• last year
00:00 [music playing]
00:03 [music playing]
00:06 Come on for me, Randall.
00:32 I know it.
00:33 [music playing]
00:36 Good morning.
01:00 I see you got Logan.
01:02 Yeah.
01:03 Now we'll take him off your hands.
01:04 Afraid not.
01:05 You're worth $500 to me.
01:07 [music playing]
01:10 Are you a bounty hunter?
01:15 That's right.
01:16 Sure.
01:17 He's Josh Randall.
01:18 I've heard of the gun.
01:19 Your prisoner's a convicted killer.
01:21 You're going to have to take him.
01:24 I don't think so.
01:26 Now, Mr. Randall, we want no trouble.
01:28 [music playing]
01:32 [gunshot]
01:33 [music playing]
01:35 Who told you to do that?
01:36 Nobody.
01:37 [music playing]
01:40 [music playing]
01:43 [music playing]
01:47 [music playing]
01:51 [music playing]
01:54 [music playing]
01:58 [music playing]
02:01 [music playing]
02:05 [music playing]
02:09 [music playing]
02:12 [thunder]
02:27 [music playing]
02:30 [thunder]
02:33 [music playing]
02:37 [music playing]
02:50 [music playing]
02:54 [music playing]
02:57 [footsteps]
03:00 [music playing]
03:04 [footsteps]
03:06 [thud]
03:06 [crash]
03:07 [crash]
03:08 [crash]
03:09 [crash]
03:10 Well, Randall, I didn't expect to see you again.
03:15 Looking for the shirt.
03:17 Well, you came to the right place.
03:19 I saw the sign.
03:20 Where is he?
03:21 I'm the sheriff.
03:22 You didn't mention it this morning.
03:26 I was coming to it.
03:27 Took you a while, didn't it?
03:29 Well, I'm new at the job.
03:31 The truth is, I'm an acting sheriff.
03:32 Chad Holman, our regular, broke his hip,
03:34 and I'm filling in for him.
03:36 Makes it kind of tougher what I had in mind, doesn't it?
03:39 I don't know.
03:40 What did you have in mind?
03:42 Well, when you swore to uphold the law, sheriff,
03:45 did they make assault and robbery legal?
03:47 What do you mean by that?
03:49 I came in here to swear out a complaint,
03:50 but then I don't suppose you'd arrest yourself.
03:53 Nobody robbed you.
03:54 You took my prisoner.
03:55 Now, in my business, mister, that's
03:56 the same as taking my property.
03:59 You were paid in full, Mr. Randall.
04:00 I don't know what I can do about the assault,
04:05 unless some additional cash will make your head feel better.
04:07 Why should you pay it?
04:09 My boy hit you, and I'm sorry, if that
04:11 makes any difference to you.
04:13 I really chewed his head off.
04:15 But there's no handling, Damon, since this thing happened.
04:18 Since what thing happened?
04:19 The murder.
04:20 Brace Logan killed Damon's girl.
04:24 Well, since the law won't take a hand in this,
04:26 it'll just have to be settled in another way.
04:30 Randall, where are you going?
04:33 Find you a son.
04:37 All right, so they got him.
04:41 Now what happens?
04:41 Well, like I said before, I think we'll just take
04:44 him out and string him up.
04:45 Old Town's on your side in that, Damon.
04:46 There isn't one of them that wouldn't walk with you.
04:48 Well, why all the talk?
04:49 Why don't we just get a--
04:50 [GUNSHOT]
04:50 You've got anything to say?
04:52 Beer.
04:57 You better get out of here.
05:02 You listen to me, Damon.
05:13 The next time you pull this gun on me,
05:14 you'll be ready to shoot it now.
05:15 Do you understand?
05:16 [GUNSHOT]
05:18 You take care of that gun for a while.
05:29 Before me arrive, if you please.
05:31 Yes, sir.
05:33 Sorry I had to chase away your customers like that,
05:35 but I've got enough trouble without having
05:36 to worry about every young kid who's old enough to wear
05:38 a gun sculling me with it.
05:40 It's all right with me, mister.
05:42 I was getting kind of tired of the company anyway.
05:45 Ever since they rode into this town,
05:46 all we can talk about is hanging poor old Brace Logan,
05:49 Damon Ring Jr. especially.
05:51 Every man to his own pleasure.
05:53 When does Logan see the hangman?
05:55 Next week, Thursday.
05:56 That's what Judge Cooper said when he sentenced him.
05:58 But he ain't never going to make it, mister.
