Cuan Ala Startup Up Cycling Plastik

  • 3 months ago
"Saksikan tayangan kami Official Youtube IDX Channel di Program Power Breakfast, Jumat (07/06/2024) dengan Tema Cuan Ala Startup Up Cycling Plastik".


00:00Thank you for joining us, and for joining us again, I'm Risa Sombodato.
00:04This time on CreateUp, we will discuss the launch of a plastic cycling start-up.
00:09It has been connected through a video conference with Mrs. Shukriyatun Niyama,
00:15who is the founder and COO of Robreeze.
00:18Hello, how are you?
00:21Hello, I'm good.
00:23Shukriyatun, thank you for joining us on CreateUp this time.
00:27How do you see the urgency of plastic upcycling in Indonesia?
00:33Yes, it is very urgent, if I may say so.
00:37Because the issue of plastic waste itself,
00:40especially when we say that we can't just throw away this plastic,
00:45and it won't disappear.
00:47So with the current issue,
00:50we even say that Indonesia is an island country,
00:54where all these islands are connected.
00:57But when the waste is thrown away in the sea,
01:02it will definitely go everywhere.
01:04And that's really bad,
01:08and we can have a clean water shortage
01:12with a lot of plastic waste.
01:16And it's not just that,
01:20but plastic pollution in the sea or in the environment
01:25can also go back to our bodies.
01:28And that's also something that is not very pleasant
01:32for the next generation.
01:34So this is the inspiration behind the founding of Robreeze,
01:37to be able to reduce the existence of plastic waste
01:41by upcycling the plastic waste.
01:47So what does upcycling usually look like?
01:51We also once talked about making puffing and so on.
01:56If from Robreeze, what is the result?
02:02At Robreeze, we manage the plastic
02:05to be furniture, to be material.
02:08To be a material, a sheet like solid surface.
02:12But we also have descendants in the form of furniture and home decor.
02:17Okay, so it can be made into a chair, a table, and so on.
02:23Where is the source of the material
02:26and how much plastic volume has been upcycled by Robreeze?
02:31For the source, we usually get it from the pollsters,
02:34from the waste pickers.
02:37We also sometimes work with coffee shops.
02:41There are a few coffee shops where they recycle their own coffee cups.
02:47Because coffee shops are also very busy,
02:50starting from everywhere.
02:52And of course, not all coffee shops can have a place to wash.
02:57So you have to use plastic cups.
02:59So as a producer, you have to find a job.
03:03Finally, they work with us to manage the plastic.
03:07So far, Robreeze has recycled approximately 200 tons of plastic waste.
03:15200 tons of plastic waste.
03:18More details, what kind of plastic is the most needed to make a kind of...
03:24A chair.
03:26Upcycling product.
03:28For Robreeze, we actually use two types of plastic.
03:32HDPE and PPE.
03:34For PPE and HDPE, we use plastic bottles,
03:37soap containers,
03:39soap containers.
03:41For PPE, we use coffee cups,
03:45cosmetic containers,
03:47bucket containers, hangers.
03:50Okay, and all of these have interesting sales and economic value.
03:56Okay, what does the upcycling from the market look like so far?
04:04So far, in my opinion, in Indonesia, the market has always grown.
04:09Along with the awareness of the community about health, about the environment.
04:15And not only in the country,
04:18but there are also a lot of international fans for Robreeze's products.
04:24International fans, so you also do export.
04:29That's right.
04:30Who do you work with to sell the products from Robreeze?
04:34Who do you work with?
04:39For sales, actually, we are private.
04:44With Robreeze's own brand,
04:46through social media.
04:49We also have a partner in Bali,
04:53but foreigners.
04:55So, our focus is to export the products in Europe.
05:00Oh really? To Europe?
05:03Okay, we will continue in the next segment.
05:06Stay with us, we will be right back.
05:08We are still talking with Ms. Sukriyatun from Robreeze.
05:12Ms. Sukriyatun, maybe you can tell us
05:16in the plastic processing process,
05:18how big is the emission that occurs?
05:22How do you measure it?
05:24Because this is an upcycling activity
05:27that reduces plastic waste out there.
05:30Yes, and this is very lean to the circular economy.
05:37But it's better if there is a bigger value,
05:43which is in the upcycling process itself,
05:46the emissions are not big.
05:48Maybe you can tell us about this.
05:52Yes, so in the upcycling process,
05:58there is definitely a process that produces emissions.
