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Love IsIand S11 E03


00:00You're watching On Demand. Please check the closing time before trying to vote or enter any competition or other interactivity in this programme, as it may not count and you may still be charged.
00:10Previously on Love Island
00:15Mr. Big Stuff
00:16A shock arrival
00:18Who do you think you are?
00:20Mr. Big Stuff
00:21That's Joey Atwick
00:22Staying here for good, baby
00:23Never gonna get my love
00:25Take the Bella by storm
00:27You will have to steal one of these beautiful girls
00:31The boy left single will be dumped from the island immediately
00:35I'm a bit nervous, I can't lie
00:37Snog the free islanders you fancy the most
00:41I've definitely got my eyes on you
00:43Obviously I'm going to have to send one of them out
00:48He's hard
00:50So the girl I would like to steal is...
01:05Can I show you something?
01:07Temperatures are rising
01:10And more ways than one
01:12I do really find you attractive, right?
01:14Stop now
01:15You are in here for yourself as well
01:17No, I'm just pissed off
01:20It's spiteful, isn't it?
01:21It's spiteful, isn't it?
01:22And it's petty
01:23I think that's massively out of order
01:26And there's a surprise in store
01:53So hairdresser Sam's out
01:55But if you expect me to make cheap jokes about his job
01:58If you can go to jail
02:00Still, Joey's decision was cut and dry
02:02And for Sam it was a case of easy come over easy go
02:06Now Sam's heading home to mull it over
02:09While Joey gets to know Samantha
02:12Stop that, stop that
02:14What's your good side?
02:15You've got a good side
02:16This side
02:17That's my good side as well
02:18So we're going to get a picture?
02:19We're going to get a picture
02:20We're going to get a face
02:24Are you happy that you picked me though?
02:26I feel like I made the right decision, of course
02:29I'm happy
02:30Obviously it was more or so just him leaving
02:33It was obviously a bit deep, you know what I mean?
02:37Are you glad I picked you?
02:38I wanted you to pick me, yeah
02:39Did you?
02:41Genuinely, what are you like as a boyfriend?
02:43What am I like as a boyfriend?
02:45What's my material?
02:46What's your love language?
02:48When I really like someone I'm very...
02:50Mine's physical touch
02:51I'm obviously like...
02:53I'm not obsessive
02:55I am
02:56I'm not like obsessive but I'm very PDA
02:59I am? Are you PDA?
03:01I'll give you space but I'm so PDA
03:03I'm so PDA
03:04I'll be all over you
03:05Say if we were on the tube, yeah
03:07Listen, if we were on the tube
03:09I'd nick you on the tube and we'd be on there
03:11Yeah, I like that too
03:12All over the tube, it's like that
03:14I'm not like that, that's my fella
03:15Obviously I was hoping that Jerry was going to pick me
03:18You know, I'll be happy getting in bed tonight
03:22Patsy's catching up with Munvir
03:24and I know what you're thinking
03:26A conversation between an office administrator
03:29and a recruitment manager
03:31I smell a BAFTA
03:33You look beautiful, by the way
03:35Thank you, you look very nice
03:36Very smart
03:37Where's your head at right now?
03:38Obviously, me pulling you for this conversation
03:40Are you happy that I'm doing that?
03:42Yeah, of course
03:43I want to know loads more about you
03:45Literally loads
03:46But I didn't want you to think that
03:49I was putting all my eggs in your basket
03:52Do you know what I mean?
03:54Because I know that I don't want to be like
03:55Oh yeah, yeah, cool
03:56It's just that in here, you're definitely
03:59Not even in here, outside of here
04:01You'd be definitely someone who I would look at
04:03when I was out and be like
04:05Yeah, look, from my side
04:07You're obviously beautiful
04:09Thank you
04:10For me, it's getting to know you a bit more
04:13because for me, the connection is equally as important
04:17So, yeah, it's all well and good saying like
04:20Yeah, you're nice, I like you, you're my type
04:22and then not knowing too much about each other
04:24Yeah, no, there is one big thing that I was going to bring up
04:28Go on
04:29I haven't really spoke to anyone about it just yet
04:32Open up, man, I'm all ears
04:34Yeah, so I've got a disability, basically
04:36Haven't said anything to anyone yet
04:37because I just didn't know
04:38It's an awkward thing to bring up
04:39For sure, absolutely, you've got to feel comfortable
04:41So it's like a disability in my arm
04:43I've got no strength, anything above shoulder height
04:46I can't lift, so I need help doing my hair sometimes
04:49If you need any support, I'm here
04:52Sometimes you think, I don't know, you're having something different
04:55You don't know if everyone's going to find it completely sexy
05:00But being different's cool
05:02Absolutely, in a world full of forks, be a spoon
05:04Yeah, yeah, yeah
05:05Or the other way around, but yeah, absolutely be different
05:08Hairdresser Sam was so annoyed at being kicked out
05:11that he took his scissors to the bottom of Harriet's dress
05:14But Kieran's still going to miss him
05:16Oh, what a day
05:18No, I know
05:19I'm blessed
05:20No, I know, you were so close
05:22I was going to miss him, like...
05:24I know, I know
05:25Did you think that it was going to go that way?
