Interview with the Vampire Season 2 Episode 4

  • 3 months ago
Interview with the Vampire Season 2 Episode 4
00:00Stay tuned after the show for an exclusive look
00:02inside the episode.
00:32Lestat was my companion in America.
00:34And where is he now?
00:35I killed him, and he fucking had it coming.
00:37Man, that's debatable.
00:38Go away.
00:39His name's Raglan James.
00:41Got a real name?
00:42Files have been placed on your comically vulnerable laptop.
00:46The Coven is envious of your independence.
00:49It's a problem.
00:52French is ugly.
00:53The dress.
00:54For my body.
00:55It's Louis who's from Chicago, yes?
00:57Just outside it.
00:58In middle school, you stole your dad's Playboy magazines,
01:01sold them at recess.
01:02You're gonna let me join the Coven?
01:04It'd be nice if you can.
01:05You will be the Reuben of us.
01:06Do what must be done.
01:07And do you speak for the Coven?
01:09You didn't think we were going to leave you in the wet room, did you?
01:12A new play for you and the ladies.
01:14And I'll play the little girl?
01:15You'll be their little birdie for the next 50 years.
02:13There's nothing more adorable than a happy baby bird.
02:19And a happy baby loves to sing with a voice that can be heard.
02:26There's just one thing that makes her sad.
02:30In fact, I think it makes her mad.
02:35When she's locked away like an old duvet.
02:38Like a love that's lost its enchantment.
02:42And the sunshine calls her out to play.
02:47Well, you know what I'm about to say.
02:55I don't like windows when they're closed.
02:59I like to fly where the wild wind blows.
03:03Trees and bees and big rainbows.
03:07No, I don't like windows when they're closed.
03:11She don't like windows when they're closed.
03:17Twiddly diddly dee, twiddly diddly da.
03:21Twiddly diddly dee, twiddly diddly da.
03:24Trees and bees and big rainbows.
03:27No, I don't like windows when they're closed.
03:45And how did she like being infantilized?
03:48Coven life requires a letting go of the self.
03:50She carried her water up hill like a seasoned beggar.
03:56Tick, tick, tick.
04:00Hello, baby Nuno.
04:04We've come to steal your Nuno away downstairs.
04:07To start our cocktails and serve our canapes.
04:09And keep your daddy's disgusting hands off your dear mama.
04:15I'm a birdie.
04:16Your daughter is bewitched by the window.
04:18She thinks she's a real bird.
04:20Nuno, I need two mint juleps and four bellinis.
04:25Nuno, get away from there.
04:27I'm a birdie.
04:29Don't make me use this.
04:31I'm going to flap my wings and fly far, far away.
04:33You know I will.
04:35Fly far away?
04:36You have been warned.
04:39Tick, tick, tick.
04:41Tick, tick, tick.
04:47It is not a claw.
04:50It is a foot.
04:53Where are my canapes?
04:55Yes, madame.
04:57Little birdie lose cart in a trap.
05:00But she's flapping her wings.
05:03We're getting free.
05:07Birdie loves the breeze.
05:18Where are the canapes?
05:35The play was a hit.
05:36An unmitigated hit.
05:38They added shows, added seats, sold souvenirs.
05:42Parisians who'd long disdained us started drifting back in again.
05:46We even added back a Wednesday French performance.
05:50How did the coven take it?
05:52Mostly with good grace.
05:53They were bitter.
05:54Oh, I hate this song like I hate my mortal father.
05:59I dream that my mortal mother sings it while she beats me with her crucifix.
06:03That's about three minutes.
06:05Oh, fuck off!
06:06Three minutes.
06:08Three minutes.
06:18You have been wrong.
06:22It is a foot.
06:25Little birdie lose cart in a trap.
06:29But she's flapping her wings and getting free.
06:31Go do it, baby.
06:33Birdie loves the breeze.
06:38It says here in the margins find baby Lulu's inner childlike wonder again and
06:43Claudia if you do absolutely nothing else at least enunciate. Those are my
06:50notes but... By the 500th performance Claudia was beyond bored. It wasn't on me.
06:58Just have a chance.
07:19Lackluster, bromidic, unacceptable. Yes, matron. So, explain to the company why the 500th
07:25performance of My Baby Loves Windows felt more like a slog than a celebration?
07:30Matron, I think that... I think that... Wave your words to shore, please.
