to help him restart the human race?
00:55:55 He had Clodagh.
00:55:56 Who was seeing Guy.
00:55:58 Are you serious?
00:55:59 And I think you knew Warren was homing in on Etta.
00:56:03 I don't care. Anyway, I like Becky now. Plus, Etta's starting to weird me out.
00:56:08 How much do you know about her, Mr. Levy?
00:56:12 As much as she chooses to tell me, which is precisely Zilch.
00:56:17 (phone beeps)
00:56:19 Because I'm cooperating so nicely, you'll cut me a deal on the poaching, right?
00:56:27 Did you see anyone when you were out poaching yesterday morning?
00:56:31 Um, I thought I heard someone.
00:56:34 But then when I went to check, Lyra had just left one of her stupid films playing.
00:56:39 Can you believe they actually did it? Those morons!
00:56:42 They're going to kill us all!
00:56:44 Can you believe they actually did it?
00:56:47 Those morons. Of course, it's the last line of the son of the Viet.
00:56:51 Excuse me?
00:56:52 Book him for poaching.
00:56:54 Yeah, Winter, I know who sent the hoax message.
00:56:57 It was Zane Burrows.
00:57:00 (distant siren)
00:57:26 Come in, come in.
00:57:29 You've got the choice between rabbit stew or pork and beans.
00:57:33 Zane, I don't think we should be in here.
00:57:35 Lunch is served.
00:57:38 I thought we were going to talk about things.
00:57:48 Get you back on your feet.
00:57:49 I reckon two people could live down here for months.
00:57:52 Maybe a year, maybe even longer.
00:57:55 I don't think anyone would want to.
00:57:58 You know, I keep trying to work out how best to do this.
00:58:05 And the way that I see it is, you know, there's a new way to look at the situation we're in.
00:58:12 And that situation is this way. You're not my sister.
00:58:15 Because you're not, Bex. Not in any true sense of the word.
00:58:18 Zane, what are you talking about?
00:58:20 Bex, just hear me out.
00:58:21 Zane, whatever's going on with you, it needs to stop.
00:58:22 Stop.
00:58:23 Just, Bex, wait!
00:58:26 After all I've done to get us to this moment.
00:58:29 Maybe I've rushed things. Maybe you just need some more time.
00:58:37 It's so peaceful down here. Yeah?
00:58:41 No, I get why Fake Dad coveted it so much.
00:58:45 It's a world within a world.
00:58:49 And it could be our world, Becky.
00:58:54 Describe it to me.
00:58:56 Really?
00:58:59 Maybe you could convince me.
00:59:03 Good people live in it.
00:59:06 Honest people.
00:59:08 Who don't tell you lies your whole life.
00:59:14 And it's not toxic. Or bitter.
00:59:19 It's, well...
00:59:23 It's pure.
00:59:27 Good.
00:59:30 It's perfect.
00:59:34 It's Eden.
00:59:39 [Sighs]
00:59:42 Where's Zane?
00:59:50 Is that all you do? Wander around looking for my children?
00:59:54 He sent the hoax message to Warren.
00:59:56 What?
00:59:57 Did you know that he was going after Warren?
00:59:59 No. No, I did not.
01:00:01 Where was Zane the night your husband was killed?
01:00:05 Well, he was at home with me.
01:00:07 You already told us that he went to bed early.
01:00:09 Where is he, Paige?
01:00:10 Look, my son is not a killer.
01:00:12 I think he lured Warren Kane to his death.
01:00:14 [Phone rings]
01:00:18 What?
01:00:20 Oh, my God.
01:00:22 Wait, he's locked me in here.
01:00:25 [Muffled voice on phone]
01:00:27 Mum, he's not being rational.
01:00:29 No, but I've snuck away. People will start talking about where I am.
01:00:31 Becky? I found a load of DVDs.
01:00:34 There's some classics in here.
01:00:36 Hurry, please.
01:00:39 Depends what your version of classic is.
01:00:42 Come and see for yourself.
01:00:44 Can you feel it yet?
01:00:52 It's...
01:00:54 Paradise.
01:00:56 I, uh...
01:01:01 I love this film.
01:01:04 I think it was one of Dad's favorites.
01:01:07 I'll go find another.
01:01:13 Thanks.
01:01:15 Stay where you are. Don't move.
