The Call Boy I Met in Paris - Uncut Full Movie

  • hace 3 meses
The Call Boy I Met in Paris - Uncut Full Movie
00:00:00 [Alarm clock]
00:00:06 [Cough]
00:00:07 What the heck happened last night?
00:00:10 [Sigh]
00:00:13 [Sigh]
00:00:18 Oh God, did I really sleep with a cowboy?
00:00:27 [Sigh]
00:00:28 You're just going to leave without saying goodbye?
00:00:55 Oh, I forgot to pay you.
00:00:57 Of course.
00:00:58 Two grand should cover it.
00:01:01 Goodbye, and I will see you...
00:01:13 Never.
00:01:16 [Sigh]
00:01:18 The truth is, I met her once seven years ago.
00:01:30 I had just arrived in Paris for my foreign exchange program,
00:01:33 but I got my wallet and phone stolen on my first day here.
00:01:37 Ah!
00:01:39 Excuse me.
00:01:40 Who am I to?
00:01:41 You speak English.
00:01:44 Um, please, I'm trying to get the money.
00:01:47 Take your picture.
00:01:49 Take your picture.
00:01:52 Take your picture!
00:01:56 American?
00:02:11 Yes, you speak English.
00:02:14 Yeah, and let me guess, your wallet and your phone were stolen.
00:02:17 How did you know that?
00:02:18 I mean, it happens. I was in your shoes not too long ago.
00:02:21 But, this should be enough to get you a taxi to wherever you want to go.
00:02:26 Good luck.
00:02:28 Wait, I didn't get your name.
00:02:33 [Sigh]
00:02:34 Oh, Sophie Swift!
00:02:44 Smile for the camera!
00:02:46 Oh, if your fiancé finds out about your little one-night stand,
00:02:53 think he'll still marry you?
00:02:54 You still think I'd marry that lying, cheating, tiny dick man whore?
00:02:57 You know what, since you like to say that,
00:02:59 why don't you marry him?
00:03:02 Well, I'm going to show Derek and Daddy these photos.
00:03:04 See what they have to say.
00:03:06 Hey, psycho, what are you doing?
00:03:10 Oops. Looks like you need a new phone.
00:03:13 Here, go buy one.
00:03:17 Now get out before I call security.
00:03:20 Oh, my gosh.
00:03:26 [Laughter]
00:03:29 Hey.
00:03:40 So, you work in hotels, huh?
00:03:45 Actually, this is just one of the many hotels.
00:03:47 Oh, um, hi. My car is here.
00:03:49 Keep this.
00:03:51 You did really good last night.
00:03:55 Huh.
00:03:56 One of the many hotels that I own.
00:03:59 This woman is always giving me money.
00:04:07 Wait. Does she really think I'm a cowboy?
00:04:11 Hey, boss. Still on for golf with the senator?
00:04:22 I've rescheduled.
00:04:23 Take me to the Maple Plaza site.
00:04:25 I need to check on a few things.
00:04:27 Look into Sophie Swift for me.
00:04:44 I need to know everything about her.
00:04:46 Got it, boss.
00:04:48 [Suspenseful music]
00:04:50 Well, if she's going to sleep with some random male escort,
00:05:01 I don't want to marry her anymore.
00:05:03 But, Derek, if you don't marry Sophie,
00:05:08 she can't inherit her late mother's company.
00:05:10 We talked about this.
00:05:12 You heard what Stella said.
00:05:14 She saw Sophie with another man.
00:05:16 It's not my fault.
00:05:17 Daddy, don't be mad.
00:05:19 You know how irresponsible Sophie is.
00:05:21 Sophie, where the hell are you?
00:05:31 Come home now.
00:05:45 Yeah, boss. What you need?
00:05:46 So the first round of the state inspection is next week.
00:05:48 So we got to make sure everything's good to go.
00:05:50 It's all under control, boss. We got it.
00:05:52 See, look.
00:05:53 The trash over by the trash can needs to go in the trash can.
00:05:55 It can't be laying around on the ground, right?
00:05:57 My mistake, boss. I'll take care of it right away.
00:05:59 Speak in Spanish.
00:06:04 [Horse neighs]
00:06:05 [Phone buzzing]
00:06:11 Where the hell are you?
00:06:13 You need to come home right now.
00:06:15 What do you want, dad?
00:06:16 I'm meeting with the construction site manager
00:06:17 to go over some changes to the blueprint.
00:06:19 Your sister told me everything.
00:06:21 Have you no shame?
00:06:23 Derek wants to break off the engagement.
00:06:26 You need to come home and beg him to take you back
00:06:29 if you want to save the company.
00:06:31 I don't want to marry him either.
00:06:33 He's there with you, isn't he?
00:06:35 Put me on speaker.
00:06:37 Hey, Derek. Fuck you.
00:06:41 You turn 25 in three days.
00:06:43 How do you expect to inherit your mother's company
00:06:45 if you don't get married?
00:06:47 It's clearly stated in the will.
00:06:49 You know what? I will marry anybody else but him.
00:06:51 Goodbye.
00:06:53 It's you.
00:06:59 It's you.
00:07:02 Um...
00:07:04 So, you work at the hotels at night
00:07:08 and then here during the day.
00:07:10 Well, geez, don't overwork yourself.
00:07:12 I usually handle it just fine,
00:07:13 but I'm especially tired after last night.
00:07:16 How many rounds?
00:07:17 Oh, hey, stop it. I'm right there.
00:07:20 Anyway, what brings you here today, Ms. Swift?
00:07:23 You can call me Sophie.
00:07:24 And I'm supposed to meet the construction site manager,
00:07:27 but I'm late and I think that they've already left.
00:07:30 So, I guess I can just call them later.
00:07:33 Oh, snap.
00:07:34 She's from the architecture firm that's partnered with us?
00:07:37 Justin, you must be exhausted from working two jobs.
00:07:41 Why don't you come work for me instead?
00:07:43 Huh?
00:07:44 I can double your current salary, whatever it is.
00:07:47 Where are we going? What's the job?
00:07:49 City Hall. And the job is to marry me.
00:07:51 What?
00:07:53 Okay, husband.
00:08:02 So, from now on, I pay you 10K a month
00:08:04 for as long as we're married,
00:08:05 and it was a pleasure doing business with you.
00:08:08 You got it, boss.
00:08:09 Or should I say wife?
00:08:11 Boss wife.
00:08:12 Let the show begin.
00:08:14 Nice of you to finally come home.
00:08:26 If I were you, I'd be begging Derek to take me back.
00:08:30 Derek probably doesn't even want to see her anymore.
00:08:32 That's why she came crawling back here.
00:08:34 That's funny, coming from two homewreckers.
00:08:37 How dare you?
00:08:38 Tony, do you hear your daughter?
00:08:41 Rude rat.
00:08:43 I am not here to listen to you guys talk down on me.
00:08:46 I'm here to show you my marriage certificate.
00:08:48 And in about three days' time,
00:08:50 I will be taking over my late mother's architecture firm.
00:08:53 And you guys can't do anything about it.
00:08:55 Who the fuck is Justin Lake?
00:08:59 Justin Lake.
00:09:03 That name sounds familiar.
00:09:05 I know I've heard that name before.
00:09:07 Wait, is that the guy from this morning?
00:09:10 You married some random cowboy?
00:09:12 What?
00:09:14 That's appalling.
00:09:15 Oh, not as appalling as you.
00:09:17 At least he didn't sleep with a married man and get pregnant.
00:09:19 Don't you dare talk to my mother that way.
00:09:22 You need to file for divorce right now
00:09:27 or never set foot in this house again.
00:09:30 I'm okay with that.
00:09:32 I was just here to show you my certificate.
00:09:34 So...
00:09:35 Holy fuck, Sophie.
00:09:39 You got married to a stranger.
00:09:41 Holy fuck, Sophie.
00:09:46 You got married to a stranger.
00:09:48 Yes, Kendall. You asked me three times already.
00:09:50 And like I said, fake marriage
00:09:51 so that I can inherit my mother's company.
00:09:53 Yeah, still, marriage is a huge deal.
00:09:56 What am I supposed to do?
00:09:58 Marry Derek?
00:10:01 You're right.
00:10:02 Anyone is better than Derek.
00:10:05 Have no mercy for cheaters.
00:10:07 So, how did you meet this Justin Lake?
