Inspired by films like Toy Story and Small Soldiers, Hypercharge: Unboxed is a first and third-person shooter action figure game with a full story campaign mode that can be played solo offline, or with up to 4-players in online co-op. The game also supports split-screen play, both locally and online. It also features various PvP modes. Grab your friends, complete objectives, defend the Hypercore against waves of weaponized toys, and defeat Major Evil together in the story campaign.
00:00 Rookie! Welcome to the world of Hypercharge!
00:05 Explore, defend, survive!
00:09 Fight off waves of evil weaponized toys!
00:14 Play single player with bots on co-op and split screen with friends!
00:22 And best of all, customize your action figure!
00:27 [MUSIC]
00:35 What are you waiting for?
00:37 Come on, get in game!