01:01:22 You know, I don't see what the big deal is.
01:01:25 I just wanted to scare them.
01:01:27 Them?
01:01:29 Clodagh and Warren.
01:01:31 Warren told you you were adopted.
01:01:34 How do you think it felt, hearing that?
01:01:37 So you decided to take revenge on Warren,
01:01:40 and you were happy for Clodagh to be collateral damage?
01:01:43 If it wasn't about her.
01:01:46 The idea was to feed Warren's panic,
01:01:49 give him the fright of his life.
01:01:52 I wanted Warren to know what it felt like having his world end.
01:01:57 Because that's what he did to me.
01:02:00 He ended everything.
01:02:02 I don't have a home, or a family,
01:02:04 or anything that feels like it used to anymore.
01:02:07 Who else knew what you had planned?
01:02:09 Nobody.
01:02:10 Lyra, perhaps?
01:02:11 He never told us all.
01:02:12 We know you had to have an accomplice.
01:02:15 You couldn't have sent the hoax message
01:02:18 and tampered with the air vent at the same time.
01:02:21 My message got cut off.
01:02:23 I never got to tell Warren anything.
01:02:26 Did you get the lifeboat from the shelter?
01:02:28 No.
01:02:29 The code for the bunker door is in your house, Zane.
01:02:33 I'm not the only one who knows that.
01:02:37 Look, I sent the message, I'll admit that.
01:02:41 But I didn't kill Warren, I swear.
01:02:45 So we're just going to let Zane go?
01:02:54 All we did was send a message.
01:02:56 It's not enough to hold him yet.
01:03:00 Warren Kane upset a lot of people,
01:03:03 two of whom may have conspired to kill him.
01:03:05 But who would team up with Zane?
01:03:08 Well, let's start with Clodagh.
01:03:10 She was desperate to get away from Warren.
01:03:12 Only Zane expected her to be at the bunker.
01:03:15 So that rules her out for now.
01:03:18 Sir, turns out the guy borrows
01:03:21 had a secret savings account.
01:03:23 Is there much in it?
01:03:24 Enough to save a bookshop.
01:03:26 Which gives Paige motive.
01:03:28 But does she have the technical know-how
01:03:30 to tamper with the air vent?
01:03:32 Well, she told us that she had to get Etta Darby in
01:03:35 to fix her electric, so possibly not.
01:03:37 Let's not forget that Becky gave Stu a false alibi.
01:03:40 He says it's because she's into him,
01:03:42 but either of them could have been at the bunker that morning.
01:03:45 Becky would have been furious on Zane's behalf.
01:03:48 But why then kill her own father?
01:03:52 To be fair, I can't see Stu having a motive for either murder.
01:03:56 Who else is there?
01:03:59 What about Etta Darby, the electronics whiz?
01:04:02 She says she liked Warren
01:04:05 and she's already replaced Guy in the prepper group.
01:04:09 So, again, why would she kill them?
01:04:12 I'm still edging towards Zane sending the hoax message
01:04:15 while Lyra went to the bunker.
01:04:17 Does she have the technical know-how?
01:04:19 Definitely. She scavenges all manner of electronic items
01:04:22 and gets them up and running in her tent.
01:04:24 Plus, she was employed in maintenance and security
01:04:27 at the virology centre that Guy Burrows worked at.
01:04:30 I also noted that Medora looked pretty handy with a screwdriver.
01:04:35 And talking of the salts,
01:04:37 Randall said he was looking for someone in the forest.
01:04:40 He mentioned a "her".
01:04:42 How does he fit into all this?
01:04:44 Two people are murdered and he immediately falls off the wagon.
01:04:48 Is that because he helped Zane and now can't live with it?
01:04:53 He caught him without a net!
01:04:58 Mrs Salt, is your husband around?
01:05:04 He's just leaving it off.
01:05:06 Has he told you what he was doing in the forest?
01:05:09 From the state he was in, I don't think he'll remember.
01:05:13 He was looking for someone, a woman.
01:05:16 He was talking gibberish.
01:05:18 I bet he should back me up on that.
01:05:20 I'd rather ask your husband.
01:05:22 It's the last thing he needs.
01:05:25 Who is the woman Randall was looking for?
01:05:28 Is it Lyra Kane?
01:05:29 Lyra? God, no. Guy, he loathes her.
