• l’année dernière
Drama Short 2024
00:00:00 Je suis ton épouse, je te marie pendant 6 mois, tu n'es jamais entré dans ma chambre.
00:00:04 Donc tu vas me donner des médicaments ?
00:00:06 Bien, je te ferai confiance.
00:00:09 Tu es un peu trop folle.
00:00:16 Tu attends juste ce moment.
00:00:18 Mais je ne veux pas voir ton corps comme ça.
00:00:21 Je ne veux pas voir ton corps comme ça.
00:00:23 Je ne veux pas voir ton corps comme ça.
00:00:25 Je ne veux pas voir ton corps comme ça.
00:00:27 Je ne veux pas voir ton corps comme ça.
00:00:30 Parce qu'il est trop maligné.
00:00:32 Merci. C'est la première fois que je te dis ça.
00:00:37 Tu peux être plus gentille ?
00:00:39 Lin Ran Yue, tu es toujours comme ça.
00:00:43 Tu as consacré ton père à me marier.
00:00:48 Maintenant, tu as consacré une autre femme à me marier.
00:00:50 Tu as mis des médicaments sur moi.
00:00:53 Tu es gentille.
00:00:55 Si je te donnais des médicaments, je ne te donnerais pas de médicaments.
00:00:58 Je ne te donne pas de médicaments.
00:01:02 Je ne suis pas une femme.
00:01:04 Tu ne me ressembles pas.
00:01:22 Préparez l'eau. Je veux me baigner.
00:01:25 Je ne veux pas que quelqu'un qui me fait mal me poche.
00:01:28 Oui, je suis désolée.
00:01:30 Je suis vraiment si malade dans ton cœur.
00:01:33 Tu me dénonces.
00:01:35 Ton existence me fait des ennemis.
00:01:38 C'est ma faute.
00:01:42 C'est moi qui suis trop gentille.
00:01:47 Je pensais que tu n'étais pas comme les autres hommes.
00:01:51 Je ne suis pas comme eux.
00:01:53 Je suis toi.
00:01:55 Je suis Santa.
00:01:58 Je suis le Saint-Saint-Denis.
00:02:01 Je suis le Saint-Saint-Denis.
00:02:04 Je suis le Saint-Saint-Denis.
00:02:07 Je suis le Saint-Saint-Denis.
00:02:10 Je suis le Saint-Saint-Denis.
00:02:13 Je suis le Saint-Saint-Denis.
00:02:16 Je suis le Saint-Saint-Denis.
00:02:19 Je suis le Saint-Saint-Denis.
00:02:24 Aux armes ! Je suis ennemi !
00:02:27 Dr Lin, pourquoi tu n'es pas encore de retour ?
00:02:31 Je viens de sortir de l'hôpital.
00:02:33 C'est la dernière opération de la journée.
00:02:36 Je suis vraiment fatiguée.
00:02:38 C'est encore une opération sans précédent ?
00:02:40 Tu es vraiment une géante.
00:02:43 Tu es vraiment mon idole.
00:02:45 Tu ne peux pas mourir.
00:02:50 Si tu meurs, que vais-je faire ?
00:02:52 Je veux te voir.
00:02:54 Arrête de pleurer.
00:02:56 Tu es vraiment un idiot.
00:02:58 Pourquoi le roi a-t-il une fille comme celle-là ?
00:03:00 Il ne peut pas se faire mourir.
00:03:02 Il se fait mourir dans notre maison.
00:03:04 Tire-la.
00:03:05 Non, Maman.
00:03:06 Notre fille est une fille de premier ministre.
00:03:08 Vous ne pouvez pas la faire.
00:03:10 Quelle fille de premier ministre ?
00:03:12 C'est la maison du roi.
00:03:14 Elle est une vraie conne.
00:03:18 Que veux-tu ?
00:03:19 Tire-la.
00:03:21 Tu ne peux pas faire ça.
00:03:23 Où suis-je ?
00:03:27 Je suis en train de rentrer chez moi.
00:03:29 C'est un coup de foudre !
00:03:31 La fille !
00:03:32 La fille !
00:03:33 C'est un coup de foudre !
00:03:35 Qu'est-ce que vous avez fait ?
00:03:36 Vous êtes les coupables.
00:03:37 Vous n'avez pas vu la vieille ?
00:03:39 Oh, mon Dieu.
00:03:49 Est-ce que la vieille a été transmise ?
00:03:52 C'est qui qui a été transmise ?
00:03:56 Finalement, je peux marier Xuanjing.
00:04:03 Je vais bien me faire enceinte et faire de moi une bonne fille.
00:04:06 Je ne sais pas si elle sera heureuse.
00:04:09 Bordel !
00:04:12 Tu penses que le roi peut me faire un mariage ?
00:04:15 Non, je ne pense pas.
00:04:16 Ma fille est toujours une fille.
00:04:19 Je ne suis pas une fille.
00:04:21 Je suis une fille de l'Empereur.
00:04:22 Je peux avoir ce que je veux.
00:04:24 Même si je suis un roi,
00:04:25 je ne peux pas me marier à un homme qui ne s'aime pas.
00:04:28 Je me suis fait enceinte et j'ai tué mon fils.
00:04:31 Et j'ai tué mon fils.
00:04:33 Je suis une fille.
00:04:35 Je suis un roi.
00:04:37 Miss,
00:04:39 Qu'est-ce qui te prend ?
00:04:40 Je ne suis pas enceinte.
00:04:44 Ça me fait mal.
00:04:45 Je me suis fait enceinte et j'ai tué mon fils.
00:04:48 Pourquoi est-ce que le roi est si obsédé ?
00:04:50 Il a déjà eu une fille.
00:04:51 Et il s'est rendu compte que c'est un homme qu'il aime.
00:04:54 Ma fille,
00:05:01 Tu es une personne ou un monstre ?
00:05:03 Je me suis fait enceinte.
00:05:06 Je suis enceinte.
00:05:07 Quoi ?
00:05:08 Je suis enceinte ?
00:05:10 Tu es déçue ?
00:05:13 Je ne suis pas déçue.
00:05:14 Tu es déçue ?
00:05:15 Je t'ai entendu dire que tu m'avais enceintée.
00:05:20 Et tu m'as emmenée enceinte.
00:05:23 Tu as vraiment eu la courage.
00:05:25 Je n'ai rien fait.
00:05:27 C'est une bonne nouvelle que ma fille est enceinte.
00:05:32 Je ne suis pas enceinte.
00:05:34 Je ne peux pas être déçue.
00:05:36 Je vais dire que c'est une bonne nouvelle.
00:05:41 Attention !
00:05:43 Je te laisse partir.
00:05:45 Ma fille,
00:05:48 Je voulais juste te dire que
00:05:52 Tu es enceinte.
00:05:55 Tu es une personne enceinte.
00:05:58 Tu as l'air d'être une personne enceinte.
00:06:01 Je suis la femme du roi.
00:06:04 Et je suis la fille de l'ancien premier ministre.
00:06:07 Tu es une merde.
00:06:09 Je ne peux pas te laisser partir.
00:06:12 Je ne me souviens pas de ce que tu avais à manger.
00:06:19 Ne me demandes pas ce que je fais.
00:06:25 Je ne fais que ce que tu me demandes.
00:06:28 Je suis enceinte.
00:06:30 Je ne fais que ce que tu me demandes.
00:06:33 Je ne fais que ce que tu me demandes.
00:06:37 Je ne fais que ce que tu me demandes.
00:06:42 C'est une bonne nouvelle.
00:06:48 Fong,
00:06:49 Prends des boules de sang.
00:06:50 Mais pourquoi ?
00:06:52 Je les ai.
00:06:53 Tu les prends.
00:06:54 Oui, madame.
00:06:55 Je vais les prendre.
00:06:56 Votre Régence,
00:06:59 Il est déjà tard.
00:07:00 Notre fille est très faible.
00:07:01 Elle va dormir.
00:07:03 Je ne veux pas aller dans ce lieu.
00:07:05 Je veux juste savoir
00:07:07 Pourquoi elle n'est pas morte.
00:07:09 C'est grâce à vous.
00:07:10 Je suis en bonne santé.
00:07:12 Votre Régence,
00:07:13 Je suis fatiguée.
00:07:14 Je ne vais pas vous présenter.
00:07:16 Je vous demande de partir.
00:07:18 Que me dis-tu ?
00:07:21 Tu veux vraiment venir ici ?
00:07:23 Je veux juste te dire
00:07:25 que demain, c'est le jour de notre engagement.
00:07:27 Tu devrais rester ici.
00:07:30 Tu ne peux pas aller n'importe où.
00:07:31 Si je sais que tu veux me détruire,
00:07:33 je ne te laisserai pas.
00:07:35 Madame,
00:07:38 Vous allez bien ?
00:07:39 Ne vous inquiétez pas,
00:07:41 Je ne vais pas détruire.
00:07:43 Je ne vais que détruire.
00:07:45 Il vaut mieux que tu te reconnaisses.
00:07:47 Sinon,
00:07:48 Tu ne peux pas t'en occuper.
00:07:50 Feng'er,
00:07:51 Au revoir, Régence.
00:07:53 Tu...
00:07:54 Madame,
00:08:00 Vous vous souciez le plus de Régence.
00:08:02 Pourquoi vous ne l'avez pas gardé ?
00:08:04 C'était avant.
00:08:05 Depuis que je suis enceinte,
00:08:08 Je me suis rendue compte
00:08:09 que plutôt que d'aimer un homme
00:08:11 qui me ressemble à un bébé,
00:08:12 je m'en fiche de moi-même.
00:08:15 Feng'er,
00:08:16 Prends le four.
00:08:17 Oui, Madame.
00:08:18 Madame,
00:08:38 Que faites-vous ?
00:08:39 Je vais au bar.
00:08:41 Au bar ?
00:08:43 Je vais au bar.
00:08:44 Je vais au bar.
00:08:45 Je vais au bar.
00:08:46 Je vais au bar.
00:08:47 Je vais au bar.
00:08:48 Je vais au bar.
00:08:49 Je vais au bar.
00:08:50 Je vais au bar.
00:08:51 Je vais au bar.
00:08:52 Je vais au bar.
00:08:53 Je vais au bar.
00:08:54 Je vais au bar.
00:08:55 Je vais au bar.
00:08:56 Je vais au bar.
00:08:57 Madame,
00:08:58 Votre visage...
00:08:59 Votre visage a réglé.
00:09:00 Que se passe-t-il ?
00:09:01 Vous avez réglé
00:09:02 votre visage.
00:09:03 Madame,
00:09:04 Vous êtes magnifique.
00:09:06 Feng'er,
00:09:07 Mon mari
00:09:08 va m'emprunter.
00:09:09 Vous pouvez dire...
00:09:10 que je suis la maîtresse.
00:09:12 Est-ce que...
00:09:13 je devrais me marier ?
00:09:14 Mais, Madame,
00:09:15 n'a pas le Roi vous averti
00:09:17 de ne pas vous présenter devant lui ?
00:09:19 Qu'est-ce que vous en avez peur ?
00:09:20 Le Roi Li a promis de marier.
00:09:22 Si je ne me présente pas,
00:09:24 je ne serai pas digne.
00:09:26 Aujourd'hui,
00:09:27 c'est un jour de joie.
00:09:28 Je dois me porter
00:09:29 de la mode.
00:09:30 Oh,
00:09:31 je vais me porter
00:09:32 le couverture rouge.
00:09:34 La belle série
00:09:36 commence.
00:09:39 Attention !
00:09:41 Pourquoi es-tu là ?
00:09:48 Régent,
00:09:49 le pays de Xiao a un règle.
00:09:50 Les maris
00:09:51 doivent offrir du thé
00:09:53 à leurs maîtres
00:09:54 pour qu'ils le reconnaissent.
00:09:56 Je suis la maîtresse du Roi.
00:09:58 Si je ne prends pas ce thé,
00:09:59 je ne crois pas que les gens de Xiao
00:10:01 vont accepter ce règle.
00:10:03 Je vous conseille
00:10:04 de vous enlever.
00:10:06 Régent,
00:10:07 ne vous en faites pas.
00:10:09 Le Roi est un roi.
00:10:11 Il a fait sa place
00:10:12 à cause de la mode de Xiao.
00:10:14 Pourquoi est-il
00:10:15 si différent aujourd'hui ?
00:10:17 Le Roi,
00:10:18 que penses-tu ?
00:10:20 La Marge a raison.
00:10:22 Reste ici.
00:10:23 J'irai avec toi.
00:10:25 Merci, Roi.
00:10:27 Oh,
00:10:31 la maîtresse ne peut pas porter le couverture rouge.
00:10:33 Elle peut porter le couverture rouge.
00:10:35 J'ai demandé à Feng
00:10:37 de vous prendre un couverture rouge.
00:10:40 Vous pouvez le porter.
00:10:41 Mais, maîtresse…
00:10:42 C'est…
00:10:43 C'est impudent !
00:10:44 Lin Ran Yue,
00:10:45 je veux que Rouer te fasse du thé.
00:10:46 C'est déjà un grand favor.
00:10:48 Ne fais pas la foule.
00:10:50 Roi,
00:10:51 je ne suis pas une petite fille.
00:10:53 Il y a une tradition depuis le début.
00:10:55 Les maris ne peuvent pas porter le couverture rouge.
00:10:58 Ils doivent porter le couverture rouge.
00:11:00 Même si c'est la mode de l'Empereur,
00:11:02 c'est la même chose.
00:11:03 Peut-être que le Roi est plus important que l'Empereur.
00:11:08 Lin Ran Yue,
00:11:09 ne fais pas la foule.
00:11:11 Roi,
00:11:12 écoute-moi.
00:11:13 Si on est ensemble,
00:11:15 je peux porter tout ce que je veux.
00:11:17 Ce n'est pas grave.
00:11:18 Cette maîtresse de Xiatang est vraiment dégueulasse.
00:11:22 Elle est une fille qui a hâte de se marier avec la dame de Li Wang.
00:11:25 Elle vient ici pour faire du mal.
00:11:27 C'est vrai.
00:11:28 Elle est si honteuse qu'elle n'a pas le courage de se rencontrer.
00:11:30 Elle a l'air d'être ici pour faire du mal.
00:11:32 Shang Guan Rong est la plus grande dame de Xiao Guo.
00:11:35 Une fille de pauvres ne peut pas porter le couverture rouge.
00:11:38 C'est vrai.
00:11:39 Elle n'est pas de la bonne manière.
00:11:40 C'est pour ça que le Roi de Li déteste elle.
00:11:42 Elle a l'air de la démonstrateur.
00:11:44 Elle est plus forte que Chen Qiang.
00:11:45 Je suis la princesse de Li Wang.
00:11:47 Le Roi a accepté de se marier.
00:11:49 Je ne peux pas faire ce que le Roi de Xiao Guo veut.
00:11:51 Tout le monde,
00:11:53 avez-vous regardé la religion ?
00:11:55 Avez-vous regardé l'Empereur ?
00:11:57 Lin Ran Yue,
00:11:58 ne fais pas la foule.
00:12:00 Vous n'êtes pas la meilleure femme.
00:12:02 Si vous n'étiez pas allé avec votre père à la maison,
00:12:04 vous n'auriez pas été capable de faire la foule.
00:12:07 Oui.
00:12:08 Les gens sont honnêtes.
00:12:11 Vous n'avez pas la dignité.
00:12:13 Vous n'avez pas la capacité de faire la foule.
00:12:15 C'est vrai ?
00:12:16 Je suis la princesse de Li Wang,
00:12:18 qui a été apprise par le Roi.
00:12:20 Si vous avez tous l'intérêt,
00:12:22 allons-y.
00:12:24 Nous allons faire la foule.
00:12:26 On verra qui est bien et qui est mal.
00:12:28 C'est assez !
00:12:30 Sœur,
00:12:38 prends du thé.
00:12:40 Sœur,
00:12:43 tu veux me faire mal ?
00:12:45 Tu veux me faire mal ?
00:12:47 Sœur, tu vas bien ?
00:12:49 Je vais bien.
00:12:50 Va voir si sœur est mal.
00:12:53 Lin Ran Yue,
00:12:54 tu veux te tuer ?
00:12:56 Sœur,
00:12:57 je suis désolée.
00:12:58 Le thé était trop chaud.
00:13:00 Je ne l'ai pas reçu,
00:13:01 c'est pourquoi tu es en colère.
00:13:02 Lin Ran Yue,
00:13:03 tu es une fille sincère.
00:13:05 Quand ton visage est exposé,
00:13:07 tu n'auras plus l'air de la princesse de Yang.
00:13:10 Ce n'est pas grave,
00:13:11 Sœur.
00:13:12 Ton visage !
00:13:18 Comment est-ce que ton visage est bien ?
00:13:19 Cao Wen a dit que la princesse de Li Wang
00:13:21 était une fille sincère.
00:13:22 Comment est-elle si belle ?
00:13:23 Oh mon Dieu !
00:13:24 Elle est plus belle que Shang Guan Rou,
00:13:25 la plus belle des Xiao.
00:13:27 Elle est trop belle !
00:13:28 Son visage a été détruit par moi.
00:13:30 Pourquoi est-ce qu'elle est revenue ?
00:13:32 Pourquoi est-ce que Jin Ke regarde toujours ?
00:13:34 Est-ce qu'il a été attiré par sa beauté ?
00:13:36 Tu as atteint ton objectif.
00:13:38 Va te faire en.
00:13:39 Objectif ?
00:13:40 J'ai quoi d'objectif ?
00:13:41 Lin Ran Yue,
00:13:42 si tu te fous de moi encore,
00:13:43 je vais...
00:13:44 Vu que le prince ne me souhaite pas,
00:13:46 je vais me faire en.
00:13:49 Comment est-ce que tu as réussi à te faire en ?
00:13:52 Je suis heureux de te voir.
00:13:54 Je suis heureux de te voir.
00:13:56 Je suis heureux de te voir.
00:13:58 Je suis heureux de te voir.
00:13:59 Jin Ke,
00:14:00 Rou'er a enfin été mariée à toi.
00:14:02 Rou'er,
00:14:03 tu as été maltraité aujourd'hui.
00:14:05 Je ne suis pas maltraité.
00:14:06 Mais...
00:14:08 Rou'er a un peu peur.
00:14:10 Elle a tout de suite devenue si belle.
00:14:12 Elle ne va pas l'aimer.
00:14:14 Elle est ton objectif.
00:14:16 Je suis juste un objectif.
00:14:19 Impossible.
00:14:20 Le père de Lin Ran Yue
00:14:21 est le chien de mon père.
00:14:23 Comment je peux aimer sa fille ?
00:14:25 Si ce n'était pas pour le torturer,
00:14:27 je l'aurais déjà fait.
00:14:28 Jin Ke,
00:14:29 ne te fais pas comme ça.
00:14:31 Ce n'est pas son faute.
00:14:32 Rou'er,
00:14:33 tu es trop gentille.
00:14:35 Le père de Lin Ran Yue est Lin Qing.
00:14:37 Il est comme Lin Qing.
00:14:38 Ils ne sont pas des bons.
00:14:39 Si elle n'avait pas
00:14:40 me donner de la médicine,
00:14:41 je...
00:14:42 Quoi ?
00:14:43 Elle t'a mis de la médicine ?
00:14:44 Tu l'as touché ?
00:14:46 C'est Lin Ran Yue qui est trop
00:14:48 pétrifié et trop insolente.
00:14:49 Elle m'a touché.
00:14:50 Je veux la tuer
00:14:51 dès que je la vois.
00:14:53 Comment je vais la voir ?
00:14:55 Ce n'est pas ton problème,
00:14:56 Jin Ke.
00:14:57 Elle est ta femme.
00:14:59 Tu dois la toucher.
00:15:02 Lin Ran Yue,
00:15:03 tu es un sale homme.
00:15:04 Tu as touché mon homme.
00:15:06 Je vais te tuer.
00:15:09 Je ne peux pas.
00:15:10 Rou'er,
00:15:11 je suis désolé.
00:15:12 Je t'ai promis
00:15:14 que je ne la toucherai plus.
00:15:16 Elle est ta femme,
00:15:17 ta princesse.
00:15:18 Tu dois la toucher.
00:15:21 Mais je t'aime trop.
00:15:23 Je ne veux pas que tu la touches.
00:15:25 Mon cœur
00:15:27 me fait mal.
00:15:28 Je suis un sale homme.
00:15:31 Le père de Lin Ran Yue
00:15:32 t'a fait comme ça.
00:15:34 Moli !
00:15:35 Appelle Lin Ran Yue.
00:15:36 Je dois la tuer.