05:27Yeah, I had a gut feeling
05:28I feel like it's made me realise
05:30that maybe we just need to be a bit more like, not us, but like me
05:34I need to be a bit more, like, forward
05:37What we've got going on is good, like, don't get me wrong
05:40I'm not taking that away from us
05:43No, I know what you're saying
05:44But if I'm honest, obviously, like, my top two was you and Joey
05:48Like, I had a good conversation with him on the terrace
05:50so I wasn't sure where it was going to go
05:52I'm glad that he didn't pick me, though
05:54Are you glad?
05:55Yeah, because I didn't want you to go
05:58Aren't you?
05:59What we've got going on is good, like, I won't lie to you
06:02We're being honest, you're not my usual type
06:04but that's why I said I'm more excited by it
06:08Well, I'm letting you know that I'm not cancelling this out
06:11Not yet, anyway
06:12I'm not, she has
06:17Samantha and Joey are indulging in every young person's favourite pastime
06:21watching Nicole walk away
06:22Oh, they hate to see her go, but they love to watch her leave
06:25I just want to find the love of my life and just cobble up
06:28Yeah, you never know
06:45I've done the right thing, you know, picking Samantha
06:49The Joey charm came out and we had a little kiss
06:53It was nice, sure and sweet, but perfect
06:57It's a lovely little kiss
06:59Ronnie's over the moon that Joey didn't pick Jess
07:02because there's nothing a footballer hates more
07:04than being knocked out in the first round
07:06I thought he was going to take care of you
07:09We're back together, baby
07:11Made it through the first hurdle
07:13Yeah, like, I did, but obviously he's gone with Samantha
07:17and I'm, like, half glad as well because obviously it's nice for her, innit?
07:21You can have all your energy into me
07:23All to you now, babe
07:24All to me
07:25All to you, baby
07:26You don't have squeaky bum any more, then?
07:28No, no squeaky bum
07:29No squeaky bum
07:30It's obviously an awkward one for you, like...
07:32Well, it would have been a shit outcome, wouldn't it?
07:34Because if you'd have gone, it would have been pretty shit
07:37Not to blow smoke up your arse, but...
07:39Do it
07:42I'm not leaving, baby
07:52Gone up from one to seven, wasn't it?
07:54I'll give that an eight point to him
07:59We're moving, baby
08:00Progress is progress
08:03You all right, Amelia?
08:05I'm good, you all right?
08:06Yeah, do you want to follow me?
08:08Follow you? Oh, my gosh
08:12See you in a sec
08:15Where are we going? Where are we going?
08:17I don't know, let's take a stroll
08:19I ain't seen a lot in here, so...
08:22Oh, look at these two, look at these two
08:26Ooh, this is nice
08:32Hey, I'm still coupled up, relax
08:35Oh, Mr Smoove
08:38I think I know where you're taking me right now
08:40I've not been here yet
08:42Have you not?
08:44You haven't even had a look?
08:45Well, you know, quick glance
08:47Quick glance
08:48About time
08:49Mumvia, you've got a text
08:50But Mr Smoove doesn't need time
08:51You've got a text
08:54Mumvia, I always stole your bird
08:56Therefore, you are the weakest link
08:58This is nice, this is a terrace
09:01This is pretty, isn't it?
09:02Finally here
09:04I think after, like, today
09:07Everything's been put in perspective for a few people
09:12Especially for me, anyway
09:14Because, like, you know what the score is
09:17What's the score again?
09:18I wanted to come up here
09:20Just to...
09:22Just to say I'm, like, more than attracted to you
09:27I very much see, like...
09:29And when I say that, I mean, like...
09:31You're born for these bad boys, like, I see you, so...
09:35You look so pretty now
09:37Thank you
09:41Thank you, you look good
09:42I've been saying to the girls as well, like, I'm taking...
09:44Now that I'm, like, taking you in
09:46Yeah, say so
09:48I'm taking you in properly
09:49It's all you did before that
09:50Now, it's like, yeah
09:54Can I show you something quickly?
09:57What are you going to show me?
10:01I close my eyes now
10:06And I'm dreaming right where I belong
10:15I belong
10:19Thank you
10:31Crazy, crazy, crazy
10:33Crazy, crazy, crazy
10:34It was nice, he was smooth with it, I guess
10:38Yeah, it was good, it was good
10:40I feel a bit giddy
10:43If I could share a bit of you right now
10:45If I could be in a situation where we're a couple
10:49Then that's something I'd like to do for myself
10:52Or for us, rather
10:54I feel like that would make a lot of sense
10:56I feel like that would make a lot of sense
11:26Guys, OK, guys, I give in!
11:29Oh, the day, babes!
11:30It's always the last place you look
11:33Do you want to go for a talk?
11:34Yeah, I think it's about time
11:36Sorry, guys, tits and everything's going to come out now
11:39But keep it classy
11:44How do you feel about that?
11:48I'm sorry, I've got a little thing to ask you
11:51We are trying to get away from everyone
11:52We're the only people who haven't spoken yet
11:55Go as high as you can
11:57Fucking hell!
11:58No, go fucking hell
11:59We only have to chat, man
12:01I don't want to know what you think
12:03Yeah, I will
12:06Why am I jealous?
12:09Why am I jealous?
12:18Don't even think about it
12:22You're good, you're good, you're good
12:25Oh, God
12:30This is banging
12:33Fucking hell
12:35Naughty vibes
12:38This is lashing
12:40Move up a side
12:44Oh, no
12:45Hey, you don't get this in South Wales
12:47You don't get...
12:49No, don't
12:52You don't get this in South Wales, do you?
