• 6 months ago
At today's Senate Republican leadership press briefing, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) slammed former President Trump's trial.

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00:00 Well, in what has become a weekly tradition, Manu.
00:07 Now that you have not weighed in about your support for Donald Trump and the aftermath of this conviction,
00:14 now that he is a convicted felon, are you 100 percent behind him?
00:19 What I said last week, I will say it again.
00:22 This is a case that never should have been brought in the first place and I think will be overturned on appeal.
00:31 Are you supportive of Donald? Are you supportive of Donald?
00:33 I should probably know, some of your Republican colleagues are circulating a letter asking for signatures,
00:38 basically pledging not to confirm any Biden political appointees or additional nominees
00:43 or to work with Democrats on anything not related to national security.
00:47 What's your reaction to that?
00:49 The solution is to have a Republican majority and then we'd be in a position to determine what the agenda was going to be.
00:56 There are opportunities when you're a minority, but not to set the agenda.
01:01 Leader McConnell?
01:02 Yeah, the RNC co-chair criticized Larry Hogan's response to the Trump verdict last week.
01:08 Did you think that was appropriate for her to do?
01:11 Well, what I think is we need more Republican members of the Senate.
01:15 And whether you're Mike Lee or whether you're Susan Collins, we need more Republicans in order to set the agenda.
01:25 So obviously I support all the Republican candidates and certainly Governor Hogan would be among them.
01:33 Leader McConnell?