00:15:39 Oui.
00:15:40 Oui.
00:15:42 Qu'est-ce que tu dis ?
00:15:43 Je dois aller
00:15:44 faire dormir mon prince et ma dame.
00:15:46 Qui les a laissé ?
00:15:47 C'est ce que le prince a dit.
00:15:50 Tu dois y aller.
00:15:52 C'est trop tard.
00:15:53 Je ne veux pas que le prince soit heureux.
00:15:55 Je suis la maîtresse de la maison.
00:15:57 Je ne suis pas une maitresse.
00:15:59 Je ne vais pas y aller.
00:16:00 Le prince a dit que
00:16:01 la maîtresse de cette maison
00:16:03 serait la madame Shang Guan.
00:16:05 Je te conseille
00:16:06 de ne pas agir contre le prince.
00:16:08 Tu vas y aller
00:16:10 et tu vas les aider.
00:16:12 Tu vas les aider.
00:16:13 Tu vas te sentir bien.
00:16:14 Tu vas vivre un bon moment
00:16:16 dans la maison.
00:16:18 Je termine ma parole.
00:16:20 Je te souhaite une bonne journée.
00:16:22 Tu...
00:16:23 Qu'est-ce que tu fais ?
00:16:29 Madame,
00:16:38 tu es en train de faire ça ?
00:16:40 Shang Guan Rong a déjà
00:16:41 fait un grand défi.
00:16:43 Tu ne comprends pas.
00:16:44 Si je n'ai pas de manière,
00:16:46 je vais me défendre.
00:16:49 Je ne comprends pas.
00:16:50 Pourquoi tu fais ça ?
00:16:51 Pour faire du boulot pour le prince.
00:16:53 Je vais me battre.
00:16:55 Allons-y.
00:16:56 Est-ce que ma soeur est là ?
00:17:01 Je suis un peu faim.
00:17:03 Tu n'as pas entendu ?
00:17:04 La madame veut que tu te fasses du thé.
00:17:06 Je vais y aller.
00:17:07 Ne t'inquiète pas.
00:17:08 Jing,
00:17:15 je crois que tu devrais
00:17:16 te laisser sortir.
00:17:18 Elle est une vraie fée.
00:17:19 C'est trop difficile de l'accorder.
00:17:22 Ce n'est pas grave.
00:17:23 Ce n'est pas difficile.
00:17:24 Je veux que tu sois heureuse
00:17:25 avec le prince.
00:17:27 Allez,
00:17:28 va sortir.
00:17:29 Si la madame a des questions,
00:17:30 je te réponds.
00:17:34 C'est bien que la vraie fée n'est plus là.
00:17:37 Sinon,
00:17:38 si elle se voit,
00:17:39 je vais me faire enrouler.
00:17:41 Jing,
00:17:42 ne fais pas ça.
00:17:44 Elle est innocente.
00:17:45 Jouer,
00:17:46 c'est son choix.
00:17:47 Nous devons continuer à faire
00:17:48 ce qu'il faut.
00:17:50 [Bruit de la télévision]
00:17:52 [Bruit de la télévision]
00:18:11 Oh mon Dieu.
00:18:12 Ne souffre pas.
00:18:14 Ne t'inquiète pas.
00:18:15 Je ne leur laisserai pas
00:18:16 se faire enrouler.
00:18:17 [Bruit de la télévision]
00:18:19 [Bruit de la télévision]
00:18:21 [Bruit de la télévision]
00:18:22 [Bruit de la télévision]
00:18:23 [Bruit de la télévision]
00:18:24 [Bruit de la télévision]
00:18:25 [Bruit de la télévision]
00:18:26 [Bruit de la télévision]
00:18:27 [Bruit de la télévision]
00:18:28 [Bruit de la télévision]
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00:20:57 Laissez-moi !
00:20:58 Royal Highness
00:21:11 The Princess has fainted
00:21:12 Shall we call a doctor?
00:21:13 Is she fit to do it?
00:21:14 Well...
00:21:15 The Princess is weak
00:21:16 Will she die?
00:21:18 She's dead, so what?
00:21:20 Take her back to Feiyue Pavilion
00:21:22 Let her die on her own
00:21:23 Don't let anyone else take care of her
00:21:25 Yes, Royal Highness
00:21:26 Wait
00:21:27 Give it to her
00:21:32 Royal Highness, this...
00:21:33 Her father killed me
00:21:35 How could I let her die?
00:21:37 Don't tell her I gave it to her
00:21:39 Yes, Royal Highness
00:21:40 What's wrong with the Princess?
00:21:48 How did she get so badly hurt?
00:21:50 Commander Mo
00:21:51 Please go and get a doctor
00:21:53 Let the Princess live on her own
00:21:55 No
00:21:56 The Princess will die
00:21:57 I'll go and get one myself
00:21:59 You know how the Prince treats the Princess
00:22:03 Why do you have to say that?
00:22:05 This is a good medicine
00:22:07 And some money
00:22:08 Don't let anyone else know
00:22:10 Miss
00:22:18 You're finally awake
00:22:19 You scared me
00:22:21 Silly
00:22:22 I'm lucky to have you
00:22:24 How could I die?
00:22:26 It's just a wound
00:22:29 It hurts so much
00:22:30 Miss
00:22:31 This is the medicine and money
00:22:33 Commander Mo Li gave me
00:22:35 I'll get you some more medicine
00:22:37 Mo Li?
00:22:38 Why is he so kind
00:22:39 to give me the medicine?
00:22:41 It's really good medicine
00:22:49 Feng'er
00:22:50 It's not enough to just have the medicine
00:22:52 Take the money
00:22:53 You need to buy some medicine
00:22:55 Okay
00:22:56 You guys, stop it
00:23:03 Mo Zhu can't take it anymore
00:23:05 She's badly injured
00:23:06 She can't take it anymore
00:23:07 to save the Prince
00:23:09 Let's go and pray for her
00:23:11 Hurry up
00:23:12 Everyone, let's go together
00:23:14 Feng'er
00:23:15 Who is Mo Zhu?
00:23:16 Miss, have you forgotten?
00:23:18 Mo Zhu is Commander Mo's younger brother
00:23:20 He was badly injured
00:23:21 ten days ago
00:23:22 to save the Prince
00:23:23 He's in critical condition
00:23:24 How is he in critical condition?
00:23:26 He was shot in the chest
00:23:27 and the arrow
00:23:28 broke in his flesh
00:23:29 We've been looking for him
00:23:30 for over ten days
00:23:31 but we still couldn't find the arrow
00:23:32 It took a long time
00:23:33 to get it
00:23:34 and now it's like this
00:23:35 So that's how it is
00:23:36 Even in this era
00:23:38 Even in my era
00:23:39 it's still funny
00:23:40 to not be able to pull out the arrow
00:23:41 after so long
00:23:42 These doctors
00:23:43 only know acupuncture and medicine
00:23:44 and don't know how to make a new wound
00:23:46 How can they cure him?
00:23:48 Feng'er
00:23:49 Bring me the medicine
00:23:50 I asked you to buy
00:23:51 Let's go and take a look
00:23:52 Miss, what are you going to do?
00:23:54 Mo Li saved me
00:23:55 If I can be his younger brother
00:23:57 it's a reward
00:23:59 Medicine is powerless
00:24:07 I've tried my best
00:24:09 but I can't pull out
00:24:10 the arrow in his body
00:24:12 Even if I could,
00:24:13 I can't do anything
00:24:15 In my opinion
00:24:16 he can't make it through tonight
00:24:18 You should
00:24:19 prepare for the future
00:24:21 as soon as possible
00:24:22 Doctor
00:24:23 I only have one younger brother
00:24:24 We've never had a father
00:24:25 and we've always been dependent on each other
00:24:26 You must save him
00:24:27 As long as you can save him
00:24:28 I can do anything
00:24:29 It's useless
00:24:30 So many doctors
00:24:31 can't even save him
00:24:33 You should just accept your fate
00:24:35 I'll go back to the palace
00:24:37 Goodbye
00:24:39 Doctor
00:24:41 Junior Mo
00:24:42 Stop bothering me
00:24:45 Since the doctor is not here
00:24:47 I'll save him
00:24:49 Princess
00:24:50 You're a woman
00:24:52 and you don't know medicine
00:24:53 How are you going to treat Mo Zhu?
00:24:56 He's weak
00:24:57 and he's not in a good condition
00:24:59 I'm sure
00:25:00 he won't make it through tonight
00:25:02 Doctor
00:25:03 How do you know
00:25:04 I don't know medicine?
00:25:05 When I was in the Prime Minister's residence
00:25:07 my mother had a famous doctor
00:25:09 I know a little about medicine
00:25:11 and I know a little about medicine
00:25:13 Princess, don't joke
00:25:15 Everyone says you have a manic disorder
00:25:18 Are you sick?
00:25:20 You're a doctor
00:25:22 and you're so arrogant
00:25:24 No wonder your medical skills are so bad
00:25:26 You can't even treat a sword injury
00:25:28 You're hurting people
00:25:30 I've been a doctor for over 30 years
00:25:32 How dare you slander my medical skills?
00:25:34 Princess
00:25:35 Please don't make trouble here
00:25:36 We don't need you here
00:25:37 Please leave
00:25:38 Doctor
00:25:39 Please treat my younger brother
00:25:40 Miss
00:25:41 Let's leave
00:25:43 If the Prince sees this
00:25:44 he'll be furious
00:25:45 What should we do?
00:25:46 I'll say it again
00:25:47 I can really save him
00:25:48 What a joke
00:25:50 Mo Zhu is in a bad condition
00:25:52 Even if he can be cured
00:25:53 he won't make it
00:25:55 But since Princess Li
00:25:57 insists on saving him
00:25:58 I'll wait and see
00:26:01 Then you'd better watch out
00:26:03 Princess
00:26:04 This is a life
00:26:05 Please leave
00:26:07 Mo Li
00:26:08 Besides me
00:26:09 do you have any other ideas?
00:26:11 Even so
00:26:12 I don't want my brother
00:26:13 to be fooled by others
00:26:15 Fooled?
00:26:16 I'm not...
00:26:18 I'll say it again
00:26:20 Time is running out
00:26:21 Get out of my way
00:26:23 Lin Yuan Yue
00:26:24 What do you want?
00:26:26 Lin Yuan Yue
00:26:27 She's my savior
00:26:29 You can't play with her
00:26:30 I won't play with a doctor
00:26:32 I'm sure I can save him
00:26:34 But if you insist on stopping him
00:26:36 he'll die for sure
00:26:37 Your Highness
00:26:38 Mo Zhu's sword is in his chest
00:26:40 No one dares to
00:26:41 cut his chest to get the sword
00:26:43 Princess is a weak woman
00:26:45 She can't do it
00:26:47 You
00:26:48 You can't do it
00:26:49 because others can't
00:26:50 Your Highness
00:26:51 No one can cure
00:26:52 the scar on my face
00:26:53 But I can
00:26:54 Mo Zhu's injury is the same
00:26:56 If you want your savior
00:26:57 to be tortured to death
00:26:59 then go ahead
00:27:01 Feng
00:27:02 Give me the sword
00:27:04 The situation is worse than expected
00:27:06 Besides
00:27:07 there's no medicine
00:27:08 or medicine for the wound
00:27:09 It's a little tricky
00:27:11 But this time
00:27:12 I'll go to the market
00:27:13 I'm a foreigner
00:27:14 I know where to go
00:27:16 Your Highness
00:27:17 Come back later
00:27:18 and get me some tools
00:27:20 OK
00:27:21 I'll stay here
00:27:22 and watch you play tricks
00:27:25 Not this one
00:27:26 That one
00:27:27 That one
00:27:41 That one
00:27:42 Not finished yet?
00:27:51 Take it
00:27:52 OK
00:27:53 You
00:28:04 You're not finished yet?
00:28:06 Not yet
00:28:07 I'm not finished
00:28:09 Why are you looking at me?
00:28:11 No
00:28:12 The operation is finished
00:28:20 But I need to observe more
00:28:22 Mo Zhu
00:28:24 Mo Zhu is out of breath
00:28:29 What?
00:28:30 Out of breath
00:28:31 Mo Zhu
00:28:33 Mo Zhu, wake up
00:28:34 Yin Ran Yue
00:28:36 You're a vicious woman
00:28:37 I just said
00:28:39 Her Highness is a woman
00:28:41 How could she get hurt?
00:28:43 What's the use of pulling out the sword?
00:28:45 She's dead
00:28:46 And she's been tortured
00:28:48 since she was born
00:28:49 Your Highness
00:28:50 Please let my lady go
00:28:52 My lady
00:28:53 is just trying to save her
00:28:54 She didn't mean to hurt her
00:28:55 Let me go
00:28:56 I'll be out of breath
00:28:57 sooner or later
00:28:59 Yin Ran Yue
00:29:00 You used a life
00:29:01 to get my attention
00:29:03 I'll make you pay
00:29:05 Xiao Wen Xin
00:29:06 You're so self-righteous
00:29:08 I'll make Mo Zhu come back to life
00:29:10 Mo Li
00:29:11 Get out of the way
00:29:12 Don't stop me from saving Mo Zhu
00:29:13 Your Highness
00:29:14 I have nothing to do with you
00:29:16 Please show mercy
00:29:18 Don't torture my brother
00:29:19 It's too late
00:29:20 I'll cry for you
00:29:21 when the time comes
00:29:22 Get out of the way
00:29:23 Yin Ran Yue
00:29:24 Shut up
00:29:25 Yin Ran Yue
00:29:33 What are you doing?
00:29:34 It's useless
00:29:35 to torture her
00:29:36 How long are you going to torture
00:29:37 Mo Zhu's body?
00:29:38 Shut up
00:29:39 if you don't understand
00:29:40 I'm just trying to save her
00:29:42 Your Highness
00:29:43 You're just trying to save her
00:29:45 by torturing her?
00:29:46 If Mo Zhu can come back to life
00:29:49 I'll kneel down
00:29:51 and call you a woman
00:29:52 Good
00:29:53 Very good
00:29:54 What about you, Your Highness?
00:29:56 If you can really save Mo Zhu
00:29:57 I'll kneel down and apologize
00:29:59 Really?
00:30:00 Then don't break your promise
00:30:03 I'm not going to break my promise
00:30:05 I'm not going to break my promise
00:30:07 I'm not going to break my promise
00:30:09 I'm not going to break my promise
00:30:11 I'm not going to break my promise
00:30:13 Your Highness
00:30:14 Brother
00:30:15 What are you doing here?
00:30:17 Mo Zhu
00:30:20 You're finally awake
00:30:21 Brother
00:30:22 I feel much better now
00:30:24 Be careful
00:30:27 Your Highness
00:30:30 Mo Zhu thanks you for saving her
00:30:32 It's good that you're awake
00:30:33 I should thank you
00:30:35 Taiyi
00:30:37 You're leaving already?
00:30:40 Your Highness
00:30:43 You're really a woman of great virtue
00:30:46 I'm so flattered
00:30:49 I'm impressed
00:30:51 I saved Mo Zhu
00:30:53 Your Highness
00:30:54 You just said something
00:30:55 Why are you still talking?
00:30:57 Li Ran Yue
00:30:59 What?
00:31:00 You're a prince
00:31:02 How could you be so rude?
00:31:03 Your Highness
00:31:04 A man's word is his word
00:31:06 You're wearing the royal blood
00:31:08 It's a shame to let it out
00:31:10 Right?
00:31:11 Your Highness
00:31:12 I'm grateful to you for saving my life
00:31:14 Your Highness
00:31:15 Kneel down
00:31:16 Your Highness
00:31:19 Your Highness
00:31:22 Mo Zhu passed out again
00:31:24 It seems that she was just hallucinating
00:31:26 Her Highness didn't really save her
00:31:29 How is that possible?
00:31:31 Mo Zhu
00:31:32 Brother
00:31:35 Are you trying to find a way out?
00:31:37 Your Highness
00:31:38 Mo Zhu has been tortured by you
00:31:40 Please don't get close to her
00:31:41 Doctor
00:31:42 Please come up and treat my brother
00:31:44 Okay
00:31:45 I'm coming
00:31:46 Li Ran Yue
00:31:47 You're a vicious woman
00:31:49 No
00:31:50 How am I a vicious woman?
00:31:52 Mo Zhu is alive
00:31:53 It means that my treatment is fine
00:31:55 As for why she passed out
00:31:56 Let me go and see
00:31:58 You...
00:31:59 Your Highness
00:32:05 Bad news
00:32:06 Mo Zhu is in a very dangerous situation
00:32:09 What's going on?
00:32:10 It's impossible
00:32:11 Let me go and see
00:32:12 Enough
00:32:13 Li Ran Yue
00:32:14 How long are you going to keep doing this?
00:32:16 If Mo Zhu can't take it anymore
00:32:17 I won't let you off
00:32:19 Doctor
00:32:20 Shut up
00:32:21 Guards
00:32:22 Take the princess to the woodshed
00:32:25 Without my order
00:32:26 She is not allowed to take a step out
00:32:27 Sister Xiao Chun
00:32:28 Why are you so concerned about me?
00:32:29 Let me go and see
00:32:30 I'll write it if I can
00:32:31 Take her out
00:32:32 No
00:32:33 Let me go
00:32:34 Miss
00:32:35 Miss
00:32:36 Open the door
00:32:42 Let us out
00:32:44 Feng Er
00:32:45 Stop filming
00:32:46 Miss, your back is bleeding again
00:32:50 It's fine
00:32:51 It's just a small wound
00:32:52 It's not a big deal
00:32:55 It's not a big deal
00:32:57 It's just a small wound
00:33:00 Miss
00:33:02 Miss
00:33:03 Guards
00:33:05 Miss is sick
00:33:06 Miss
00:33:11 Someone is coming to get us back
00:33:13 Sister
00:33:14 Sister
00:33:21 Are you alright?
00:33:22 I asked the servants to prepare food for you
00:33:24 Lady Shang Guan
00:33:25 You are so kind
00:33:27 Unlike someone
00:33:28 Who is so selfish
00:33:30 Zhang Mo Mo
00:33:31 What are you talking about?
00:33:33 Sister
00:33:35 Why do you look so pale?
00:33:37 How can the prince treat you like this?
00:33:39 It's so pitiful
00:33:41 I became like this
00:33:43 Aren't you happy?
00:33:45 Sister
00:33:46 How can you say that?
00:33:48 I'm here to care about you
00:33:50 Hurry up
00:33:51 Light the lamp for the lady
00:33:53 Bring out the food
00:33:55 Yes, lady
00:33:56 This is a little gift from my sister
00:33:59 You have been working all day
00:34:01 Eat it
00:34:02 Sister
00:34:03 The food is bad
00:34:05 Why don't you try it?
00:34:06 How can it be?
00:34:08 I specifically asked the kitchen
00:34:10 To prepare it for you
00:34:11 You are still caring about me
00:34:13 How can you say that it's bad?
00:34:16 You are so ungrateful
00:34:19 Lady Shang Guan
00:34:21 Gave you food
00:34:23 You are not only ungrateful
00:34:25 But also hateful
00:34:26 If the prince knows
00:34:28 He will punish you again
00:34:30 You are talking like a slave
00:34:31 How can you talk like that?
00:34:33 Shut up
00:34:35 Sister
00:34:36 Zhang Mo Mo
00:34:37 Is an old lady in this house
00:34:39 For the sake of my sister
00:34:41 Don't mind her
00:34:42 Sister, eat it
00:34:44 It's not good when it's cold
00:34:47 No
00:34:48 I seem to remember
00:34:50 The second day you and the prince were in the room
00:34:52 You didn't come to greet me
00:34:54 And you didn't show me the red handkerchief
00:34:57 Right?
00:34:59 That's because
00:35:00 I had a runny nose two days ago
00:35:02 So I didn't sleep with the prince
00:35:04 I see
00:35:06 When you run out of water
00:35:07 You must show me the red handkerchief
00:35:10 This is a rule
00:35:12 You can't break it
00:35:14 The scene that night
00:35:16 Every man will have a psychological trauma
00:35:18 You deserve it
00:35:20 Miss
00:35:21 I heard the little girl in the second lady's room say
00:35:23 The second lady didn't come to see me
00:35:25 I don't know what's going on
00:35:27 How dare you
00:35:29 I'm talking to my sister
00:35:31 It's your turn to interrupt
00:35:33 You hit her
00:35:34 Fine
00:35:35 Since you love to hit people so much
00:35:36 I'll let you taste the taste of this rice
00:35:39 You don't like to eat, do you?
00:35:41 I'll let you eat
00:35:42 Stop
00:35:43 Feng Er, are you okay?
