• last year
Les derniers mots insolites des condamnés à mort au Texas !

Le Texas détient un site public assez unique : une archive des derniers mots prononcés par les prisonniers exécutés depuis 1982.

️ Jusqu'à 2024, 587 détenus y ont laissé leur empreinte finale.

La majorité de ces derniers mots sont assez tristes à lire, certains choisissent de s'excuser auprès des familles qu'ils ont blessées, de parler directement à leur propre famille et de nombreux autres prennent le temps de plaider leur innocence et d'alerter sur l'erreur qui est en train d'être commise. ⚖️

Parmi ces adieux, certains se démarquent par leur brièveté ou leur étrangeté, comme Larry Wooten qui a simplement demandé à être envoyé à son "Père céleste", ou James Clark qui, confus, a fini par saluer quelqu'un dans l'assistance.

Pour retrouver ces déclarations, rendez-vous sur le site texas.gov.

Sources : texas.gov, skylerbuns

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00:00 Did you know that Texas has a public website that records the last words of each prisoner executed in the state?
00:05 From 1982 to 2024, a total of 587 prisoners are listed.
00:10 The majority of these last words are quite sad to read, some choose to apologize to the families they have hurt,
00:14 to speak directly to their own families, and many others take the time to plead their innocence and to alert about the mistake that is being committed.
00:20 We have gone through many of these testimonies and we have found some interesting exceptions that do not correspond to these categories.
00:25 The first, Wooten Larry, convicted of murder, declared the day of his execution in 2010,
00:30 "No sir, guardian, since I have nothing to say, you can send me to my heavenly father."
00:33 Charlie Livingstone, in 1997, said, "You brought me here to be executed, not to give a speech, that's all."
00:39 David Martinez also chose not to give a speech, but he finished his statement by saying,
00:43 "Only heaven and green grass last forever, and today is a good day to die."
00:47 And to finish, James Clark, who probably had the strangest words of all, when he said,
00:50 "I don't know, I don't know what to say, I don't know, I didn't know there was someone, hi."
00:55 You can find all the information and statements of these detainees on the website Texas.gov.
00:59 And for more videos on unusual subjects, subscribe to Omniscience.