00:10:11 Two grand should cover it.
00:10:14 I'd rather not say that.
00:10:18 Okay.
00:10:19 What does he do for a living?
00:10:21 Okay, I'd rather not answer that one either.
00:10:23 You gotta give me something.
00:10:25 Look, point being, I am paying him ten grand a month
00:10:27 to play my husband for a couple months.
00:10:29 Wait, you're paying him ten grand?
00:10:31 And then we get divorced.
00:10:33 I'm your assistant.
00:10:34 Why is his salary higher than mine?
00:10:36 I want a raise.
00:10:37 A raise. Okay.
00:10:39 I need you to look into someone for me.
00:10:45 His name?
00:10:46 Justin Lake.
00:10:49 [Suspenseful music]
00:10:51 Boss, what's happening?
00:11:06 You've been like this all morning.
00:11:08 I got married yesterday to the girl of my dreams.
00:11:10 Wait, the Paris girl?
00:11:12 Yep.
00:11:14 Wait, let me guess.
00:11:15 Sophie Swift?
00:11:17 Yep.
00:11:18 She's with Swift Architecture.
00:11:20 We're actually working with them on the Maple Plaza project.
00:11:22 Huh.
00:11:23 She doesn't really know who I am yet.
00:11:25 Huh?
00:11:26 And she's giving me ten grand a month.
00:11:28 Isn't she cute?
00:11:29 Huh?
00:11:30 [Phone buzzing]
00:11:34 Hey.
00:11:36 Hey yourself.
00:11:37 Alright, first day on the job, I texted you an address.
00:11:40 Please meet me there.
00:11:41 You got it.
00:11:42 I gotta go.
00:11:45 What do you mean you gotta go? Where?
00:11:47 She called. I gotta go.
00:11:49 That's it?
00:11:50 Wait, what about our meetings today?
00:11:51 You gotta cancel it. Your wife's more important.
00:11:53 Huh?
00:11:56 Looking good, Joey.
00:12:08 Welcome, Ms. Swift.
00:12:10 I have your address right here.
00:12:12 Actually, my husband is coming in a minute and he needs some decent suits.
00:12:16 And you're the only designer in LA that I trust.
00:12:18 Oh, it's not that I don't want to help, Ms. Swift, but this is too last minute.
00:12:23 I am swamped by orders.
00:12:25 I'm so sorry I'm late.
00:12:32 It's okay.
00:12:33 Ms. Swift.
00:12:34 Now how come you didn't tell me that your husband was...
00:12:41 was such a handsome young man?
00:12:44 Justin Lake.
00:12:46 Yes, sir.
00:12:48 Actually, I don't know if I've ever been in a store like this.
00:12:51 Everything looks so expensive.
00:12:53 You really don't have to do this for me.
00:12:55 Well, you're my husband, of course I do, but I'm happy to, so...
00:12:59 Can you get his measurements, please?
00:13:01 Oh, there's no need.
00:13:02 I mean...
00:13:05 I mean...
00:13:09 Well, I've been doing this for too long.
00:13:12 One look, and I have a rough number in mind.
00:13:16 Okay, well, see, then this is why we're here.
00:13:18 Joey's the expert of experts.
00:13:19 Well, I have some suits you'll look stunning in, Mr. Lake.
00:13:23 Please, follow me.
00:13:25 I'll wait for you out here, okay?
00:13:26 Okay.
00:13:27 These two racks are customized for you, Mr. Lake.
00:13:35 Grab a few options and I can pretend to put them on.
00:13:38 [Music]
00:13:40 Hmm.
00:13:53 It's not bad.
00:13:57 Okay, what kind of witchcraft is this?
00:14:00 Every suit fits you like a glove.
00:14:02 Trade secrets.
00:14:05 [Music]
00:14:07 Oh, sorry.
00:14:25 No, that's okay.
00:14:27 We're actually going to take all three suits.
00:14:30 Uh, well, actually, we're having an annual sale on now.
00:14:36 All the suits you chose are 30% off.
00:14:39 Really?
00:14:40 You never have sales.
00:14:41 Let me wrap these up for you.
00:14:44 Okay.
00:14:45 Promise I'll make enough money to pay you back.
00:14:50 You're my husband, okay?
00:14:51 You don't have to pay me back.
00:14:52 At least not with money.
00:14:56 [Music]
00:14:58 Wow.
00:15:10 I've never had a woman take me shopping, buy me expensive clothes, and offer to take me home.
00:15:15 Lucky you.
00:15:17 You just won the jackpot.
00:15:18 There's no argument there.
00:15:20 Come on, dinner's on me.
00:15:22 Is this Sophie?
00:15:23 [Music]
00:15:24 It really is you.
00:15:27 What do you want?
00:15:28 So, Stella was right about you.
00:15:29 This must be your new boy toy, huh?
00:15:32 And you must be the cheating, lying, tiny dick man-whore, right?
00:15:37 You bitch. Is that what you told him?
00:15:40 You bitch. Is that what you told him?
00:15:50 You call my wife a bitch again, and I won't hesitate to break your nose.
00:15:53 You hear me, bitch?
00:15:56 Whatever, man. Just chill the fuck out.
00:15:59 Now shoot, unless you want to get hit.
00:16:02 Whatever, arrogant prick.
00:16:06 Come on, I'm extra hungry now.
00:16:11 Okay.
00:16:13 Are you sure you want to pay for dinner? This place is very expensive.
00:16:20 Look, you pay me ten grand a month, I think I can comfortably afford this.
00:16:23 Don't worry about it. Order whatever you'd like.
00:16:25 Alright, don't blame me if I break your wallet.
00:16:28 Mr. Lake, why didn't you tell me you were coming in tonight?
00:16:35 Justin, is he talking to you?
00:16:40 Dennis.
00:16:47 My good buddy Dennis, long time no see. How are you?
00:16:50 You know the GM here?
00:16:52 Yeah, from when I used to work here for work.
00:16:58 Right. Hi, Justin. From when you used to work here.
00:17:03 My brother. We really miss you around here.
00:17:07 What did you used to do here?
00:17:10 I would, uh, I'd bring clients.
00:17:16 So you rep shared with the restaurant?
00:17:18 That's clever. No wonder you brought me here. Why didn't you just tell me?
00:17:27 So you ready to order?
00:17:30 Teddy bear?
00:17:34 Teddy bear?
00:17:35 Teddy bear?
00:17:47 Sophie bear. Come here.
00:17:50 Hi. When did you get back from Barcelona?
00:17:54 This morning.
00:17:55 Why didn't you call me to come get you from the airport?
00:17:57 I wanted to be a surprise.
00:17:58 Consider me surprised. But how did you even know I was here?
00:18:03 Dummy. Come on. You remember you shared your location with my phone?
00:18:06 After what happened last time?
00:18:08 Come on. Any more questions?
00:18:10 Okay, okay.
00:18:11 Oh, uh, Justin, meet Teddy, my best friend.
00:18:14 Justin.
00:18:16 Ted.
00:18:18 That's a firm handshake you got there.
00:18:23 Am I interrupting anything? Actually, we were...
00:18:28 No, join us for dinner.
00:18:29 Great. Start.
00:18:32 Great.
00:18:33 So how is business in Barcelona?
00:18:44 Fantastic. We broke record sales three years in a row. Revenue's up over half a billion now.
00:18:49 Congratulations. Your father must be so proud.
00:18:52 Wow. Half a billion. What line of work are you in, Todd?
00:19:00 Ted. It's construction.
00:19:02 We're one of the largest construction companies in Spain.
00:19:04 Yeah, my mom was an architect. That's why we're family friends.
00:19:07 Well, profit margin in construction is pretty low.
00:19:11 So you're saying your revenue is 500 million.
00:19:15 That means you took down what, 300 million?
00:19:17 Even after taxes, that's...
00:19:18 Justin, stop being so rude.
00:19:20 No, no. It's fine. It's fine.
00:19:22 He's right. We have a long way to go.
00:19:24 I'm certain we'll surpass late construction here in no time.
00:19:29 What about you, Justin? What type of work are you in?
00:19:31 Shit. Justin must feel so embarrassed.
00:19:40 Oh, Justin works with me now. He is my assistant architect.
00:19:44 That's nice.
00:19:54 So, I flew back from Barcelona to take care of some emergency family matters.