07:35I'm a fierce vampire trapped in the body of a little girl. I'm reminded of it
07:39every night of my existence, buttoning up this dress and singing and smiling while
07:44the moodles laugh and point. I relive every condescending look or fucking
07:48comment I have ever had to suffer.
07:50I... I have lost my passion for work on stage. I think I prefer backstage work.
08:02Yes, mater?
08:04What are you holding in your hand?
08:07Popcorn bag and a prophylactic.
08:09And why, as the author of My Baby Loves Windows, would you humble yourself thus?
08:14It's a privilege to work in this theatre. I do what I'm asked and I do it gratefully.
08:18Your nomadic passion, Claudia, owes your playwright an apology.
08:23Sorry, Sam.
08:24Aye, grand.
08:25And to help you rediscover your passion for Lulu, you'll no longer remove your costume.
08:30You'll sleep in it, rehearse in it, feed in it, hunt in it.
08:33You live with Lulu offstage until she returns to you onstage.
08:39And yet the audience sang along in full voice.
08:48The red hands of clapping cattle are not the measure of the Théâtre des Vampires.
08:51If they were, your mugging and pandering would have a standing room only to the decade.
08:56Nicely volleyed, maître.
08:58But why single out our sister when nomadic passion has infected the entire company?
09:03Has it?
09:04Maître might not have noticed, as he has been nomadically attending the Théâtre des Vampires.
09:11And the infection spread, what, a year and a half ago?
09:14When a certain vampire was granted dispensation from cover membership.
09:18It's Louis, I got a name.
09:20Louis takes all the proper precautions.
09:21Reviews and stuff in the café, the salon, on the gallerias.
09:24I keep my business tight, thanks.
09:26Maybe his human friends ask why he can only meet the dark.
09:29He reads books during bloodsabers!
09:31I'll loan it to you when I'm done.
09:33This is not about Louis.
09:34Discipline Claudia for bumping into the scenery, but let Louis run wild.
09:40It's a show of shallow power.
09:42Qu'est-ce que tu penses faire?
09:44And you do this for what?
09:46Is it thirst?
09:48Is it love?
09:50What is it exactly?
09:52Are you companions?
10:05It's not a companionship, what is it?
10:07It's whatever you want to call it.
10:09An affair? A romance?
10:11Works for me.
10:12Companion works, too.
10:14It's not the word I would use.
10:18So it's not whatever I want to call it, then.
10:24What was my mother's name?
10:27Florence. Grace was my sister.
10:30Well, you don't talk about your mother very much.
10:33No, I don't.
10:34And so it's okay if you don't remember her name.
10:37That's just how it is settled, and that's great.
10:40This is great. What we got is great.
10:44It's just not a companionship.
10:45Oh, God, how do you manage it?
10:48We see each other when we want to.
10:50And when we want to be alone, we're alone.
10:53And that's good. It's easy.
10:57It's not easy for me.
10:59You don't understand the danger I risk every night for you.
11:02How that danger compounds with every slight.
11:04What slight?
11:05Well, you join us for a hunt.
11:06You read novels during performances.
11:08I've seen those plays a hundred times.
11:10I keep your secret.
11:12Wait, who has the secret?
11:15Oh, I'm the secret.
11:17Do you notice how hot the room gets when you two talk about the secret?
11:27Only seems to work when I think of shit that pisses me off.
11:30I try and find the vulnerability within the object.
11:35So you want me to come around more?
11:38Yes, that would help.
11:39Okay then, I'll come around more.
11:42I have to get back.
11:46I love you.
11:54I love you.
12:01You promised you wouldn't talk.
12:03I love you.
12:05Are you schizophrenic, Louis?
12:09I mean, did you consider yourself schizophrenic at the time?
12:12I'm not sure the term applies to a vampire.
12:15Perhaps when the book is published, enterprising psychotherapists will write papers.
12:20Until then, you only have Daniel Malloy.
12:24He was my biographer, my therapist, my murderer.
12:30Short of a diagnosis.
12:32Short of a diagnosis.
12:34Would you like to know what it felt like?
12:39I could feel the movement of air with his movements.
12:45His breath on the back of my neck.
12:49If I were to reach out and touch his hand, I wouldn't say it was his hand.
12:57But it was not not his hand.
13:01And you weren't feeling Lestat in the room?
13:05And I was not aware he was as present as it seemed he was.
13:11But looking back on it now, I can understand it.
13:16The vampire bond.
