CSO staff strike in Newcastle | Newcastle Herald | June 6

  • 3 months ago
00:00 Bishop Michael, hear our voice. Sean Scanlon, hear our voice. What do we want? 8%. When do we want it? Now. What do we want? 8%.
00:12 The arrogant response from the diocese has seen school counsellors getting paid $10,000 less than their counterparts in the department.
00:21 Shame!
00:23 The diocese likes to talk about the wellbeing of students and try to be on the ball about the increasing mental health needs of students,
00:30 but has been bold enough to say that they think that psychologists and school counsellors are paid enough and 3% is enough to keep people in schools.
00:39 Well we know that's not true.
00:41 We stand for the nexus.
00:45 One person, one person, one spirit.