00:19:57 But I'll be here for a while this time.
00:19:59 Call me whenever. We need to hang out.
00:20:01 Of course.
00:20:03 I haven't seen you in, what, a year?
00:20:05 A long time.
00:20:07 We need to catch up?
00:20:08 Yeah.
00:20:09 Bye, Ted.
00:20:13 Bye.
00:20:14 Yeah, bye.
00:20:17 That's your bestie, huh?
00:20:23 Well, we practically grew up together.
00:20:24 He is like my brother from another mother.
00:20:26 By the way, I know it got a little awkward when Teddy started asking you about your line of business,
00:20:32 so I have another proposal.
00:20:34 Why don't you join my company?
00:20:36 Oh, fuck.
00:20:38 No shade to your previous profession.
00:20:42 I just think anyone making money with their hard work should be treated with respect.
00:20:46 Sophie, the thing is...
00:20:50 Just come in for an interview.
00:20:53 Please, I think a career change won't hurt you, and it'll help our story.
00:20:58 And here is your bill, sir.
00:21:01 Just give me a time and a place, Paula, and I'll be there.
00:21:05 Yay!
00:21:07 No need to be nervous, okay? We're just gonna chat a bit.
00:21:17 Sounds good to me.
00:21:19 So, do you have your resume on you?
00:21:21 I sure do.
00:21:22 I've done a little bit of this, a little bit of that. Nothing special.
00:21:26 Don't worry. Sophie has already chosen you as her Prince Charming.
00:21:30 I'm pretty sure you've done something.
00:21:32 This is incredible.
00:21:39 You went to L-I-S-A-A in Paris?
00:21:43 That's correct.
00:21:45 You were the chief designer of the reconstruction of Shangri-La, Paris.
00:21:48 You got that right, too.
00:21:49 And you designed Philharmonie des Paris as well?
00:21:52 You're hired.
00:21:56 I just got hired at Swift Architecture. I start today.
00:22:06 What?
00:22:08 Are you trying to blow up my eardrums?
00:22:10 But boss, what about late construction?
00:22:11 I'm gonna count on you to take care of the company while I'm gone.
00:22:14 Okay? Goodbye.
00:22:16 Boss.
00:22:18 Boss!
00:22:19 Take care of what company?
00:22:22 Take care of what company?
00:22:28 Take care of Tommy.
00:22:31 My pet goldfish.
00:22:33 Since I'll be working for you now and I'll be super busy,
00:22:37 a pet goldfish requires a lot of work.
00:22:40 Water changes and everything.
00:22:43 Okay.
00:22:46 Anyways, come on. I'll give you a ride.
00:22:48 Where are we going?
00:22:50 Well, I don't want to overwork you on your first day.
00:22:52 Let me give you a ride home.
00:22:53 My home?
00:22:55 This is where you live.
00:22:59 Thanks for the ride.
00:23:01 I'll catch you later.
00:23:03 You can head out now.
00:23:06 No worries. Go ahead.
00:23:09 You know, I forgot my key.
00:23:13 I'll wait for my roomie to get here.
00:23:15 You share this place with a roomie.
00:23:17 Four. Four roomies.
00:23:20 No, no, no. This won't do.
00:23:22 Wait. Huh?
00:23:25 What brings us here today?
00:23:31 Well, we're looking at new houses, obviously.
00:23:34 I have my eye on the single family.
00:23:36 It's a little bit pricey, though. About $30 million.
00:23:38 But the design of Lake Enterprise is stunning and the location could not be any better.
00:23:43 Lake Enterprise?
00:23:44 Hmm? Let's go buy you a house.
00:23:46 Me?
00:23:48 Transportation around here is super convenient.
00:23:51 Subway is just around the corner.
00:23:53 Excellent school district.
00:23:55 And we have a new Maple Plaza opening next year.
00:23:57 What's your take on the neighborhood?
00:24:01 It's great.
00:24:03 Too many pamphlets on the site.
00:24:05 Yes. I'll be right back.
00:24:06 [music]
00:24:08 If it isn't my loser sister and her loser husband.
00:24:20 Hey, sis. House hunting so soon after getting married?
00:24:26 That's none of your business.
00:24:29 Well, Derek insists on buying me a house.
00:24:31 That's right, babe. Whichever one you fancy, I'll buy it for you.
00:24:36 The Swift here are the pamphlets you asked for?
00:24:38 Oh, I'll take whichever lot she's looking at.
00:24:40 Use this card.
00:24:42 Sorry, it's mine now.
00:24:48 I don't know. I just have a feeling today is not a good day for you two.
00:24:54 What are you, a psychic?
00:24:56 This guy is delusional.
00:24:58 Hey, let me tell you how this is going to work out for you, compadre.
00:25:02 Sorry, sir. Our card processing is down for maintenance.
00:25:06 What the fuck? Do you take check?
00:25:10 Sorry, our system is down. We won't be able to process any payments today.
00:25:16 Forget it. Let's get out of here, then.
00:25:19 I guess we'll just have to come back.
00:25:24 Miss Swift, our servers are back online.
00:25:27 Already?
00:25:28 And we have a promotion today.
00:25:31 How much do you have?
00:25:32 Fifty percent off.
00:25:34 Fifty percent off.
00:25:35 Deal.
00:25:40 Deal.
00:25:44 Oh my god.
00:25:48 You're kind of adorable when you're happy, huh?
00:25:50 Fifteen million? I could buy another one.
00:25:53 But how does he have the authority for that kind of promo?
00:25:56 You think he's some undercover billionaire?
00:26:00 What if he's Mr. Lake? The CEO of Lake Enterprise?
00:26:04 He does look quite handsome, by the way.
00:26:08 I'm not handsome?
00:26:11 Daddy, Sophie took her boy toy to buy a house today.
00:26:24 And she had a huge argument with Derek.
00:26:26 She knows Derek.
00:26:29 She knows exactly how to rile me.
00:26:32 I bet Derek is pissed.
00:26:35 Well, what if I marry Derek?
00:26:37 What if I marry Derek and bring the families together?
00:26:45 Absolutely not.
00:26:46 Their engagement is already a scandal.
00:26:49 If you marry Derek, our entire family will be a joke.
00:26:58 If only Sophie were as obedient as you.
00:27:01 I have no idea what any of this shit means.
00:27:07 Derek.
00:27:10 Sophie's taking over the company today.
00:27:16 I have nothing.
00:27:18 Don't worry.
00:27:19 I won't let her win.
00:27:21 I'm not gonna let her win.
00:27:46 Today marks the first day of me taking over my mother's company,
00:27:49 and I am very eager to work with you all.
00:27:51 Your scandal with Derek has tarnished the company's image.
00:27:54 Indeed.
00:27:55 And the stock took another hit today.
00:27:58 How are you gonna address that?
00:27:59 This discussion has nothing to do with my personal life.
00:28:01 But Derek has conspired with other firms against us.
00:28:05 This is all your fault.
00:28:07 I will take care of this.
00:28:09 And I can assure you that if I don't turn the company around in six months,
00:28:13 I will step down voluntarily.
00:28:16 Now, let's get back to work.
00:28:19 Patrick.
00:28:26 Sophie needs help.
00:28:28 Um, what do you need me to do, boss?
00:28:30 I need you to sign a three-year exclusive deal with Swift Enterprise on my behalf.
00:28:37 Mr. and Mrs. Swift.
00:28:42 I hear your company's been having some trouble.
00:28:45 Our stock's tanking.
00:28:48 It's driving me crazy.
00:28:50 It's all Sophie's fault.
00:28:52 Sophie and I had a tiny misunderstanding.
00:28:55 So she rushed into marriage to get back at me.
00:28:58 But if she begs me to take her back, and apologizes to me,
00:29:03 I won't mind marrying her.
00:29:05 You've always been a perfect match for Sophie.
00:29:10 Once Sophie and I are married,
00:29:13 our companies can unite, and we will be unstoppable.
00:29:19 Make Sophie divorce him and dump that freeloader for good.
00:29:23 I'll make sure Sophie marries you, Derek.
00:29:26 Alright.
00:29:27 I won't take up any more of your time.
00:29:29 Sophie, come home right away.
00:29:37 It's urgent.
00:29:40 [Dramatic music]
00:29:41 What is your emergency?
00:29:48 Divorce that loser husband and marry Derek.
