Rose Tico deserved so much better.
00:00 So, a movie sequel can be a double-edged sword.
00:03 On the one hand, a good sequel can give you more of what you loved from the first film.
00:07 However, a bad sequel can sometimes backtrack, souring the original film or films and making
00:12 them worse in retrospect.
00:14 The sequels on this list aren't necessarily bad, but they aren't kind to some of the
00:18 characters from the original who definitely deserved better.
00:21 Let's take a look at them as arm jewels.
00:23 This is, and these are 10 Movie Sequels That Totally Insulted Great
00:27 Characters.
00:28 10.
00:30 Warriors 3 - Thor Ragnarok
00:32 In the first two Thor films, the Warriors 3 played a pivotal role in helping the titular
00:36 hero save the day.
00:38 The Asgardian team save Thor's life while also providing comic relief and also kick
00:42 some serious butt.
00:44 However, when Thor Ragnarok came along, director Taika Waititi wanted to overhaul the franchise's
00:49 supporting cast.
00:50 As such, the Warriors 3 fell pretty early on in the film.
00:54 When the villainess first arrives in Asgard, she kills them with a wave of her hand.
00:58 Hogan at least gets to spar verbally with the Goddess of Death, but she then impales
01:03 him.
01:04 For a group called the Warriors 3, they die very unwarrior-like deaths.
01:07 Leaving the characters out of the film altogether would've probably been more dignified, and
01:11 letting them die heroic deaths would've been much more in character.
01:15 Though Taika Waititi definitely saved the Thor franchise, the Warriors 3 ultimately
01:19 paid the price.
01:20 9.
01:21 Count Dooku β Star Wars Episode III β Revenge of the Sith
01:25 While Star Wars Episode II β Attack of the Clones leaves a lot to be desired, main antagonist
01:30 Count Dooku is the closest thing that film had to a redeeming quality.
01:34 Played by legendary actor Christopher Lee, the Sith Lord is a powerful opponent to Anakin
01:38 and Obi-Wan, defeating them both easily.
01:40 He even matches Yoda in combat.
01:42 However, in Star Wars Episode III β Revenge of the Sith, the character has only four lines
01:47 before quickly losing a lightsaber battle to Anakin and Obi-Wan.
01:51 At the behest of Palpatine, Anakin slices Dooku to bits, first taking off his hands,
01:56 and then his head.
01:57 Given how commanding he was in Attack of the Clones, he seems an almost different character
02:01 here.
02:02 He's significantly less imposing, and it's hard to believe that he ever stood a chance
02:05 against the Jedi Knights.
02:06 8.
02:07 Everyone Except Woody β Toy Story 4
02:10 The quirky ensemble cast of the first three Toy Story films fill out the experience.
02:15 Rex and Ham have great repartee, Mr. Potato Head is just downright hilarious, and Slinky's
02:20 tight friendship with Woody is endearing.
02:22 The Toy Story 2 additions, Jesse and Bullseye, are far from typical shark-jumping sequel
02:26 characters as they're great additions to the Toy Story ensemble.
02:29 However, Toy Story 4 sidelines all of these characters in favour of Woody, Bo Peep, new
02:34 character Forky, and a little bit of Buzz Lightyear.
02:37 The other toys act effectively as one entity and appear in only a handful of scenes.
02:42 The characters are so interchangeable that they could swap dialogue and nothing would
02:45 change at all.
02:46 And despite being a reintroduction to the Toy Story universe, Toy Story 4 barely lets
02:51 the audience say hello to the supporting cast.
02:53 The film feels like a Woody solo film, which downplays all of his friends.
02:57 Now, while Woody definitely dominates the early Toy Story films, the fourth film presents
03:01 him as the only character who really matters.
03:03 And that's just not the case.
03:05 7.
03:06 Vanessa β Austin Powers β The Spy Who Shagged Me
03:08 At the end of Austin Powers' International Man of Mystery, it seems that Austin and his
03:13 new girlfriend Vanessa have found their happily ever after.