00:35:45 Jin Yuan Yue
00:35:46 What did you do to her?
00:35:47 You're a vicious woman
00:35:49 She used the food to make me sick
00:35:51 And she hit Feng Er
00:35:52 She deserves it
00:35:53 Nonsense
00:35:54 I...
00:35:55 I saw that she didn't have any food
00:35:57 I came to give her food
00:35:59 She slandered me
00:36:01 I didn't hit Feng Er
00:36:03 Don't be afraid
00:36:04 I'm here
00:36:05 Zhang Mo Mo
00:36:06 Tie up the princess
00:36:07 I'll punish her myself
00:36:09 Yes, your highness
00:36:13 Princess
00:36:15 Xiao Chun Xi
00:36:18 Are you crazy?
00:36:19 Can't you smell the food?
00:36:21 Sister
00:36:22 I don't care if you slander me
00:36:24 How can you insult the prince?
00:36:25 You're too much
00:36:26 Shut up
00:36:27 Xiao Chun Xi
00:36:28 Even if you have a problem with your nose
00:36:29 You can't see
00:36:31 Look at the rice
00:36:33 Prince
00:36:34 How can she insult you like that?
00:36:36 I feel sorry for you
00:36:38 How dare you talk about black and white
00:36:40 Zhang Mo Mo
00:36:41 Since the princess doesn't like to eat
00:36:43 Don't give her food
00:36:44 Don't even give her water
00:36:45 Yes, your highness
00:36:47 Xiao Chun Xi
00:36:48 You bastard
00:36:49 Why are you blaming me?
00:36:50 Shut up
00:36:51 Yes, your highness
00:36:53 Your highness
00:36:54 Please forgive my sister
00:36:56 She got hurt
00:36:58 Princess
00:37:00 I'm sorry
00:37:02 Get out
00:37:03 You can't insult my lady
00:37:05 I...
00:37:06 Bitch
00:37:07 The prince's life
00:37:09 Who doesn't have the right to be insulted?
00:37:11 Guards
00:37:12 Drag her down and slap her
00:37:14 How dare you touch her?
00:37:15 I'll kill you
00:37:17 Princess
00:37:19 The prince did this
00:37:22 I dare not
00:37:25 I won't do it
00:37:28 Be good
00:37:31 I'm sorry, your highness
00:37:37 It's my fault
00:37:38 My sister hates me so much
00:37:40 How can I be a good wife in the future?
00:37:43 I told you
00:37:45 You are the main wife of the prince's family
00:37:46 You are responsible for all the affairs of the prince's family
00:37:48 You don't have to be friendly with her
00:37:50 You don't have to please her
00:37:52 Brother Jing
00:37:53 You are so nice to me
00:37:55 Then
00:37:56 Tonight
00:37:57 You can rest here
00:37:59 Okay?
00:38:00 Okay
00:38:01 Really?
00:38:02 That's great
00:38:03 Then let me take a bath first
00:38:07 Wait for me
00:38:10 Is what Lin Ran Yue said true?
00:38:25 Even so
00:38:26 She deserves it
00:38:28 Your highness
00:38:30 I'm done
00:38:32 Brother Jing
00:38:34 Let me serve you tonight
00:38:37 Okay?
00:38:39 Okay
00:38:41 Little Chunxi
00:38:42 Even if you have a problem with your nose
00:38:44 You didn't close your eyes
00:38:46 You don't even look at it
00:38:47 What does this meal look like?
00:38:49 Your highness
00:38:50 Come on
00:38:51 I'm here to cheer for you
00:38:54 I'm here to cheer for you
00:38:57 I'm here to cheer for you
00:39:00 I'm here to cheer for you
00:39:03 Rong
00:39:04 I have military affairs to deal with
00:39:05 I won't accompany you tonight
00:39:07 Your highness
00:39:10 Do you still have military affairs to deal with tonight?
00:39:13 Can you stay and accompany me?
00:39:16 I'll come back to you after I'm done with military affairs
00:39:20 Your highness
00:39:23 Don't be sad, miss
00:39:29 Maybe your highness really has something to do
00:39:31 No
00:39:32 Even if he was busy before
00:39:34 He would come to me
00:39:36 But since I got married
00:39:38 He has been busy with various things
00:39:41 He doesn't come to me
00:39:43 What's wrong with him?
00:39:46 Is he a pervert?
00:39:48 No, miss
00:39:49 You are the one he adores the most
00:39:51 How can he be a pervert?
00:39:53 It must be Lin Ran Yue's good face
00:39:55 So he attracted your highness
00:39:59 Lin Ran Yue, just wait
00:40:02 I'll make you go to the palace
00:40:06 Let me teach you a lesson
00:40:12 Let me do it
00:40:15 Your highness
00:40:16 The princess almost killed Mo Zhu
00:40:19 You have to teach her a lesson for Mo Zhu
00:40:23 I'm in danger
00:40:25 I want you to teach her a lesson
00:40:26 Get out
00:40:27 Your highness, I can't do it
00:40:28 I can't do it
00:40:31 Lin Ran Yue
00:40:35 Do you know your mistake?
00:40:37 I pulled Mo Zhu back from the ghost gate
00:40:39 What mistake can I make?
00:40:40 Your highness
00:40:41 Please let my lady go
00:40:43 She really didn't hurt Mo Zhu
00:40:46 The wound on her back is not healed yet
00:40:48 It will leave a scar on her back
00:40:50 Your highness
00:40:51 Feng'er
00:40:52 I won't do it even if I die
00:40:56 What are you laughing at?
00:40:58 I laugh at myself for not knowing people well
00:41:01 I've loved a scoundrel for so many years
00:41:06 Why would I dare to do it?
00:41:10 You dare to scold me?
00:41:11 Why wouldn't I?
00:41:12 Have I ever saved Mo Zhu?
00:41:14 You know it best
00:41:16 You kneeled down because of the bet
00:41:18 You grabbed me by the hair
00:41:20 You were disgusted by Shangguan Rou's food
00:41:23 But you thought it was my fault
00:41:25 You were so cruel
00:41:27 You fell down and hit me
00:41:29 You don't deserve to be my husband
00:41:31 Mo Zhu is not healed yet
00:41:32 How could you win the bet?
00:41:34 And you are not my wife in my heart
00:41:37 You don't deserve to be my wife
00:41:40 Since you hate me so much
00:41:42 Then divorce me
00:41:43 I beg you
00:41:45 You didn't know who asked me to marry you
00:41:48 You seduced me day and night
00:41:50 Now you want me to divorce you
00:41:53 Because you can't seduce me
00:41:55 You want to marry another man?
00:41:56 Yes
00:41:57 I'm not interested in you
00:41:59 I want to marry another man
00:42:01 Don't play with me
00:42:04 I don't believe in this
00:42:06 Even if you find a hundred men
00:42:08 I won't care
00:42:10 I just want you to get out of my sight
00:42:12 Fine
00:42:13 As long as you give me a divorce letter
00:42:16 I will go to the palace to ask for a divorce
00:42:19 I promise I won't show up in front of you again
00:42:22 I will disappear from your sight forever
00:42:25 Lin Lanyue
00:42:26 Is the Prince Li's Mansion your home?
00:42:28 You can come and go as you want
00:42:30 I won't divorce you
00:42:32 Even if you die
00:42:33 You have to die in the Prince Li's Mansion
00:42:35 Zhao Xuanqi
00:42:36 You are so cruel
00:42:38 I'm cruel?
00:42:39 Your father Lin Qing
00:42:40 He is the leader of the Xiaoyao's
00:42:42 He is the one who killed my parents
00:42:44 I don't know what happened
00:42:46 Even if you are telling the truth
00:42:48 You are the emperor
00:42:51 It's none of my business
00:42:52 It's none of your business?
00:42:53 I saw it with my own eyes
00:42:55 My mother was stabbed to death by your father Lin Qing
00:42:57 And you
00:42:58 You have the blood of the Lin family
00:43:00 None of the Lin family is innocent
00:43:02 So you know
00:43:04 Why I hate you?
00:43:05 Sorry
00:43:06 We don't want the last generation's blood
00:43:08 Stop
00:43:09 Don't think you are beautiful
00:43:11 You can leave the Prince Li's Mansion
00:43:12 To seduce other men
00:43:13 Don't forget
00:43:14 How you seduced me
00:43:16 You are a woman who is ungrateful
00:43:18 And shameless
00:43:20 You only want to be popular outside
00:43:22 I'm telling you
00:43:24 You will never leave the Prince Li's Mansion
00:43:26 Ungrateful
00:43:28 Your highness
00:43:29 That night
00:43:30 You enjoyed it
00:43:31 You hated me
00:43:33 But you enjoyed it
00:43:35 Do you like me?
00:43:38 I'm a man
00:43:41 I won't refuse
00:43:43 A woman who is ungrateful
00:43:45 Your highness
00:43:46 Please don't hit me
00:43:48 Please don't hit me
00:43:49 Get out
00:43:51 If you don't stop
00:43:52 I will hit you too
00:43:53 No
00:43:54 Don't hit me
00:43:55 Hit me if you want
00:43:56 Hit me to death
00:43:58 I will become a ghost
00:44:00 And stay with you forever
00:44:02 Shut up
00:44:04 I will wait for you to become a ghost
00:44:06 Mo Li
00:44:08 What are you doing?
00:44:09 Your highness
00:44:10 If you keep doing this
00:44:12 You will make the Princess die
00:44:14 Mo Li
00:44:15 You are begging for her?
00:44:16 I'm telling you
00:44:17 Even if I kill her today
00:44:19 I will be guilty
00:44:20 Your highness
00:44:21 It's not the time yet
00:44:22 If the Princess dies
00:44:23 The people will be against you
00:44:26 This is the Prince's great plan
00:44:28 Hurry up
00:44:35 Untie the Princess
00:44:36 I will take care of her
00:44:38 I will take care of her
00:44:40 I will take care of her
00:44:42 I will take care of her
00:44:44 I will take care of her
00:44:46 I'm sorry, Princess
00:44:47 I will take you back
00:44:49 Don't bother
00:44:51 You should go after the Prince
00:44:53 If he can't figure out the way
00:44:55 How can you go up?
00:44:57 I know
00:44:59 The White-faced Demon Lord pretended to faint
00:45:01 And let the Princess fail
00:45:03 The Princess is resentful
00:45:04 I am the Prince's bodyguard
00:45:06 I can't let the Prince fail
00:45:09 Please forgive me
00:45:12 Forgive you?
00:45:15 You almost killed me
00:45:17 To save your face
00:45:19 This is how people treat the dead
00:45:22 I'm sorry, Princess
00:45:24 I will do everything I can
00:45:26 To make it up to you
00:45:27 No need
00:45:28 Just take it as I returned your medicine
00:45:31 I will take care of you
00:45:33 I will take care of you
00:45:35 I will take care of you
00:45:37 Princess
00:45:38 If you know
00:45:39 The medicine is the Prince's
00:45:40 What will you do?
00:45:42 Feng
00:45:51 What's going on?
00:45:52 Miss
00:45:53 Commander Mo brought some maids
00:45:55 He said the Prince gave them to you
00:45:57 And he allowed Feiyue to open a small kitchen
00:46:00 So you don't have to eat
00:46:03 Cold steamed buns anymore
00:46:04 Yes, Miss
00:46:05 Great!
00:46:06 We can finally eat meat
00:46:07 Come on, sit up and eat
00:46:09 Okay
00:46:10 Greetings, Princess
00:46:13 There's even pig's trotters
00:46:19 I'll have this tonight
00:46:20 I'll eat it
00:46:21 If you need anything else
00:46:22 Just tell me
00:46:23 I will do my best to make it
00:46:25 What I need?
00:46:27 I have too much
00:46:29 You've already opened the kitchen
00:46:31 I don't care
00:46:32 I can't even afford it
00:46:33 You really need a lot of things
00:46:35 How about this?
00:46:36 I'll make a list
00:46:38 And I'll ask Feng to give it to you
00:46:40 Yes, Princess
00:46:41 By the way
00:46:42 How's the wound of Mo Zhu?
00:46:44 I can eat some rice soup
00:46:47 Thank you for saving me
00:46:48 I'm grateful
00:46:50 Just eating rice soup is not enough
00:46:52 You need to eat more meat and eggs
00:46:53 But you need to eat less
00:46:55 To recover
00:46:56 Yes, thank you, Princess
00:46:59 I told you to sit down and eat
00:47:01 You just sit down and eat
00:47:02 Miss
00:47:03 I want to eat with you
00:47:06 I'll eat with you
00:47:08 You two, come on
00:47:10 Sit down and eat together
00:47:11 No, I have something to do
00:47:12 I'm leaving
00:47:13 Me too
00:47:15 Why are you running so fast?
00:47:17 I'm not
00:47:19 Miss
00:47:21 You haven't fully recovered from your wound
00:47:22 You can't drink
00:47:23 It's just a small cup
00:47:25 It's okay
00:47:27 I'm fine
00:47:29 Miss
00:47:45 How did I get through?
00:47:49 How did I get through?
00:47:51 Miss, are you okay?
00:47:56 Feng'er
00:47:57 I'll read you a poem
00:47:59 Miss, you are really good at reading
00:48:25 Of course
00:48:27 Miss, be careful
00:48:29 What the hell?
00:48:33 "Fa Jiu Feng"
00:48:35 Miss, why did you take off your shoes?
00:48:36 If the prince sees this
00:48:37 He will be angry
00:48:39 I don't care
00:48:40 I can wear whatever I want
00:48:41 I can drink whatever I want
00:48:42 It's none of your business
00:48:43 But Miss
00:48:44 You used to care about what the prince said
00:48:46 That was before
00:48:47 From now on
00:48:48 I, Li Ran Yue
00:48:49 Live for myself
00:48:54 Brilliant! Brilliant!
00:48:55 Your Highness
00:48:56 Feng'er
00:49:00 Who is he?
00:49:01 Why are you kneeling?
00:49:02 Get up
00:49:03 Miss, put on your shoes
00:49:04 He is the prince
00:49:05 What prince?
00:49:06 I don't know him
00:49:07 Feng'er
00:49:08 Why are you afraid of him?
00:49:09 Get up
00:49:10 Li Ran Yue
00:49:11 How dare you!
00:49:12 Your Highness, please spare me
00:49:14 Miss
00:49:15 I'm drunk
00:49:16 That's why I said that
00:49:17 Who told you to drink?
00:49:19 You are the princess
00:49:20 You are so drunk
00:49:21 You made the palace a mess
00:49:22 How can you drink?
00:49:24 This is my place
00:49:25 Who said I can't drink?
00:49:27 Your place?
00:49:29 This is the palace
00:49:32 I made all the rules
00:49:34 I can't do whatever I want
00:49:37 I know
00:49:40 You are investigating on purpose, right?
00:49:43 It's so late
00:49:44 Why don't you stay in Shangguan Rou's room?
00:49:46 Why are you here?
00:49:48 Don't tell me
00:49:49 You are here to peek at me
00:49:51 You are interested in me
00:49:53 Don't be so emotional
00:49:55 Even if I'm interested in dogs
00:49:57 I won't be interested in you
00:49:59 Did you hear that?
00:50:01 The prince has this kind of temper
00:50:03 He won't be interested in dogs
00:50:05 You are so sharp-tongued
00:50:07 If you didn't save Mo Zhu
00:50:09 I would have made you sleep in the wood house
00:50:11 So you are saying
00:50:12 The prince admitted that I saved Mo Zhu
00:50:15 If that's the case
00:50:17 The bet is on the prince
00:50:19 When will you kneel?
00:50:21 Your highness
00:50:23 When will you kneel?
00:50:25 I have promised myself
00:50:28 When Mo Zhu wakes up
00:50:30 I will make the bet
00:50:32 Your highness
00:50:33 Don't break your promise
00:50:34 Next time
00:50:35 Don't let Mo Zhu and Mo Li play with you
00:50:37 What do you mean?
00:50:39 Your highness
00:50:40 Don't you understand?
00:50:41 Lin Ran Yue
00:50:42 Don't be so weird
00:50:43 Just say it
00:50:44 Fine
00:50:45 I will kneel to Mo Zhu
00:50:47 I will kneel to Lin Ran Yue
00:50:49 Otherwise I will be worried
00:50:51 If someone is trying to make a joke
00:50:53 Your highness
00:50:55 You think so?
00:50:56 You are so mean
00:50:58 I won't kneel to you
00:50:59 Your highness
00:51:02 Take care
00:51:03 See you
00:51:04 Madam
00:51:07 Zhang Momo came to tell you
00:51:08 The prince went to the Princess' room
00:51:10 What?
00:51:11 What happened?
00:51:12 Why did the prince go to that bitch?
00:51:13 Zhang Momo saw it
00:51:15 I heard
00:51:16 The princess cured Mo Zhu
00:51:18 The prince gave her a maid
00:51:20 Even a kitchen
00:51:21 Bitch
00:51:22 Where is the prince?
00:51:24 He won't sleep in Feiyue Pavilion tonight
00:51:26 No
00:51:27 Zhang Momo saw the prince
00:51:29 So he came to tell us
00:51:31 That's good
00:51:33 Bitch
00:51:34 Shameless
00:51:35 She only knows to seduce her brother
00:51:37 I will teach her a lesson
00:51:39 Dan'er
00:51:41 Come here
00:51:43 Your highness
00:51:44 Mo Zhu is dying
00:51:46 You are still here
00:51:48 To worry about her?
00:51:49 The prince said
00:51:50 Mo Zhu's condition is getting worse
00:51:52 He asked me to come here
00:51:54 To take you away
00:51:55 To feed you
00:51:57 How is that possible?
00:51:58 Mo Zhu's injury is almost healed
00:52:00 How could it get worse?
00:52:02 You should ask the princess
00:52:04 How could it get worse?
00:52:06 The princess is sick
00:52:08 She can't go out
00:52:09 She is not allowed to go out
00:52:11 The princess is sick
00:52:13 Mo Zhu suddenly got a fever
00:52:14 And vomited
00:52:16 Now her wound is getting worse
00:52:17 She is in a coma
00:52:19 You should go with me
00:52:22 So I won't have to do it myself
00:52:25 Feng'er
00:52:26 Take the medicine bag and follow me
00:52:27 Yes, my lady
00:52:28 Di Renyue
00:52:32 What did you do to Mo Zhu?
00:52:33 Why is she getting worse?
00:52:35 There is a strange smell in the room
00:52:37 I did nothing but heal her injury
00:52:41 Don't go there
00:52:42 With the help of the doctor
00:52:44 Mo Zhu is in a coma
00:52:46 You must explain it to me
00:52:48 I didn't even see her injury
00:52:50 How can I explain it to you?
00:52:52 My lady
00:52:53 Can you show me
00:52:55 The medicine you gave Mo Zhu?
00:52:57 You don't understand
00:52:58 My lord
00:52:59 Let me go there
00:53:00 Let me see what's wrong
00:53:02 My lady
00:53:03 I think you don't know medicine
00:53:06 You pulled out the arrow
00:53:08 And shot it
00:53:09 That's why Mo Zhu's injury is getting worse
00:53:11 You are a witch
00:53:12 You are a bad person
00:53:14 Nonsense
00:53:15 My lord
00:53:16 If you want to save Mo Zhu
00:53:18 Let me go there
00:53:19 Otherwise
00:53:20 If something happens to her
00:53:22 Don't regret
00:53:23 I'll give you one last chance
00:53:25 If you dare to do something stupid
00:53:26 I won't let you go
00:53:28 Silver is not black
00:53:30 Is it not poisonous?
00:53:31 Impossible
00:53:32 Her condition now
00:53:34 Is a sign of being poisoned
00:53:35 She's poisoned
00:53:40 Poisoned?
00:53:41 How can she be poisoned?
00:53:42 Who poisoned her?
00:53:43 My lady
00:53:44 Don't talk nonsense
00:53:46 I've checked her
00:53:48 Mo Zhu doesn't have any signs of being poisoned
00:53:52 Her skin is so dark
00:53:55 Because she's walking on the river
00:53:57 It's a sign of a person's death
00:54:00 You are talking nonsense
00:54:02 She has a big belly
00:54:03 Her breathing is weak
00:54:05 Her eyes, nose and mouth are dark
00:54:06 She's obviously poisoned
00:54:08 Who told you to close the window?
00:54:18 My lady
00:54:19 What's wrong with closing the window?
00:54:20 Did you find anything?
00:54:21 What could she have found?