00:29:51 Now!
00:29:53 That's your emergency?
00:29:55 Your husband is a loser.
00:29:58 Our stocks are tanking.
00:30:00 Marry Derek and fix this shit.
00:30:03 First of all, don't call my husband a loser.
00:30:06 Second of all, your daughter is screwing Derek.
00:30:08 So if you think that I'm going to marry him, you're delusional.
00:30:12 And lastly, I will fix this.
00:30:14 Without the help of that fucking cheater or any of you leeches.
00:30:17 If you don't divorce that loser, don't ever come back.
00:30:22 You are no daughter of mine.
00:30:25 Fine. I won't.
00:30:28 You were a horrible husband to mother,
00:30:31 so it really doesn't surprise me of how shitty of a dad you are.
00:30:35 The three of you are family and I'm just your cash cow.
00:30:38 That ends today.
00:30:40 Do you want to have a drink with me?
00:30:52 Whoa.
00:30:54 Having a party, huh?
00:30:56 Sorry, I was just settling in. I didn't know you were coming.
00:31:00 Yeah, I should probably settle in myself.
00:31:02 Wait, really?
00:31:04 Yeah, I just cut ties with my family, so cheers.
00:31:08 Want to talk about it?
00:31:13 What's there to talk about?
00:31:15 Sophie.
00:31:19 You don't have to smile all the time.
00:31:23 It can be a shoulder to cry on too.
00:31:32 Oh, slow down. Slow down.
00:31:34 Mmm.
00:31:36 Oh, you're lame.
00:31:39 I think you've had enough.
00:31:41 Sophie?
00:31:51 Sophie?
00:31:53 Fuck.
00:31:54 Let's get you some rest. Come on.
00:31:57 [Soft music]
00:31:59 Justin. Oh my god.
00:32:08 Just in time. I made you coffee. What's up?
00:32:11 Lake Enterprise just called me and they want to sign a long-term contract with us.
00:32:16 This is everything that I needed.
00:32:18 So I'm actually going to go meet them at Lake Enterprise right now.
00:32:20 Perfect. I'll wait for you at the office.
00:32:24 No, no, no. You're coming with me.
00:32:26 Okay, Justin. Come this way with me.
00:32:38 [Upbeat music]
00:32:44 [Upbeat music]
00:32:47 [Upbeat music]
00:32:49 [Upbeat music]
00:32:59 [Upbeat music]
00:33:10 [Upbeat music]
00:33:12 What's the fanciest restaurant you can think of?
00:33:20 Oh, Olive Garden.
00:33:22 And what are you doing here?
00:33:29 That's none of your concern.
00:33:31 Mr. Lake.
00:33:33 Mr. Lake is not available at the moment, but you can have a seat and wait for him, sir.
00:33:38 I know what you're up to.
00:33:40 Forget it.
00:33:42 Mr. Lake and I already struck up a deal.
00:33:44 Oh. You know Mr. Lake?
00:33:47 You know Mr. Lake?
00:33:52 Of course. We're...
00:33:54 [Chuckles]
00:33:56 Well... Why should I tell you?
00:33:58 Oh, come on. You can say it.
00:34:01 I don't want to.
00:34:05 Uh, Mr. Brown. This way, please.
00:34:08 I can't wait to work with you.
00:34:26 That makes two of us.
00:34:33 Bathroom. Be right back.
00:34:35 Still waiting?
00:34:48 Um, Mr. Lake and I actually had a nice chat earlier.
00:34:52 Really?
00:34:54 Where is he now?
00:34:56 Uh, he went to grab a bite.
00:34:58 And he didn't invite you?
00:35:02 I'm not hungry.
00:35:04 Well, best of luck to you.
00:35:15 Cheers.
00:35:22 I did not expect this project to go so smoothly.
00:35:31 What do you want, Derek?
00:35:33 I know you got that contract, but trust me.
00:35:36 I won't let you win forever.
00:35:38 Just you wait.
00:35:41 You know what you sound like? A loser.
00:35:44 Is this supposed to just hang up on me?
00:35:48 [Sighs]
00:35:50 What do you want?
00:35:52 Forget Derek.
00:35:54 Yeah. I don't want to talk about your ex.
00:35:57 Let's talk about us.
00:35:59 I'm not sure what to talk about.
00:36:01 No talking. More doing.
00:36:04 You're really talented.
00:36:16 Why did you--
00:36:17 Maybe I shouldn't ask too much about his past?
00:36:20 Never mind.
00:36:22 Okay, so you want this portion elevated right here?
00:36:24 Yes.
00:36:25 Okay.
00:36:26 Sophie.
00:36:28 You haven't been home lately. Where have you been?
00:36:30 I thought you made it clear I'm no daughter of yours.
00:36:33 You're such a brat.
00:36:35 This the man you married?
00:36:38 Yes.
00:36:40 Nice to see you, Miss--
00:36:41 Save it.
00:36:42 Sophie, I'm going to tell you one last time.
00:36:46 Divorce him at once if you want to save the company.
00:36:50 Let me tell you one last time.
00:36:52 I am never, ever marrying Derek.
00:36:54 I would rather die than marry that asshole.
00:36:58 Come on, Justin. Let's go.
00:37:02 And we just signed the contract with Lake Enterprise.
00:37:06 I can save the company without Derek.
00:37:09 You won't meet the fire safety protocol.
00:37:25 You won't meet the fire safety protocols on the Maple Plaza project.
00:37:28 I made you sure of that.
00:37:31 You're screwed.
00:37:33 You prick.
00:37:35 Beg me, and I might consider letting you off.
00:37:39 I can help with that.
00:37:45 How?
00:37:47 Just wait and see.
00:37:51 [grunt]
00:37:53 Hey, Ted. I'm in trouble.
00:38:06 [doorbell rings]
00:38:11 Hey.
00:38:14 Hey.
00:38:16 Well, make yourself at home.
00:38:19 What happened? Let me hear it.
00:38:21 Well, basically, Derek screwed me.
00:38:23 I couldn't meet the fire safety protocols.
00:38:26 All right. Let me text my guy. I got you.
00:38:30 Counting on you, Teddy Bear.
00:38:32 I got you, Sophie Bear.
00:38:34 [phone rings]
00:38:37 Hello?
00:38:39 Hi, Ms. Swift. It's Patrick Brown.
00:38:42 We sorted out the fire safety issue.
00:38:44 That's fantastic. Thank you.
00:38:48 I'm sure our partnership will be a resounding success.
00:38:51 Absolutely.
00:38:53 Thank you, Teddy Bear. The issue has been sorted.
00:39:01 Already? I just texted my guy like two seconds ago.
00:39:04 I guess they work fast.
00:39:07 Oh, my God. Thank you.
00:39:08 I guess so.
00:39:10 Wow.
00:39:12 Was that too quick a fix?
00:39:15 Was that a bad thing?
00:39:17 [music]
00:39:19 Hey, look, I told you I could help you with the--
00:39:35 What the hell are you doing here?
00:39:40 What the hell are you doing here?
00:39:46 I invited him. He's been a huge help.
00:39:48 Could you maybe dress a little bit more appropriate when we have male guests over?
00:39:53 Guest? He's my best friend.
00:39:57 We've known each other longer than me and you.
00:39:59 Anyway, I have good news.
00:40:02 The whole fire safety issue, resolved.
00:40:05 I know.
00:40:07 You know?
00:40:08 Well, Ted fixed it just with one call, and it's all sorted.
00:40:12 What? I'm the one who fixed it?
00:40:15 Okay, hold on.
00:40:17 Now I'm totally confused.
00:40:19 Confused? You're doing this on purpose.
00:40:22 Justin, why are you being so rude today?
00:40:24 What is his problem?
00:40:29 Patrick, why didn't you pick up on a call last night?
00:40:36 Look into Ted Bass for me.
00:40:41 There you are. I've been looking for you.
00:40:45 What can I do for you, boss wife?
00:40:47 Well, you've been acting kind of strange since last night. I just wanted to see if you were okay.
00:40:51 Sophie, the thing is--
00:40:55 Mrs. Green? What's wrong?
00:41:02 Miss, your mother's emerald necklace. It's been stolen.
00:41:05 I was cleaning your mother's old room today and I couldn't find it. I couldn't find it anywhere.
00:41:09 What? I'll be right there.
00:41:11 Shh!