03:16 They spent the film working together, slowly growing to respect one another, and finally
03:20 falling in love, famously honeymooning in the final scene.
03:23 However, less than ten minutes into the sequel, we learn that it was all a crock.
03:27 The Austin Powers team wanted to follow the James Bond tradition of a different love interest
03:31 in every movie, so they had to find some way of getting rid of Vanessa to make way for
03:34 Heather Graham's new character, Felicity Shagwell.
03:37 As such, in her one scene in the sequel, Vanessa reveals that she'd been a robot in disguise
03:41 throughout the entire first film.
03:43 She never loved Austin, and was just posing as a human woman so that she could kill him.
03:47 The revelation not only undermines her arc in the original, but it was a lazy and rather
03:51 uncreative way to ditch her.
03:53 6.
03:54 Vanessa β Deadpool 2 Vanessa Carlyle of Deadpool fame is the second
03:58 Vanessa in a row on this list to be fridged before the opening credits of a parody sequel.
04:03 Maybe the name is actually cursed.
04:04 In her first scene, Vanessa proposes having a child with Wade.
04:08 And since "I want to start a family" is superhero girlfriend for "please kill me
04:11 now", apparently, she doesn't make it out of that scene alive.
04:14 However, getting rid of Vanessa so easily and so early is unfair to the character from
04:18 the last film, whose chemistry with Deadpool made the dark comedy surprisingly sweet.
04:23 Plus, the first Deadpool ends with Wade saving Vanessa's life, so killing her so quickly
04:27 in the second undermines that climax.
04:30 Though Wade eventually reverses Vanessa's death via time travel, it's in a post-credits
04:34 scene, so all of the non-Die Hard Marvel fans had no idea it happened.
04:38 To quote the Merc with a Mouth himself, "That's just lazy writing."
04:41 5.
04:42 Cyclops β X-Men The Last Stand
04:44 Cyclops was the closest thing the early X-Men comics had to a main character, and was a
04:49 staple in the first two films of the X-Men franchise.
04:52 Played by James Marsden, he was a fun foil to Wolverine, and seeing his optic blasts
04:56 on screen was a treat for long-time X-Fans.
04:59 However, in the third film of the franchise, X-Men The Last Stand, the writers had too
05:03 many characters to juggle, and needed to write some out rather quickly.
05:07 Unfortunately, Cyclops didn't make the cut due to Marsden's scheduling conflicts with
05:10 Superman Returns, so Jean Grey's Phoenix persona dispatches him quite early on in the
05:15 film.
05:16 Cyclops led the team for many years in the comics, and he was an important part of the
05:19 first two films.
05:21 Writing him out so early and so pathetically makes him feel like just another background
05:25 character in the franchise, rather than one of its leads.
05:28 4.
05:29 Bilbo Baggins β The Hobbit β The Battle of the Five Armies
05:32 It's sometimes hard to see how Peter Jackson's Hobbit trilogy is based on J.R.R.
05:37 Tolkien's The Hobbit.
05:38 The book did not feature characters like Toriel and Legolas, was only one volume, not three,
05:42 and was actually about a bloody Hobbit.
05:44 Bilbo Baggins is the central character of that book, acting as the outsider and point-of-view
05:49 character throughout the adventure.
05:51 In the third Hobbit film, however, it seems as though Bilbo has used his magic ring to
05:55 disappear from the movie entirely.
05:57 It becomes less his story and more Thorin's.
05:59 Bilbo has much less stake in the titular battle than any of the dwarves, and by this point
06:03 he's already burgled Smaug, which is his main contribution to the quest.
06:07 The Battle of the Five Armies doesn't feel like Bilbo's story at all anymore, and the
06:11 main character of the book is insultingly just forgotten about.
06:14 The title "The Dwarves β The Battle of the Five Armies" would have actually made
06:17 more sense, since this movie is not about a Hobbit.
06:20 This is why you shouldn't make an entire movie from about ten pages of a children's
06:23 book.
06:24 3.