00:54:23 She doesn't know medicine
00:54:25 She's just making a fool of herself
00:54:27 My lady
00:54:28 If you don't know how to treat injuries
00:54:29 You should have told me earlier
00:54:30 If you had continued to use
00:54:31 My conservative treatment
00:54:33 Maybe Mo Zhu's condition
00:54:34 Would not have worsened
00:54:36 You...
00:54:37 You are just a traitor
00:54:39 Didn't you say a few days ago
00:54:41 Mo Zhu's injury wouldn't come back
00:54:43 And you told the prince to prepare for the funeral?
00:54:45 Why are you saying that
00:54:46 Her condition won't worsen?
00:54:48 Mo Zhu's condition is complicated
00:54:50 We have to make the worst possible plan
00:54:53 Enough
00:54:54 My lady
00:54:57 What are you doing?
00:54:59 These are the flowers I planted for the prince
00:55:01 And I planted them for him
00:55:03 They are the favorite plants of the prince and his wife
00:55:05 You must not hurt them
00:55:07 The flowers?
00:55:09 What's your name?
00:55:12 My name is Lu Zhu
00:55:14 Lu Zhu?
00:55:16 Since you are the one who planted the flowers
00:55:18 Don't you know
00:55:20 The flowers
00:55:21 Are very dangerous in a closed room?
00:55:23 What are you talking about?
00:55:24 I don't understand
00:55:25 You're pretending, right?
00:55:27 My lord
00:55:29 I heard that you have a set of
00:55:31 Disobedient tools
00:55:33 My lady
00:55:34 The flowers were sent by the servants
00:55:36 I don't know if they are poisonous
00:55:38 Mo Zhu's room
00:55:40 Is full of the smell of the flowers
00:55:41 If you don't know
00:55:43 Why did you move the flowers into the room?
00:55:45 And the windows were open
00:55:47 But they were closed by the silver box
00:55:49 How dare you
00:55:50 Poison Mo Zhu
00:55:52 Tell me why you did that
00:55:53 Mo Zhu is very friendly
00:55:55 The servants and the servants' maids
00:55:57 Are all concerned about her
00:55:59 Lu Zhu would never hurt anyone
00:56:01 Without a reason
00:56:03 There must be a reason behind it
00:56:05 My lady, you're lying
00:56:07 I didn't poison her
00:56:09 I'm innocent
00:56:10 Servants, go to the interrogation room
00:56:12 You must tell the truth
00:56:14 Why are you so stupid?
00:56:15 If I were you, I would tell the truth now
00:56:17 But I have to know the truth first
00:56:19 I didn't do it
00:56:20 I made the decision
00:56:21 I have a grudge against Mo Zhu
00:56:22 I poisoned her
00:56:25 Lu Zhu
00:56:26 Are you in danger?
00:56:28 Or is your family in their hands?
00:56:31 Lu Zhu
00:56:34 If you tell the truth
00:56:36 The prince will help your family
00:56:38 And he will let you go
00:56:39 When can this woman
00:56:41 Represent me?
00:56:43 Is it true?
00:56:45 Of course it's true
00:56:46 The prince's words are unyielding
00:56:49 I'll tell you
00:56:51 I'll tell you everything
00:56:52 Lu Zhu
00:56:53 Lu Zhu
00:56:54 Lu Zhu
00:56:55 Lu Zhu
00:56:56 Lu Zhu
00:56:57 Lu Zhu
00:56:58 She's dead
00:57:03 Your highness
00:57:10 She was poisoned by the poison in her mouth
00:57:12 This poison
00:57:13 Is different from the normal poison
00:57:14 It will slowly melt in the mouth
00:57:16 It seems that the mastermind
00:57:18 Didn't want Lu Zhu to live from the start
00:57:21 How pitiful
00:57:22 How dare he do such a thing in the prince's manor
00:57:24 Mo Li
00:57:25 Investigate as soon as possible
00:57:26 Yes
00:57:27 I'll do as you say
00:57:28 Your highness
00:57:29 I'll leave my brother to you
00:57:31 Since you already knew
00:57:37 Mo Zhu was poisoned
00:57:38 Then you can't escape this poison
00:57:40 Are you sure?
00:57:41 Try it
00:57:42 Li Ranyu
00:57:44 Don't tell me you're not sure
00:57:46 If Mo Zhu can't live
00:57:47 I...
00:57:48 What? You want me to pay?
00:57:49 Can you stop saying that?
00:57:51 I'm so annoyed
00:57:52 It's good that you know
00:57:54 If Mo Zhu dies
00:57:55 You...
00:57:56 What? You'll live?
00:57:57 Are you kneeling?
00:57:59 If Mo Zhu lives
00:58:01 I'll definitely carry out the poison
00:58:03 You don't need to remind me
00:58:04 Really?
00:58:05 I'm really afraid that the prince will break his promise
00:58:08 Except for Feng'er
00:58:09 Everyone else, leave
00:58:10 No
00:58:11 I want to watch over here
00:58:12 You're the one who's going to go
00:58:14 You...
00:58:17 Don't play tricks with me
00:58:19 This woman
00:58:28 She's so well-covered
00:58:30 I can't see anything
00:58:32 Your highness
00:58:34 Are you peeping at the princess?
00:58:36 Nonsense
00:58:37 How's the thing I told you to do?
00:58:40 I've already sent someone to do it
00:58:42 As long as I'm in the manor
00:58:43 I'll definitely find it
00:58:44 That's good
00:58:45 You dare to get your hands in the manor
00:58:47 You're really bold
00:58:48 Once I catch you
00:58:49 I'll make you pay
00:58:50 Yes, your highness
00:58:51 Your highness
00:58:52 Have you noticed that the princess has changed?
00:58:55 She can do anything
00:58:56 She seems to be a little attractive
00:58:58 Did she attract you?
00:59:00 I don't dare
00:59:01 I mean
00:59:02 I can catch her attention
00:59:03 The princess is just a ugly woman
00:59:05 But
00:59:06 Since she escaped
00:59:08 She has changed a lot
00:59:10 Could it be...
00:59:11 Your highness
00:59:12 Do you suspect that the princess is dead?
00:59:14 And the ghost has come back to life?
00:59:16 No way, your highness
00:59:17 Then...
00:59:18 Should we find a Taoist priest to do the magic?
00:59:20 Oh my god
00:59:21 I have so many memories of them
00:59:23 They can't even do the magic
00:59:25 What magic?
00:59:28 Burn the princess?
00:59:29 Burn the ghost?
00:59:30 You want to burn me to death?
00:59:32 It seems that
00:59:33 I have to clear their doubts
00:59:36 I don't know
00:59:38 But the princess saved me
00:59:40 Your highness
00:59:41 Don't you think
00:59:42 The princess is more attractive?
00:59:43 If the princess
00:59:44 Has been reborn by the ghost
00:59:46 I would rather let her go
00:59:48 Than the old one
00:59:50 You are talking nonsense
00:59:52 How can you read the book of the Saint?
00:59:54 The princess is just a ugly woman
00:59:56 Your highness
01:00:00 The princess' illness has stabilized
01:00:02 Do you want to go in and have a look?
01:00:12 Your highness
01:00:13 It's just my illusion
01:00:15 The princess just came back to life
01:00:17 And she's acting weird
01:00:18 Shut up
01:00:19 Miss
01:00:21 Shouldn't we go back to Feiyue Pavilion?
01:00:23 Don't worry
01:00:24 Wait for them to come out
01:00:25 Your highness
01:00:30 The ghost is fine now
01:00:32 But we need someone to observe
01:00:34 To prevent someone from poisoning her again
01:00:36 I know
01:00:37 Mo Li
01:00:38 I'll leave this to you
01:00:40 Yes
01:00:41 Your highness
01:00:42 Are you leaving now?
01:00:44 What else do you want?
01:00:46 I'm fine
01:00:48 I just want to invite you
01:00:50 To sit with me
01:00:52 And have a drink
01:00:54 Are you crazy?
01:00:55 Can you talk properly?
01:00:56 Are you out of your mind?
01:00:58 I'm not out of my mind
01:01:01 I just miss you
01:01:03 I want to have a meal with you
01:01:06 I'm really crazy
01:01:09 I thought she had changed
01:01:10 But she did all this
01:01:12 To get my attention
01:01:14 No more
01:01:15 Get away from me
01:01:17 That little bastard
01:01:22 I've been watching him for two months
01:01:24 And he wants to kill me
01:01:26 Bao'er
01:01:27 Let's go back to Feiyue Pavilion
01:01:29 Yes, miss
01:01:30 Rong'er
01:01:35 Why didn't you tell me you caught a cold?
01:01:38 His highness is busy with military affairs
01:01:40 I'm here to take a rest
01:01:42 Why are you so silly?
01:01:44 Did you tell the doctor to check on her?
01:01:47 I did
01:01:48 The doctor prescribed some medicine
01:01:50 She took a few doses
01:01:52 She's very sick
01:01:53 But she didn't want to affect your highness
01:01:55 So she asked me to keep it a secret
01:01:57 She's alone in the room
01:01:59 I feel so sorry for her
01:02:01 Rong'er
01:02:02 I'll stay with you tonight
01:02:04 As long as you care about me
01:02:06 I'll be satisfied
01:02:08 Rong'er
01:02:11 I'm sorry
01:02:13 From now on
01:02:14 I'll stay with you
01:02:15 But
01:02:18 Recently
01:02:19 There's been a group of people in the mansion
01:02:21 They're afraid of death
01:02:22 I'm afraid you'll be in danger
01:02:24 Is his highness seriously injured?
01:02:25 Who's the man behind this?
01:02:27 No
01:02:28 But don't worry, Rong'er
01:02:29 I'll get him out
01:02:34 Your highness
01:02:36 You promised me
01:02:38 You won't leave tonight
01:02:40 Right?
01:02:41 I'll stay with you wherever I go
01:02:43 Then
01:02:46 I'll take care of you tonight
01:02:49 Okay?
01:02:51 Your highness
01:02:58 Your highness
01:02:59 What's wrong?
01:03:00 Nothing
01:03:01 Why did I think of that woman?
01:03:03 I'm so sorry, Rong'er
01:03:05 Your highness
01:03:06 Something happened in the army
01:03:07 Deputy General Shen asked you to come over
01:03:09 What?
01:03:10 Rong'er
01:03:13 I'm going to the army
01:03:15 Have a good rest
01:03:16 Okay
01:03:17 Then you should go back early
01:03:19 I'll wait for you here
01:03:20 I'm afraid I can't come back tonight
01:03:22 Have a good rest
01:03:23 I'll come back to see you later
01:03:25 Why does everyone come to ruin my plan?
01:03:30 I'm so sorry
01:03:32 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:03:34 I'm sorry
01:03:35 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:03:37 I'm sorry
01:03:38 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:03:40 I'm sorry
01:03:41 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:03:43 I'm sorry
01:03:44 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:03:46 I'm sorry
01:03:47 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:03:49 I'm sorry
01:03:50 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:03:52 I'm sorry
01:03:53 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:03:55 I'm sorry
01:03:56 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:03:58 I'm sorry
01:03:59 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:04:01 I'm sorry
01:04:02 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:04:04 I'm sorry
01:04:05 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:04:07 I'm sorry
01:04:08 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:04:10 I'm sorry
01:04:11 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:04:13 I'm sorry
01:04:14 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:04:16 I'm sorry
01:04:17 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:04:19 I'm sorry
01:04:20 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:04:22 I'm sorry
01:04:23 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:04:25 I'm sorry
01:04:26 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:04:28 I'm sorry
01:04:29 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:04:31 I'm sorry
01:04:32 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:04:34 I'm sorry
01:04:35 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:04:37 I'm sorry
01:04:38 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:04:40 I'm sorry
01:04:41 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:04:43 I'm sorry
01:04:44 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:04:46 I'm sorry
01:04:47 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:04:49 I'm sorry
01:04:50 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:04:52 I'm sorry
01:04:53 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:04:55 I'm sorry
01:04:56 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:04:58 I'm sorry
01:04:59 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:05:01 I'm sorry
01:05:02 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:05:04 I'm sorry
01:05:05 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:05:07 I'm sorry
01:05:08 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:05:10 I'm sorry
01:05:11 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:05:13 I'm sorry
01:05:14 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:05:16 I'm sorry
01:05:17 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:05:19 I'm sorry
01:05:20 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:05:22 I'm sorry
01:05:23 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:05:24 I'm sorry
01:05:25 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:05:27 I'm sorry
01:05:28 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:05:30 I'm sorry
01:05:31 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:05:33 I'm sorry
01:05:34 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:05:36 I'm sorry
01:05:37 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:05:39 I'm sorry
01:05:40 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:05:42 I'm sorry
01:05:43 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:05:45 I'm sorry
01:05:46 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:05:48 I'm sorry
01:05:49 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:05:51 I'm sorry
01:05:52 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:05:54 I'm sorry
01:05:55 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:05:57 I'm sorry
01:05:58 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:06:00 I'm sorry
01:06:01 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:06:03 I'm sorry
01:06:04 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:06:06 I'm sorry
01:06:07 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:06:09 I'm sorry
01:06:10 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:06:12 I'm sorry
01:06:13 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:06:15 I'm sorry
01:06:16 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:06:18 I'm sorry
01:06:19 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:06:21 I'm sorry
01:06:22 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:06:24 I'm sorry
01:06:25 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:06:27 I'm sorry
01:06:28 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:06:30 I'm sorry
01:06:31 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:06:33 I'm sorry
01:06:34 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:06:36 I'm sorry
01:06:37 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:06:39 I'm sorry
01:06:40 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:06:42 I'm sorry
01:06:43 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:06:45 I'm sorry
01:06:46 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:06:48 I'm sorry
01:06:49 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:06:51 I'm sorry
01:06:52 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:06:54 I'm sorry
01:06:55 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:06:57 I'm sorry
01:06:58 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:07:00 I'm sorry
01:07:01 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:07:03 I'm sorry
01:07:04 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:07:06 I'm sorry
01:07:07 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:07:09 I'm sorry
01:07:10 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:07:12 I'm sorry
01:07:13 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:07:15 I'm sorry
01:07:16 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:07:18 I'm sorry
01:07:19 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:07:21 I'm sorry
01:07:22 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:07:24 I'm sorry
01:07:25 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:07:27 I'm sorry
01:07:28 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:07:30 I'm sorry
01:07:31 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:07:33 I'm sorry
01:07:34 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:07:36 I'm sorry
01:07:37 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:07:39 I'm sorry
01:07:40 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:07:42 I'm sorry
01:07:43 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:07:45 I'm sorry
01:07:46 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:07:48 I'm sorry
01:07:49 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:07:51 I'm sorry
01:07:52 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:07:54 I'm sorry
01:07:55 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:07:57 I'm sorry
01:07:58 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:08:00 I'm sorry
01:08:01 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:08:03 I'm sorry
01:08:04 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:08:06 I'm sorry
01:08:07 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:08:09 I'm sorry
01:08:10 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:08:12 I'm sorry
01:08:13 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:08:15 I'm sorry
01:08:16 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:08:18 I'm sorry
01:08:19 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:08:21 I'm sorry
01:08:22 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:08:24 I'm sorry
01:08:25 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:08:27 I'm sorry
01:08:28 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:08:30 I'm sorry
01:08:31 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:08:33 I'm sorry
01:08:34 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:08:36 I'm sorry
01:08:37 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:08:39 I'm sorry
01:08:40 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:08:42 I'm sorry
01:08:43 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:08:45 I'm sorry
01:08:46 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:08:48 I'm sorry
01:08:49 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:08:51 I'm sorry
01:08:52 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:08:54 I'm sorry
01:08:55 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:08:57 I'm sorry
01:08:58 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:09:00 I'm sorry
01:09:01 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:09:03 I'm sorry
01:09:04 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:09:06 I'm sorry
01:09:07 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:09:09 I'm sorry
01:09:10 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:09:12 I'm sorry
01:09:13 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:09:15 I'm sorry
01:09:16 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:09:18 I'm sorry
01:09:19 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:09:21 I'm sorry
01:09:22 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:09:24 I'm sorry
01:09:25 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:09:27 I'm sorry
01:09:28 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:09:30 I'm sorry
01:09:31 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:09:33 I'm sorry
01:09:34 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:09:36 I'm sorry
01:09:37 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:09:39 I'm sorry
01:09:40 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:09:42 I'm sorry
01:09:43 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:09:45 I'm sorry
01:09:46 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:09:48 I'm sorry
01:09:49 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:09:51 I'm sorry
01:09:52 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:09:54 I'm sorry
01:09:55 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:09:57 I'm sorry
01:09:58 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:10:00 I'm sorry
01:10:01 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:10:03 I'm sorry
01:10:04 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:10:06 I'm sorry
01:10:07 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:10:09 I'm sorry
01:10:10 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:10:12 I'm sorry
01:10:13 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:10:15 I'm sorry
01:10:16 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:10:18 I'm sorry
01:10:19 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:10:21 I'm sorry
01:10:22 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:10:24 I'm sorry
01:10:25 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:10:27 I'm sorry
01:10:28 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:10:30 I'm sorry
01:10:31 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:10:33 I'm sorry
01:10:34 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:10:36 I'm sorry
01:10:37 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:10:39 I'm sorry
01:10:40 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:10:42 I'm sorry
01:10:43 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:10:45 I'm sorry
01:10:46 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:10:48 I'm sorry
01:10:49 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:10:51 I'm sorry
01:10:52 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:10:54 I'm sorry
01:10:55 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:10:57 I'm sorry
01:10:58 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:11:00 I'm sorry
01:11:01 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:11:03 I'm sorry
01:11:04 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:11:06 I'm sorry
01:11:07 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:11:09 I'm sorry
01:11:10 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:11:12 I'm sorry
01:11:13 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:11:15 I'm sorry
01:11:16 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:11:18 I'm sorry
01:11:19 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:11:21 I'm sorry
01:11:22 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:11:24 I'm sorry
01:11:25 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:11:27 I'm sorry
01:11:28 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:11:30 I'm sorry
01:11:31 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:11:33 I'm sorry
01:11:34 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:11:36 I'm sorry
01:11:37 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:11:39 I'm sorry
01:11:40 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:11:42 I'm sorry
01:11:43 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:11:45 I'm sorry
01:11:46 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:11:48 I'm sorry
01:11:49 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:11:51 I'm sorry
01:11:52 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:11:54 I'm sorry
01:11:55 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:11:57 I'm sorry
01:11:58 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:12:00 I'm sorry
01:12:01 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:12:03 I'm sorry
01:12:04 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:12:06 I'm sorry
01:12:07 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:12:09 I'm sorry
01:12:10 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:12:12 I'm sorry
01:12:13 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:12:15 I'm sorry
01:12:16 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:12:18 I'm sorry
01:12:19 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:12:21 I'm sorry
01:12:22 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:12:24 I'm sorry
01:12:25 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:12:27 I'm sorry
01:12:28 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:12:30 I'm sorry
01:12:31 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:12:33 I'm sorry
01:12:34 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:12:36 I'm sorry
01:12:37 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:12:39 I'm sorry
01:12:40 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:12:42 I'm sorry
01:12:43 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:12:45 I'm sorry
01:12:46 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:12:48 I'm sorry
01:12:49 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:12:51 I'm sorry
01:12:52 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:12:54 I'm sorry
01:12:55 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:12:57 I'm sorry
01:12:58 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:13:00 I'm sorry
01:13:01 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:13:03 I'm sorry
01:13:04 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:13:06 I'm sorry
01:13:07 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:13:09 I'm sorry
01:13:10 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:13:12 I'm sorry
01:13:13 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:13:15 I'm sorry
01:13:16 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:13:18 I'm sorry
01:13:19 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:13:21 I'm sorry
01:13:22 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:13:24 I'm sorry
01:13:25 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:13:27 I'm sorry
01:13:28 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:13:30 I'm sorry
01:13:31 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:13:33 I'm sorry
01:13:34 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:13:36 I'm sorry
01:13:37 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:13:39 I'm sorry
01:13:40 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:13:42 I'm sorry
01:13:43 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:13:45 I'm sorry
01:13:46 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:13:48 I'm sorry
01:13:49 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:13:51 I'm sorry
01:13:52 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:13:54 I'm sorry