13:19I was severing one and knitting another.
13:23So, were you two the only ones who survived the fire at the theater?
13:35You weren't provided any information about the fire in our archives?
13:45But it's enterprising. Is that what makes you fascinating?
13:48In high school, you told a girl you'd only do her if she had a paper.
13:54I'm sorry.
13:56The fire?
13:58One of my researchers found it in the Beinecke Library in New Haven.
14:02She thinks we're working on a book about the post-war reconstruction of Paris.
14:15In direct violation of the third great law, still journaling.
14:28What are you writing, baby Lou?
14:32Why are you lurking?
14:37Honoring the blood.
14:39Pepe Matejka moved me. I want you to hear his heartbeat one last time.
14:44Well, here it comes.
14:57No vampire must commit to writing the history of the vampires.
15:01Law three. It's not the history.
15:04It's just random thoughts. It's a habit.
15:07Read me some.
15:16Celeste and Estelle hate me. I hear their petty insults in the middle of our session.
15:21You know what we call Celeste behind her back?
15:24The Marie Celeste, because her talent disappeared without trace years ago.
15:30And Estelle is so far up Celeste's arse that she doesn't need a coffin to sleep in anymore.
15:36I do hope there's something juicy in there.
15:42A few things about you.
15:44Go on.
15:46Maître has a gravely attachment to the laws.
15:51Now you may feel protected by his equally tender attachment to your Louis.
15:58But tender can turn to tinder.
16:04I took an oath. I don't need it.
16:05Frances Norton was transformed without the permission of the vampire Armand.
16:10In absent-minded violation of law one.
16:14And here lies his daddy van.
16:26Oh, please, don't be so melodramatic.
16:29I have bent law four with at least half the working girls of Le Chabonnet, but I am rigorous.
16:36Had I been Estelle or Celeste lurking in the shadows...
16:47And thank you for the kind words you wrote about me.
16:50How do you know what I wrote?
16:52I read it just now, right in front of you.
16:55And thank you for the kind words you wrote about me.
16:58How do you know what I wrote?
17:00I read it just now, right in front of you.
17:25You sold me a dress.
17:27Dans ta boutique en soie lavande. Très chère.
17:31Ouais, tu m'avais trop payée.
17:33Avec des billets froissés, des boucles d'oreilles pleines de sang.
17:37Tu nous avais déjà arrachés des lobes.
17:38Pas le souvenir que ça te gênait.
17:40Je ne t'ai pas arraché des lobes.
17:42Je ne t'ai pas arraché des lobes.
17:44Je t'ai pas arraché des lobes.
17:46Je t'ai pas arraché des lobes.
17:48Je t'ai pas arraché des lobes.
17:50Je t'ai pas arraché des lobes.
17:51Tu nous avais déjà arrachés des lobes.
17:52Pas le souvenir que ça te gênait.
17:55Ton corps était pas encore formé, mais ton esprit déjà sophistiqué.
17:59Puis tu souriais pas.
18:00Fanny, you made no impression on me at all.
18:07I liked you.
18:08When you moved on from Peek-Po-Cat.
18:11You're clowning now.
18:13I'm an actress now.
18:14Ah, ok. Tu as des vampires?
18:18I've seen the show.
18:20A divertissement.
18:23Still dressing your windows for your German tourists?
18:28Your French is still ugly.
18:30Like your doll outfit.
18:31I agree.
18:32I just wouldn't say it because it's rude and obvious.
18:57So this couple, the Perriers, they got this salon thing called R26.
19:01Artist types.
19:02Some showing work, some just there to be there.
19:05Painters, poets.
19:11Me, ok.
19:12I show a little work.
19:13Got some love there.
19:16I don't know what he sees in him.
19:17There's no guy that attracts him.
19:19And the waterfall of pretension bursts forth from his mouth of cavity.
19:23In my mind.
19:25Grab my nello's.
19:26Already doing it.
19:28Sam was late with the blood bellows.
19:30Heads in a hat.
19:31Working on a new play.
19:32Won't happen again, maitre.
19:33It happened four times.
19:34Won't happen again, maitre.
19:39Since Fatiogo has taken up with Celeste.
19:42Gustave, les toilettes?
19:44Back at the lair.
19:45Hungover from last night when he split from the pack.
19:47And overslept himself in the Latin Quarter.
19:49Rang down the street screaming,
19:51I am a vampire.