06:00 Young Ring's trying to talk up a lynching for tonight.
06:02 That's a pretty fair sized town.
06:04 Can't they stop these men?
06:05 The Rings are too big to fight if you
06:06 want to live around here.
06:07 And who cares about Brace Logan that much?
06:09 He's not important.
06:11 And everybody knows that he killed his own daughter.
06:13 Daughter?
06:14 Well, stepdaughter, that is.
06:16 Marley.
06:17 Pretty as anything you ever seen, too.
06:18 All the young bucks after.
06:20 But the Ring kid, he had the inside track with the girl,
06:22 just like he has with everything else around here.
06:25 Any witnesses to the murder?
06:26 Didn't need them.
06:28 Logan signed a confession.
06:30 Yes, sir.
06:32 Confession.
06:33 Much obliged.
06:37 I'll see you in a hair.
06:42 Oh, Randall.
06:54 My son was just here, and he told me what you did.
06:56 I guess I owe you something.
06:57 A father's thanks.
06:59 I think you taught him a lesson he wouldn't take from me.
07:01 Seems that way.
07:03 It's my fault. He spoiled rotten.
07:05 I'm sorry.
07:07 It's my fault.
07:08 He spoiled rotten.
07:09 That's not why you're here, is it?
07:11 I want to see Logan.
07:15 Look, Logan, I've got to know.
07:29 Now, did you kill the girl?
07:35 Look, can't you get it through your head, Logan?
07:36 I'm trying to help you.
07:39 Now, Logan, did you kill your stepdaughter?
07:45 I don't know.
07:46 They say I did.
07:48 What do you say?
07:50 I don't know.
07:52 Maybe I--
07:53 You signed a confession, Logan.
07:55 Well, the Sheriff wrote it out, so I signed it.
07:57 Why?
07:59 There was a hanging party outside the jail.
08:01 Nothing the Sheriff could do.
08:03 What happened the night that Marley was killed?
08:07 What do you mean?
08:08 I mean, what led up to it?
08:11 Didn't start that night.
08:12 Been going on for a long time.
08:14 What's been going on for a long time?
08:16 The trouble.
08:17 The trouble between Marley's ma and me.
08:20 It was cooking like a vat of mash.
08:21 It had to blow up.
08:23 What was wrong?
08:24 The girl.
08:25 She was running around and staying out late.
08:27 She wouldn't say where she was or who she was with.
08:30 I tried to bring her to heel, but her ma
08:31 said to leave her alone.
08:34 Her ma and me, we fought.
08:36 I called the girl in.
08:37 We fought again.
08:39 Then I found out about the money.
08:42 Money?
08:43 Over $100, Marley had it.
08:45 She wouldn't say where she got it.
08:47 I took it and started to drink the town dry.
08:51 Couple of days later, I was in the shed back of the house.
08:54 The missus was screaming at me.
08:57 Girl was dead.
09:01 That's all I know.
09:02 They say I killed her, but I don't remember.
09:07 Do you have any idea where Marley got the money?
09:09 You better try to find out.
09:14 Why?
09:16 What difference would that make?
09:19 It'll help keep you alive.
09:22 Alive?
09:25 I ask you again, Mr. Randall, who cares whether I live?
09:30 Or if I die?
09:31 The person that killed your stepdaughter.
09:41 Sheriff, let me out.
09:47 What you say about the money is very interesting, Mr. Randall.
09:54 I don't recall it being mentioned at Logan's trial.
09:58 However, I fail to see how this information bears
10:01 on the question of Logan's guilt.
10:03 Somebody gave Marley that money over $100.
10:05 Now, it wasn't just a present.
10:07 Now, I don't know.
10:08 Maybe-- maybe she had something on somebody.
10:11 Blackmail?
10:12 Possibly.
10:14 Well, it explained the money and the reason she didn't want
10:16 anybody to know where it came from.
10:17 There's a certain logic in what you say, Mr. Randall,
10:20 but aren't you forgetting Logan's confession?
10:23 No, I'm not forgetting the confession.
10:24 No, the circumstances that caused him to sign it.
10:26 A lynch mob yelling outside of a jailhouse.
10:29 There was no mob yelling in my court.
10:32 Logan was represented by a fine young attorney
10:34 of my appointment.
10:35 And there was not one word of testimony
10:37 and a repudiating Logan's confession.
10:40 How did he plead?
10:41 Guilty.
10:43 Not much room for testimony there now, is there?
10:45 That's why I set the execution over until next Thursday.
10:48 There was a lot of feeling for taking Logan out
10:50 and hanging him then and there.