06:05But for the process, there are not many emissions.
06:10Because from the upcycling process,
06:13when there is waste, there is residue,
06:16it can be upcycled again.
06:18So there is no waste.
06:21Later, the residue is cut from the sheet,
06:24then cut into products.
06:26The residue can be upcycled again.
06:29But the product itself,
06:31if it is rechecked, it can be upcycled again.
06:35And the design is cute, colorful.
06:39But it turns out,
06:41usually when we talk about upcycling,
06:45it's rarely up to 50%.
06:48And it turns out that in this section,
06:51it's 100% using plastic waste, right?
06:56That's right.
06:57So we don't use any mixtures.
07:01I mean, pigments or anything, no.
07:05We use 100% of the plastic waste itself.
07:09We compact it.
07:11Even if it has been selected from the beginning,
07:14then we composite it to become the final product.
07:18Is that also what makes,
07:20if you look at it from the MetSource,
07:22there are quite a lot of followers.
07:25It means it is quite well-known.
07:27So because of using plastic waste,
07:31this waste is easy to be accepted in foreign markets,
07:35especially in Europe.
07:37How is it in the marketing process?
07:40Do you use domestic and foreign products?
07:43Is the response from the consumer the same?
07:49Yes, of course it's different.
07:51If the response is from outside,
07:53it can be faster.
07:55Because maybe education or guidance
07:57about sustainability, about economic circulation.
08:02But if it's domestic,
08:03maybe we need to educate first.
08:05Like, why do we need to use plastic waste?
08:09What is the process like?
08:11So the difference may be there.
08:13It's still easier abroad, right?
08:18Yes, because they already know the value.
08:21If in Indonesia, it needs to be explained again.
08:25Maybe there is that.
08:29What is Robris' long-term target?
08:31Has it profited so far?
08:33Or is there a target on profitability?
08:36In the long run,
08:38maybe this year it has profited.
08:42Then, besides that,
08:44we hope to expand more.
08:47Bigger in the global market.
08:49Then also not only in terms of profit.
08:54But hopefully in the long run,
08:57Robris can form an ecosystem.
09:00Form an ecosystem where this circular economy
09:03is not only from the end,
09:06but also from the beginning,
09:08awareness of the people about agriculture.
09:11That can also be formed.
09:15Help the ecosystem.
09:16Then educate more people in Indonesia
09:20to use recycled goods.
09:23Thank you.
09:24Has it profited yet?
09:25It hasn't been answered yet.
09:26He said it has.
09:27It has profited, Wiki.
09:29Ms. Soeketan, thank you for joining us.
09:31Good luck to you.
09:32See you.
09:37Very interesting.
09:38Especially the beautiful results, Wiki.
09:40Yes. Colorful.
09:41I want to have something like that in my home.
09:44A chair.
09:45To hang out.
09:47We will see the update from the IHSG
09:50from the opening of phase 1 until now.
09:52So far, the IHSG is moving weakly.
09:530.01% at level 6,974.028.
09:58That's right.
09:59Then, the exchange rate for the US dollar
10:02increased by 16,234.
10:05And the following are the stocks,
10:07which are in the top gainers and top losers category
10:09up to level 9, more than 27.
10:11But that was in West Indonesia.
10:13There is PG or Panca Global Capital
10:15which increased by 25%.
10:17Aksi increased by 10%.
10:19Tims increased by 7%.
10:21MBMA increased by 5%.
10:23Adhikarya increased by 5%.
10:25Then, SDMR increased by 1%.
10:27R1, Ram, Unique, Leo, SMBR.
10:30All of them are in the top gainers based on value.
10:35Then, for losers, there is Soho.
10:38Then, E-Boss, MPMX, PH, Merck, Alka, Suri.
10:43And there is also KF, which decreased by almost 5%
10:46to 590 at the moment.
10:50Updates from Bursa Efek Indonesia.
10:52PEMIRSA closed our meeting
10:54in Power Breakfast this morning
10:56because we have accompanied you for 90 minutes.
10:58And hopefully, today's discussion
11:00can be a reference and source of information for you.
11:02Keep your personal information
11:04only in AIDAX channel,
11:05the trustworthy and comprehensive investment reference.
11:08Because the future must be ahead,
11:10I am an investor of stocks,
11:12Priscila Sombodato, goodbye.
11:19Thank you, goodbye.
11:49Thank you, goodbye.
11:50Thank you, goodbye.