12:54How are you feeling, Harriet?
12:55What do you mean? It's fine
12:56I'm not married yet
12:57Not yet
12:58Not yet
12:59She's good, she's calm
13:00She's collected
13:01I'm all good
13:02Ain't no bother
13:04Are you OK?
13:06Obviously, you're with Harriet
13:09Where's your head at?
13:11I get along with Harriet
13:12but when me and Harriet just spoke just now
13:15it's a bit like we said
13:18Me and Harriet are still going to continue to get to know each other
13:22because it's going very well
13:24You still need to get to know her, you still need to explore her
13:27She's a lovely girl, she's so nice
13:29She's lovely, I really get on with her
13:31When we come in, we really gelled
13:33and I'm not the type of person to get with somebody
13:35who someone else is getting with
13:37but it's different in this scenario sort of thing
13:39You are in it for yourself as well
13:41Do you feel like you're open to getting to know me and stuff now?
13:44We're getting to know you, yeah, definitely
13:47I feel like, I don't know, so I want to see if it's more, if it's not
13:51but I do really find you attractive, I do fancy you
13:55It's just a sexual tendency, innit?
13:57Sexual tendency?
13:59Has he said where he's at with Nicole?
14:04If they now spend the night there, are you going to feel type of way about it?
14:07Yeah, I'm not, yeah
14:09You're done?
14:10I don't think he would do that though
14:12We'll just see, hopefully they come out
14:15It's not like he spoke to me before and said
14:17I'm going to pull Nicole for a chat
14:20Like, he didn't even say that
14:22It's just upset me a little bit
14:24Right, you know what I should do now I've walked out
14:26You know I'm feeling a bit fucking
14:27No, I think it's a bit bad
14:29It's not bad, it's just
14:31I'm not used to having a chat with you
14:32A kiss or anything
14:33No, that's what it's all about
14:34I have no respect for fucking conversation
14:36Yeah, I know, I know
14:37Yeah, we had a little crush, like
14:39That little shit
14:40Oh, here we go
14:42It needs to be respectful to speak to the girls
14:45Right, I'm going to speak to the boys
14:46I'll see you later, yeah
14:51Girls, do you want to talk?
14:53Do you want a little chat?
14:55Let's go
14:57Shall we go round the fire down here?
14:59Yeah, come on
15:00Are you coming?
15:01I don't want to ride on it
15:02You don't want to go?
15:03I just think what Kieran did was just a bit muggy
15:04Especially after I just told him how I was feeling
15:06And then he just runs off to the hideaway
15:09But I'll definitely be chatting to boys now
15:14Were you getting, like, flirty vibes from her?
15:16Yeah, yeah, definitely
15:17We had a little catch up there and stuff
15:19There was no, like, kissing or anything like that
15:21But, bro, I'm getting a good vibe from her
15:23But, you know, she's from half an hour up the road, like
15:26And I've come all the way to Mallorca
15:28These things happen for a reason, though
15:31This is like...
15:32This is you starting...
15:33This is my start now
15:35How did it come about?
15:36He'd come over
15:37He said, do you want to go for a chat?
15:38I said, yeah
15:39And he's up on the terrace
15:40And he went, do you want to come to the hideaway?
15:42And I thought, whoa
15:43That's sweet that he's done that
15:45I just need to speak to him more
15:46I need to get to know him
15:47But you've done it now
15:48It's a new day
15:49Tomorrow's your opportunity
15:50Yeah, I feel like I need to speak to Harriet again now, though
15:53Oh, God, she...
15:54She didn't look good
15:56We just said, like, we'd go get to know other people
15:58Yeah, no, but she, like, saw you walk off that way, right?
16:00And then she...
16:02And then she saw you, like, walk over there
16:04Just disappear there
16:05And she, like, turned and was like...
16:07But I just went for a conversation, like
16:09You know what I mean?
16:10I didn't do anything wrong
16:11Right now, speaking, I've got a better connection probably with...
16:18Oh, my God
16:19Are you sure?
16:25You want to cry?
16:26You better not be crying
16:28You better not be crying
16:29I'm pissed off
16:31Why are you crying?
16:32I'm just pissed off
16:34Oh, my God, stop
16:35Stop now
16:36What are you crying for?
16:38It just pisses me off
16:45Mum, sit down, sit down
16:49What are you crying for?
16:50No, I'm just pissed off, like, I'm just annoyed
16:52Cos, like, I basically pulled Kieran before
16:56And told him that he's, like, my top
16:58After the Joey thing?
16:59Yeah, after the Joey thing
17:01And then I was like, do you know what?
17:03Maybe I'll give him a chance
17:04And then he stands up
17:06He stands up
17:07So, with that information, he stands up
17:09And he goes...
17:11And he goes to the hideaway
17:13I think he got a bit cocky
17:15With me and Jabba
17:17And he was a bit like, oh, all right, I'm still here
17:20Do you know what I mean?
17:21Yeah, cos he was giving it, like, all the...
17:23He was shitting himself
17:24He's been shitting himself all day
17:27I went, it looks sketchy
17:29Going to the hideaway
17:30No matter if what's or maybe's are absolute
17:34Going to the hideaway, you're, like...
17:36That's a statement
17:37It's a statement
17:38Also, especially when we can just go in there
17:40Like, and for him to just act like that
17:42Just, like, just annoyed me
17:45I just, like...
17:46He's just like, why the hideaway?