00:41:13 I thought you weren't coming back here. How did you get in?
00:41:23 Did you let her in?
00:41:27 This house was paid for by my mother. I can return whenever I want.
00:41:31 Where is my mother's emerald necklace?
00:41:33 You mean my emerald necklace?
00:41:37 I told you not to touch her stuff!
00:41:39 Just give it to her, Karen.
00:41:41 I don't have it.
00:41:43 She must have lost it herself and come back to frame me.
00:41:47 Dad, you know the truth. Mom's stuff was in her room. I've never touched it once.
00:41:52 But I'm gonna ask one more time. Where is my mother's necklace?
00:41:57 I sold it at an auction. If you want it, you can buy it back yourself.
00:42:07 Fuck you!
00:42:09 Sir, according to my investigation, Karen sold the emerald necklace last month.
00:42:19 It was the heirloom of Miss Sophie's late mother.
00:42:21 Seems like they haven't learned their lesson. Let's head to the auction.
00:42:25 It's time I reveal my true identity.
00:42:27 I need for you to help me secure that necklace.
00:42:34 I'm gonna rub it in her face.
00:42:36 Anything for you, babe. You can count on me.
00:42:39 Oh, Sophie! You're here to bid on that emerald necklace, right?
00:42:45 Poor thing. She's just wasting her time.
00:42:48 And look at you. Got all dressed up, brought your little boy toy with you.
00:42:54 But in the end, you'll leave with nothing but tears.
00:42:56 You know, you two make the perfect couple. After all...
00:43:00 Trash sticks with trash.
00:43:05 Indeed. Trash does stick with trash.
00:43:07 Ladies and gentlemen, the highlight of tonight's collection, the exquisite emerald necklace.
00:43:22 This one-of-a-kind piece was designed by the renowned Madame Dusson.
00:43:26 I'm gonna start the bidding at one million.
00:43:28 One point one million.
00:43:30 Two million.
00:43:33 Two million. Are there any other bids?
00:43:35 Two million going once.
00:43:37 How about we borrow three million from Ted?
00:43:40 Two point one million.
00:43:41 Three million.
00:43:44 Ten million.
00:43:50 Ten million! Any more bids?
00:43:52 Ten million going once.
00:43:54 Are you out of your mind?
00:43:55 I got this.
00:43:57 Ten million going twice.
00:44:01 Ten point one million.
00:44:03 Fifteen million.
00:44:05 Fifteen million! I have fifteen million.
00:44:08 Fifteen million going once.
00:44:10 Fifteen million going twice.
00:44:12 Fifteen million sold.
00:44:15 We don't have fifteen million.
00:44:18 We're gonna face legal repercussions if we can't pay that.
00:44:20 Why didn't you tell me this before?
00:44:22 Hi. Can we please retract our bid?
00:44:29 Hi. Can we please retract our bid?
00:44:31 It's already paid.
00:44:32 By who?
00:44:33 Justin Lake.
00:44:35 That Justin Lake?
00:44:37 Yes, miss.
00:44:39 It's yours now.
00:44:44 Now smile. Hold your head up high.
00:44:54 Let's make a bang on exit.
00:44:56 Now smile. Hold your head up high.
00:44:58 Let's make a bang on exit.
00:44:59 All set?
00:45:12 By the way, where did you get fifteen million?
00:45:15 You didn't sell yourself, did you?
00:45:17 Should I be flattered?
00:45:18 Justin, just tell me. Seriously.
00:45:20 Why don't you let me show you?
00:45:24 [Sigh]
00:45:25 What is going on?
00:45:31 Do I really need to be blindfolded for this?
00:45:33 Moments away now. Come on.
00:45:35 Okay. You're so dramatic.
00:45:37 Okay. Take it off.
00:45:43 What is this? Where are we?
00:45:49 Come with me. I'll give you the tour.
00:45:52 Okay.
00:45:53 Welcome back, Mr. Lake.
00:45:57 Senorita.
00:46:01 Thank you.
00:46:02 Mr. Lake, so you live here?
00:46:06 Here and a couple other places, depending on the season.
00:46:09 But this place is extra special.
00:46:11 The garden is gorgeous.
00:46:14 Dad and I designed it together.
00:46:16 And the man Al here has been with us for thirty years.
00:46:20 [Sigh]
00:46:21 Wait. I spent fifteen million buying your home and then gave it to you.
00:46:27 Oh, yeah.
00:46:29 Are you the Justin Lake?
00:46:31 Are you the Justin Lake?
00:46:36 That's right.
00:46:38 Why didn't you tell me?
00:46:40 Well, I did, but you didn't want to believe me.
00:46:42 No. You could have told me formally.
00:46:44 Well, allow me to formally introduce myself.
00:46:48 Oh, my God. Stop.
00:46:49 When the heir to the Lake family reveals his true identity, it tends to stir up drama and chaos.
00:46:59 I didn't want that, so I decided to keep my identity a secret.
00:47:03 I hope you can forgive me.
00:47:05 My head is just spinning a little bit, so.
00:47:08 Let me fix that.
00:47:10 You know what? I want the house back.
00:47:16 I want the money back. I want everything back.
00:47:18 Well, I'm your husband, so everything I have is yours.
00:47:21 Well, that's more like it.
00:47:23 What's that?
00:47:26 Let me show you.
00:47:28 Okay.
00:47:30 Did you paint this?
00:47:33 Yeah, I painted it back in college.
00:47:35 And it was exhibited just once at my graduation ceremony.
00:47:38 Wait. Why does this painting look so much like the one Stella submitted for the Monet Award?
00:47:43 [Phone ringing]
00:47:46 Oh, thank you for taking my phone.
00:47:48 Oh, it's Stella. I need a minute, please.
00:47:51 Hey, Stella. What's up?
00:47:56 Meet me at the cafe on 3rd.
00:47:58 Perfect timing. I was just about to call you anyways.
00:48:01 [Birds chirping]
00:48:04 What do you want?
00:48:17 Why the rush? Have a drink first.
00:48:19 What do you want?
00:48:23 Why the rush? Have a drink first.
00:48:25 [Bell ringing]
00:48:26 Go on.
00:48:32 You said you wanted to see me. You first.
00:48:35 Yeah, I saw your submission for the Monet Prize.
00:48:38 Did you really paint it?
00:48:40 Of course I did. What are you suggesting?
00:48:43 You're still lying. But I know the truth.
00:48:46 [Laughing]
00:48:54 Got you, bitch.
00:48:55 Sophie? Sophie!
00:49:09 Sophie, baby, wake up.
00:49:13 Sophie. Hey, hey, it's me. It's me. It's Ted.
00:49:17 Can you hear me?
00:49:19 Can you see me?
00:49:21 Let's get you out of here. Come on.
00:49:24 Can you walk?
00:49:25 Are you okay? Can you see? Can you open your eyes?
00:49:31 What happened?
00:49:33 Okay. Hey.
00:49:35 Let's go.
00:49:37 I'm not sure if I trust you too much, but my Swift is in trouble.
00:49:46 Check the headline news. It can't be contained.
00:49:49 Sophie Swift was caught publicly intoxicated looking like a complete whore.
00:49:53 She was seen with an incredibly attractive man.
00:49:55 I sure hope her husband is on social media to see this.
00:49:58 What are you doing?
00:50:07 Are you out of your mind?
00:50:09 She's sleeping. Let's talk outside.
00:50:12 You leave her alone. That's my wife.
00:50:14 If you're even willing to entertain the rumor that she cheated on you,
00:50:18 then you don't deserve her at all.
00:50:20 Listen, I know you and Sophie were set up.
00:50:23 That's why we're still here talking.
00:50:25 What's your relationship with my wife?
00:50:27 She's my best friend.
00:50:29 I've known her a lot longer than you.
00:50:32 Your best friend?
00:50:34 Have you seen the news? Her wife is in trouble.
00:50:36 I don't know what's going on.
00:50:39 She's my best friend.
00:50:40 Have you seen the news? Her reputation is completely damaged because of you.
00:50:43 Look, I'll take care of it. All right?
00:50:45 How?
00:50:47 Because from my point of view, the best thing you can do is stay away from her.
00:50:51 You're up.
00:51:04 Why are you sleeping here?
00:51:06 The doctor suggested you get some rest.
00:51:09 I thought it was all a dream.
00:51:10 You remember now.