01:05:32 Then who is it?
01:05:34 Mrs Salt, two people have been murdered, so if you know something...
01:05:39 There isn't a woman.
01:05:45 What I mean is, she's long gone.
01:05:48 I was away visiting a friend. Randall was on his own that night.
01:05:56 Hey!
01:06:12 Randall lost sight of the woman.
01:06:15 Apparently, Guy Burrows was on his way home after working late at the virology centre.
01:06:21 He saw Randall and stopped to help find the woman.
01:06:38 She must have tripped and hit her head or something, or maybe she couldn't swim.
01:06:42 The shock of it took hold of Randall and wouldn't let go.
01:06:54 So he climbed inside a bottle and I've had to fight like hell to drag him out.
01:06:59 I take it the woman was someone he knew.
01:07:02 Actually, she was a complete stranger.
01:07:05 Who else apart from you and Guy knew about this?
01:07:09 No-one. At least as far as I know.
01:07:11 Do you know the woman's name?
01:07:13 No. Sorry.
01:07:15 You're not going to have to interview Randall, are you?
01:07:20 I'd hate to think what it would do to him if it was all brought up again.
01:07:24 Tell him to call us when he wakes up, Mrs Salt.
01:07:31 I need you to go back 20 years. Find out everything you can about that drowned woman.
01:07:36 What the hell are you doing in my house?
01:07:55 I don't mind having the spare room.
01:07:57 Excuse me?
01:07:58 This used to be my home.
01:08:01 I thought it was high time I came back.
01:08:03 I mean, Warren can hardly stop me now, can he?
01:08:06 Get out.
01:08:07 Oh, let's not make a fuss, shall we?
01:08:09 I belong in this village.
01:08:14 [music]
01:08:37 Is that you?
01:08:42 I've been waiting.
01:08:44 Hello?
01:08:47 It's too late for sorry. I know that.
01:09:03 I know that now.
01:09:05 [music]
01:09:27 Please, feel free to not hold back.
01:09:31 Please.
01:09:33 [music]
01:09:49 The house is looking lovely.
01:09:51 I'm sure she'll find a fault somewhere.
01:09:55 If she does, I know a nice nuclear bunker that's going free.
01:09:59 Is that for her or for us?
01:10:03 I'd say she'd be very happy there if it wasn't still a crime scene.
01:10:07 Now, I know it's not ideal that your mum's coming to stay, but it'll be fine.
01:10:14 Great. Well, she called and she'll be here tonight.
01:10:17 Sir, there's no report anywhere of a woman being found drowned in the forest.
01:10:31 Well, double check it.
01:10:33 I already triple checked.
01:10:35 Meet me at the Huntsman's Horn. There's been another murder.
01:10:39 Yep, OK. We're on our way.
01:10:41 Do we know what time he died?
01:10:45 I'd guess around midnight.
01:10:47 Well, here's something you don't see every day.
01:10:51 No defense wounds.
01:10:55 Someone comes at you, your hands go up immediately.
01:10:59 And not Randall's.
01:11:01 He didn't even try to ward off the blurs.
01:11:04 Are you saying he just accepted his fate?
01:11:08 I'd stake Winter's life on it.
01:11:12 From the angle of the wounds, I'd say he was kneeling.
01:11:20 So, yes.
01:11:22 He was rather eager to meet his maker.
01:11:28 [music]
01:11:30 I suppose you're going to ask me where I was last night.
01:11:57 Did I have witnesses?
01:11:59 Did Randall upset someone? All those dreadful questions.
01:12:03 Did he?
01:12:06 The only person he truly upset was himself.
01:12:11 Because of a stranger's death 20 years ago,
01:12:15 I'm finding that hard to believe, Mrs. Salt.
01:12:19 Especially considering there's no record of a woman drowning.
01:12:26 Your husband welcomed his murder, and I need to know why.
01:12:31 Mrs. Salt, did something else happen that night in the forest?
01:12:39 I've lived with this for so long now.
01:12:46 Do you know, I almost told you when you first asked me, but...
01:12:50 Well...
01:12:54 That was when Randall was still alive.
01:12:57 I couldn't believe it.
01:13:02 She waded into the water and killed herself.
01:13:08 They buried her.
01:13:11 They... They dug a grave for her.
01:13:16 They buried her?
01:13:19 Why?