17:49Do you know what I mean?
17:51Like, you ten?
17:54Don't cry
17:55I'm not
17:56And I'm always here whenever you need me
17:57Thank you, I love you
17:58I love you, too
17:59Oh, no, it's fine
18:00Do you know what?
18:01You can talk to me tomorrow about it
18:02I'm not...
18:03If I can get back in line now
18:05It's not what he's done
18:06It's just the way he's gone about it
18:07But it's just the fact that five minutes before
18:09We were open and honest
18:10He failed to tell me that he was going to
18:12Pull Nicole for a conversation
18:14And then he just skipped off to the hideaway
18:16Like, nothing happened
18:17Like, we didn't even have the conversation
18:18Like, I think that's what's hard to see
18:20I'm just...
18:21Tomorrow morning is a different one
18:23I know
18:24No cuddles
18:30Love you
18:31Oi, oi, oi
18:34Yeah, I'm going outside a minute
18:35Oh, for fuck's sake
18:38I'm going outside for some fresh air
18:40I know, I'm just going out for some fresh air
18:43I don't think I've done anything wrong at all, so
18:45I'm not upset, it's just...
18:46You don't want to be made a pair of yourself, do you?
18:48I don't want to be made out to be that person
18:50I don't think I've done anything wrong
18:51No one's blaming you
18:52No one's blaming you
18:53Harry, it gave me, like, a stinking look
18:56After speaking to Kieran
18:57And I don't think I've done anything wrong at all
18:59Harry's just upset because
19:01Did you just basically say
19:03That all they're exiting is Baskar
19:07And he was basically, like, reciprocated
19:10And then it's because it was in the hideaway
19:12You just think the worst
19:13I didn't kiss him or anything
19:14No, listen
19:15No, listen
19:16I think it's just been the initial thing of hideaway
19:20It was a fucking hideaway, Tara
19:21Yeah, but what was your conversation like with him?
19:23Really good
19:24Literally, I haven't hidden the fact that I fancied him
19:26I know
19:27I've been waiting for this conversation
19:28I know what I'm saying that you have
19:29But I think it was just the fact that she had a conversation with him
19:31Yeah, but of course his eggs are going to be in it
19:32You told me that
19:33No, listen
19:34She's not fuming with you
19:35He said to me himself, he said
19:36I feel like I've got to know her
19:38And obviously you said I'm still vibing with Harriet
19:41You haven't even said to me
19:42Like, it's you
19:43You haven't said
19:44Stop crying
19:45I'm just getting pissed off, I'm getting wumped up
19:46I don't have to explain myself anyway
19:47I know, stop crying
19:48I don't know why I'm explaining myself for
19:51She just needs to be put to bed tonight
19:53And re-address her tomorrow
19:55I just dread re-addressing her, to be honest
19:57Because I know she's just going to make a scene out of it
19:59And I just can't be bothered for it
20:01I'll be your safe
20:04I'll be your only way
20:09I've no idea why Harriet got so upset about Kieran talking to Nicole in the hideaway
20:14It was just an innocent chat
20:16In a room with a giant bed of hot tub sex toys and drawers full of condoms
20:20Hello, what's the issue?
20:22I don't think we've done it anymore, I don't know
20:24No, we haven't, but I've talked to her
20:26Yeah, but I'm not a bitch, I was going to say
20:28Are you crying?
20:29Yeah, I'm fuming over it
20:31He's annoyed me because I do not think to be
20:33Okay, I'm actually just going to pull her for a chat
20:35You've got to have a level of respect for the person you're actually couples up with
20:38Like respect? Like, are you 12?
20:40And why are you so excited as well?
20:50So this bed's completely empty tonight
20:52Yeah, it may not be, I might have to sleep in it
20:56Yeah, this is a dog house
21:02Who opened up an XXL condom upstairs?
21:05That's not an XXL, is it?
21:07What's an XXL?
21:15Samantha, question
21:17Go on
21:18How do you feel about your new bed?
21:19It's comfy, innit?
21:22She can't stop smiling
21:31Good night, beautiful new couple
21:35Don't let the bombshells bite
22:02I want to apologise for suggesting that last night Kieran flirted with Nicole in the hideaway
22:07A room with a giant bed, hot tub, sex toys and a drawer for the condoms
22:11That wasn't strictly accurate
22:13I forgot to mention the lube
22:18One bed's empty, I swear
22:20Sad to see Sam go
22:22That was a big decision to make last night
22:24It was easy, but as well it was tough, do you know what I mean?
22:29I had to do what I had to do
22:31Nah, he's going to be missed, man
22:32Yeah, a hundo
22:33What's the agenda today, Joey?
22:34We're going to sunbathe, we're going to get a sun
22:36I feel like it's going to be a fun
22:37It's going to be a fun day, no tears
22:39I'm going to be well behaved today
22:50Mate, you might take Harriet off your hands, bro
23:00Going well?
23:01Yeah, it's going well
23:03There you go, Harriet
23:04Thank you, darling
23:05There you go
23:06Fuck, she looks good, doesn't she?
23:07That's a revenge bikini, I know the one
23:10Have you made out of it yet?
23:22What was it like sleeping in bed with Joey?
23:24I was like...
23:27But, yeah, it looked nice
23:29I had a little kiss with him, didn't I?
23:31Did you?
23:34It's a favourite, last night
23:36Wait, what?