19:52I am a vampire.
19:54We lose the coming-offs this week, maitre.
19:56It's not just Paris giving birth to more genius.
19:59She's giving birth...
20:01To modernity itself.
20:04Sculptors and authors and photographers and saxophone players.
20:08Intermingling and innovating.
20:10Collapsing two art forms into one.
20:13Coming up with new ones.
20:15Meanwhile, everyone's fawning over Picasso.
20:18But out there, on the left bank,
20:20in shabby hotel rooms and cold water walk-ups,
20:24are new generations ripping apart the old molds.
20:27Bursting into new ones.
20:32Suppose I can't come off hearty?
20:34Everyone's fawning over Picasso.
20:36But not me.
20:37Not Louis Dulac.
20:38I'm out in the streets on the barricades.
20:42With the avant-garde.
20:48Now that I've wriggled inside your voice,
20:50pulled it on like a costume,
20:51you don't sound all that Chicago to me.
20:53Outside Chicago.
20:54We roamed all around.
20:55It's the emphasis on the second syllable.
20:58Borrowed from the French.
21:00So, it's mimicry that you're good at?
21:02Like a parrot?
21:03A gent with the upright downstairs.
21:04Or an organ monkey?
21:05Cajun drawl.
21:06I want to test a theory.
21:07Say, New Orleans!
21:08Or a buffoon!
21:12Anything else you want to say, buffoon?
21:14I couldn't hear you from the other side of the table.
21:17But you got my attention.
21:19Take your time.
21:20Come on.
21:22Spit it out.
21:24I said enough.
21:25Good boy.
21:26You two want to act like fledglings,
21:27do it in darkness.
21:35You all right?
21:41Come back.
21:46you've been showing your work at the Perrier Salon.
21:49Always something interesting happening there.
21:51Maybe before the war, more than now.
21:53Then I ain't really yet in my gallery.
21:55You got a nice one.
21:57You might remember,
21:58I bought a Fugeron from you early in the year.
22:02A little short of asking,
22:03so I'm doing that watch I was wearing.
22:05Ah, yes, yes.
22:06A good watch.
22:08Where did you hang the Fugeron?
22:10Over my bed all spring.
22:12Then I sold it to Jermaine Seligman in summer.
22:15I saw he was expanding beyond decorative arts,
22:18getting into paintings.
22:20Got a good price.
22:21So are you a dealer or are you an artist, Mr. Dulac?
22:23I like to think I'm maybe both.
22:27You're using a Rolleflex and always at night.
22:30Very odd.
22:31Sometimes a Leica, like this one?
22:33That's a nearby mistake.
22:34I didn't mean to bring that one.
22:36We aim the camera straight,
22:37but here, something fragile about this man.
22:40If you knew the man, you'd know it was anything but.
22:42A happy mistake, then.
22:43You caught the soul he's hiding.
22:50tell me,
22:52what do you see?
23:00A frame in the door.
23:02The light on the street.
23:05The door across the street.
23:07The look he's getting from the stoop across the street.
23:10Is the look a warning?
23:12This is what happens if you play in the street,
23:14thinks the mother.
23:15Or is it the friend of the boy he used to play with?
23:18Can't anymore.
23:20And what of the look of the boy who cannot play anymore?
23:23We are left to wonder.
23:26That little shot,
23:28who took it?
23:29Who took it?
23:30A young American, like yourself.
23:32He has the eye.
23:35Are you saying
23:37I don't have the eye?
23:38No, no.
23:40I think you do have the eye.
23:42Like I have the eye.
23:44We know it when we see it.
23:45You see it in yours?
23:52Only five prints left.
23:55You should buy one from me.
23:56Sit on it.
23:57Sell it to Sally Mann when he moves into photography.
24:00You get a good price.
24:04Fuck you!
24:08Yeah, early work.
24:10I can't read anything I wrote before Michael Jackson's hair caught on fire.
24:15But some of these aren't so bad, Louis.
24:19They document.
24:20Nothing more.
24:22I mean this one,
24:23with the fountain and the couple
24:26and the water's glowing.
24:29I think I've seen it somewhere.
24:30Like in a book or something, right?
24:33There's a good reason you picked that one, Daniel.
24:37It's not mine.
24:38That's Fred Stein.
24:52Dans ce triolet.
24:58Mid-thirties. I'm still in New Orleans.
25:04What is this?
25:05Dear, this is a Stein.
