Stop equating my unity call to tribalism, Gachagua tells critics

  • 3 months ago
Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has told off critics of his call for the Mt Kenya region to unite.
00:00I called for the unity of this region and I'm happy that the ordinary people
00:05from this region are united to a man, two of us. So ignore a few noises here and
00:14there. And I ask the leaders from this region, please, all politics is local. All
00:22politics is local. Listen to the ground.
00:28I will ask all of you, because we are talking about the ground.
00:32When you hear the ground, you listen to the ground. Listen to the ground. And leaders of
00:40this region who want to fight unity, don't speak in Western. Don't speak in
00:47North Valley. Come and speak here. If you think this unity is a bad thing for the
00:55Mount Kenya region or its tribalism, the way I'm hearing, don't speak outside the
00:59way. They should come and speak from here. Don't speak from far, because I want to
01:16advise our leaders with tremendous respect. Please, our leaders, all politics
01:26is local. Listen to your people. Listen to the ground. Align your thinking, your
01:38appearances with the people. That is what I do all the time. My people are
01:46saying we want to be united. And we are not being united against anybody or any
01:51other region. We are united in purpose, so that we can fight for our fair share
01:58of the national cake, so that we can retain our relevance in the national
02:07political discourse, so that when we go to sit on the table to decide on what
02:13happens to Kenya, we find that our land has been confiscated, our land has been sold off, because we are ready and we have the power.
02:21If we lose our power, we will not live in this country.