01:13:55 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:13:57 I'm sorry
01:13:58 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:14:00 I'm sorry
01:14:01 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:14:03 I'm sorry
01:14:04 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:14:06 I'm sorry
01:14:07 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:14:09 I'm sorry
01:14:10 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:14:12 I'm sorry
01:14:13 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:14:15 I'm sorry
01:14:16 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:14:18 I'm sorry
01:14:19 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:14:21 I'm sorry
01:14:22 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:14:24 I'm sorry
01:14:25 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:14:27 I'm sorry
01:14:28 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:14:30 I'm sorry
01:14:31 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:14:33 I'm sorry
01:14:34 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:14:36 I'm sorry
01:14:37 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:14:39 I'm sorry
01:14:40 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:14:42 I'm sorry
01:14:43 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:14:45 I'm sorry
01:14:46 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:14:48 I'm sorry
01:14:49 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:14:51 I'm sorry
01:14:52 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:14:54 I'm sorry
01:14:55 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:14:57 I'm sorry
01:14:58 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:15:00 I'm sorry
01:15:01 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:15:03 I'm sorry
01:15:04 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:15:06 I'm sorry
01:15:07 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:15:09 I'm sorry
01:15:10 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:15:12 I'm sorry
01:15:13 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:15:15 I'm sorry
01:15:16 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:15:18 I'm sorry
01:15:19 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:15:21 I'm sorry
01:15:22 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:15:24 I'm sorry
01:15:25 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:15:27 I'm sorry
01:15:28 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:15:30 I'm sorry
01:15:31 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:15:33 I'm sorry
01:15:34 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:15:36 I'm sorry
01:15:37 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:15:39 I'm sorry
01:15:40 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:15:42 I'm sorry
01:15:43 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:15:45 I'm sorry
01:15:46 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:15:48 I'm sorry
01:15:49 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:15:51 I'm sorry
01:15:52 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:15:54 I'm sorry
01:15:55 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:15:57 I'm sorry
01:15:58 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:16:00 I'm sorry
01:16:01 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:16:03 I'm sorry
01:16:04 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:16:06 I'm sorry
01:16:07 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:16:09 I'm sorry
01:16:10 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:16:12 I'm sorry
01:16:13 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:16:15 I'm sorry
01:16:16 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:16:18 I'm sorry
01:16:19 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:16:21 I'm sorry
01:16:22 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:16:24 I'm sorry
01:16:25 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:16:27 I'm sorry
01:16:28 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:16:30 I'm sorry
01:16:31 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:16:33 I'm sorry
01:16:34 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:16:36 I'm sorry
01:16:37 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:16:39 I'm sorry
01:16:40 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:16:42 I'm sorry
01:16:43 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:16:45 I'm sorry
01:16:46 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:16:48 I'm sorry
01:16:49 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:16:51 I'm sorry
01:16:52 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:16:54 I'm sorry
01:16:55 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:16:57 I'm sorry
01:16:58 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:17:00 I'm sorry
01:17:01 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:17:03 I'm sorry
01:17:04 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:17:06 I'm sorry
01:17:07 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:17:09 I'm sorry
01:17:10 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:17:12 I'm sorry
01:17:13 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:17:15 I'm sorry
01:17:16 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:17:18 I'm sorry
01:17:19 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:17:21 I'm sorry
01:17:22 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:17:24 I'm sorry
01:17:25 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:17:27 I'm sorry
01:17:28 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:17:30 I'm sorry
01:17:31 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:17:33 I'm sorry
01:17:34 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:17:36 I'm sorry
01:17:37 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:17:39 I'm sorry
01:17:40 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:17:42 I'm sorry
01:17:43 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:17:45 I'm sorry
01:17:46 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:17:48 I'm sorry
01:17:49 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:17:51 I'm sorry
01:17:52 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:17:54 I'm sorry
01:17:55 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:17:57 I'm sorry
01:17:58 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:18:00 I'm sorry
01:18:01 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:18:03 I'm sorry
01:18:04 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:18:06 I'm sorry
01:18:07 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:18:09 I'm sorry
01:18:10 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:18:12 I'm sorry
01:18:13 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:18:15 I'm sorry
01:18:16 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:18:18 I'm sorry
01:18:19 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:18:21 I'm sorry
01:18:22 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:18:24 I'm sorry
01:18:25 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:18:27 I'm sorry
01:18:28 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:18:30 I'm sorry
01:18:31 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:18:33 I'm sorry
01:18:34 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:18:36 I'm sorry
01:18:37 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:18:39 I'm sorry
01:18:40 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:18:42 I'm sorry
01:18:43 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:18:45 I'm sorry
01:18:46 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:18:48 I'm sorry
01:18:49 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:18:51 I'm sorry
01:18:52 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:18:54 I'm sorry
01:18:55 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:18:57 I'm sorry
01:18:58 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:19:00 I'm sorry
01:19:01 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:19:03 I'm sorry
01:19:04 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:19:06 I'm sorry
01:19:07 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:19:09 I'm sorry
01:19:10 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:19:12 I'm sorry
01:19:13 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:19:15 I'm sorry
01:19:16 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:19:18 I'm sorry
01:19:19 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:19:21 I'm sorry
01:19:22 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:19:24 I'm sorry
01:19:25 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:19:27 I'm sorry
01:19:28 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:19:30 I'm sorry
01:19:31 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:19:33 I'm sorry
01:19:34 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:19:36 I'm sorry
01:19:37 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:19:39 I'm sorry
01:19:40 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:19:42 I'm sorry
01:19:43 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:19:45 I'm sorry
01:19:46 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:19:48 I'm sorry
01:19:49 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:19:51 I'm sorry
01:19:52 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:19:54 I'm sorry
01:19:55 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:19:57 I'm sorry
01:19:58 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:20:00 I'm sorry
01:20:01 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:20:03 I'm sorry
01:20:04 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:20:06 I'm sorry
01:20:07 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:20:08 I'm sorry
01:20:09 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:20:11 I'm sorry
01:20:12 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:20:14 I'm sorry
01:20:15 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:20:17 I'm sorry
01:20:18 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:20:20 I'm sorry
01:20:21 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:20:23 I'm sorry
01:20:24 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:20:26 I'm sorry
01:20:27 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:20:29 I'm sorry
01:20:30 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:20:32 I'm sorry
01:20:33 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:20:35 I'm sorry
01:20:36 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:20:38 I'm sorry
01:20:39 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:20:41 I'm sorry
01:20:42 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:20:44 I'm sorry
01:20:45 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:20:47 I'm sorry
01:20:48 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:20:50 I'm sorry
01:20:51 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:20:53 I'm sorry
01:20:54 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:20:56 I'm sorry
01:20:57 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:20:59 I'm sorry
01:21:00 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:21:02 I'm sorry
01:21:03 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:21:05 I'm sorry
01:21:06 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:21:08 I'm sorry
01:21:09 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:21:11 I'm sorry
01:21:12 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:21:14 I'm sorry
01:21:15 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:21:17 I'm sorry
01:21:18 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:21:20 I'm sorry
01:21:21 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:21:23 I'm sorry
01:21:24 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:21:26 I'm sorry
01:21:27 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:21:29 I'm sorry
01:21:30 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:21:32 I'm sorry
01:21:33 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:21:35 I'm sorry
01:21:36 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:21:38 I'm sorry
01:21:39 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:21:41 I'm sorry
01:21:42 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:21:44 I'm sorry
01:21:45 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:21:47 I'm sorry
01:21:48 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:21:50 I'm sorry
01:21:51 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:21:53 I'm sorry
01:21:54 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:21:56 I'm sorry
01:21:57 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:21:59 I'm sorry
01:22:00 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:22:02 I'm sorry
01:22:03 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:22:05 I'm sorry
01:22:06 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:22:08 I'm sorry
01:22:09 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:22:11 I'm sorry
01:22:12 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:22:14 I'm sorry
01:22:15 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:22:17 I'm sorry
01:22:18 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:22:20 I'm sorry
01:22:21 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:22:23 I'm sorry
01:22:24 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:22:26 I'm sorry
01:22:27 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:22:29 I'm sorry
01:22:30 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:22:33 Princess Ling, you're awake
01:22:35 I brought you some food
01:22:37 Thank you, Princess Xi
01:22:38 I'm not hungry
01:22:39 Prince Ling is here too
01:22:43 I thought he went back to his mansion
01:22:45 You can talk to the prince
01:22:46 You guys talk, I'm leaving
01:22:48 No need
01:22:49 Princess Ling, you misunderstood
01:22:50 I'm not looking for Prince Ling
01:22:52 I'm leaving
01:22:53 I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you
01:22:55 I'm sorry
01:22:56 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:22:58 I'm sorry
01:22:59 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:23:01 I'm sorry
01:23:02 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:23:04 I'm sorry
01:23:05 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:23:07 I'm sorry
01:23:08 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:23:10 I'm sorry
01:23:11 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:23:13 I'm sorry
01:23:14 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:23:16 I'm sorry
01:23:17 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:23:19 I'm sorry
01:23:20 I didn't mean to hurt you
01:23:22 I've been protecting you
01:23:24 You're the only one in my heart
01:23:26 I was forced to stay away from him
01:23:30 I didn't expect you to touch Prince Ling
01:23:33 You guys...
01:23:34 She's my princess
01:23:36 Who else can I touch?
01:23:38 Jing, are you still blaming me?
01:23:41 But you really misunderstood me
01:23:43 I didn't marry Prince Qi willingly
01:23:47 I was forced
01:23:49 Enough
01:23:50 I don't want to hear this
01:23:52 Jing
01:23:53 I can't stand you having children with another woman
01:23:57 Jing
01:23:58 Jing, help me
01:24:04 Princess Qi
01:24:05 You should behave yourself
01:24:07 Zichen, save her
01:24:08 Why are you here?
01:24:10 You're eavesdropping again
01:24:11 It's not important
01:24:12 She's about to drown
01:24:14 It's not just her knees
01:24:16 How could she drown?
01:24:19 Jing
01:24:20 I don't believe it
01:24:22 I don't believe you don't love me anymore
01:24:25 Why did you marry Shangguan Rong?
01:24:28 Everyone knows that we look alike
01:24:31 Wow, you're so smart
01:24:34 I didn't expect Shangguan Rong to be a third wheel
01:24:38 In my heart, you and Rou are not the same
01:24:42 Jing
01:24:43 I'm not a third wheel
01:24:45 In my heart, you and Rou are not the same
01:24:48 Jing
01:24:49 I don't believe you still hate me
01:24:52 You did it on purpose
01:24:54 You slept with Lin Ran Yue on purpose
01:24:56 You married Shangguan Rong on purpose
01:24:59 You did all this to piss me off
01:25:02 Su Xiaoxiao
01:25:03 You haven't changed at all
01:25:05 To be honest
01:25:06 I don't have feelings for you
01:25:08 And
01:25:09 If you want everyone to know
01:25:11 You're a woman and you're pestering me
01:25:13 Then you should shout louder
01:25:15 Let everyone in the palace know
01:25:17 You!
01:25:18 You're full of food
01:25:20 Interesting
01:25:21 Why are you standing there?
01:25:22 Come here
01:25:23 Oh
01:25:24 Lin Ran Yue
01:25:28 I think you're not living well
01:25:30 You're eavesdropping again
01:25:32 Your highness
01:25:34 I'm not eavesdropping
01:25:35 Next time, you two
01:25:37 Find a secluded place
01:25:39 If someone sees us
01:25:40 It'll be a problem
01:25:41 Next time?
01:25:42 Your husband and another woman
01:25:44 Are not getting along
01:25:45 You're still hoping for the next time
01:25:46 Yeah
01:25:47 You two are so in love
01:25:49 And so affectionate
01:25:50 Next time
01:25:51 It's normal
01:25:52 You
01:25:53 Don't play hard to get with me
01:25:56 I don't buy it
01:25:58 Grandmother is getting better
01:26:00 Come back to the palace and greet me
01:26:02 You're so conceited
01:26:05 You're so self-centered
01:26:07 Lin Ran Yue
01:26:12 [Lin Ran Yue]
01:26:14 Greetings, Your Highness
01:26:17 Greetings, Sister
01:26:18 Rong'er
01:26:19 Why are you waiting here?
01:26:20 Your Highness hasn't been back for a long time
01:26:22 I miss you
01:26:23 Silly girl
01:26:24 How long have you been waiting?
01:26:25 Two hours
01:26:27 Don't do this next time
01:26:28 You're not feeling well
01:26:29 I feel bad
01:26:30 But I want to see you first
01:26:33 Your Highness
01:26:34 Tonight
01:26:36 Let's go to the mountain to rest
01:26:38 Okay?
01:26:40 Okay
01:26:41 Miss
01:26:43 I miss you so much
01:26:44 Feng'er
01:26:45 Tonight
01:26:46 Can you sleep with me?
01:26:49 Miss
01:26:50 I can't sleep with you
01:26:52 It's against etiquette
01:26:53 So what?
01:26:54 In my house
01:26:55 Good sisters and good friends
01:26:56 Sleep together
01:26:58 This way, the relationship will be better
01:27:00 Let's go
01:27:01 Your Highness
01:27:03 How can you say that to my sister?
01:27:06 Even if she doesn't get your love
01:27:08 She can't
01:27:09 She can't
01:27:10 She can't make a decision
01:27:11 on a little maid
01:27:13 Besides
01:27:14 If this gets out
01:27:15 It's so embarrassing
01:27:17 How can she still
01:27:18 speak out boldly?
01:27:20 She can't even laugh
01:27:22 Rong'er
01:27:23 I've been in the palace for a few days
01:27:24 All the military affairs
01:27:25 have been dealt with
01:27:26 I have to go to work
01:27:28 I can't stay with you tonight
01:27:29 Don't wait for me
01:27:30 I'll come to you
01:27:31 when I'm free
01:27:33 Send the lady back to Yuru Pavilion
01:27:35 Take care of her
01:27:36 Yes, Your Highness
01:27:37 Why?
01:27:40 We haven't seen each other for so long
01:27:41 It's not easy to see each other
01:27:43 Why did she leave?
01:27:44 Why didn't she
01:27:45 sleep with me?
01:27:46 Madam
01:27:49 This is the door of the palace
01:27:50 Let's go in first, okay?
01:27:52 No
01:27:53 I've been married
01:27:56 in the palace for more than a month
01:27:57 She just won't touch me
01:27:59 If this gets out
01:28:01 Where should I go?
01:28:03 Madam
01:28:04 Watch out for the wall
01:28:06 I know
01:28:07 Li Ranyue, you bitch!
01:28:09 You pretend to be indifferent
01:28:11 and don't care about me
01:28:12 But you said that you would let the maid sleep with you
01:28:14 and led the prince to sleep with you
01:28:16 I really look down on you
01:28:18 Madam, don't be angry
01:28:20 Even if the prince went to see the princess
01:28:22 he would also cause trouble
01:28:23 for the princess
01:28:24 If this goes on
01:28:25 how can I still
01:28:26 have a place in the palace?
01:28:28 Madam
01:28:29 You are the matron of the palace
01:28:31 You have the power to manage the family
01:28:33 You are afraid that
01:28:34 she is a famous princess
01:28:36 We just have to wait for the princess to make a mistake
01:28:39 and let the prince punish her
01:28:41 You are right
01:28:43 As long as I am in trouble
01:28:45 I won't be afraid
01:28:47 But I have an order
01:28:49 The expenses for Feiyue Pavilion
01:28:50 will be only one third
01:28:52 If they ask
01:28:54 they will say that
01:28:55 we are reducing the expenses
01:28:58 Yes, madam
01:29:00 Feng
01:29:01 Come and give me a massage
01:29:02 I am so tired
01:29:04 Li Ranyuan
01:29:09 You are so angry
01:29:11 You don't even let your maid sleep with you
01:29:14 You are so shameless
01:29:16 What do you mean?
01:29:19 I am not angry
01:29:20 You slander me without any evidence
01:29:22 I think you are not ashamed
01:29:24 As the princess
01:29:25 you dare to sleep with the maid
01:29:27 Do you respect me?
01:29:29 Can't I satisfy you?
01:29:31 Can't I satisfy you?
01:29:33 Feng and I
01:29:36 How can we sleep together?
01:29:38 You slander me
01:29:39 You should find a normal reason
01:29:41 Miss
01:29:42 Don't you know?
01:29:43 In fact, women can sleep together
01:29:46 How is it possible?
01:29:47 We women are half-men
01:29:50 You are so shameless
01:29:53 Miss
01:29:54 Don't you know?
01:29:55 In the palace
01:29:57 those women who are not favored
01:29:59 and haven't been favored for a long time
01:30:01 will sleep together
01:30:04 Why do they sleep together?
01:30:05 Of course, they are doing something shameful
01:30:07 and disgraceful
01:30:09 Li Ranyuan
01:30:10 You are so arrogant
01:30:12 just a few days ago
01:30:14 Why are the ancient people so stupid?
01:30:18 I just said it as a joke
01:30:20 What's wrong?
01:30:21 Your Highness
01:30:22 Please forgive the princess
01:30:24 She didn't mean it
01:30:25 She has no feelings for me
01:30:27 She loves you very much
01:30:28 Get out
01:30:30 Li Ranyuan
01:30:36 Since you are so arrogant
01:30:37 I will satisfy you
01:30:39 Xiao Xuanxi
01:30:40 What do you want to do in the daytime?
01:30:42 Don't you hate me?
01:30:43 Go to find your Rou
01:30:45 Who told you to be so arrogant?
01:30:47 I will satisfy you today
01:30:49 Xiao Xuanxi
01:30:51 What are you doing?
01:30:52 I think you are arrogant
01:30:54 Just take it as it is
01:30:56 I will satisfy you
01:30:58 Xiao Xuanxi
01:31:03 Don't be crazy
01:31:04 Please
01:31:05 Go to find your Rou
01:31:07 I don't want to
01:31:08 Arrogant
01:31:09 You are my princess
01:31:10 Why don't you want to?
01:31:11 I am the daughter of Lin Jing
01:31:13 I am the one you killed
01:31:14 and sent to spy on you
01:31:16 Your Highness
01:31:17 Bad news
01:31:18 The news just came from the palace
01:31:19 The Empress Dowager's illness has recurred
01:31:20 His Majesty summons you and the princess
01:31:21 to the palace immediately
01:31:22 What?
01:31:23 Princess Li
01:31:25 What's going on?
01:31:26 Why did you make a mistake again?
01:31:28 Your Majesty
01:31:29 The princess hasn't been diagnosed yet
01:31:31 You have a series of problems
01:31:32 How can the princess be cured?
01:31:34 Don't worry, Your Majesty
01:31:36 I will go now
01:31:37 How is the princess?
01:31:47 She is fine
01:31:48 I have written the medicine I take every day
01:31:50 clearly
01:31:51 Why didn't you give the Empress Dowager
01:31:52 the medicine again?
01:31:53 The Empress Dowager said
01:31:54 that she was too anxious
01:31:55 after taking your medicine
01:31:56 and couldn't get over it
01:31:58 I had no choice
01:32:01 so I gave the Empress Dowager a new medicine
01:32:03 Didn't I tell you
01:32:05 that you can't give the Empress Dowager
01:32:06 any medicine except mine?
01:32:08 I think you just want to kill the Empress Dowager
01:32:10 Your Majesty
01:32:11 I am wronged
01:32:12 My prescription is absolutely fine
01:32:14 But the princess
01:32:16 What medicine did she give the Empress Dowager?
01:32:19 Why did she feel uncomfortable
01:32:20 and sad after taking the medicine?
01:32:23 Is it because the medicine is wrong
01:32:25 that the Empress Dowager's condition
01:32:26 is getting worse?
01:32:28 False
01:32:29 Doctor Wang
01:32:32 How can you take my medicine?
01:32:34 I dare not
01:32:35 I just reported it to you
01:32:37 Please forgive me
01:32:39 Father
01:32:41 The princess has been fine
01:32:43 but she has been sick
01:32:45 after taking the medicine
01:32:47 It can be seen that
01:32:48 if the princess hadn't
01:32:49 fed the medicine to the princess
01:32:50 by herself
01:32:51 she would have been fine
01:32:53 Your Highness
01:32:54 If the medicine is fine
01:32:56 why did the Empress Dowager's condition
01:32:57 get worse a few days ago?
01:32:59 If the medicine is wrong
01:33:01 why did the princess and I
01:33:03 get sick a few days ago?
01:33:06 What do you mean?
01:33:08 You suspect that someone gave the medicine to the Empress Dowager?
01:33:11 I am not talking about you
01:33:13 Why are you so nervous?
01:33:14 You
01:33:15 Nonsense
01:33:17 How could I poison the Empress Dowager?
01:33:20 Nanny Xue
01:33:21 Can you show me
01:33:22 the medicine
01:33:23 the Empress Dowager took these days?
01:33:24 Yes, Your Highness
01:33:25 Why is there no medicine?
01:33:34 Nanny Xue
01:33:35 You have been taking care of
01:33:36 the Empress Dowager's medicine
01:33:37 I told you before
01:33:38 that you should take this medicine
01:33:39 It is a protective agent
01:33:40 that must be taken
01:33:41 Why is it missing?