25:06I know.
25:07Why is it in there?
25:09Why are all these in there?
25:10Don't ask me. We've been staring at them.
25:11I didn't put these here.
25:14Probably Rashid confused them.
25:16At school, you told the girl you'd only do her if she had a paper bag over her head.
25:21She agreed immediately.
25:23This is embarrassing.
25:24I don't want you thinking I was trying to pass them off as mine.
25:32I was an adequate photographer.
25:35An amateur.
25:37I want our readers to know that.
25:42Can I get some aspirins and migraines today?
25:54But you don't like to be locked up.
25:58But you don't like to be locked up.
26:01But you don't like to be locked up.
26:18Thank you.
26:21Thank you, Daniel.
26:23Good evening, sir.
26:26Thank you.
26:34I know, my French is terrible.
26:37It's better than the place.
26:41When you went out the window and you cracked your neck.
26:45Yeah, that was good.
26:47And then the song came back again.
26:48Oh, yeah.
26:49They should kill whoever wrote that.
26:53Claudia, you're needed in the wet room.
26:55I'll be there in a minute.
26:57Merci, Lulu.
27:00For whatever that was.
27:08You want a ride home?
27:14I've only been at it a few years.
27:16It's one man's opinion.
27:17I only take them at night when I can't control the light I'm getting.
27:19You know, I'm supposed to stand by a street lamp, wait for the world to pass under it.
27:22I'm a vampire.
27:23I'm out there prowling for the moment.
27:25Do you know how many great shots I've taken only to find that the light was insufficient when I put it in the bag?
27:31Tell me more shit.
27:32A whole goddamn lot.
27:33Look at this.
27:36And this fucking Gordon Parks fella he put in front of me?
27:39Guy spends three or four days with folks before he even picks up a camera.
27:42Friends with him is shit.
27:43I can't do that.
27:44I'll end up eating them.
27:45Like this gentleman.
27:46And this one.
27:47And this one.
27:48Oh, and her.
27:52Tell me one thing wrong about this photo.
27:55Well, for one thing, I'm not in it.
28:05Your lens is not entirely clean.
28:07And you see here, in the corner?
28:12And on this night you only had eight frames of film on you.
28:15A haunting set of clouds moved in minutes after your last shot.
28:18If you like singularity, there's nothing wrong, per se, with the frame.
28:23But, perhaps, going forward when the moon is your favorite source of light?
28:31A little patience?
28:35What light through yonder window breaks?
28:38It is the north, northwest, and we is the sun.
28:43The sun?
28:44It's barely about these hours.
28:45The moon?
28:50I was wondering if you wanted to take one of our walks.
28:56So you spend the day and night in the dress?
28:58Is this some acting process?
29:00It's a punishment.
29:01Because you don't like flapping your arms in their stupid play?
29:06Are you their hostage?
29:09More like they're my family.
29:11TB killed my family.
29:13All of them.
29:16Oh, my town was sad for me.
29:18Oh, poor orphan.
29:21But, I mean, not too sad because we had money.
29:25And they didn't know my family.
29:28We're going to talk about that.
29:32I'm a lieutenant from Dusseldorf.
29:36He was 19.
29:37He said I want to know what love is before I die.
29:39Sounds like a lie.
29:42I thought so, too, but then he shook so much when I took my shirt off.
29:47He gave me food,
29:49a cigarette,
29:50but it was the comfort.
29:52He was alive.
29:54I know it sounds like a joke, but when there's death all around...
29:57I saw the war, too.
30:00And the lovemaking, you know, so boyish.
30:02Up and down and up and down.
30:05And he has his eyes closed, you know.
30:07I said to him, you're making love to me and you think it's wrong to look at me.
30:16I wasn't inviting Hitler to stay in France.
30:20I was inviting a frightened boy to cradle my tits.
30:29And now I'm a traitor.
30:32It's hot.
30:33It's hot.
30:37Messieurs, vous ne pouvez pas...
30:48This is my favorite walk in Paris.
30:51Boulevards of framed time and space.
30:54The oil dead still living, still fighting.
30:57When you are the oldest suit in town,
30:59it is a comfort to be among your contemporaries.
31:04Feels familiar.
31:05Ah, weary of battles and glorious hunts.
31:08There is a street of fruit and flowers two doors down.
31:18Not the art, the apology.
31:20Flex your power one night and follow it with grain grovel in the next?