10:52 I wanted him to have every chance under the law.
10:55 It's not easy, Mr. Randall, for a judge to say
10:57 the words that hang a man.
10:59 Well, there's something you ought to know, Judge.
11:05 Rumor's going around town that Brace Logan
11:07 won't be here for his hanging.
11:10 We're going to lynch him tonight.
11:11 We'll see about that.
11:26 Figured you would.
11:29 Once the way my fellow citizens want their law,
11:36 I won't disappoint them.
11:37 Court's now in session.
11:42 LL Cooper presiding.
11:51 Hey, thanks, sir.
11:53 Make it strong.
11:54 Oh, make it big and strong.
11:56 It'll be a lot of fun with this one.
11:58 Now get that out of here.
11:59 Hey, let's try it.
12:00 Hey!
12:01 [LAUGHTER]
12:21 Hiya, Judge.
12:23 Who's your friend?
12:24 I believe you've met him, Damon.
12:27 I want the street cleared.
12:29 All of you, go on home.
12:30 Ooh.
12:31 How about that?
12:32 Is that an order, Judge?
12:34 It is.
12:36 Well, now, there's no law against a man buying
12:38 a drink for his friends, is there, Judge?
12:40 Yeah.
12:41 How about it, Judge?
12:42 How about a drink, Judge, huh?
12:43 In fact, I never heard of a law where even a judge could
12:45 order a man around if he wasn't doing anything
12:47 but minding his own business.
12:49 Is that what you're doing?
12:51 That's right.
12:51 Just minding my own business.
12:53 Right, boys?
12:54 [CHEERING]
12:56 Right, now I'm going to go in and mind another glass full.
12:58 [CHEERING]
13:05 I'm glad you're here, Judge.
13:28 I could see what happened in the street.
13:29 You better talk to your son, Damon,
13:31 before he gets in so deep he can't turn around.
13:33 You know how much that girl meant to him.
13:35 I can't talk to him.
13:36 You're not just a father now, you know.
13:38 You're wearing a badge.
13:39 Well, I'm not the man to wear it.
13:41 I want you to get one thing straight right now.
13:44 If they come for Logan, I'm not going
13:46 to shoot my son or my neighbors just to protect him.
13:49 You're protecting the law.
13:52 I'm not going to trade my son's life for a few hours in jail
13:54 with that squatter in there.
13:56 That squatter in there was almost
13:57 your son's father-in-law.
13:58 Damon would have waked up.
14:00 Boys do foolish things, but they grow out.
14:02 Well, we're going to see that he grows
14:04 out of another one tonight.
14:05 I'll be here with you to make sure that this lesson takes.
14:08 Randall, why don't you ride out to the Logan place
14:10 and talk to the missus?
14:11 Ring and I can handle things here.
14:22 [KNOCKING]
14:25 [KNOCKING]
14:39 [KNOCKING]
14:46 Miss Logan?
14:51 Yeah?
14:52 My name's Josh Randall.
14:53 I'd like to talk to you about your husband.
14:57 I don't know where he is.
15:00 Sheriff's got him in jail.
15:02 Good.
15:03 Miss Logan, I rode out here to ask you a couple of questions
15:12 about Marley and Braith.
15:15 Are you sure in your own mind that he did the killing?
15:17 Yep.
15:19 That all you want to know?
15:21 No.
15:23 I talked to Braith a little while ago.
15:25 He doesn't remember much about the night
15:27 that Marley was killed.
15:28 Fact is, he doesn't remember anything at all.
15:31 But he does remember a couple of days
15:32 before when he found out that Marley
15:34 had over $100 in cash.
15:35 Now, Miss Logan, where would your daughter
15:40 get that kind of money?
15:42 You trying to say Marley wasn't a good girl?
15:45 No, ma'am, I'm just trying to ask a very important question.
15:48 Marley was a good girl, mister.
15:51 You have to answer to me or Braith, Logan.
15:53 She's a pretty girl.
15:59 Any man around here would have been proud to marry with her.
16:03 What about young Damon Ring?
16:06 He wouldn't leave her be.
16:08 Even his dad couldn't keep him from pestering around.
16:11 Miss Logan, where did your daughter get that money?
16:13 [SILENCE]
16:16 Where did she go?
16:20 Who did she see?
16:21 Do you know your daughter that well?
16:26 She didn't keep nothing from me.
16:30 Nothing that mattered.
16:31 Well, then what's the answer?
16:32 Where was she the day you and Braith had the argument?
16:35 No place.