00:51:13 Tell me what happened.
00:51:18 Where's Ted?
00:51:20 He left.
00:51:22 You were out cold all night. Did you expect him to stay over?
00:51:26 I need to call him.
00:51:28 I'll put her on speaker.
00:51:31 Hey Ted, it's Sophie.
00:51:35 Sophie, how are you feeling?
00:51:37 I've already dispelled the trending headline about us.
00:51:39 Trending headline?
00:51:41 Why are you talking to my wife?
00:51:45 Stop calling and sounding so husky.
00:51:48 Okay, first of all, I am the one that called him.
00:51:51 What are you, a little jealous?
00:51:54 First of all, I am the one that called him.
00:51:59 What are you, a little jealous?
00:52:02 No.
00:52:06 Tell me what happened.
00:52:07 Stella called me last night and I just so happened to have something to ask her as well.
00:52:14 So I decided to meet her. I just didn't think that she would spike my drink.
00:52:18 I'm calling the police and I'm getting my PI on it too.
00:52:20 Okay, stop Justin. No.
00:52:22 Why? You got hurt, Sophie.
00:52:24 I know, but there's one more thing I need to find out from Stella.
00:52:29 It's about my mom's death.
00:52:34 I never suspected that she died from suicide.
00:52:36 And I think her death has something to do with Stella and her mom.
00:52:40 Did the police determine your mother's death was suicide?
00:52:43 Yeah. And unless more evidence is brought forward, the police, they're not going to reopen the investigation.
00:52:49 But don't worry, I can handle this, okay?
00:52:51 I will help you. But I need you to take care of yourself and get some rest. Alright?
00:52:56 Okay.
00:52:57 Thank you everyone for gathering here today to celebrate our friend, the Monet Award winner 2024, Stella Swift.
00:53:14 Thank you.
00:53:16 Thank you.
00:53:18 Thank you.
00:53:21 Thank you. Thank you. This is such an honor.
00:53:25 I did want to take a moment to congratulate my sister, Sophie Swift.
00:53:30 She also took part in this competition, but if I'm not mistaken, you got third place, right?
00:53:35 And I'm the winner?
00:53:38 Well, come on, Sophie. Today's my big day. Have a drink with me.
00:53:43 Stop pretending, Stella.
00:53:48 You can't hide what you did to my mom, but I can give you a chance to tell me the truth.
00:53:53 Everyone knows your mom killed herself. How could it be related to me?
00:53:58 If you really think it was me, show me the evidence then.
00:54:01 How dare you.
00:54:03 Justin.
00:54:13 Everything okay here, Miss Stella?
00:54:16 Yes. I was just talking to my sister.
00:54:18 I just wanted to apologize for what happened at the coffee shop.
00:54:22 I received a business call and had to leave early that day.
00:54:25 I had no idea that Sophie would do such a thing and such a scandalous act to make headline news.
00:54:31 I trust my wife.
00:54:38 And the clarification announcement has already gone out to all major media outlets.
00:54:44 I'd like to remind you that if anybody wants to play dirty tricks behind our back,
00:54:49 you will get what's coming for you.
00:54:52 Now, for the artwork and the painting that you were awarded for,
00:54:57 by chance was the inspiration drawn from the University of Paris' graduation ceremony?
00:55:03 Five years ago?
00:55:05 Mr. Lake, I have no idea what you're talking about.
00:55:13 Why did I remind you who you're dealing with?
00:55:14 The artwork that you were awarded for?
00:55:16 It's mine.
00:55:18 The artwork that you were awarded for?
00:55:23 It's mine.
00:55:25 You copied it.
00:55:28 Also, I know it was you that set up my wife at the coffee shop.
00:55:31 I will not stop until I get justice.
00:55:33 Especially if it's her mother.
00:55:35 Do you understand?
00:55:38 [laughs]
00:55:39 Let's go enjoy the reception, everyone!
00:55:48 How about that artwork?
00:55:53 Justin, what did you say to Stella?
00:55:56 What? Is my wife jealous?
00:55:59 Quit messing around.
00:56:01 Okay, I heard that you mentioned the graduation exhibition at the University of Paris five years ago.
00:56:06 I thought it was just a good opportunity to remind her
00:56:08 about a lesson she might have forgot after graduation.
00:56:11 And what's that?
00:56:13 Copycats don't have nine lives.
00:56:15 Justin.
00:56:17 What?
00:56:19 Justin.
00:56:24 What?
00:56:26 I don't know, I just... I see you differently now.
00:56:32 What happened?
00:56:35 Well, you are more handsome.
00:56:38 You're more sexy.
00:56:42 And adorable.
00:56:45 Adorable?
00:56:49 About manly?
00:56:52 About more masculine?
00:56:56 It's all about you, Sophie.
00:57:03 I just want to protect you.
00:57:04 You shouldn't put yourself in danger for me anymore.
00:57:07 I know that's why you met with her that day, right?
00:57:10 How did you know that?
00:57:12 Because you're my wife.
00:57:14 And I'd like to know everything about you.
00:57:16 It's my job to protect you.
00:57:20 I just want to keep you safe, okay?
00:57:23 Okay.
00:57:25 [phone vibrates]
00:57:29 [phone vibrates]
00:57:30 Kendall?
00:57:36 Sophie, wake up.
00:57:38 Mr. Cooper and your father were conspiring in the office this morning,
00:57:40 planning to remove you from your position.
00:57:42 You need to come back soon.
00:57:44 You need to get back soon.
00:57:48 What?
00:57:50 It's urgent.
00:57:52 You need to come back to the company so we can discuss the next step, Sophie.
00:57:56 You know what? Send me everything that you've collected on Mr. Cooper,
00:57:58 and I'll be right there, okay?
00:58:00 Morning.
00:58:02 Oh, hi.
00:58:04 Coffee.
00:58:06 Two cream, one sugar, just like you like it.
00:58:08 Thank you.
00:58:10 I love it.
00:58:12 That's it?
00:58:14 Thank you.
00:58:17 Is there something you want to tell me?
00:58:20 Justin, I'm...
00:58:25 Sophie, whatever it is, just say it.
00:58:27 I'll deal with it.
00:58:29 I know, but I have to get changed, so I'm going to talk to you later, okay?
00:58:33 Patrick,
00:58:43 keep an eye on Swift Enterprise for me.
00:58:46 Let me know if anything happens.
00:58:53 Sophie.
00:58:54 Two things. Good news or bad news first?
00:58:56 Give me the good news first.
00:58:58 So, I investigated Mr. Cooper, as you requested,
00:59:00 and out of his female subordinates, two were promoted,
00:59:03 and eight resigned voluntarily.
00:59:06 So, I did some digging.
00:59:08 I found out, through gossip,
00:59:10 that he was engaged in sexual misconduct with female subordinates.
00:59:15 Well done. He is such a dickwad tool.
00:59:18 Have you found any evidence?
00:59:21 I don't know what kind of bad news I was going to tell you.
00:59:22 You know what? Contact those female subordinates and urge them to report to the police,
00:59:25 and provide them with any legal counsel, and cover all the fees.
00:59:29 Already did it.
00:59:31 Kendall, you are awesome.
00:59:33 Okay, let's go.
00:59:36 Wait, Sophie. One more thing.
00:59:38 That bitch Stella and her mother are here.
00:59:40 Things are progressing a little bit faster than we expected.
00:59:43 They're waiting in the conference room for us right now.
00:59:45 So, just in case, I prepared the documents you may need.
00:59:49 Okay.
00:59:50 It's just funny. They can't wait to kick me out.
00:59:56 Okay. Time for a counterattack.
01:00:00 For the past two years, Swift Enterprises' financial statements have been a mess.
01:00:18 And our market share has rapidly declined.
01:00:20 Can someone explain the reason?
01:00:22 What's the meaning of this?
01:00:24 Are you trying to blame and oust your father and sister from this company?
01:00:27 Mr. Cooper, you are the vice president,
01:00:31 but I didn't think that you lacked even the most basic professional manners.
01:00:34 You always mix business with personal matters.
01:00:37 But what I just mentioned is a business matter.
01:00:40 You little bitch.
01:00:42 Now that you've become the CEO, you dare to be so arrogant towards Mr. Cooper?
01:00:47 He's a veteran of the company.
01:00:49 I was just as assertive during my first board meeting, so what's the problem now?