01:13:22 I was too afraid to ask Randall, in case it would push him over the edge again.
01:13:27 He begged me not to tell anyone.
01:13:30 Then he left the prepper group and Guy took his place.
01:13:34 He barely spoke to him or Warren ever again.
01:13:37 Was Warren involved as well?
01:13:42 I don't know.
01:13:44 I thought we'd left this all behind until he suddenly decided to head off into the forest
01:13:49 to try and find that poor woman's grave.
01:13:53 It would appear Guy's secret savings account has come in handy.
01:14:14 Well, it's like Clodagh said.
01:14:17 Preppers are all about saving things, including bookshops.
01:14:21 We spoke to Medora Salt.
01:14:25 She told us about a woman that Randall and Guy had buried in the forest.
01:14:30 Well, Randall's clearly not the only drunk in that marriage.
01:14:33 It happened around 20 years ago.
01:14:35 He hadn't even moved here by then.
01:14:37 But Guy was working at the virology centre.
01:14:39 This is nonsense. Guy would have told me.
01:14:43 With all due respect, your husband hid a lot from you, Mrs Burrows.
01:14:46 His secret savings account?
01:14:48 His affair with Clodagh Kane?
01:14:51 Please tell me that's not true.
01:14:57 She's my best friend. I can't lose her as well.
01:15:01 I think Guy only did it to get the code for the bunker from Clodagh.
01:15:06 If that helps at all.
01:15:09 Strangely not.
01:15:11 This body, Mrs Burrows...
01:15:13 Listen, you are wasting your time, OK? Guy never once mentioned it.
01:15:17 But then again, as you've pointed out, he was pretty good at hiding things.
01:15:25 When you looked into the missing woman, did you factor in her car?
01:15:35 Sir?
01:15:36 Well, Medora said she was driving a car.
01:15:39 Presumably it would have been reported as abandoned if she never returned to it.
01:15:43 We could identify her that way.
01:15:45 I'll phone records.
01:15:46 We also need to speak to Lyra.
01:15:49 Maybe she'll know how and why Warren was involved that night.
01:15:53 Another trip into the forest, sir?
01:15:55 Don't worry. Your shoes are safe.
01:15:58 Lyra, you know the reason Randall Salt left the original prepper group, don't you?
01:16:08 We got cold feet.
01:16:10 So it wasn't because of the woman he and Guy buried in the forest.
01:16:14 Warren was involved as well, wasn't he?
01:16:17 Why the need to bury someone that committed suicide?
01:16:19 Why not just call the police?
01:16:21 Guy said they would have burned her.
01:16:23 If they weren't scared, it would have attracted attention.
01:16:25 Burned her? That's rather severe.
01:16:27 Not when you hear why.
01:16:29 She was scared out of her wits.
01:16:34 For some reason she'd come into contact with bio-waste and had started to feel really ill.
01:16:39 I had Guy on the phone yelling at me to keep her in our house.
01:16:43 But Warren panicked and slammed the door in her face.
01:16:46 [Dramatic music]
01:16:51 [Dramatic music]
01:16:57 [Dramatic music]
01:17:02 [Dramatic music]
01:17:07 [Dramatic music]
01:17:16 Guy went to help.
01:17:18 If that virus had got out, it would have been catastrophic.
01:17:21 Randall said she was incredibly brave.
01:17:27 She knew she was a threat to the public and had no choice.
01:17:31 [Dramatic music]
01:17:41 Her name was Maddie. She was 23.
01:17:43 That's about all anyone knew of her.
01:17:45 [Dramatic music]
01:17:49 You said she came into contact with bio-waste. How?
01:17:52 Look, we were badly under-resourced.
01:17:55 I wasn't myself. I was distracted.
01:17:57 I told her to remove waste materials that I hadn't trained her in handling.
01:18:01 You didn't think she'd go down the correct channels and contain the outbreak properly?
01:18:06 There was no time. She was in a car.
01:18:08 She could have driven anywhere. We had to stop the spread.
01:18:11 Guy promised he'd find her and bring her back to the virology centre.
01:18:15 But it didn't work out that way.
01:18:17 Surely someone would have wondered where Maddie had gone.
01:18:19 No, she was at home.
01:18:21 She liked to move around. She never stayed in one place too long.
01:18:25 So nobody reported her missing.