31:27I do not enjoy using my powers like that, Louis.
31:31Seemed like you did.
31:32That was for curving discipline for the situation.
31:34And if I may, you were wound rather tightly after Santiago's probing.
31:49Remember me?
31:55I handled folks like Santiago both my lives.
31:58I don't need you flying in like Vampire Papa.
32:01I did it poorly, but I did it for our protection.
32:03I didn't like seeing Claudia made a puppet.
32:05I treated her as a member of my coven.
32:08I don't like you parading her around in that baby doll dress either.
32:12If I may say, it all makes you look weak.
32:16I am not Lestat, Louis.
32:22Who are you?
32:54The adoration of the shepherds with Adonai.
32:58Palma Vecchio.
33:00A contemporary of my maker, Marius de Romanus.
33:04Also a fine painter, albeit one of lesser skill.
33:08In fact, the donor in the title was my maker.
33:12The canvas painted in my maker's studio, and in this case,
33:16the donation was...
33:18What is the modern word for it?
33:27This is Amadeo.
33:30He's 20 years here.
33:34He was rescued from a brothel when he was 15.
33:39Named Arun, then, I think.
33:43I cannot be sure.
33:47The abuse in the brothel was such that he cannot be sure
33:49that is what his parents named him.
33:58The parents that sent him to work on a merchant boat in Delhi
34:03when in actuality they had sold him into slavery
34:08to the ship's captain.
34:12All fragments shackled on the boat.
34:18The brothel.
34:21My maker's purchase.
34:25His renaming me.
34:28His reluctance to share the dark gift.
34:33Knowing what it would do to his beloved Amadeo.
34:40I served him with all my heart.
34:41I served him with all my heart.
34:45Basked in his mercy.
34:49His worshipful mercy.
34:57Amadeo had a skill.
35:01And if a friend wandered into town,
35:04I was occasionally
35:12A meteor in the forearms.
35:17But then this was
35:20seven years before I was stricken with illness.
35:24Before I was turned
35:27and imbued with my powers.
35:32And all more.
35:33And all more.
35:40The name the coven in Rome gave me
35:45after they set fire to the studio.
35:49Set fire to my maker.
35:53And sent me to Paris
35:56to reign over the coven abandoned by Magnus.
35:59Magnus who
36:01begat Lestat.
36:03Lestat who begat Louis.
36:06On and on.
36:09And on and on and on.
36:14Who am I,
36:21Am I my history I have endured?
36:26Am I my history I have endured?
36:29Am I the job
36:31I do not want?
36:33I do not know anymore.
36:37No one has painted me in over 400 years.
36:42Sorry to disturb you, maître.
36:46What is it, woman?
36:49I look good.
36:50I look French.
36:51No, it's not right at the front because your chest's up.
36:53I don't have much.
36:54Yes, you don't have more than you did two years ago.
36:57Same shape, same height.
36:58The war.
36:59Shriveled some people, stunted others.
37:02Julia, you have eyes like my windows.
37:06Been through some shit like anybody else.
37:09Mom died, dad ran off.
37:10Aunt didn't want me.
37:12A fire, adopted.
37:13One of them was bad trouble.
37:16Ran away.
37:17One dark thing after another.
37:23Maybe I seek it out.
37:25Maybe I chase after it.
37:30I don't know.
37:33But it's something to think about.
37:37Because even in between the dark things,
37:42there's something broken in me.
37:45A collision in me, like I want to go bang.
37:48Well, go bang.
37:50Or go flagada or go cold.
37:52I mean, that's fine.
37:53Then you'll be fine again.
37:54And then bang.
37:55And then okay, and then bang, and...
37:59Just get used to it.
38:01Like weather.
38:07You got blood on your hand.
38:09Ah, I bled through.
38:12Ah, don't move too much.
38:13The pins, huh?
38:15I'm leaving a trail.
38:17I'm Gretel.
38:18I'm leaving a trail.
38:20I'm Gretel.
38:27The show is a hit.
38:28The show is our cover.
38:30Tell me again what it is.
38:32We all humble ourselves.
38:33Tell me again how Sam licks the stage clean after every show.
38:35And I'll tell you a job I'd rather dip.
38:37The only one with a child's physique.
38:39Audiences don't give a shit.
38:40Twan can play the part.
38:41They just want to watch the bouncer go.
38:43It's 15 minutes and I have to pretend.
38:45It says a grade in 15 minutes.