23:37I swear I was right
23:40Like, obviously me and Manvera talking more, having more conversations
23:44We're getting a bit closer
23:45He's pulling me, I like that, I like that
23:48He gives me that vibe
23:51Obviously Patsy's a really nice girl
23:53I do like her
23:55But it's just like...
23:57I don't know, I'm just...
23:59I need to obviously see what other girls are saying
24:02and put it side by side, because that's the only thing
24:04And you don't want to leave this experience kicking yourself
24:06Going, oh, I should have done that, I should have done that
24:08Why didn't I do it?
24:10Why not have that conversation?
24:11Bro, you're a good looking geezer, you've got good chat
24:14I appreciate it, bro
24:15Girls will be loving it, so...
24:17Just stick it on factor 50
24:19But remember, you've got to top it off every 50 minutes
24:23What was it you said to Harriet in that first conversation?
24:26Because I think she's quite upset
24:28because I think she's opened up to you
24:30and said that you're, like, a number one for her
24:32If you had to pick somebody now, in terms of where your head's at
24:35who are you kind of aiming it towards?
24:37Well, if I...
24:38Right now, I'd pick Harriet
24:40Would you?
24:41Yeah, because I know Harriet so much better
24:42I don't think Harriet's aware of that
24:45I think she thinks you're pretty...
24:46I told you
24:47I know, I think she thinks you're now, like, switched on to Nicole
24:53Harriet and Nicole want to make up
24:56Well, you're in the right room for it
24:58There's bloody shelves full of this stuff
25:00Ha-ha, thanks, I'm here all week
25:02I just want to apologise, I feel like last night, it looked a certain way
25:06I don't want any drama, but it was more, when you were walking past
25:10to come inside, I, like, locked...
25:12I tried to make, like, the eye contact, locking, as if to say...
25:14And I was going to say, are you OK?
25:16And it was just, like, the...
25:17No, I'm sorry, it's just, like, I was feeling, like...
25:19Pissed off
25:20No, no, no, no, it was, like, I was feeling, like, I was going to cry
25:23So I was, like, just going to, like, get excited, wasn't I?
25:25I just thought then, and then I was, like, well, hang on a minute, no
25:27I don't think I've done any...
25:28No, you haven't
25:29I don't think I went the wrong way about it
25:31No, it wasn't you
25:32I was panicking, it was, like, a bit...
25:34Honestly, like, I'm sorry if that came across like that
25:36I openly said, like, I do fancy him, he is my type of tea
25:40You know what, it wasn't your fault
25:41It was generally the fact that we had a conversation before
25:43He didn't say, and then, like, within two minutes, like, he just did it to the hideaway
25:48But I thought, fucking hell, I don't understand what I've done now
25:50I thought, I was thinking...
25:51No, no, no, it wasn't you
25:52I actually promised him
25:53I love you
25:54I'm quite glad we've kind of cleared the air
25:57It's early days, like, I literally had one conversation with the boy
26:00I want to get to know everyone
26:01But, no, we're all good girly-wirly
26:03I'm glad we've cleared it up now
26:04If you need any advice, if anything, you know I'm here, yeah
26:06Earlier, we nailed a BAFTA with a conversation between an office administrator
26:10and a recruitment manager on a sofa
26:13Now to bag an MTA with the sequel
26:16Office Administrator and Recruitment Manager on a Daybed
26:21How are you after last night?
26:22I had a good night
26:23And I feel like we were, like, getting a bit closer yesterday
26:25I don't know, how do you feel about that?
26:26You were, absolutely
26:27I still feel the same way, like, I shouldn't be...
26:30I just want to be honest with you, it's the way I am, right?
26:32Obviously, in terms of all the girls here, I feel like we get along the best
26:38I want to speak to a few other girls, just because I haven't
26:41Of course, yeah, yeah
26:42But I wanted to tell you that, out of respect, because I don't want you thinking,
26:46oh, for fuck's sake, he's flying all around the GAAF
26:49Nah, for fuck's sake, I appreciate that
26:51Nah, we're not locked off, don't worry
26:53I don't think anyone's locked off
26:54I'm not thinking we are, like
26:55Yeah, yeah, yeah, cool
27:00So, but look, it's so hard to say, but I want to speak to other people
27:04and that's just completely unfair, it shouldn't be like that
27:07Oh my God, no, that's absolutely fine
27:09I don't feel any type of way about that
27:12You know
27:13You're wicked, man, this is what I like about you
27:15You're just wicked and you're chilled, you get it
27:18Yeah, I do, I do
27:21I'm just not going to look
27:25I'll just make sure I'm in a different room when you're chatting to me
27:27No, don't say it, Patsy
27:30No, honestly, I'm fine
27:41I'm absolutely going to be just giving him that space to go and do that
27:46That's fine
27:47But for all I know, is he just being respectful
27:50or is he just trying to let me down gently?
27:52I don't know if that's what he's doing
28:00Come here for a sec
28:02Oh God
28:03No, no, it's fine
28:05No, you sit on the lounges with me
28:11I just
28:17I just wanted to pull you before
28:21I'm going to
28:23I'm going to
28:24Obviously speak to Jo
28:25Hold on
28:31Yeah, I'm just going to pull him
28:33But I'm
28:34I don't want you to think
28:36No, but I'm going to go to the hideaway
28:39Because I think
28:40Kieran needs to taste his own medicine
28:42So like
28:43Do you know what I mean?