16:39 Well, then somebody must have come by here to see her.
16:42 Now, who was it?
16:44 She just didn't kick over a rock and find that cash.
16:48 Miss Logan, if you don't want to tell me,
16:49 we'll go into town, you can tell Judge Cooper.
16:51 Now, how's that?
16:54 Damon Ring, he come by.
16:56 He gave her the money?
16:57 Why?
16:59 That all?
17:02 Just wondering why you didn't mention it at the trial.
17:05 There were no trial.
17:07 Braith killed my girl, signed a confession.
17:10 There were no need for trial.
17:11 I just give him a sentence.
17:14 If you'd have mentioned it to the judge,
17:15 it might have helped, you know?
17:18 I got no yearning to help him.
17:21 About time Brace Logan got what's coming to him.
17:27, [CHATTER]
17:34 [CHATTER]
17:50 [CHATTER]
17:53 What are you going to do?
18:11 I'll talk to them if they listen.
18:13 What if they won't?
18:14 Then I'll have to make them listen.
18:19 That's far enough.
18:23 We came for Logan.
18:24 Get him out here.
18:25 Damon, you knew your way around the law
18:27 this afternoon when I told you men to go home and cool off.
18:31 You don't think--
18:32 Don't try to soft talk me, Judge.
18:34 We want Logan.
18:34 [CHATTER]
18:36 Now, either you bring him out here,
18:37 or we're going in after him.
18:39 If you do, some of us won't be alive to see it.
18:42 [CHATTER]
18:45 Come on, let's go.
18:50 Damon, I was a marshal a long time before I was a judge.
18:54 This gun has killed a lot of men who wouldn't listen to reason.
18:58 Now it's up to you.
18:59 You can be the next one.
19:03 You're not going to shoot me, Judge, or anybody else.
19:06 Just get out of the way.
19:07 [GUNSHOT]
19:08 [GUNSHOT]
19:09 [GUNSHOT]
19:10 [CHATTER]
19:13 [GUNSHOTS]
19:16 [CHATTER]
19:19 [GUNSHOTS]
19:22 [CHATTER]
19:25 [GUNSHOTS]
19:28 [CHATTER]
19:31 [GUNSHOTS]
19:37 [GROANING]
19:51 [GROANING]
19:54 What happened?
20:05 They came.
20:06 Damon Ring, Jr. led them.
20:08 I tried to hold them off at the sheriff's office.
20:11 Damon's father jumped me.
20:13 I got a real shocking story for him.
20:14 What's that?
20:16 They hung the wrong man.
20:20 The murder's awake.
20:38 Congratulations.
20:47 How do you feel?
20:48 You're too late, Randall.
20:50 It is for you.
20:52 You incited a riot that led to a man's unlawful death.
20:55 Logan was a murderer.
20:57 Was he?
20:58 That's the man standing behind you.
20:59 He's the judge who tried him.
21:01 Randall has new evidence, which none of us thought to get.
21:04 If Logan were alive, he'd get a new hearing as a result of it.
21:11 New evidence.
21:12 That's a laugh.
21:13 You think so?
21:16 You know, the best way to keep people
21:17 from asking too many questions is
21:18 to make them guilty of murder.
21:20 Whip them into a mob so they'll lynch an innocent man.
21:23 That way, they've got to believe that Logan
21:25 killed his stepdaughter.
21:26 He did.
21:27 Brace Logan came home that night dead drunk,
21:30 passed out in the shed where he kept his horse because he
21:32 couldn't make it up to the house.
21:34 Now, the man who really killed Marley
21:35 just shoved the body in the shed and started
21:37 collecting a lynch mob.
21:44 Why are you looking at me?
21:47 Why would I kill Marley?
21:49 I loved her.
21:50 That'll do for a starter.
21:52 If you decided she was playing you for a sucker,
21:53 taking your money, laughing at you.
21:56 I never gave her any money.
21:58 Well, her mother said you did.
21:59 A lot of it.
22:02 And I'm going to see you hanged, Damon.
22:07 As long as your father's acting sheriff of this town,
22:31 we'll give him the pleasure of dropping you in a cell.
22:33 Open up.
22:46 He's not going to let you in, Mr. Randall.
22:54 What do you mean?
22:56 It wasn't me that killed Marley.
22:59 I loved her.
23:00 [GUNSHOT]
23:05 Get the doctor.
23:12 I knew it was my father back at the saloon.
23:22 I knew it then.
23:25 Now I know why.
23:28 He loved her more than I did, a lot more.
24:32 (dramatic music)