06:25 Albus Dumbledore β Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
06:28 This is the thing, Michael Gambon is an incredible actor.
06:31 However, a lot of people were totally put on edge when they saw the changes made to
06:34 Dumbledore's character following the death of Richard Harris, who played him in the original
06:38 films.
06:39 Now, Harris leaned into the level-headed aspect of the character much more than Gambon, and
06:43 was actually a lot more fun, being more light-hearted.
06:46 On the other hand, Michael Gambon's performance has its virtues, but the Dumbledore that he
06:49 gives us lacks the wisdom of the Dumbledore Harry first met, especially in Goblet of Fire.
06:55 Because we could just look to that much-memed moment of the "Did you put your name into
06:58 the Goblet of Fire, Harry?"
07:00 Dumbledore asked calmly, being shown in this case to be him screaming in his face.
07:04 Both performances are technically excellent, let's be honest, but the change here was
07:07 jarring to say the least.
07:08 2.
07:09 Rose β Star Wars Episode IX β The Rise of Skywalker
07:13 Star Wars Episode VIII The Last Jedi introduced audiences to Rose, a fun and fighty new hero,
07:19 who paired up with Finn for an adventure set on a casino planet.
07:22 However, Rose's character, played here by Kelly Marie Tran, received severe backlash
07:26 from fans who just didn't like The Last Jedi.
07:29 Some even turned toxic and bullied Tran off social media.
07:32 It seems particularly unfair, then, that Disney caved to these fans' hatred of the character
07:37 by cutting her out of most of Star Wars Episode IX β The Rise of Skywalker.
07:41 She contributes next to nothing to the plot, actively turning down the call to adventure
07:45 early on in the film, and her screen time is only about 76 seconds.
07:49 Both Rose and Tran deserved better from The Rise of Skywalker.
07:52 She would have been a welcome companion on the Resistance's journey, and it's rather
07:55 insulting that she had nothing to do with the franchise capper.
07:59 1.
08:00 Saruman β Lord of the Rings β The Return of the King
08:03 In Lord of the Rings β The Return of the King, Saruman has one final stand against
08:06 our heroes.
08:07 He taunts them from atop his tower after his defeat at Isengard.
08:11 However, Wormtongue, his former subordinate, betrays him at the last minute, stabbing him
08:15 in the back and letting him fall to his death, where he's impaled by the spoke of a giant
08:19 wheel.
08:20 What a way to go, right?
08:21 Well, wrong, because Saruman doesn't even appear in the theatrical release of the film.
08:25 Director Peter Jackson reserved his death scene for the four-hour extended cut, so only
08:29 hardcore fans with hardcore bladders actually saw it.
08:32 This doesn't seem fair to the character at all, who acted as the secondary antagonist
08:36 throughout the first two films.
08:38 Or indeed to activist Christopher Lee, who makes his second appearance on this list.
08:41 If Jackson didn't want to film the sacking of the Shire, Saruman's death scene in the
08:45 book, then he should have at least let everyone see the character's final moments in the
08:49 theatrical cut.
08:50 And there we go, my friends.
08:51 Those were 10 Movie Sequels That Totally Insulted Great Characters.
08:54 I hope that you enjoyed that, and please let me know what you thought about it down in
08:58 the comments section below.
08:59 As always, I've been Jules, you can go follow me over on Twitter @RetroJWithA0, or you can
09:03 swing by Liv and Let's Dice, where I do all of my streaming outside of work, and it'd
09:07 be great to see you over there.
09:08 But before I go, I just want to say one thing.
09:10 Hope you're treating yourself well, my friend, with love and respect, both physically and
09:14 mentally, because you deserve all of the best things in life, and do not let anything or
09:17 anyone else tell you otherwise, alright?
09:19 You're a massive ledge, and I want you to go out there and smash your life goals today.
09:22 I believe in ya.
09:24 As always, I've been Jules, you have been awesome.
09:26 Never forget that, and I'll speak to you soon.
09:28 Bye.
09:29 (upbeat music)