28:44Don't be petty
28:46I'm not being petty
28:47I just, I don't want him to think that like I was so upset
28:50Because of that reason
28:52I just want to tell you first
28:53Because I don't want it to look sly
28:54Do you know what I mean?
28:55I'm just going to come to you
28:56I'm just going to have a little chat
28:57I'm going to come back out
28:58No problem
29:01You okay?
29:03You sure?
29:04Girl, I'm fine
29:05You promise?
29:06Yeah, of course
29:07We're all in here for ourselves
29:09What's going on here again?
29:15We're going for a little walkies, yeah?
29:17Go this way
29:20You alright?
29:22What's going down?
29:23She's going to the hideaway
29:28She's going to lay it on thick now, isn't she?
29:30With everyone
29:31Because Kieran's basically backed off
29:32I'm just a jealous bitch
29:34Do you know what I mean?
29:37I was like
29:39That's good wanting someone now
29:41Come here
29:47Harriet's just booked me
29:49And was like, I just want to let you know before I do it
29:51But I'm going to take Joey to the hideaway
29:53So I was like, oh yeah
29:54And she was like, because obviously I want to get back at Kieran
29:57And I just went, that's so petty
29:59I was like, don't be petty
30:01Get back at Kieran
30:02It's a childish move
30:03She's in there with him now
30:04Yeah, she's in there with Joey
30:06She wanted to give Kieran a taste of his own medicine
30:09I appreciate that she's come to tell me and stuff
30:11Yeah, you want to be doing it because you're interested in him
30:14You don't want to do it to get back at someone
30:16That's just silly, isn't it?
30:17I don't think Joey would appreciate that either
30:19I think that's massively out of order
30:23I swear the tensions are rising
30:25Yeah, it's just getting a bit nasty in here, I don't know
30:29You shouldn't be pulling people to get back at other people
30:32It's spiteful, isn't it?
30:34It's petty
30:35What's going on then?
30:36What's going on with you?
30:37What are you thinking?
30:38I just wanted to have a little chat
30:42To be honest, I do fancy you
30:44I think I've made it a bit obvious now
30:46I fancy Kieran as well
30:47Are you picky?
30:50I mean, I've had one boyfriend
30:52You've only had one boyfriend, yeah?
30:53Yeah, one boyfriend
30:54I'm picky
30:55And I think now I'm out of it, right?
30:58It's like a blessing in disguise
30:59Because I can see what I actually want
31:01You are my type
31:02Am I?
31:04Do you know, you're gorge
31:06Gorge, gorge
31:07There you are, you've got a lovely titty
31:09Yeah, you're gorge
31:10You're giving mature vibes
31:11Thank you, yeah
31:12You've got nice eyes
31:13Try to, try to
31:14We are matching again
31:15We are matching
31:16We was matching last night
31:17It's meant to be, isn't it?
31:18Every time we come out, we're always matching
31:21I think he's in the erm...
31:23I think he's in the eyes already
31:26I think I told Joey in the eyes already, didn't you?
31:29What, are they in the now, are they?
31:31Are they in the now?
31:32I think they're in the now
31:33Yeah, I think they're in the now
31:34But like, like if they want to get to know each other
31:36Get to know each other, and it's three days in like
31:38I know
31:39But are you thinking it was a reaction?
31:41She's still manning off to Spike
31:43The thing is, I didn't do anything out of a spike
31:45That's the difference
31:46And that's just another thing for me
31:48Where it's like, grow up
31:51You know like, I know everyone's saying I'm the kid
31:53And like the little bro in you
31:54But then when it's coming to actually
31:55Do something serious
31:56I feel like I'm like the mature one
31:58So you're a dancer, innit?
31:59Go on, give us a dance then
32:00Little dance
32:02What dance do you want? I don't know. A twerk, I think.
32:05A little twerk? Not a twerk. What's that thing called when you do that?
32:09You do this, and you're like...
32:11What, like a little slut drop? Sort of.
32:14You want a little slut drop?
32:16That's what it's called, a slut drop, yeah. Let us see.
32:19No, but what sort of dancer are you?
32:20I do, like, musical theatre.
32:22Well, do some musical theatre, then.
32:23Show me. Walk down that stairs, like, look.
32:25Like an actor and all. Is that what you do?
32:27Yeah, I like singing, dancing and acting.
32:29Give us something, then.
32:30I don't know, I'd be, like, like this. Yeah.
32:34And then I'd probably, like, do a little...
32:37Oh, is that what you do? Yeah, and a few little kicks and stuff.
32:39I don't know if I'm in the right outfit for that.
32:41Harriet's lovely. Yeah, we had a laugh together.
32:43There's no dry chat, you know, the conversation flows.
32:47Her dancing was actually quite cute.
32:49So, yeah, I mean, I'm trying to keep my cool,
32:51but I just can't help it.
32:53Like, every now and then, I just do have a little flirt.
32:56It's just in me, innit?
32:58Have you used things like this? Yeah, have you?
33:01No. Imagine that, someone whipping your arse like that.
33:03Try it, let me do it. Yeah, go on.
33:07Does it hurt? Not really, no.
33:08Maybe on the skin, but, yeah. Do it on me.
33:12It doesn't hurt, no. No? No.
33:30Last night, CiarΓ‘n whisked Nicole off to the hideaway in front of Harriet
33:34and call him paranoid, but ever since,
33:37CiarΓ‘n's had a sneaky suspicion something might be up with her.
