NSW Premier Chris Minns parliamentary apology for laws criminalising LGBTQI+ acts

  • 3 months ago
"Thank you for giving us a future that is better than your past," the Premier said during his apology to those who had been criminalised for "an ancient prejudice". Until the Wran Government in 1984 abolished decriminalised homosexual acts, in NSW, those found guilty could face up to 5 years in jail.


00:00To those who survived these terrible years and to those who never made it through,
00:05we are truly sorry. We're sorry for every person convicted under legislation that
00:10should never have existed, for every person who experienced fear as a result of that legislation,
00:18everyone who lost a job, who lost their future or who lost the love of family and friends.
00:24We are very sorry for every person, convicted or otherwise, who were made to live a smaller life
00:31because of these laws. People who reached the end of their days without ever voicing
00:37who they really were, without ever experiencing the greatest of human joys, which is the joy of
00:44love. We are sorry. And as a state, we told you you were wrong. But the truth is you were never
00:52wrong. These laws were wrong. And today we can openly acknowledge that truth.