01:00:53 Pardon me?
01:00:55 Who are you to own shares in the company?
01:00:57 Because if you don't, you don't belong here.
01:00:59 So leave. Now.
01:01:02 You! How dare you!
01:01:06 Mom, are you okay?
01:01:08 Security.
01:01:10 Don't touch me!
01:01:13 Don't touch me!
01:01:14 Don't touch me!
01:01:19 I can walk myself.
01:01:22 Sophie, how can you treat my mom like this?
01:01:28 This is a board meeting, not a parent-teacher conference.
01:01:32 You did properly graduate high school, didn't you?
01:01:35 Very well.
01:01:39 Let's see how long you last here.
01:01:42 Oops. Wait.
01:01:43 You must have forgotten.
01:01:45 The board decides who's CEO.
01:01:48 Have a try, then.
01:01:51 I formally propose the removal of Sophie as CEO of Swift Enterprises.
01:02:00 We agree.
01:02:02 [Music]
01:02:12 [Music]
01:02:18 I'm Sheriff Ballard Ryder. I'm looking for Robert Cooper.
01:02:22 Sheriff, that's Robert Cooper.
01:02:25 [Music]
01:02:31 Robert Cooper, you're under arrest on several sexual assault charges.
01:02:34 Stand up for me, buddy. Come on. Come on. Stand up. There you go.
01:02:38 You can use his arms.
01:02:40 It's a mistake, man.
01:02:42 It's a mistake. It's a mistake.
01:02:45 Mr. Landon, Mr. Hayes, what did you say just now?
01:02:52 Right. We can go on to the next topic, then.
01:02:59 I have evidence of embezzlement within the company.
01:03:01 And if she can admit to it voluntarily, I will consider it as her surrendering to the authorities.
01:03:07 Stella, did you hear me?
01:03:12 Well, why are you asking me?
01:03:14 I've got nothing to do with this.
01:03:16 Don't pin this on me.
01:03:18 Kendall, get her out of here.
01:03:20 Okay.
01:03:22 Enough. Your sister's still young. You're ruining her life. You're being malicious.
01:03:28 All of you, out.
01:03:29 I still have nothing to say.
01:03:39 Drugging. Embezzlement. Either charge could land you in prison.
01:03:44 This is about your mom, isn't it? I did not kill her. It was not me.
01:03:49 Then who did it?
01:03:51 It was your mom, wasn't it?
01:03:53 She had something to do with this.
01:03:56 I'm gonna count to three, and if you don't speak, I'm gonna take your case to the authorities.
01:04:01 Just give me some time.
01:04:02 I will get you the evidence.
01:04:06 Good. I'll be waiting.
01:04:09 I'll find justice for you, Mom.
01:04:26 I'm sorry.
01:04:27 It's okay. You can cry.
01:04:40 My mom, Justin.
01:04:43 I know. I know. You had a big day. You moving up?
01:04:50 Yeah. It was a good day. I finally did it. And now I can make my mom proud.
01:04:56 You did.
01:04:58 Oh.
01:05:03 Yeah, I didn't hear anything. I swear.
01:05:11 Totally normal.
01:05:13 Also, we should probably eat something. If you want.
01:05:18 I know a really good French restaurant, actually. So...
01:05:21 Well, that was fast.
01:05:29 Alright, let's go. What are we waiting for?
01:05:32 Why is no one else here? Did you book the entire venue?
01:05:40 Yeah, I guess I did.
01:05:43 Good.
01:05:44 I'll be right back.
01:05:54 Okay.
01:05:55 Um... what?
01:06:07 What?
01:06:08 Justin, what is going on here?
01:06:16 Happy birthday, Sophie.
01:06:18 Thank you. I don't celebrate my birthday, though.
01:06:23 I know.
01:06:24 It's because your birthday coincides with your mother's death, right?
01:06:30 Yes.
01:06:32 These flowers are for her.
01:06:36 These flowers are for her.
01:06:37 It happened 20 years ago, right?
01:06:41 I want her to know that you're not alone.
01:06:45 I will always be by her side.
01:06:48 I think she'd be happy in heaven knowing that.
01:06:51 Thank you. Thank you, Justin.
01:06:54 Make a wish.
01:06:58 Make a wish.
01:07:26 Hey, Sophie. It's Ted.
01:07:28 Hey, Ted. Thank you. I am feeling better.
01:07:33 Yes, I'm actually not home right now. I'm with Justin.
01:07:37 Okay. Yeah, I understand.
01:07:41 Okay. Bye.
01:07:43 Why so happy?
01:07:48 Nothing. Just enjoying the evening.
01:07:52 Just enjoying the evening.
01:07:53 Happy birthday, Sophie.
01:08:00 You made your choice.
01:08:03 [Sophie's birthday]
01:08:05 Justin, wake up.
01:08:27 Hey, wake up.
01:08:29 What? What happened?
01:08:31 I have to tell you something important.
01:08:32 How important?
01:08:34 The mornings are usually a really good time for us to share some intimacy.
01:08:37 No.
01:08:39 Aunt Susan is going to be here.
01:08:42 Aunt Susan?
01:08:45 Yeah, she's my mom's sister. She's basically the only real family that I have.
01:08:48 She sounds lovely. And?
01:08:51 Well, she's visiting, but she doesn't know that I'm married.
01:08:56 Tell her when she arrives.
01:08:59 That's the thing. Could you not reveal your true identity as a CEO of a company?
01:09:04 Why?
01:09:06 My Aunt Susan is angry at my father for how he treated my mother,
01:09:09 and so she doesn't think that marrying rich will work well.
01:09:12 Plus, she has heart issues, and I don't want to stress her out.
01:09:16 Gotcha. I'll just be your stay-at-home husband.
01:09:19 Alright.
01:09:21 You are going to love Aunt Susan. She's amazing.
01:09:28 I'm so excited for you to meet her.
01:09:29 Oh! Okay, she's here. We can do this. Do you remember what I told you?
01:09:34 Smile. Yeah.
01:09:36 You got it, boss wife.
01:09:39 You got it.
01:09:41 Hi! Aunt Susan! I missed you!
01:09:46 Baby girl, I missed you so much too.
01:09:49 I just got done touring Europe and came right over after getting off the plane.
01:09:54 Oh my gosh.
01:09:57 Who's this?
01:09:58 Hi Aunt Susan. I'm Justin.
01:10:00 Yes, I forgot introductions. This is Justin, my husband.
01:10:06 What?
01:10:09 Husband?
01:10:11 Sophie, you got married? Since when?
01:10:15 This is a big deal. Why didn't you tell me?
01:10:18 I was busy with the company business, and I wanted to surprise you.
01:10:22 This is a big surprise.
01:10:25 Surprise?
01:10:26 You have a good eye. He's handsome.
01:10:34 And he looks like a nice guy. Very, very nice guy.
01:10:38 Come on. Take a seat.
01:10:40 So Justin, may I know what you do for a living?
01:10:47 Uh... I...
01:10:53 I'm sorry. I just want to make sure you have enough time to spend with Sophie.
01:10:57 She grew up alone for most of her childhood.
01:11:01 Usually I'm not that busy.
01:11:03 Actually, I'd like to spend more time with Sophie if possible.
01:11:06 Good.
01:11:08 I'm going to go get some coffee.
01:11:10 Okay.
01:11:12 I'll see you later.
01:11:14 Bye.
01:11:16 Bye.
01:11:18 Bye.
01:11:20 Bye.
01:11:21 Good.
01:11:23 Auntie, I actually have a business call, so I'm going to go. But you guys chat.
01:11:28 Justin, I'm glad to see that you support Sophie in her career.
01:11:35 She's a workaholic, and often forgets to take good care of herself.
01:11:39 She's very hardworking, and actually a really brilliant businesswoman.
01:11:42 Are you accustomed to doing all of the laundry and cooking?
01:11:46 I...
01:11:49 Do you not reveal your true identity as a CEO of an enterprise?
01:11:52 Uh... Yeah. Yeah.
01:11:55 Well, it's almost dinner time. Do you normally make dinner for Sophie?
01:11:59 Yeah. I'm great at making food.
01:12:04 Great! It's my lucky day. I can't wait to try.
01:12:07 How about Sophie's favorite, pastel frito?
01:12:10 Great! Yeah. Of course.