01:33:42 Your Highness
01:33:43 Today
01:33:44 before the Empress Dowager took the medicine
01:33:46 the Seventh Princess came to me
01:33:48 and said that she wanted to make a meal for the Empress Dowager
01:33:51 So
01:33:52 the medicine was given to Doctor Wang
01:33:54 Your Majesty
01:33:56 I only have these
01:33:57 when I get the medicine
01:33:58 The Imperial Medical Academy's
01:33:59 Dr. Zhang and Dr. Liu
01:34:00 can testify for me
01:34:02 What is going on?
01:34:03 This is strange
01:34:04 Princess Qi
01:34:05 You know that
01:34:06 the one who serves the Empress Dowager
01:34:07 to take the medicine is Nanny Xue
01:34:09 Why did you suddenly call her away?
01:34:11 Princess Li
01:34:13 What do you mean by this?
01:34:15 You suspect that I poisoned the Empress Dowager?
01:34:17 You suspect that I stole the medicine?
01:34:19 I thought that
01:34:20 the Empress Dowager was sick
01:34:21 and was not feeling well
01:34:22 So I specially asked Nanny Xue
01:34:24 to make some dishes that she likes to eat
01:34:25 You actually suspect me
01:34:27 It is really too disgusting
01:34:29 Princess Li is a saint
01:34:31 Xiaoxiao
01:34:32 is the most gentle and kind person
01:34:33 I have ever seen
01:34:35 How can you be compared to
01:34:36 this ugly and evil woman?
01:34:38 Prince Qi is a saint
01:34:39 Lin Ruanyue is my princess
01:34:41 How can you be compared to her?
01:34:43 Did I hear it wrong?
01:34:44 This man
01:34:45 can actually protect me
01:34:46 Princess Qi
01:34:47 I didn't say that the medicine was stolen
01:34:49 You jumped out in such a hurry
01:34:51 It is hard to deny
01:34:52 It is hard to deny
01:34:53 that you are guilty
01:34:54 You
01:34:55 The Empress Dowager is awake
01:34:58 Grandmother
01:35:00 Do you remember
01:35:01 if anyone came
01:35:02 before you took the medicine?
01:35:03 Except for Doctor Wang
01:35:05 and a few other doctors
01:35:07 Only Princess Qi came
01:35:09 Did she stay?
01:35:11 Yes
01:35:12 I
01:35:13 I was
01:35:14 giving Grandmother a massage
01:35:15 and I washed you
01:35:17 You actually suspect me of stealing the medicine
01:35:20 Princess Qi
01:35:22 From the beginning to the end
01:35:24 I never said
01:35:25 that the medicine was stolen
01:35:26 Don't you think
01:35:27 that your behavior today
01:35:29 is abnormal?
01:35:30 I
01:35:33 I didn't
01:35:34 All right
01:35:35 I will investigate this matter
01:35:37 I will leave
01:35:39 Let the Empress Dowager have a good rest
01:35:41 Grandmother
01:35:42 You have a good rest
01:35:43 I will stay next door
01:35:45 to keep an eye on you
01:35:46 Princess Qi
01:35:49 Wait a minute
01:35:50 I have something to tell you
01:35:51 Princess Li
01:35:52 What do you want from me?
01:35:54 Did I talk to Brother Jing
01:35:56 and you were jealous?
01:35:58 Did you steal
01:35:59 the medicine from the Empress Dowager?
01:36:00 What nonsense are you talking about?
01:36:02 You slandered me just now
01:36:04 You are shameless
01:36:05 I think you are the shameless one
01:36:07 You usually dislike the Empress Dowager
01:36:09 and are not willing to serve her
01:36:10 But today you suddenly went over
01:36:12 to wipe her body
01:36:13 and called her "Xuan Meng"
01:36:15 What is the point of this?
01:36:16 Do you have any evidence?
01:36:18 You slandered me so much
01:36:20 I'm not afraid that Prince Li and Prince Qi
01:36:21 will know about it
01:36:22 What are you talking about?
01:36:23 For the truth
01:36:24 what am I afraid of?
01:36:26 You are a ugly woman
01:36:28 who has a bad reputation
01:36:30 I don't know what you are proud of
01:36:32 I tell you
01:36:33 Brother Xuan Jing loves me
01:36:36 He doesn't love you at all
01:36:38 You actually want to put medicine on him
01:36:40 so that he will touch you
01:36:42 You are really a joke
01:36:45 Really?
01:36:46 You will be disappointed
01:36:48 Today when you came back to Prince Li's residence
01:36:50 you were so excited
01:36:52 to see Prince Li
01:36:54 You know him
01:36:56 What?
01:36:57 A woman like you
01:36:59 even if you put medicine on him
01:37:01 he will not touch you
01:37:02 You are talking nonsense
01:37:03 Moreover
01:37:04 you and Prince Qi
01:37:06 want to kill
01:37:07 his most beloved Empress Dowager
01:37:08 If Prince Li knows about it
01:37:10 what will he do to you?
01:37:11 I don't have any evidence
01:37:12 I have evidence
01:37:15 Let's go to the Emperor
01:37:17 and Prince Li
01:37:18 and talk about it
01:37:19 What do you think?
01:37:20 Do you really have evidence?
01:37:21 This is too stupid
01:37:23 You left it at once
01:37:25 Of course I have evidence
01:37:27 Otherwise
01:37:28 why would I tell you so much?
01:37:37 Princess
01:37:39 Why did you push me?
01:37:41 I...
01:37:42 Xiaoxiao
01:37:44 Xiaoxiao
01:37:46 Are you alright?
01:37:48 Lin Yuanyuan
01:37:50 How dare you
01:37:51 to do it in the palace?
01:37:53 He fell down himself
01:37:55 It's none of my business
01:37:56 Princess
01:37:58 We have no grudge
01:38:00 You not only accused me of stealing medicine
01:38:02 but also pushed me
01:38:03 Is it because
01:38:04 I was your husband
01:38:05 when we were old friends?
01:38:07 You are jealous of me
01:38:08 So you want to kill me?
01:38:10 Princess
01:38:11 You are so bold
01:38:13 If there is anything wrong with Xiaoxiao
01:38:15 I will make you pay
01:38:17 I will definitely
01:38:18 report it to Emperor
01:38:19 and let him punish you
01:38:21 OK
01:38:22 You go to the Emperor
01:38:23 I want to see
01:38:25 how the Emperor
01:38:26 will investigate this matter
01:38:28 Prince
01:38:29 Forget it
01:38:30 We know each other
01:38:31 I'm not as good as him
01:38:33 Xiaoxiao
01:38:34 Please
01:38:35 Prince
01:38:37 You have to
01:38:38 give me an explanation today
01:38:39 Otherwise
01:38:40 I will not let him go
01:38:42 What explanation do you want?
01:38:44 Of course
01:38:46 I will beat him first
01:38:47 and then I will divorce him
01:38:49 and then I will kick him out of the Prince's Mansion
01:38:51 You...
01:38:52 Prince Qi, you are so arrogant
01:38:54 What if I don't?
01:38:56 We saw it with our own eyes
01:38:58 He pushed Xiaoxiao to the ground
01:39:00 and cut her forehead
01:39:01 Do you want to
01:39:02 protect this woman?
01:39:03 I think
01:39:04 the Emperor should be the one to deal with this matter
01:39:06 The Emperor should deal with it
01:39:08 You...
01:39:09 Prince
01:39:11 Forget it
01:39:12 It's all Xiaoxiao's fault
01:39:14 Xiaoxiao
01:39:15 How could it be your fault?
01:39:17 Don't worry
01:39:18 Don't be afraid
01:39:20 I will protect you
01:39:22 You are a coward
01:39:25 What's the use of being beautiful?
01:39:27 You are still so ugly
01:39:29 Prince Qi, be careful
01:39:30 Prince Qi, be careful
01:39:31 You should know
01:39:33 I am the new Concubine of Prince Li
01:39:35 appointed by the Emperor
01:39:36 I am a coward in your eyes
01:39:38 Do you despise Prince Li
01:39:41 or despise the Emperor?
01:39:43 You...
01:39:44 Don't talk nonsense
01:39:47 Let me teach you a lesson
01:39:49 Prince
01:39:52 Prince
01:39:54 How dare you hit my Princess?
01:39:56 Xiao Xuanqing
01:39:58 How dare you hit me?
01:40:00 You are a man of the Qi family
01:40:02 How dare you hit my Princess?
01:40:04 I am so worried about you
01:40:06 What's the reason?
01:40:08 If the Emperor knows about this
01:40:10 I will be blamed
01:40:11 Prince Li
01:40:13 I didn't expect
01:40:14 you are just like Li Yanyuan
01:40:16 You are no longer
01:40:17 my brother
01:40:19 Princess
01:40:20 When you say these words
01:40:22 shouldn't you look at me?
01:40:24 You said it in front of my husband
01:40:26 Is it appropriate?
01:40:27 Aren't you afraid
01:40:28 that Prince Qi will be jealous?
01:40:30 Prince
01:40:33 Don't listen to her
01:40:35 I have a headache
01:40:37 Let's go back, okay?
01:40:39 Let's go
01:40:41 Xiao Xuanqing
01:40:44 Li Yanyuan
01:40:46 Wait for me
01:40:48 I won't give up easily
01:40:50 I'll wait
01:40:52 Let's go
01:40:55 Prince
01:40:56 I helped you
01:40:59 because you saved my Grandmother
01:41:01 And you are
01:41:02 the Princess of the Qi family
01:41:04 Don't flatter yourself
01:41:06 I think you are the one who is flattering yourself
01:41:09 You
01:41:10 Why did you argue with Su Xiaoxiao?
01:41:14 What?
01:41:15 You feel bad?
01:41:17 Nonsense
01:41:19 I had an old relationship with her
01:41:21 But when she became
01:41:22 the Princess of the Qi family
01:41:23 I broke up with her
01:41:25 That's good
01:41:26 The one who made the Empress Dowager
01:41:27 become worse
01:41:28 was Prince Qi
01:41:29 and Doctor Wang
01:41:31 Do you have evidence?
01:41:32 Of course not
01:41:33 What are you talking about?
01:41:35 You can check it
01:41:36 I can't go there
01:41:38 I will check it
01:41:40 Have you found the evidence?
01:41:44 I found it in Doctor Wang's cabinet
01:41:46 How can there be
01:41:49 so many people in a doctor's house?
01:41:51 Prince Qi must have bought him
01:41:53 So what?
01:41:54 Even if Doctor Wang admitted it
01:41:56 Prince Qi couldn't have died
01:41:57 Why?
01:41:58 You don't know
01:41:59 who his father is
01:42:00 How could I forget this?
01:42:02 Prince Qi is the eldest son of the Emperor
01:42:04 How could the Emperor
01:42:05 let his own son die
01:42:06 because of his nephew Xiao Xuanxing?
01:42:08 I didn't want anyone to die
01:42:10 I just wanted to
01:42:11 find the murderer
01:42:12 who killed the Empress Dowager
01:42:13 That's all
01:42:14 Why?
01:42:15 Because the Empress Dowager
01:42:16 treated me well
01:42:17 I didn't want her
01:42:18 to be hurt
01:42:20 Your Majesty
01:42:21 I found the murderer
01:42:22 who killed the Empress Dowager
01:42:24 It's Doctor Wang
01:42:26 Your Majesty
01:42:27 I'm wronged
01:42:29 Princess Li slandered me
01:42:31 How could I do such a thing?
01:42:35 Doctor Wang
01:42:37 This is the money
01:42:38 I found from your house
01:42:40 You are just a doctor
01:42:41 How could you have
01:42:42 so much money?
01:42:43 Well...
01:42:45 Your Majesty
01:42:46 How could a doctor
01:42:48 kill the Empress Dowager?
01:42:50 I think
01:42:51 the mastermind
01:42:53 must be someone else
01:42:56 This bastard
01:42:57 is always so ungrateful
01:42:59 How could I have
01:43:00 such a bad son?
01:43:02 Doctor Wang
01:43:03 Tell us the truth
01:43:05 Who ordered you
01:43:06 to kill the Empress Dowager?
01:43:10 Your Majesty
01:43:14 No one ordered me
01:43:16 I had a grudge against Princess Li
01:43:19 So I didn't want her
01:43:21 to be cured
01:43:23 Tell us the truth
01:43:24 Doctor Wang
01:43:25 Think it over
01:43:27 Killing the Empress Dowager
01:43:28 is a crime of the Zhu family
01:43:31 Doctor Wang
01:43:33 You said you had a grudge against me
01:43:35 But you are not as good as me
01:43:37 You didn't save the guards of Prince Li's house
01:43:39 But I saved you
01:43:40 Such a small grudge
01:43:41 can make you
01:43:42 kill the Empress Dowager?
01:43:44 I've been a doctor for more than 30 years
01:43:46 But I was killed
01:43:47 by a little girl
01:43:49 And I had to kneel down
01:43:50 to call you a woman
01:43:51 I was humiliated
01:43:53 How could I not hate you?
01:43:54 I don't have a grudge against you
01:43:56 So
01:43:58 you want to let your family
01:43:59 die because of your hatred?
01:44:01 Doctor Wang
01:44:02 I advise you
01:44:03 to think it over
01:44:04 You don't want your grandson
01:44:06 to be killed, do you?
01:44:08 Your Majesty
01:44:10 It's all my fault
01:44:12 It has nothing to do with my family
01:44:13 Please have mercy
01:44:15 Let them go
01:44:17 Order your guards to guard for dozens of hours
01:44:19 I will shoot him
01:44:22 I beg your mercy
01:44:25 Your Majesty
01:44:26 Do you want to
01:44:27 solve the case like this?
01:44:28 If the truth is not found out
01:44:30 the Empress Dowager
01:44:31 will be in danger
01:44:32 If this is known
01:44:34 how will you face the people?
01:44:36 Xiao Xuanjiu
01:44:37 Is this your attitude
01:44:38 to your father?
01:44:40 Your Majesty
01:44:41 You are a righteous man
01:44:43 You are a filial son
01:44:44 But you let the murderer
01:44:46 who killed your mother
01:44:47 to be free
01:44:48 Aren't you afraid of being punished?
01:44:50 Prince Li and Princess Consort Li
01:44:52 Do you want to rebel?
01:44:54 Your Majesty
01:44:55 What's wrong
01:44:56 with what I said?
01:44:57 Xiao Xuanjiu
01:44:59 If it wasn't for the court
01:45:00 and the people I have investigated
01:45:02 who have betrayed you
01:45:03 I would have killed you
01:45:06 Tell me
01:45:07 Who is it?
01:45:09 It's Princess Consort Qi
01:45:10 You
01:45:12 You
01:45:13 Bullshit
01:45:14 Who gave you the courage
01:45:15 to slander me?
01:45:17 Princess Consort
01:45:18 What you said
01:45:19 Who gave you the courage?
01:45:21 It's His Majesty
01:45:23 Doctor Wang
01:45:24 You mean Princess Consort Qi
01:45:26 You have to think it over
01:45:28 Yes
01:45:29 Doctor Wang
01:45:30 If you don't tell the truth
01:45:31 it won't be as simple as
01:45:32 the Zhu family
01:45:34 I am telling the truth
01:45:36 Princess Consort Qi
01:45:37 gave me 50 gold pieces
01:45:39 and told me to steal the Empress Dowager's medicine
01:45:41 and to prescribe the medicine
01:45:43 to make the Empress Dowager's illness worse
01:45:46 I have evidence
01:45:47 30 gold pieces
01:45:49 are hidden under the brick of my study
01:45:51 and in the package of gold
01:45:53 there is Princess Consort Qi's handkerchief
01:45:55 You
01:45:56 OK
01:45:57 You must have stolen
01:45:59 my handkerchief
01:46:00 and now you are slandering me
01:46:02 Your Majesty
01:46:05 I lost my handkerchief the day before
01:46:07 It must be her
01:46:08 Your Majesty
01:46:09 If you don't believe me
01:46:10 you can ask the maids of Princess Consort Qi
01:46:12 and my apprentice
01:46:14 They saw it with their own eyes
01:46:16 Bastard
01:46:17 Guards
01:46:18 Bring the witnesses and the evidence
01:46:20 Xiao Xuan Zhi
01:46:21 Your Majesty
01:46:22 My people will be back soon
01:46:25 Don't worry
01:46:26 Your Highness
01:46:27 Su Xiaoxiao
01:46:29 How dare you do this
01:46:30 without my knowledge?
01:46:32 You
01:46:33 Su Xiaoxiao
01:46:34 You are a vixen
01:46:36 She is my biological mother
01:46:38 How can you do this?