33:45Did something happen last night, or did something annoy you?
33:49Erm, not really.
33:51I mean, I don't know if it's anything to do with me,
33:54but I'm not going to lie, I'm not going to lie to you.
33:56I'm not going to lie to you, I'm not going to lie to you.
33:59Erm, no, like, it didn't annoy me,
34:01I just think the way that you did it...
34:03I went to the hideaway terrace with Nicole
34:05because I didn't have a chance to go for a talk with her.
34:07So I thought, you know what, I'll go to the hideaway terrace
34:10and we literally had a conversation. Yeah.
34:12No, but the thing is, it's so fine, I just think it just looked a certain way.
34:15But I feel like if I was on, like, the terrace or something,
34:18or on the daybeds, it wouldn't be a problem.
34:20I just think the way it looked was like...
34:23But then you've just gone to the hideaway terrace with Joey,
34:26which I've got no problem with. Mm.
34:28But now, for me, it just seems like a bit of a reaction as to what I've done.
34:31No, I just did it because, like, I hadn't been there, do you know what I mean?
34:34Yeah, that's fair enough, but for me, it's a bit weird
34:37because I just feel like it's a reaction, though.
34:39OK, well, it wasn't that way.
34:40Do you think you would have gone to the hideaway terrace
34:42if I hadn't already been there?
34:44I don't know. That's my point. I'm not sure.
34:46No, but I do apologise if it, like, came across like that,
34:48that wasn't my intention.
34:49Like, literally, it was just... It all happened very fast.
34:52Right, cool, then, let's have a hug. OK, can you hug it out?
34:56I'm not, you know, annoyed that she went and talked to Joey.
34:59She can do what she wants in that aspect of things.
35:01She's trying to get a reaction out of me, and I'm just not for that.
35:04I can't be bothered for it. Let's just grow up.
35:07You know, we're all over the age of 20 here.
35:08Yeah, I'm just, you know, going to see what happens today.
35:12But I'm a happy buddy, as it stands, do you know what I mean?
35:15Oh, yeah. That's good to hear.
35:17I do play it cool often, do you know what I mean?
35:19Like what? You play it cool? Yeah.
35:21You play it like ice, you know? You play it cooler than ice.
35:24Really? Do I? Yeah.
35:25I've been told my face, like, sometimes I look like I'm angry.
35:29I'm not. I'm actually not. I'm chilling.
35:32You're just chilling? I'm actually chilling.
35:34I suffer from the resting bitch face a bit. Oh, you do?
35:37Real bad. I need to smile more.
35:39Don't wear the shades when you're doing that face as well. Really?
35:42One time, you're looking at me, I said...
35:45Did someone say something? Really?
35:47No, I'm fine. I'm just relaxed.
35:50That's right.
35:52Samantha's about to join Joey Essay
35:55and ironically, in the following scene,
35:57the confectionery salesman says sweet F-A.
36:00You all right? Not really, no.
36:02It's full of beans. You need to speak to Harriet.
36:04I need to speak to Harriet? Yeah. Why?
36:06Cos she's probably going to say anyway.
36:08I can't be arsed.
36:09Obviously, after knowing that, I just can't be arsed with the games.
36:12I'm not in here for that. Neither am I.
36:14She's probably trying to explain herself, but she shouldn't have said it.
36:17Do you know what? Out of everyone last night,
36:19I was there for her more than anyone.
36:21She'd come crying to me.
36:22Did she? Yeah.
36:23I wouldn't have said that to you.
36:25She was properly hurt about that last night.
36:27That's a liberty. And I literally was the one person...
36:30I'm not even joking, I was the only fucking girl
36:32that was proper there for her.
36:33Well, you definitely need to talk to her, then.
36:35No, no, I will. She's always just hurting it
36:37and just making some rash decisions.
36:39You don't need to hurt me, as well.
36:41I'm not here for the little petty games, you know what I mean?
36:43I'm a bit past that.
36:45Samantha is the only one in here that I look at and think,
36:50yeah, you're a bit of me.
36:51Me being truthfully honest, yeah, I might get to know other girls,
36:54but I warm towards Samantha.
36:57She's a nice girl, you know.
36:58Who knows what it could be? Who knows what it could unfold?
37:01I don't know.
37:02I don't want you to think that, like, I like drama and that, though.
37:04No, no, no. I don't think...
37:06I don't ever... I actually really, like, like you,
37:08do you know what I mean? Like, you're such a nice girl.
37:11I don't think me and you would ever not get on.
37:13No, I don't either. Regardless.
37:14Even if you'd fuck me off for someone else. Don't say that.
37:17I don't think we'd ever get on.
37:18I might fuck you off.
37:19You might fuck me off and I might get jealous
37:21and then come round your bag.
37:24Come over here, please.
37:27Hi. Can I speak to Harriet on her own?
37:29Oh, you want to...? OK, yeah.
37:30I was just going to get you as I said come over.
37:32It's like you knew.
37:35Hey, girl. You OK?
37:37I just...
37:39I did that because I didn't want to look slimy.
37:42It was the comments and then obviously I am caught up with them,
37:44so I am going to tell them, cos it was a bit like...
37:47If someone said that about me, I'd be like,
37:49don't use me as a pawn.
37:50I just didn't want anyone to think I was so, like,
37:52like, so rattled by it.
37:53So I was like, no, I'm going to taste,
37:55give him a taste of his own medicine in the sense of, like,
37:58I'm not going to sit there if you've done that.