01:12:15 [Dramatic music]
01:12:16 Oh my god, Justin! What are you cooking in here? It smells so good!
01:12:27 He's making pastel frito for you.
01:12:30 Okay, you need to add salt. And you can't forget about that.
01:12:34 Okay. Salt.
01:12:36 You look a little unfamiliar with the kitchen.
01:12:41 I'm very familiar with this kitchen. I'm in charge. I got this.
01:12:44 So, uh, that is... That's sure.
01:12:48 Something wrong?
01:12:50 No, I just... I want to learn from Justin. He never shares any of his recipes with me.
01:12:55 Justin, you shouldn't spoil Sophie so much.
01:12:59 As capable as she is, she needs to learn some basic life skills.
01:13:02 Got it.
01:13:04 Auntie Susan, why don't you share some of your travel stories with me?
01:13:08 No! I have plenty!
01:13:11 Where should I start?
01:13:13 On the windows.
01:13:15 [Dramatic music]
01:13:17 Wait. What's this?
01:13:34 Justin Lake. CEO of Lake Enterprises.
01:13:37 Wait a minute.
01:13:40 Um, I'm sorry. I'm the one that got this idea.
01:13:46 No, no, no. I'm responsible. It's all my fault. Really.
01:13:51 [Dramatic music]
01:13:54 [Dramatic music]
01:13:55 Sophie, I watched you grow up without your mom.
01:14:09 And after she passed, you rarely smiled.
01:14:14 But today, you're different.
01:14:17 You seem so much happier than before.
01:14:21 And I believe a big part of it is because of this man.
01:14:23 Before, I didn't want you to marry a wealthy man because the way your father drove your mother out of the house was a tragedy.
01:14:31 I know, Auntie, but Justin is nothing like my dad.
01:14:35 Well, I can see that in the smile on your face. And the way he treats you. He genuinely likes you.
01:14:41 I can see that he's going to bring you happiness.
01:14:45 Thank you, Auntie.
01:14:48 Sophia can be a bit stubborn at times, but she's a big softy inside.
01:14:53 You treat her well.
01:14:55 Auntie, I will love Sophia with all my heart.
01:14:58 Mom, that bitch Sophie is trying to reopen the case on her mother's death.
01:15:08 That's been five years already. She'll never find out.
01:15:14 But Justin Lake, the CEO of Lake Enterprises, the most powerful and richest man in town, is freaking helping her with the investigation.
01:15:20 Hmm.
01:15:23 We should strike first, then.
01:15:26 Yes, we should.
01:15:28 She's here.
01:15:39 Turn off the cameras and follow the plan.
01:15:44 [footsteps]
01:15:46 [thud]
01:15:48 [thud]
01:15:50 [thud]
01:15:52 Stop!
01:15:54 [tires screeching]
01:15:57 [phone ringing]
01:16:01 Yeah?
01:16:03 Boss, Miss Sophie's been abducted.
01:16:06 Call my security detail and call the police. We need to rescue her.
01:16:12 Tell me the address now.
01:16:14 [slap]
01:16:21 Bitch!
01:16:22 Sophie Swift.
01:16:27 You have nowhere to run.
01:16:30 No one will protect you now.
01:16:33 Sign it.
01:16:41 You won't get away with this.
01:16:43 [laughing]
01:16:45 No one's gonna know once you're dead.
01:16:47 Okay, I will sign it, but you have to answer me one question.
01:16:51 Spit it out.
01:16:52 Why did you kill my mom?
01:16:55 Your mother's heart condition relapsed one day.
01:16:58 I accidentally switched the medication.
01:17:01 Who knew she was going to die?
01:17:06 Oh, but you don't have to worry about missing her too much, because I'm gonna send you to her very soon.
01:17:12 Stop!
01:17:13 Justin, no!
01:17:14 Stop!
01:17:15 Justin, no!
01:17:16 [screaming]
01:17:18 Justin, no!
01:17:22 [screaming]
01:17:24 What's happening?
01:17:26 I didn't do anything!
01:17:29 Justin, are you okay?
01:17:31 What?
01:17:32 Stop!
01:17:33 Stop!
01:17:34 Leave me alone!
01:17:36 Justin, you're bleeding!
01:17:40 Oh my God.
01:17:43 Justin?
01:17:44 Justin?
01:17:45 Patrick, please help me take him to the hospital, please!
01:17:48 Justin!
01:17:49 Please stay awake, Justin, please.
01:17:52 Oh God.
01:17:53 Doctor said he'll be okay.
01:18:01 You should go home and get some rest too.
01:18:03 Yeah, Karen and Stella have been arrested.
01:18:06 It's all over.
01:18:07 We can relax now.
01:18:09 No, I need to be here for him.
01:18:11 I'm not going anywhere.
01:18:12 You shouldn't be anywhere near him.
01:18:14 I'm sorry, who are you?
01:18:19 I'm Justin Lake's mother.
01:18:23 Oh, Mrs. Lake, hi, I'm Sophie Swift.
01:18:25 It's nice to meet you.
01:18:26 I'm sorry about Justin.
01:18:31 I normally don't interfere in my son's personal affairs.
01:18:35 Not until I met you.
01:18:37 You're nothing but trouble.
01:18:39 What have I done to Justin?
01:18:41 There must be some misunderstanding.
01:18:42 Shh.
01:18:43 Do not disturb my son's rest.
01:18:45 Let's talk somewhere more private, hmm?
01:18:49 Now.
01:18:58 Here.
01:18:59 Ten million dollars.
01:19:03 Leave my son.
01:19:05 I'm sorry, Mrs. Lake, but I'm not some sort of gold digger.
01:19:11 You may not be a gold digger,
01:19:13 but trouble certainly follows you wherever you go.
01:19:16 I will never accept you into the Lake family.
01:19:19 Mrs. Lake, I don't need your money.
01:19:21 Please, I love Justin.
01:19:23 I love you too.
01:19:25 Hey, please, I love Justin.
01:19:27 Love?
01:19:29 Oh, you stupid, stupid girl.
01:19:33 Fine.
01:19:35 You don't want money?
01:19:37 I have another offer.
01:19:40 One you cannot refuse.
01:19:44 [Piano music]
01:19:46 I know your Aunt Susan has heart issues.
01:20:03 Only the top specialist in Paris can cure her,
01:20:06 but he isn't taking any new patients.
01:20:08 He happens to be my dear friend.
01:20:10 I can help you if you leave my son.
01:20:13 So who do you love more, Sophie?
01:20:15 Susan or Justin?
01:20:17 [Phone buzzing]
01:20:19 Kendall, what's wrong?
01:20:21 Aunt Susan fainted.
01:20:23 I just found out when I arrived at your house.
01:20:25 What?
01:20:26 I'll be right there.
01:20:38 Don't move on Susan, okay?
01:20:41 Okay, perfect.
01:20:42 Now, keep smiling, okay?
01:20:45 [Phone buzzing]
01:20:47 Miss Swift, Justin still doesn't want to sign the divorce paper.
01:20:56 It's been three years and he still keeps asking where you are.
01:20:59 Are you sure you want to avoid him for the rest of your life?
01:21:02 Relax, he's not going to find us.
01:21:04 His mom already sent me up somewhere else.
01:21:06 He's never going to track me.
01:21:07 Besides, there's no chance between us.
01:21:08 It's just a pipe dream.
01:21:10 Fine.
01:21:11 Take care of yourself and Aunt Susan.
01:21:14 I miss you.
01:21:16 I miss you too.
01:21:18 Bye.
01:21:19 Is this yours?
01:21:33 [Music]
01:21:35 Is this yours?
01:21:39 Are you ignoring me or planning your escape again, wife?
01:21:45 How did you...
01:21:47 [Music]
01:21:49 What about your mom?
01:21:55 Well, it's taken three years, but I finally convinced her.
01:21:58 I told her that if I couldn't be with you, I wouldn't be with anybody else.
01:22:01 I won't let anything come between us again.
01:22:03 Do you remember?
01:22:05 This is where we first met years ago.
01:22:07 Years ago?
01:22:09 I believe you offered an American man some money.
01:22:13 He was just robbed and verbally assaulted by a French man.
01:22:18 It's you.
01:22:20 It's me, your dearest husband.
01:22:23 That's my girl.
01:22:30 (upbeat music)
01:22:32 (upbeat music)