38:46I like to walk off stage in the middle of it, but I don't I like to pounce on the audience members
38:52But I don't you left the sacrifice on the green room floor
38:55We honor the blood when you dispose of it you dispose it so you won't get caught come on now
39:00I'm mr.
39:01Chara made a friend and before you tell me to make friends with the coven I can't because they've all turned inward too long ago
39:07And you know it which is why you run
39:09Let you whine and have you say
39:12Most in my position would treat you no better than you
39:15Treated your maker
39:19Let us agree going forward you will do more than the bare minimum on and off stage
39:28And the friend you made
39:31He will not see again yes
39:38There's rot on the green room floor see to it
39:49Old to play how it's too young to play Polonius
39:55Know your role says or join your maker in oblivion
40:12Can't think of it as a waste of time Louie. What's two years?
40:16I pretended to be an actor for two years and your dalliance with that manipulative gremlin well
40:23What is vampire life, but poor decisions stack next to better ones?
40:27Speaking of poor decisions Louie
40:31Armand knows all about Lestat
40:34How long does he know?
40:38Hold up what
40:41Read our minds first night at the theater
40:43But you colored it in for him painted a picture who did the poisoning who did the throat-cutting you could trust our mark
40:49What about me and you you and me me and you New Orleans unhappy?
40:56Vampire homeland unhappy Paris
41:00Unhappy comes to coven you beaming like the whole world went technical. What the fuck's going on without me
41:05I didn't want to wreck that for you in this whole time. He hasn't betrayed our trust or
41:10Except he just threatened me with it
41:15Well it doesn't sound like him does it sound like him I forgot love makes you stupid
41:22Makes you fickle and weak and blind. Let me guess. He's your companion finally
41:29Well good for fucking you you and him
41:39You pick the cover you let me go sit in your choice sister go sit
42:00Wilderness that is our daughter
42:19Shall we hood
42:28Third floor balcony keep a watch eyes ears and minds
42:51What are we hunting for Moshe
42:53What are you hungry for the start?
42:55the pick of the city
42:57pick pick pick a
43:01An illicit couple out for a cheat
43:04His wife and her husband nodding off in the regular bed. Mm-hmm
43:10Drain them in heat
43:12Let the children answer a knock at the door a pale-faced policeman arrived to the morgue
43:18Yeah, all that
43:21Have a seat
43:26Hunt later
43:28Yeah, not later
43:53My god
43:57You summoned him yeah
44:03You're gonna break it off with him aren't you
44:10Well, it had to happen
44:15always doomed
44:17Well, I'm happy you tried
44:20No, you're not
44:22That's what you wanted me to say
44:25Then you say what I want you to say now
44:27Apple do I say Apple Apple saying in French?
44:34La pomme
44:48There isn't gonna be a hunt is there no
45:00Why this suit it's my favorite on you really I didn't know that
45:18Well, it's quite nice I suppose erringbone one notch color
45:28You might not know this but I have to tailor and scribe your initials on the backside of a ticket pocket
45:40Right here
45:46So your name would always
46:08You summoned me I felt your panic
46:13The center isn't holding
46:16Mutiny brewing
46:19Everyone doing what they want when they want everyone but you
46:27I'm not sure I can keep obedience any longer
46:31Santiago what's your job? Others will follow him. You should
46:37You should think to leave no
46:40I'm staying in Paris
46:42With you and everyone's gonna be happy. You're not an artist. I don't know too much about the theater
46:50But I used to be real good at running things
46:57Little wet
47:08Santiago wants to be coven leader
47:10Give him the job never watch him fail. Never listen to me. I can't listen
47:14I will not fine then throw him a bone at least let him feel like he's your heir apparent
47:20He'll overplay his hand and everyone will see it for what he is
47:32When they know
47:34They don't have an alternative
47:37They'll beg you back
47:39And that's where you can decide if you want it back
47:43When you want something else
47:50I want you
47:54I want you more than anything in the world
47:57You sure about that our room
48:01Yes, mr
48:16Tom sitting on a bench having a smoke
48:22It's a mess nothing but a man walking a dog a drunk asleep in his auto good very good
48:32Meet back at the theater and stagger your arrivals. Yes, mr. Yes, mr
48:47Fred Stein's in the hour before you made me look foolish. You just assume it was me. Well, it wasn't me
48:53You sure about that?