01:46:40 Father
01:46:45 Such a vicious woman
01:46:47 is not worthy to be my princess
01:46:48 I beg you, father
01:46:50 Xiu Qi
01:46:51 Xiao
01:46:52 Shut up
01:46:53 I don't want to hear
01:46:54 you vixen
01:46:55 say anything
01:46:56 Guards
01:46:57 Put Su Xiaoxiao in the prison
01:46:59 and wait for the sentence
01:47:01 Your Majesty
01:47:03 Your Majesty
01:47:04 I'm sorry
01:47:05 I didn't mean to
01:47:06 I'm sorry
01:47:07 I didn't mean to
01:47:08 I'm sorry
01:47:09 I didn't mean to
01:47:10 I'm sorry
01:47:11 I didn't mean to
01:47:12 I'm sorry
01:47:13 I didn't mean to
01:47:14 I'm sorry
01:47:15 I didn't mean to
01:47:16 I'm sorry
01:47:17 I didn't mean to
01:47:18 I'm sorry
01:47:19 I didn't mean to
01:47:20 I'm sorry
01:47:21 I didn't mean to
01:47:22 I'm sorry
01:47:23 I didn't mean to
01:47:24 I'm sorry
01:47:25 I didn't mean to
01:47:26 I'm sorry
01:47:27 I didn't mean to
01:47:28 I'm sorry
01:47:29 I didn't mean to
01:47:30 I'm sorry
01:47:31 I didn't mean to
01:47:32 I'm sorry
01:47:33 I didn't mean to
01:47:34 I'm sorry
01:47:35 I didn't mean to
01:47:36 I'm sorry
01:47:37 I didn't mean to
01:47:38 I'm sorry
01:47:39 I didn't mean to
01:47:40 I'm sorry
01:47:41 I didn't mean to
01:47:42 I'm sorry
01:47:43 I didn't mean to
01:47:44 I'm sorry
01:47:45 I didn't mean to
01:47:46 I'm sorry
01:47:47 I didn't mean to
01:47:48 I'm sorry
01:47:49 I didn't mean to
01:47:50 I'm sorry
01:47:51 I didn't mean to
01:47:52 I'm sorry
01:47:53 I didn't mean to
01:47:54 I'm sorry
01:47:55 I didn't mean to
01:47:56 I'm sorry
01:47:57 I didn't mean to
01:47:58 I'm sorry
01:47:59 I didn't mean to
01:48:00 I'm sorry
01:48:01 I didn't mean to
01:48:02 I'm sorry
01:48:03 I didn't mean to
01:48:04 I'm sorry
01:48:05 I didn't mean to
01:48:06 I'm sorry
01:48:07 I didn't mean to
01:48:08 I'm sorry
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01:48:16 I'm sorry
01:48:17 I didn't mean to
01:48:18 I'm sorry
01:48:19 I didn't mean to
01:48:20 I'm sorry
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01:48:23 I didn't mean to
01:48:24 I'm sorry
01:48:25 I didn't mean to
01:48:26 I'm sorry
01:48:27 I didn't mean to
01:48:28 I'm sorry
01:48:29 I didn't mean to
01:48:30 I'm sorry
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01:48:32 I'm sorry
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01:50:28 I'm sorry
01:50:29 I didn't mean to
01:50:30 I'm sorry
01:50:31 I didn't mean to
01:50:32 I'm sorry
01:50:33 I didn't mean to
01:50:34 I'm sorry
01:50:35 I didn't mean to
01:50:36 I'm sorry
01:50:37 I didn't mean to
01:50:38 I'm sorry
01:50:39 I didn't mean to
01:50:40 I'm sorry
01:50:41 I didn't mean to
01:50:42 I'm sorry
01:50:43 I didn't mean to
01:50:44 I'm sorry
01:50:45 I didn't mean to
01:50:46 I'm sorry
01:50:47 I didn't mean to
01:50:48 I'm sorry
01:50:49 I didn't mean to
01:50:50 I'm sorry
01:50:51 I didn't mean to
01:50:52 I'm sorry
01:50:53 I didn't mean to
01:50:54 I'm sorry
01:50:55 I didn't mean to
01:50:56 I'm sorry
01:50:57 I didn't mean to
01:50:58 I'm sorry
01:50:59 I didn't mean to
01:51:00 I'm sorry
01:51:01 I didn't mean to
01:51:02 I'm sorry
01:51:03 I didn't mean to
01:51:04 I'm sorry
01:51:05 I didn't mean to
01:51:06 I'm sorry
01:51:07 I didn't mean to
01:51:08 I'm sorry
01:51:09 I didn't mean to
01:51:10 I'm sorry
01:51:11 I didn't mean to
01:51:12 I'm sorry
01:51:13 I didn't mean to
01:51:14 I'm sorry
01:51:15 I didn't mean to
01:51:16 I'm sorry
01:51:17 I didn't mean to
01:51:18 I'm sorry
01:51:19 I didn't mean to
01:51:20 I'm sorry
01:51:21 I didn't mean to
01:51:22 I'm sorry
01:51:23 I didn't mean to
01:51:24 I'm sorry
01:51:25 I didn't mean to
01:51:26 I'm sorry
01:51:27 I didn't mean to
01:51:28 I'm sorry
01:51:29 I didn't mean to
01:51:30 I'm sorry
01:51:31 I didn't mean to
01:51:32 I'm sorry
01:51:33 I didn't mean to
01:51:34 I'm sorry
01:51:35 I didn't mean to
01:51:36 I'm sorry
01:51:37 I didn't mean to
01:51:38 I'm sorry
01:51:39 I didn't mean to
01:51:40 I'm sorry
01:51:41 I didn't mean to
01:51:42 I'm sorry
01:51:43 I didn't mean to
01:51:44 I'm sorry
01:51:45 I didn't mean to
01:51:46 I'm sorry
01:51:47 I didn't mean to
01:51:48 I'm sorry
01:51:49 I didn't mean to
01:51:50 I'm sorry
01:51:51 I didn't mean to
01:51:52 I'm sorry
01:51:53 I didn't mean to
01:51:54 I'm sorry
01:51:55 I didn't mean to
01:51:56 I'm sorry
01:51:57 I didn't mean to
01:51:58 I'm sorry
01:51:59 I didn't mean to
01:52:00 I'm sorry
01:52:01 I didn't mean to
01:52:02 I'm sorry
01:52:03 I didn't mean to
01:52:04 I'm sorry
01:52:05 I didn't mean to
01:52:06 I'm sorry
01:52:07 I didn't mean to
01:52:08 I'm sorry
01:52:09 I didn't mean to
01:52:10 I'm sorry
01:52:11 I didn't mean to
01:52:12 I'm sorry
01:52:13 I didn't mean to
01:52:14 I'm sorry
01:52:15 I didn't mean to
01:52:16 I'm sorry
01:52:17 I didn't mean to
01:52:18 I'm sorry
01:52:19 I didn't mean to
01:52:20 I'm sorry
01:52:21 I didn't mean to
01:52:22 I'm sorry
01:52:23 I didn't mean to
01:52:24 I'm sorry
01:52:25 I didn't mean to
01:52:26 I'm sorry
01:52:27 I didn't mean to
01:52:28 I'm sorry
01:52:29 I didn't mean to
01:52:30 I'm sorry
01:52:31 I didn't mean to
01:52:32 I'm sorry
01:52:33 I didn't mean to
01:52:34 I'm sorry
01:52:35 I didn't mean to
01:52:36 I'm sorry
01:52:37 I didn't mean to
01:52:38 I'm sorry
01:52:39 I didn't mean to
01:52:40 I'm sorry
01:52:41 I didn't mean to
01:52:42 I'm sorry
01:52:43 I didn't mean to
01:52:44 I'm sorry
01:52:45 I didn't mean to
01:52:46 I'm sorry
01:52:47 I didn't mean to
01:52:48 I'm sorry
01:52:49 I didn't mean to
01:52:50 I'm sorry
01:52:51 I didn't mean to
01:52:52 I'm sorry
01:52:53 I didn't mean to
01:52:54 I'm sorry
01:52:55 I didn't mean to
01:52:56 I'm sorry
01:52:57 I didn't mean to
01:52:58 I'm sorry
01:52:59 I didn't mean to
01:53:00 I'm sorry
01:53:01 I didn't mean to
01:53:02 I'm sorry
01:53:03 I didn't mean to
01:53:04 I'm sorry
01:53:05 I didn't mean to
01:53:06 I'm sorry
01:53:07 I didn't mean to
01:53:08 I'm sorry
01:53:09 I didn't mean to
01:53:10 I'm sorry
01:53:11 I didn't mean to
01:53:12 I'm sorry
01:53:13 I didn't mean to
01:53:14 I'm sorry
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01:53:16 I'm sorry
01:53:17 I didn't mean to
01:53:18 I'm sorry
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01:53:20 I'm sorry
01:53:21 I didn't mean to
01:53:22 I'm sorry
01:53:23 I didn't mean to
01:53:24 I'm sorry
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01:53:26 I'm sorry
01:53:27 I didn't mean to
01:53:28 I'm sorry
01:53:29 I didn't mean to
01:53:30 I'm sorry
01:53:31 I didn't mean to
01:53:32 I'm sorry
01:53:33 I didn't mean to
01:53:34 I'm sorry
01:53:35 I didn't mean to
01:53:36 I'm sorry
01:53:37 I didn't mean to
01:53:38 I'm sorry
01:53:39 I didn't mean to
01:53:40 I'm sorry
01:53:41 I didn't mean to
01:53:42 I'm sorry
01:53:43 I didn't mean to
01:53:44 I'm sorry
01:53:45 I didn't mean to
01:53:46 I'm sorry
01:53:47 I didn't mean to
01:53:48 I'm sorry
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01:53:50 I'm sorry
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01:53:52 I'm sorry
01:53:53 I didn't mean to
01:53:54 I'm sorry
01:53:55 I didn't mean to
01:53:56 I'm sorry
01:53:57 I didn't mean to
01:53:58 I'm sorry
01:53:59 I didn't mean to
01:54:00 I'm sorry
01:54:01 I didn't mean to
01:54:02 I'm sorry
01:54:03 I didn't mean to
01:54:04 I'm sorry
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01:54:06 I'm sorry
01:54:07 I didn't mean to
01:54:08 I'm sorry
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01:54:10 I'm sorry
01:54:11 I didn't mean to
01:54:12 I'm sorry
01:54:13 I didn't mean to
01:54:14 I'm sorry
01:54:15 I didn't mean to
01:54:16 I'm sorry
01:54:17 I didn't mean to
01:54:18 I'm sorry
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01:54:20 I'm sorry
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01:54:22 I'm sorry
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01:54:24 I'm sorry
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01:54:26 I'm sorry
01:54:27 I didn't mean to
01:54:28 I'm sorry
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01:54:30 I'm sorry
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01:54:32 I'm sorry
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01:54:34 I'm sorry
01:54:35 I didn't mean to
01:54:36 I'm sorry
01:54:37 I didn't mean to
01:54:38 I'm sorry
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01:54:40 I'm sorry
01:54:41 I didn't mean to
01:54:42 I'm sorry
01:54:43 I didn't mean to
01:54:44 I'm sorry
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01:54:46 I'm sorry
01:54:47 I didn't mean to
01:54:48 I'm sorry
01:54:49 I didn't mean to
01:54:50 I'm sorry
01:54:51 I didn't mean to
01:54:52 I'm sorry
01:54:53 I didn't mean to
01:54:54 I'm sorry
01:54:55 I didn't mean to
01:54:56 I'm sorry
01:54:57 I didn't mean to
01:54:58 I'm sorry
01:54:59 I didn't mean to
01:55:00 I'm sorry
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01:55:02 I'm sorry
01:55:03 I didn't mean to
01:55:04 I'm sorry
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01:55:06 I'm sorry
01:55:07 I didn't mean to
01:55:08 I'm sorry
01:55:09 I didn't mean to
01:55:10 I'm sorry
01:55:11 I didn't mean to
01:55:12 I'm sorry
01:55:13 I didn't mean to
01:55:14 I'm sorry
01:55:15 I didn't mean to
01:55:16 I'm sorry
01:55:17 I didn't mean to
01:55:18 I'm sorry
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01:55:20 I'm sorry
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01:55:22 I'm sorry
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01:55:24 I'm sorry
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01:55:26 I'm sorry
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01:55:28 I'm sorry
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01:55:30 I'm sorry
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01:55:32 I'm sorry
01:55:33 I didn't mean to
01:55:34 I'm sorry
01:55:35 I didn't mean to
01:55:36 I'm sorry
01:55:37 I didn't mean to
01:55:38 I'm sorry
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01:55:40 I'm sorry
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01:55:42 I'm sorry
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01:55:44 I'm sorry
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01:55:46 I'm sorry
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01:55:48 I'm sorry
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01:55:50 I'm sorry
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01:55:52 I'm sorry
01:55:53 I didn't mean to
01:55:54 I'm sorry
01:55:55 I didn't mean to
01:55:56 I'm sorry
01:55:57 I didn't mean to
01:55:58 I'm sorry
01:55:59 I didn't mean to
01:56:00 I'm sorry
01:56:01 I didn't mean to
01:56:02 I'm sorry
01:56:03 I didn't mean to
01:56:04 I'm sorry
01:56:05 I didn't mean to
01:56:06 I'm sorry
01:56:07 I didn't mean to
01:56:08 I'm sorry
01:56:09 I didn't mean to
01:56:10 I'm sorry
01:56:11 I didn't mean to
01:56:12 I'm sorry
01:56:13 I didn't mean to
01:56:14 I'm sorry
01:56:15 I didn't mean to
01:56:16 I'm sorry
01:56:17 I didn't mean to
01:56:18 I'm sorry
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01:56:20 I'm sorry
01:56:21 I didn't mean to
01:56:22 I'm sorry
01:56:23 I didn't mean to
01:56:24 I'm sorry
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01:56:26 I'm sorry
01:56:27 I didn't mean to
01:56:28 I'm sorry
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01:56:30 I'm sorry
01:56:31 I didn't mean to
01:56:32 I'm sorry
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01:56:34 I'm sorry
01:56:35 I didn't mean to
01:56:36 I'm sorry
01:56:37 I didn't mean to
01:56:38 I'm sorry
01:56:39 I didn't mean to
01:56:40 I'm sorry
01:56:41 I didn't mean to
01:56:42 I'm sorry
01:56:43 I didn't mean to
01:56:44 I'm sorry
01:56:45 I didn't mean to
01:56:46 I'm sorry
01:56:47 I didn't mean to
01:56:48 I'm sorry
01:56:49 I didn't mean to
01:56:50 I'm sorry
01:56:51 I didn't mean to
01:56:52 I'm sorry
01:56:53 I didn't mean to
01:56:54 I'm sorry
01:56:55 I didn't mean to
01:56:56 I'm sorry
01:56:57 I didn't mean to
01:56:58 I'm sorry
01:56:59 I didn't mean to
01:57:00 I'm sorry
01:57:01 I didn't mean to
01:57:02 I'm sorry
01:57:03 I didn't mean to
01:57:04 I'm sorry
01:57:05 I didn't mean to
01:57:06 I'm sorry
01:57:07 I didn't mean to
01:57:08 I'm sorry
01:57:09 I didn't mean to
01:57:10 I'm sorry
01:57:11 I didn't mean to
01:57:12 I'm sorry
01:57:13 I didn't mean to
01:57:14 I'm sorry
01:57:15 I didn't mean to
01:57:16 I'm sorry
01:57:17 I didn't mean to
01:57:18 I'm sorry
01:57:19 I didn't mean to
01:57:20 I'm sorry
01:57:21 I didn't mean to
01:57:22 I'm sorry
01:57:23 I didn't mean to
01:57:24 I'm sorry
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01:57:26 I'm sorry
01:57:27 I didn't mean to
01:57:28 I'm sorry
01:57:29 I didn't mean to
01:57:30 I'm sorry
01:57:31 I didn't mean to
01:57:32 I'm sorry
01:57:33 I didn't mean to
01:57:34 I'm sorry
01:57:35 I didn't mean to
01:57:36 I'm sorry
01:57:37 I didn't mean to
01:57:38 I'm sorry
01:57:39 I didn't mean to
01:57:40 I didn't mean to
01:57:41 I'm sorry
01:57:42 I didn't mean to
01:57:43 I'm sorry
01:57:44 I didn't mean to
01:57:45 I'm sorry
01:57:46 I didn't mean to
01:57:47 I'm sorry
01:57:48 I didn't mean to
01:57:49 I'm sorry
01:57:50 I didn't mean to
01:57:51 I'm sorry
01:57:52 I didn't mean to
01:57:53 I'm sorry
01:57:54 I didn't mean to
01:57:55 I'm sorry
01:57:56 I didn't mean to
01:57:57 I'm sorry
01:57:58 I didn't mean to
01:57:59 I'm sorry
01:58:00 I didn't mean to
01:58:01 I'm sorry
01:58:02 I didn't mean to
01:58:03 I'm sorry
01:58:04 I didn't mean to
01:58:05 I'm sorry
01:58:06 I didn't mean to
01:58:07 I'm sorry
01:58:08 I didn't mean to
01:58:09 I'm sorry
01:58:10 I didn't mean to
01:58:11 I'm sorry
01:58:12 I didn't mean to
01:58:13 I'm sorry
01:58:14 I didn't mean to
01:58:15 I'm sorry
01:58:16 I didn't mean to
01:58:17 I'm sorry
01:58:18 I didn't mean to
01:58:19 I'm sorry
01:58:20 I didn't mean to
01:58:21 I'm sorry
01:58:22 I didn't mean to
01:58:23 I'm sorry
01:58:24 I didn't mean to
01:58:25 I'm sorry
01:58:26 I didn't mean to
01:58:27 I'm sorry
01:58:28 I didn't mean to
01:58:29 I'm sorry
01:58:30 I didn't mean to
01:58:31 I'm sorry
01:58:32 I didn't mean to
01:58:33 I'm sorry
01:58:34 I didn't mean to
01:58:35 I'm sorry
01:58:36 I didn't mean to
01:58:37 I'm sorry
01:58:38 I didn't mean to
01:58:39 I'm sorry
01:58:40 I didn't mean to
01:58:41 I'm sorry
01:58:42 I didn't mean to
01:58:43 I'm sorry
01:58:44 I didn't mean to
01:58:45 I'm sorry
01:58:46 I didn't mean to
01:58:47 I'm sorry
01:58:48 I didn't mean to
01:58:49 I'm sorry
01:58:50 I didn't mean to
01:58:51 I'm sorry
01:58:52 I didn't mean to
01:58:53 I'm sorry
01:58:54 I didn't mean to
01:58:55 I'm sorry
01:58:56 I didn't mean to
01:58:57 I'm sorry
01:58:58 I didn't mean to
01:58:59 I'm sorry
01:59:00 I didn't mean to
01:59:01 I'm sorry
01:59:02 I didn't mean to
01:59:03 I'm sorry
01:59:04 I didn't mean to
01:59:05 I'm sorry
01:59:06 I didn't mean to
01:59:07 I'm sorry
01:59:08 I didn't mean to
01:59:09 I'm sorry
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01:59:11 I'm sorry
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01:59:13 I'm sorry
01:59:14 I didn't mean to
01:59:15 I'm sorry
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01:59:17 I'm sorry
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01:59:19 I'm sorry
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01:59:21 I'm sorry
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01:59:23 I'm sorry
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01:59:25 I'm sorry
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01:59:27 I'm sorry
01:59:28 I didn't mean to
01:59:29 I'm sorry
01:59:30 I didn't mean to
01:59:31 I'm sorry
01:59:32 I didn't mean to
01:59:33 I'm sorry
01:59:34 I didn't mean to
01:59:35 I'm sorry
01:59:36 I didn't mean to
01:59:37 I'm sorry
01:59:38 I didn't mean to
01:59:39 I'm sorry
01:59:40 I didn't mean to
01:59:41 I'm sorry
01:59:42 I didn't mean to
01:59:43 I'm sorry
01:59:44 I didn't mean to
01:59:45 I'm sorry
01:59:46 I didn't mean to
01:59:47 I'm sorry
01:59:48 I didn't mean to
01:59:49 I'm sorry
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01:59:51 I'm sorry
01:59:52 I didn't mean to
01:59:53 I'm sorry
01:59:54 I didn't mean to
01:59:55 I'm sorry
01:59:56 I didn't mean to
01:59:57 I'm sorry
01:59:58 I didn't mean to
01:59:59 I'm sorry
02:00:00 I didn't mean to
02:00:01 I'm sorry
02:00:02 I didn't mean to
02:00:03 I'm sorry
02:00:04 I didn't mean to
02:00:05 I'm sorry
02:00:06 I didn't mean to
02:00:07 I'm sorry
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02:00:09 I'm sorry
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02:00:11 I'm sorry
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02:00:13 I'm sorry
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02:00:15 I'm sorry
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02:00:17 I'm sorry
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02:00:19 I'm sorry
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02:00:21 I'm sorry
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02:00:23 I'm sorry
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02:00:25 I'm sorry
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02:00:27 I'm sorry
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02:00:29 I'm sorry
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02:00:31 I'm sorry
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02:00:33 I'm sorry
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02:00:35 I'm sorry
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02:00:37 I'm sorry
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02:00:39 I'm sorry
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02:00:41 I'm sorry
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02:00:43 I'm sorry
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02:00:45 I'm sorry
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02:00:47 I'm sorry
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02:00:49 I'm sorry
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02:00:51 I'm sorry
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02:00:53 I'm sorry
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02:00:55 I'm sorry
02:00:56 I didn't mean to
02:00:57 I'm sorry
02:00:58 I didn't mean to
02:00:59 I'm sorry
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02:01:01 I'm sorry
02:01:02 I didn't mean to
02:01:03 I'm sorry
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02:01:05 I'm sorry
02:01:06 I didn't mean to
02:01:07 I'm sorry
02:01:08 I didn't mean to
02:01:09 I'm sorry
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02:01:11 I'm sorry
02:01:12 I didn't mean to
02:01:13 I'm sorry
02:01:14 I didn't mean to
02:01:15 I'm sorry
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02:01:17 I'm sorry
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02:01:19 I'm sorry
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02:01:21 I'm sorry
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02:01:23 I'm sorry
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02:01:25 I'm sorry
02:01:26 I didn't mean to
02:01:27 I'm sorry
02:01:28 I didn't mean to
02:01:29 I'm sorry
02:01:30 I didn't mean to
02:01:31 I'm sorry
02:01:32 I didn't mean to
02:01:33 I'm sorry
02:01:34 I didn't mean to
02:01:35 I'm sorry
02:01:36 I didn't mean to
02:01:37 I'm sorry
02:01:38 I didn't mean to
02:01:39 I'm sorry
02:01:40 I didn't mean to
02:01:41 I'm sorry
02:01:42 I didn't mean to
02:01:43 I'm sorry
02:01:44 I didn't mean to
02:01:45 I'm sorry
02:01:46 I didn't mean to
02:01:47 I'm sorry
02:01:48 I didn't mean to
02:01:49 I'm sorry
02:01:50 I didn't mean to
02:01:51 I'm sorry
02:01:52 I didn't mean to
02:01:53 I'm sorry
02:01:54 I didn't mean to
02:01:55 I'm sorry
02:01:56 I didn't mean to
02:01:57 I'm sorry
02:01:58 I didn't mean to
02:01:59 I'm sorry
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02:02:01 I'm sorry
02:02:02 I didn't mean to
02:02:03 I'm sorry
02:02:04 I didn't mean to
02:02:05 I'm sorry
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02:02:07 I'm sorry
02:02:08 I didn't mean to
02:02:09 I'm sorry
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02:02:11 I'm sorry
02:02:12 I didn't mean to
02:02:13 I'm sorry
02:02:14 I didn't mean to
02:02:15 I'm sorry
02:02:16 I didn't mean to
02:02:17 I'm sorry
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02:02:19 I'm sorry
02:02:20 I didn't mean to
02:02:21 I'm sorry
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02:02:23 I'm sorry
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02:02:25 I'm sorry
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02:02:27 I'm sorry
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02:02:29 I'm sorry
02:02:30 I didn't mean to
02:02:31 I'm sorry
02:02:32 I didn't mean to
02:02:33 I'm sorry
02:02:34 I didn't mean to
02:02:35 I'm sorry
02:02:36 I didn't mean to
02:02:37 I'm sorry
02:02:38 I didn't mean to
02:02:39 I'm sorry
02:02:40 I didn't mean to
02:02:41 I'm sorry
02:02:42 I didn't mean to
02:02:43 I'm sorry
02:02:44 I didn't mean to
02:02:45 I'm sorry
02:02:46 I didn't mean to
02:02:47 I'm sorry
02:02:48 I didn't mean to
02:02:49 I'm sorry
02:02:50 I didn't mean to
02:02:51 I'm sorry
02:02:52 I didn't mean to
02:02:53 I'm sorry
02:02:54 I didn't mean to
02:02:55 I'm sorry
02:02:56 I didn't mean to
02:02:57 I'm sorry
02:02:58 I didn't mean to
02:02:59 I'm sorry
02:03:00 I didn't mean to
02:03:01 I'm sorry
02:03:02 I didn't mean to
02:03:03 I'm sorry
02:03:04 I didn't mean to
02:03:05 I'm sorry
02:03:06 I didn't mean to
02:03:07 I'm sorry
02:03:08 I didn't mean to
02:03:09 I'm sorry
02:03:10 I didn't mean to
02:03:11 I'm sorry
02:03:12 I didn't mean to
02:03:13 I'm sorry
02:03:14 I didn't mean to
02:03:15 I'm sorry
02:03:16 I didn't mean to
02:03:17 I'm sorry
02:03:18 I didn't mean to
02:03:19 I'm sorry
02:03:20 I didn't mean to
02:03:21 I'm sorry
02:03:22 I didn't mean to
02:03:23 I'm sorry
02:03:24 I didn't mean to
02:03:25 I'm sorry
02:03:26 I didn't mean to
02:03:27 I'm sorry
02:03:28 I didn't mean to
02:03:29 I'm sorry
02:03:30 I didn't mean to
02:03:31 I'm sorry
02:03:32 I didn't mean to
02:03:33 I'm sorry
02:03:34 I didn't mean to
02:03:35 I'm sorry
02:03:36 I didn't mean to
02:03:37 I'm sorry
02:03:38 I didn't mean to
02:03:39 I'm sorry
02:03:40 I didn't mean to
02:03:41 I'm sorry
02:03:42 I didn't mean to
02:03:43 I'm sorry
02:03:44 I didn't mean to
02:03:45 I'm sorry
02:03:46 I didn't mean to
02:03:47 I'm sorry
02:03:48 I didn't mean to
02:03:49 I'm sorry
02:03:50 I didn't mean to
02:03:51 I'm sorry
02:03:52 I didn't mean to
02:03:53 I'm sorry
02:03:54 I didn't mean to
02:03:55 I'm sorry
02:03:56 I didn't mean to
02:03:57 I'm sorry
02:03:58 I didn't mean to
02:03:59 I'm sorry
02:04:00 I didn't mean to
02:04:01 I'm sorry
02:04:02 I didn't mean to
02:04:03 I'm sorry
02:04:04 I didn't mean to
02:04:05 I'm sorry
02:04:06 I didn't mean to
02:04:07 I'm sorry
02:04:08 I didn't mean to
02:04:09 I'm sorry
02:04:10 I didn't mean to
02:04:11 I'm sorry
02:04:12 I didn't mean to
02:04:13 I'm sorry
02:04:14 I didn't mean to
02:04:15 I'm sorry
02:04:16 I didn't mean to
02:04:17 I'm sorry
02:04:18 I didn't mean to
02:04:19 I'm sorry
02:04:20 I didn't mean to
02:04:21 I'm sorry
02:04:22 I didn't mean to
02:04:23 I'm sorry
02:04:24 I didn't mean to
02:04:25 I'm sorry
02:04:26 I didn't mean to
02:04:27 I'm sorry
02:04:28 I didn't mean to
02:04:29 I'm sorry
02:04:30 I didn't mean to
02:04:31 I'm sorry
02:04:32 I didn't mean to
02:04:33 I'm sorry
02:04:34 I didn't mean to
02:04:35 I'm sorry
02:04:36 I didn't mean to
02:04:37 I'm sorry
02:04:38 I didn't mean to
02:04:39 I'm sorry
02:04:40 I didn't mean to
02:04:41 I'm sorry
02:04:42 I didn't mean to
02:04:43 I'm sorry
02:04:44 I didn't mean to
02:04:45 I'm sorry
02:04:46 I didn't mean to
02:04:47 I'm sorry
02:04:48 I didn't mean to