38:00Like, I'm not going to sit there.
38:02Out of everyone, I was there for you the most.
38:04Yeah. No, that's why I came to you today.
38:06No, no, but, like, so exactly,
38:08so you could have took anyone in there.
38:10In my head, I just went to you to speak about it
38:13and I feel like it's obviously come across in the wrong way.
38:16So I am, like, sorry for that.
38:18I don't want you to think that, like,
38:20I'm speaking about you in a bad light, cos I'm not.
38:22But, like, as soon as she says it, I did say to you, like,
38:24that's a bit pessy. I know.
38:25I am closest to you and Nicole in here.
38:27Yeah, same. Do you know what I mean?
38:29It's just annoying cos I've had that in dicks this morning.
38:31And in you.
38:33No, but I love you and I'm... No, no, I don't want...
38:36I'm, like, sorry if I've upset you. Yeah.
38:38I never want you to be upset, ever.
38:40The islanders are getting ready for the evening.
38:42I just caught a glimpse of Candyman Sean in the shower.
38:45I saw his curly whirlies.
38:47You shouldn't really be eating sweets in the bathroom.
38:52What's your type, Key? Nicole, mainly, to be sure.
38:55Are you looking for wifey and all that,
38:56or are you looking for more just, like...
38:58What, in here? No, wifey.
38:59My type is, like, Essex boys, or, like, posh boys.
39:02Key runs far from posh in here.
39:05I'm not a posh boy.
39:06I'm not a posh boy.
39:07Key runs far from posh in here.
39:09He's, like, me, Key, then.
39:17I am going turbo tonight.
39:20What are yous up to?
39:21I think I'm going to see what Harriet's saying tonight.
39:23Get to know her more, you know?
39:26You know what I think we should all do tonight?
39:28No-one pull the lads and see who pulls us.
39:29No, we'll be having a night just for girls.
39:31Girls night.
39:33Come on, boys! Let's go out there.
39:35Let's go. Let's go.
39:37Let's talk to the girls.
39:38Let's have the best time.
39:45Have fun tonight, yeah? Enjoy it.
39:47Here's a cheers to the boys for looking extra handsome.
39:51And here's a further cheers to the women
39:54who've currently got bigger balls than men.
39:59That's it. Cheers, then.
40:08Today's been really good.
40:09I feel lucky. It's been...
40:10I don't want to say smooth, cos it's literally day three, but...
40:13Yeah. ..that I've come in here and you're here.
40:16You're literally... I appreciate you.
40:18..growing on me as days go on, so, yeah.
40:23What are you feeling, like, as in...
40:26I know exploring connections is a thing for you,
40:30and what are you thinking?
40:32Yeah, I mean, I would like someone, of course,
40:34just to be like, I like you, and that's...
40:36Have I not made that... Do you get that sort of impression?
40:39Not really, no. No, I'm getting the opposite vibe, I think.
40:41Really? Yeah.
40:42Oh, shit.
40:44I don't think this is going as well as we think it is.
40:47What's going through your head?
40:48Obviously, I want to get to know you,
40:50and I want to get to know you more, and I do fancy you.
40:52Mm. That's all I'm saying.
40:54That's all you're saying.
40:56Yeah, well, I want to get to know you as well, but...
40:59If we're being honest,
41:01I'm still going to get to know Harriet.
41:03Yeah. But I see more potential with you.
41:15You lot look great, though, by the way.
41:17I know all the girls look gorgeous tonight, don't they?
41:19Yeah. All the boys look gorge.
41:20I didn't see...
41:21I've got a tag! Oh, shit!
41:27Oh, mate.
41:29Girls, it's time for a game.
41:31Blindfold your boy, line them up by the pool
41:34and then head to the terrace.
41:36Hashtag No Pee-Pee!
41:40Oh, mate.
41:42Come here, Ronnie boy!
41:44Blindfold me, baby!
41:49Yes, we're getting blindfolded!
41:52Come on!
41:57Boys, come over here.
42:05What is going on?
42:13Come on, girls.
42:16Mate, I'm so excited for this, I swear to God.
42:18Right, I'm just going to get my glasses.
42:20I can't see without my glasses!
42:40Hang on, there's a new girl entering the villa
42:42and all eyes are on her.
42:45Well, not all eyes, the lads are blindfolded,
42:47but you get the idea.
42:50I'm Uma, I'm a VIP host and a model.
42:53I'm 23 and I'm from North London.
42:56I'm a fun, vibey person,
42:57but I've definitely got a flirtatious side.
43:00I've been single for my whole life,
43:02but I think it's about time for me to find love.
43:11I can hear footsteps.
43:15Get ready for me, boys.
43:16The girl of your dreams is about to step inside the villa.
43:19Are you joking?
43:30What's going on?
43:32I don't know, bro.
43:35Oh, my God!
43:37What is going on?
43:38Oh, my goodness.
43:44Joey, you'd better keep that tongue in that mouth, I mean it!
43:46What are you talking about?
43:50Oh, my gosh!
43:57God, them lips are smooth as juice, bro.
44:01That's it now, that's enough.
44:03Who just kissed me? I'll see you later.
44:05Who is that?
44:06I don't want to play any more games!
44:17Oh, my goodness, darling.
44:19You're shitting me.
44:21Oh, my word.
44:28Did you just nab each other? Oh, I did!
