BPK: Potensi Kerugian INAF Capai Rp146,57 Miliar

  • 3 months ago
Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) menemukan potensi kerugian Rp146,57 miliar dari pengadaan alat kesehatan (alkes) yang dilakukan PT Indofarma Tbk (INAF) dan anak usahanya PT Indofarma Global Medika (IGM).

Hal itu berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan atas pendapatan, biaya, dan investasi BUMN dan badan lainnya, di mana ditemukan antara lain PT Indofarma Tbk dan PT IGM (anak perusahaan PT Indofarma Tbk) melakukan pengadaan alat kesehatan tanpa studi kelayakan dan penjualan tanpa analisa kemampuan keuangan customer.


00:00 We go to the Ministry of Finance and Public Works
00:02 which revealed the potential losses of BUMN PT Indofarma TBK
00:06 reached 146.57 billion rupiah.
00:09 This potential loss is due to the loss of health equipment
00:12 without a qualified study.
00:14 The Ministry of Finance and Public Works
00:20 revealed the potential losses of BUMN PT Indofarma TBK
00:24 reached 146.57 billion rupiah
00:27 due to the loss of health equipment.
00:30 This was revealed in the secret investigation
00:33 or IHPS semester 2 in 2023.
00:36 In the meeting of the Ministry of Finance and Public Works,
00:39 BUMN PT Ismayatun
00:40 revealed the potential losses
00:43 due to Indofarma and its business partner PT IGM
00:46 doing health equipment without a qualified study.
00:49 The company also does sales without analyzing
00:53 the ability of the customer's finances.
00:58 BUMN PT Indofarma TBK and PT IGM
01:01 of BUMN PT Indofarma TBK
01:03 do sales without analyzing the ability of the customer's finances
01:11 resulting in a potential loss of 146.57 billion rupiah
01:17 which is due to a debt of 122.93 billion rupiah
01:22 and a supply that cannot be sold as large as 23.64 billion rupiah.
01:28 In the IHPS semester 2 in 2023,
01:35 PT Indofarma and PT IGM
01:37 have greater indications and potential losses.
01:40 The record of loss indications reached 294.77 billion rupiah
01:45 and potential losses as large as 164.83 billion rupiah.
01:51 The total amount is due to a debt of 122.93 billion rupiah,
01:55 a supply that cannot be sold as large as 23.64 billion rupiah,
01:59 and the tax burden from the sale of the Fictive Business Unit
02:02 plus Moving Consumer Goods as large as 18.26 billion rupiah.
02:06 Jakarta, covered by ADHJ.
02:10 Jakarta, covered by ADHJ.
02:13 Jakarta, covered by ADHJ.