48:56Excuse me. I take it back. Take it away fucking back
48:59It was probably an honest mistake from the start. You think I need to be coddled hyped up lied to
49:35Be afraid
49:38Just start the tape
49:41You weren't always a vampire for you
49:46No, there was a 33 year old man when I became a vampire
49:54Now that I come about
50:07Do you like to join us? No, you go ahead have your fun
51:00Mean you've forgotten man. I mean you don't understand the meaning of your own story
51:24What morning last time
51:28He's got a little boy things got heated with a boy I
51:33was at home picking
51:36San Francisco, I
51:40Want to know what happened between us
51:44Start the tape. I want to tell the real story
51:48How often is our mon spare to life? I can't feel my body. I know what he is
51:57I'm remembering it now
52:11Want you more than anything in the world
52:14That is where Louie finally finds himself with Armand and they've done the dance
52:19And this is the episode when they both commit to one another. It's not a companionship. What is it?
52:25It's whatever you will call an affair
52:27Romance, it's been a really
52:31horribly tormented
52:33Vampiric existence for Louie up until this point and he's now finally maybe
52:40Glimpsing some happiness. I love you
52:42The start has never gone away the start is there to pass judgment on decisions that Louie's making and one of them
52:50Is his falling in love?
52:52With our mom the audience all knows that there's this secret that is there. I keep your secret
52:59Where's the secret talked about the laws that murdering and other vampires and big no-no
53:06Yeah, let's that's not they're just ruining Louie and Alon's beautiful romantic evenings together because we'll start just is always there
53:14promise you wouldn't talk I
53:18Could feel the movement of air
53:21With his movement his breath on the back of my neck. I love Louie
53:25I think he has largely good intentions, but he's not without his own toxic traits his own manipulative
53:33Instincts he almost takes on the Lestat role in his relationship with Armand
53:38Armand is terribly insecure because he was jilted by the start what lied through on the window breaks
53:45It is there and he sealed himself off from ever living again until Louie came
53:52Louie's relationship with Armand is a response to his relationship with Lestat flex your power one night and follow it with gray and gravel in
53:58The next vintage the encore Armand is a rebound. It's a rebound that lasts for 70 to 80 years
54:05I'm not gonna start
54:07Okay, I think Louie knows he can get away with more. Who are you like? Armand is maybe a bit of a pushover
54:15He like he realizes that he can manipulate
54:18That relationship a little bit more Armand can't accept himself for who he is. He needs it from other people
54:24He needed it from Lestat
54:25He didn't get it from Lestat and now he wants it from Louie those two are constantly
54:30Flip-flopping between who's the dominant one who's the submissive one who needs what out of the other it's fun
54:37It's very like mercurial relationship. Where am I?
54:45I have a seat
54:49Ghost Lestat doesn't just represent Lestat in Louie's mind. It's also like Louie's doubts about Armand. It had to happen
54:59Always doom. So he's kind of letting those things go as well accepting
55:04Armand as he is and for who he is. There isn't gonna be a hunt is there?
55:11Vampires are the most human monsters
55:13They really desperately want this happiness and they want to feel fulfilled and Louie finds that with Armand and certainly in episode 4
55:20Armand is the kind of vampire that will not let it go himself
55:24And even though Louie has chosen him and effectively shed Lestat. You summoned me. I'm staying in Paris
55:34with you
55:35Armand will always see a little bit of Lestat in Louie. His paranoia is
55:42All-encompassing which is this sad aspect of his life
55:46Roll camera, please
55:52Love to dance and I'm not professional at it, but you'll see me in my kitchen at 3 o'clock in the morning dancing
55:58That's my full love. It's just release of energy. I love doing baby Lou's performances
56:03I think they were so much fun, even though Claudia hated them. It's a beautifully choreographed performance
56:09by Suzanne and Esme
56:11But I think fans will understand Claudia's pain and know that that's not who she is or what she wants to embark on
56:21Claudia has been looking for a companions in season one and part of her discovering who she is and trying to become
56:29Older and she is a mature woman in a young girl's body
56:33she's never been able to have a true lover and she sees this in this woman who's been completely shunned by all of
56:42Paris. Hey, you want to ride home?
56:45Nobody really knows why they they're together. They just see the pain in each other and that's enough. Maybe I seek it out
56:52Maybe I chase after it. Why?
56:54There's something broken in me, but I also think it's Claudia seeing Louie
56:59Slipping faster than she had planned with Armand