01:18:27 And the virus died with her?
01:18:29 There wasn't a leak.
01:18:31 We ran tests afterwards. The bio-waste wasn't contaminated.
01:18:35 What, so Maddie was suffering from a simple bug? It was all a huge mistake?
01:18:39 There isn't a day that goes by when I don't hate myself for it.
01:18:42 I sometimes think I'll move to the forest just to be in her company.
01:18:46 Sir, a car was found abandoned at a train station around the time Maddie drowned.
01:18:52 Guy drove it there that same night. It's a good ten miles away.
01:18:55 So they thought they wouldn't trace it back to Blacktrees.
01:18:59 Did Maddie have a baby with her?
01:19:02 A baby? Not one that I ever saw, no.
01:19:05 I really need to be packing my things. I'm moving back to the village.
01:19:10 I've got to go.
01:19:12 So if there was a baby, how old would it be now?
01:19:20 More to the point, where would it be?
01:19:22 I think Maddie's child is out there.
01:19:25 That's what spooked Warren.
01:19:29 So that's who Zane was working in tandem with?
01:19:31 I'm not convinced it needed two people.
01:19:34 Not if the killer knew what Zane had got planned.
01:19:37 All they needed to do was be at the bunker at the same time that Zane sent his hoax message.
01:19:44 I'm not sure.
01:19:45 Look at that. I'm arriving and you're leaving.
01:19:54 Yeah, well, I'm just about done here.
01:19:56 Just need to say my goodbyes.
01:19:59 Sounds like it's the end of the prepper group.
01:20:01 No, there'll be others. So you found somewhere to live then?
01:20:04 My old house. I'm going home, Etta, after all these years.
01:20:08 Clodagh must be made up.
01:20:10 Yeah, well, there's always my old tent if she doesn't like it.
01:20:14 I need to get my things.
01:20:16 Happy moving day, Lyra.
01:20:17 Thank you.
01:20:18 And listen, enjoy it while you can.
01:20:21 You know we're all living on borrowed time, right?
01:20:24 Well, judging by the time stamp on the photo of Maddie's car, the baby would be in its early twenties.
01:20:37 Fleur, the fingerprints you found after Warren Kane's murder.
01:20:41 Yeah, I know there weren't any matches, but can you run them again,
01:20:44 only this time against a set of prints you'll find a lot closer to home.
01:20:49 When we spoke at the station, you mentioned Warren's remit.
01:20:55 Something that would keep you out of the bunker if he had his way.
01:20:58 I need you to explain exactly what that means.
01:21:02 [Door opens]
01:21:03 [Dramatic music]
01:21:17 Oh, God.
01:21:18 Are you ready for the end of the world?
01:21:21 Someone knew what you had planned, Zane.
01:21:25 I want to know how.
01:21:30 I told you, no one did.
01:21:33 I even went to the forest to practice, so no one heard me.
01:21:37 Oh, someone heard you.
01:21:39 Thank you, Zane.
01:21:41 Wynton.
01:21:42 So when are you going to fill me in, sir?
01:21:48 I think Warren went to Lyra because he thought Maddie's baby was living in the village as an adult,
01:21:55 but later Guy Burrows assured him that wasn't the case.
01:21:59 How could he know that?
01:22:00 There's only one possible explanation.
01:22:03 Which is?
01:22:04 Fleurs found a fingerprint match, and we need to find Lyra Kane.
01:22:09 Sir?
01:22:10 Lyra was also there that night.
01:22:13 The killer hasn't finished.
01:22:15 Get inside.
01:22:20 No.
01:22:21 Do it.
01:22:22 What are you going to do?
01:22:23 Burn it down with you in it.
01:22:25 You can go in the tent with an arrow in your side or without.
01:22:28 Either suits me.
01:22:30 Neither suits me.
01:22:31 Do it, Lyra.
01:22:32 Stop!
01:22:34 There's no need for that.
01:22:36 Not anymore.
01:22:38 It's okay. I know what happened, and I understand your anger, but I can't let you do this.
01:22:45 And I'm Becky.
01:22:50 How did you know?
01:23:03 I saw your empty baby seat.
01:23:06 Warren thought he recognised your mother in Etta Darby.
01:23:15 He was petrified that she'd come back to seek vengeance.
01:23:19 But Guy knew different, and you heard every word.
