• last year
The Convert Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Lee Tamahori's action-filled historical epic stars Guy Pearce as Thomas Munro, a newly arrived preacher in a colonial town in early 19th-century New Zealand who finds himself at the center of a long-standing battle between two Maori tribes.

directed by Lee Tamahori

starring Guy Pearce, Tioreore Ngatai-Melbourne, Antonio Te Maioha, Jacqueline McKenzie, Lawrence Makoare

release date July 12, 2024 (in theaters and on VOD/Digital)
00:00 Only those who have been at sea truly grasp the enormity of this world.
00:06 It is a frightening thing, knowing one day a great price may be demanded of us.
00:14 Mr. Munro, welcome to Epworth.
00:21 Thank you.
00:22 I don't exactly see Paul, but he'll make something of it.
00:26 I shall do my best.
00:28 For thousands of miles from civilization, surrounded by savages of the most barbaric kind.
00:34 There are reports of a warlord out there.
00:37 Would that be Akataran?
00:40 You know, I have encountered him personally.
00:43 What do you want?
00:46 I ask that you spare the lives of these people.
00:49 Choose.
00:51 I cannot make that choice.
00:53 Very well.
00:56 [Screams]
00:58 It's our father.
01:03 This is the path to destruction.
01:15 Peace cannot be achieved through violence.
01:20 Blood is the only thing that pays.
01:23 This is a violent land.
01:30 Steeped in blood.
01:33 Revenge, death.
01:40 Go hand in hand.
01:47 You fight or you die.
01:49 We die as warriors.
01:53 [Dramatic music]
01:56 [Music fades]
01:58 [Music fades]
02:03 [Music fades]
02:05 [Music fades]
02:07 [Music fades]