01:23:24 I was taking the bins out when I heard Guy begging Warren about letting him back in the prepper group.
01:23:29 Telling him all about the baby he'd found in my mum's car.
01:23:32 And that the baby definitely wasn't Etta.
01:23:35 So I started thinking.
01:23:37 If Warren knew Zane was adopted, and he also told Paige she wasn't worth a place in the bunker...
01:23:43 It could only mean one thing.
01:23:45 She can't have children. I had to be the baby in the car.
01:23:50 So Guy took me home, sold Paige some story about finding me, and we all lived happily ever after.
01:23:56 Until we didn't.
01:23:58 And then you heard Zane rehearsing his hoax out here.
01:24:02 Since I did, something snapped. I couldn't think of a more fitting way to kill Warren.
01:24:07 But what about Clodagh? She wasn't a part of that night, and you must have known that Warren would call Stu and Etta.
01:24:13 Well, my plan was to make sure he was dead before they arrived.
01:24:16 And as for Clodagh, I saw she hadn't shown up. So I guess it was a lucky day.
01:24:20 Just wasn't Warren's.
01:24:21 You can watch anything online these days.
01:24:24 And I mean, Guy had even given me the means to carry it out.
01:24:28 Here's the code to the bunker, Becky.
01:24:29 Here's what you do when the skies are raining missiles!
01:24:32 I mean, how pathetic can you get?
01:24:34 He did give you a home, Becky.
01:24:35 Well, I'd rather he drowned and buried me.
01:24:37 How did Randall know who you really were?
01:24:39 Confronting the sad sack when he was drunk.
01:24:42 He told me he'd always known.
01:24:44 That he turned back that night and saw Guy driving my mum's car with me in the front.
01:24:49 He knew you'd kill the other team?
01:24:50 He was so far gone by then, he just wanted it all to end.
01:24:53 I just wish I'd been quicker getting to Lyra.
01:24:57 I'm afraid your alibi didn't hold up as long as you'd hoped.
01:25:00 I saw Stu in his living room when I was out jogging.
01:25:03 Becky, this has haunted me much more than most people.
01:25:07 I tried to get to your mother, but Warren wasn't having it.
01:25:11 You know, Randall told me he asked Guy about the virus.
01:25:15 Guess what Guy told him?
01:25:17 It turned out it could have been a common cold.
01:25:20 Yeah.
01:25:21 The false alarm.
01:25:23 Instead of helping my mum, you put the fear of God into her.
01:25:28 She died for nothing!
01:25:30 Put the crossbow down, Becky. It's over.
01:25:32 Over?
01:25:33 It's never over.
01:25:35 Becky, stop!
01:25:41 Becky, stop!
01:25:45 They were meant to be saving the world.
01:25:59 All they did was end mine.
01:26:01 All they did was end mine.
01:26:02 Bad thing about the fingerprints, sir.
01:26:15 Becky's prints were on the coffee mug in the interview room.
01:26:19 They match the ones found on Warren's bottle of whiskey.
01:26:22 But you'd already figured it out by then.
01:26:24 I don't mean to boast, Winter, but yes.
01:26:26 Sir, I hate to bring this up. It's a little bit awkward, but
01:26:30 you never actually gave me the money for the beer and crisps I got for you.
01:26:33 Didn't I?
01:26:34 No, I just need a new pair of shoes now.
01:26:36 Oh, you can claim for those on expenses.
01:26:38 Can I?
01:26:40 Dunno.
01:26:41 Well, there you go. Problem solved.
01:26:43 So, the money?
01:26:45 The money?
01:26:46 Fancy a drink?
01:27:01 Or maybe a nice bag of ready salted to go with?
01:27:04 What are you doing? Your mum will be here in a minute.
01:27:07 Didn't I tell you she's going to my sister's instead?
01:27:10 What? When did you hear this?
01:27:12 A couple of hours ago.
01:27:13 A couple of hours?
01:27:14 I've been in that cupboard scrubbing away for...
01:27:16 You can stand down now, can't you? Panic over.
01:27:19 Give me back my beer. Give me back those crisps!
01:27:22 Come here!
01:27:23 [dog barks]
01:27:25 [music]
01:27:26 [music]
01:27:28 [music]
01:27:30 [music]
01:27:31 [Music]
01:27:54 [BLANK_AUDIO]