02:04:49 I'm sorry
02:04:50 I didn't mean to
02:04:51 I'm sorry
02:04:52 I didn't mean to
02:04:53 I'm sorry
02:04:54 I didn't mean to
02:04:55 I'm sorry
02:04:56 I didn't mean to
02:04:57 I'm sorry
02:04:58 I didn't mean to
02:04:59 I'm sorry
02:05:00 I didn't mean to
02:05:01 I'm sorry
02:05:02 I didn't mean to
02:05:03 I'm sorry
02:05:04 I didn't mean to
02:05:05 I'm sorry
02:05:06 I didn't mean to
02:05:07 I'm sorry
02:05:08 I didn't mean to
02:05:09 I'm sorry
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02:05:11 I'm sorry
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02:05:13 I'm sorry
02:05:14 I didn't mean to
02:05:15 I'm sorry
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02:05:17 I'm sorry
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02:05:19 I'm sorry
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02:05:21 I'm sorry
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02:05:23 I'm sorry
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02:05:25 I'm sorry
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02:05:27 I'm sorry
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02:05:29 I'm sorry
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02:05:31 I'm sorry
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02:05:33 I'm sorry
02:05:34 I didn't mean to
02:05:35 I'm sorry
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02:05:37 I'm sorry
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02:05:39 I'm sorry
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02:05:41 I'm sorry
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02:05:43 I'm sorry
02:05:44 I didn't mean to
02:05:45 I'm sorry
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02:05:47 I'm sorry
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02:05:49 I'm sorry
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02:05:51 I'm sorry
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02:05:53 I'm sorry
02:05:54 I didn't mean to
02:05:55 I'm sorry
02:05:56 I didn't mean to
02:05:57 I'm sorry
02:05:58 I didn't mean to
02:05:59 I'm sorry
02:06:00 I didn't mean to
02:06:01 I'm sorry
02:06:02 I didn't mean to
02:06:03 I'm sorry
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02:06:05 I'm sorry
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02:06:07 I'm sorry
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02:06:09 I'm sorry
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02:06:11 I'm sorry
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02:06:13 I'm sorry
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02:06:15 I'm sorry
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02:06:17 I'm sorry
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02:06:19 I'm sorry
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02:06:21 I'm sorry
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02:06:23 I'm sorry
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02:06:25 I'm sorry
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02:06:29 I'm sorry
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02:06:31 I'm sorry
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02:06:33 I'm sorry
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02:06:35 I'm sorry
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02:06:37 I'm sorry
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02:06:39 I'm sorry
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02:06:41 I'm sorry
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02:06:43 I'm sorry
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02:06:45 I'm sorry
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02:06:47 I'm sorry
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02:06:49 I'm sorry
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02:06:51 I'm sorry
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02:06:53 I'm sorry
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02:06:55 I'm sorry
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02:06:57 I'm sorry
02:06:58 I didn't mean to
02:06:59 I'm sorry
02:07:00 I didn't mean to
02:07:01 I'm sorry
02:07:02 I didn't mean to
02:07:03 I'm sorry
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02:07:05 I'm sorry
02:07:06 I didn't mean to
02:07:07 I'm sorry
02:07:08 I didn't mean to
02:07:09 I'm sorry
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02:07:11 I'm sorry
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02:07:13 I'm sorry
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02:07:15 I'm sorry
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02:07:17 I'm sorry
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02:07:19 I'm sorry
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02:07:21 I'm sorry
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02:07:23 I'm sorry
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02:07:25 I'm sorry
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02:07:27 I'm sorry
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02:07:29 I'm sorry
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02:07:31 I'm sorry
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02:07:33 I'm sorry
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02:07:35 I'm sorry
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02:07:37 I'm sorry
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02:07:39 I'm sorry
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02:07:41 I'm sorry
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02:07:43 I'm sorry
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02:07:45 I'm sorry
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02:07:47 I'm sorry
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02:07:49 I'm sorry
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02:07:51 I'm sorry
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02:07:53 I'm sorry
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02:07:55 I'm sorry
02:07:56 I didn't mean to
02:07:57 I'm sorry
02:07:58 I didn't mean to
02:07:59 I'm sorry
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02:08:01 I'm sorry
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02:08:03 I'm sorry
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02:08:05 I'm sorry
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02:08:07 I'm sorry
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02:08:09 I'm sorry
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02:08:11 I'm sorry
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02:08:13 I'm sorry
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02:08:15 I'm sorry
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02:08:17 I'm sorry
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02:08:19 I'm sorry
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02:08:21 I'm sorry
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02:08:23 I'm sorry
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02:08:25 I'm sorry
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02:08:27 I'm sorry
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02:08:29 I'm sorry
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02:08:31 I'm sorry
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02:08:33 I'm sorry
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02:08:35 I'm sorry
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02:08:37 I'm sorry
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02:08:39 I'm sorry
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02:08:41 I'm sorry
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02:08:43 I'm sorry
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02:08:45 I'm sorry
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02:08:47 I'm sorry
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02:08:49 I'm sorry
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02:08:51 I'm sorry
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02:08:53 I'm sorry
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02:08:55 I'm sorry
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02:08:57 I'm sorry
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02:08:59 I'm sorry
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02:09:01 I'm sorry
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02:09:03 I'm sorry
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02:09:05 I'm sorry
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02:09:07 I'm sorry
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02:09:09 I'm sorry
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02:09:11 I'm sorry
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02:09:13 I'm sorry
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02:09:15 I'm sorry
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02:09:17 I'm sorry
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02:09:19 I'm sorry
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02:09:21 I'm sorry
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02:09:23 I'm sorry
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02:09:25 I'm sorry
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02:09:27 I'm sorry
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02:09:29 I'm sorry
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02:09:31 I'm sorry
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02:09:33 I'm sorry
02:09:34 I didn't mean to
02:09:35 I'm sorry
02:09:36 I didn't mean to
02:09:37 I'm sorry
02:09:38 I didn't mean to
02:09:39 I'm sorry
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02:09:41 I'm sorry
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02:09:43 I'm sorry
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02:09:45 I'm sorry
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02:09:47 I'm sorry
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02:09:51 I'm sorry
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02:09:53 I'm sorry
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02:09:55 I'm sorry
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02:09:57 I'm sorry
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02:09:59 I'm sorry
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02:10:01 I'm sorry
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02:10:03 I'm sorry
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02:10:05 I'm sorry
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02:10:07 I'm sorry
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02:10:09 I'm sorry
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02:10:11 I'm sorry
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02:10:13 I'm sorry
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02:10:15 I'm sorry
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02:10:17 I'm sorry
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02:10:19 I'm sorry
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02:10:21 I'm sorry
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02:10:23 I'm sorry
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02:10:25 I'm sorry
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02:10:27 I'm sorry
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02:10:29 I'm sorry
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02:10:31 I'm sorry
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02:10:33 I'm sorry
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02:10:35 I'm sorry
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02:10:37 I'm sorry
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02:10:39 I'm sorry
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02:10:41 I'm sorry
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02:10:43 I'm sorry
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02:10:45 I'm sorry
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02:10:47 I'm sorry
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02:10:49 I'm sorry
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02:10:51 I'm sorry
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02:10:53 I'm sorry
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02:10:55 I'm sorry
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02:10:57 I'm sorry
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02:10:59 I'm sorry
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02:11:01 I'm sorry
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02:11:03 I'm sorry
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02:11:05 I'm sorry
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02:11:07 I'm sorry
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02:11:09 I'm sorry
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02:11:11 I'm sorry
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02:11:13 I'm sorry
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02:11:15 I'm sorry
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02:11:17 I'm sorry
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02:11:19 I'm sorry
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02:11:21 I'm sorry
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02:11:23 I'm sorry
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02:11:25 I'm sorry
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02:11:27 I'm sorry
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02:11:29 I'm sorry
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02:11:31 I'm sorry
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02:11:33 I'm sorry
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02:11:35 I'm sorry
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02:11:37 I'm sorry
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02:11:39 I'm sorry
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02:11:41 I'm sorry
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02:11:43 I'm sorry
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02:11:45 I'm sorry
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02:11:47 I'm sorry
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02:11:49 I'm sorry
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02:11:51 I'm sorry
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02:11:53 I'm sorry
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02:11:55 I'm sorry
02:11:56 I didn't mean to
02:11:57 I'm sorry
02:11:58 I didn't mean to
02:11:59 I'm sorry
02:12:00 I didn't mean to
02:12:01 I'm sorry
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02:12:03 I'm sorry
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02:12:05 I'm sorry
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02:12:07 I'm sorry
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02:12:09 I'm sorry
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02:12:11 I'm sorry
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02:12:13 I'm sorry
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02:12:15 I'm sorry
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02:12:17 I'm sorry
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02:12:21 I'm sorry
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02:12:23 I'm sorry
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02:12:25 I'm sorry
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02:12:27 I'm sorry
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02:12:29 I'm sorry
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02:12:31 I'm sorry
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02:12:33 I'm sorry
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02:12:35 I'm sorry
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02:12:37 I'm sorry
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02:12:39 I'm sorry
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02:12:41 I'm sorry
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02:12:43 I'm sorry
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02:12:45 I'm sorry
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02:12:47 I'm sorry
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02:12:49 I'm sorry
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02:12:51 I'm sorry
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02:12:53 I'm sorry
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02:12:55 I'm sorry
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02:12:57 I'm sorry
02:12:58 I didn't mean to
02:12:59 I'm sorry
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02:13:01 I'm sorry
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02:13:03 I'm sorry
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02:13:05 I'm sorry
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02:13:07 I'm sorry
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02:13:09 I'm sorry
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02:13:11 I'm sorry
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02:13:13 I'm sorry
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02:13:15 I'm sorry
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02:13:17 I'm sorry
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02:13:19 I'm sorry
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02:13:21 I'm sorry
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02:13:23 I'm sorry
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02:13:25 I'm sorry
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02:13:27 I'm sorry
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02:13:29 I'm sorry
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02:13:31 I'm sorry
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02:13:33 I'm sorry
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02:13:35 I'm sorry
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02:13:37 I'm sorry
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02:13:39 I'm sorry
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02:13:41 I'm sorry
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02:13:43 I'm sorry
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02:13:45 I'm sorry
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02:13:47 I'm sorry
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02:13:49 I'm sorry
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02:13:51 I'm sorry
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02:13:53 I'm sorry
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02:13:55 I'm sorry
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02:13:57 I'm sorry
02:13:58 I didn't mean to
02:13:59 I'm sorry
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02:14:01 I'm sorry
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02:14:03 I'm sorry
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02:14:05 I'm sorry
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02:14:07 I'm sorry
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02:14:09 I'm sorry
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02:14:11 I'm sorry
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02:14:13 I'm sorry
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02:14:15 I'm sorry
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02:14:17 I'm sorry
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02:14:19 I'm sorry
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02:14:21 I'm sorry
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02:14:23 I'm sorry
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02:14:25 I'm sorry
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02:14:27 I'm sorry
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02:14:29 I'm sorry
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02:14:31 I'm sorry
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02:14:33 I'm sorry
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02:14:35 I'm sorry
02:14:36 I didn't mean to
02:14:37 I'm sorry
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02:14:39 I'm sorry
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02:14:41 I'm sorry
02:14:42 I didn't mean to
02:14:43 I'm sorry
02:14:44 I didn't mean to
02:14:45 I'm sorry
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02:14:47 I'm sorry
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02:14:49 I'm sorry
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02:14:51 I'm sorry
02:14:52 I didn't mean to
02:14:53 I'm sorry
02:14:54 I didn't mean to
02:14:55 I'm sorry
02:14:56 I didn't mean to
02:14:57 I'm sorry
02:14:58 I didn't mean to
02:14:59 I'm sorry
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02:15:01 I'm sorry
02:15:02 I didn't mean to
02:15:03 I'm sorry
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02:15:05 I'm sorry
02:15:06 I didn't mean to
02:15:07 I'm sorry
02:15:08 I didn't mean to
02:15:09 I'm sorry
02:15:10 I didn't mean to
02:15:11 I'm sorry
02:15:12 I didn't mean to
02:15:13 I'm sorry
02:15:14 I didn't mean to
02:15:15 I'm sorry
02:15:16 I didn't mean to
02:15:17 I'm sorry
02:15:18 I didn't mean to
02:15:19 I'm sorry
02:15:20 I didn't mean to
02:15:21 I'm sorry
02:15:22 I didn't mean to
02:15:23 I'm sorry
02:15:24 I didn't mean to
02:15:25 I'm sorry
02:15:26 I didn't mean to
02:15:27 I'm sorry
02:15:28 I didn't mean to
02:15:29 I'm sorry
02:15:30 I didn't mean to
02:15:31 I'm sorry
02:15:32 I didn't mean to
02:15:33 I'm sorry
02:15:34 I didn't mean to
02:15:35 I'm sorry
02:15:36 I didn't mean to
02:15:37 I'm sorry
02:15:38 I didn't mean to
02:15:39 I'm sorry
02:15:40 I didn't mean to
02:15:41 I'm sorry
02:15:42 I didn't mean to
02:15:43 I'm sorry
02:15:44 I didn't mean to
02:15:45 I'm sorry
02:15:46 I didn't mean to
02:15:47 I'm sorry
02:15:48 I didn't mean to
02:15:49 I'm sorry
02:15:50 I didn't mean to
02:15:51 I'm sorry
02:15:52 I didn't mean to
02:15:53 I'm sorry
02:15:54 I didn't mean to
02:15:55 I'm sorry
02:15:56 I didn't mean to
02:15:57 I'm sorry
02:15:58 I didn't mean to
02:15:59 I'm sorry
02:16:00 I didn't mean to
02:16:01 I'm sorry
02:16:02 I didn't mean to
02:16:03 I'm sorry
02:16:04 I didn't mean to
02:16:05 I'm sorry
02:16:06 I didn't mean to
02:16:07 I'm sorry
02:16:08 I didn't mean to
02:16:09 I'm sorry
02:16:10 I didn't mean to
02:16:11 I'm sorry
02:16:12 I didn't mean to
02:16:13 I'm sorry
02:16:14 I didn't mean to
02:16:15 I'm sorry
02:16:16 I didn't mean to
02:16:17 I'm sorry
02:16:18 I didn't mean to
02:16:19 I'm sorry
02:16:20 I didn't mean to
02:16:21 I'm sorry
02:16:22 I didn't mean to
02:16:23 I'm sorry
02:16:24 I didn't mean to
02:16:25 I'm sorry
02:16:26 I didn't mean to
02:16:27 I'm sorry
02:16:28 I didn't mean to
02:16:29 I'm sorry
02:16:30 I didn't mean to
02:16:31 I'm sorry
02:16:32 I didn't mean to
02:16:33 I'm sorry
02:16:34 I didn't mean to
02:16:35 I'm sorry
02:16:36 I didn't mean to
02:16:37 I'm sorry
02:16:38 I didn't mean to
02:16:39 I'm sorry
02:16:40 I didn't mean to
02:16:41 I'm sorry
02:16:42 I didn't mean to
02:16:43 I'm sorry
02:16:44 I didn't mean to
02:16:45 I'm sorry
02:16:46 I didn't mean to
02:16:47 I'm sorry
02:16:48 I didn't mean to
02:16:49 I'm sorry
02:16:50 I didn't mean to
02:16:51 I'm sorry
02:16:52 I didn't mean to
02:16:53 I'm sorry
02:16:54 I didn't mean to
02:16:55 I'm sorry
02:16:56 I didn't mean to
02:16:57 I'm sorry
02:16:58 I didn't mean to
02:16:59 I'm sorry
02:17:00 I didn't mean to
02:17:01 I'm sorry
02:17:02 I didn't mean to
02:17:03 I'm sorry
02:17:04 I didn't mean to
02:17:05 I'm sorry
02:17:06 I didn't mean to
02:17:07 I'm sorry
02:17:08 I didn't mean to
02:17:09 I'm sorry
02:17:10 I didn't mean to
02:17:11 I'm sorry
02:17:12 I didn't mean to
02:17:13 I'm sorry
02:17:14 I didn't mean to
02:17:15 I'm sorry
02:17:16 I didn't mean to
02:17:17 I'm sorry
02:17:18 I didn't mean to
02:17:19 I'm sorry
02:17:20 I didn't mean to
02:17:21 I'm sorry
02:17:22 I didn't mean to
02:17:23 I'm sorry
02:17:24 I didn't mean to
02:17:25 I'm sorry
02:17:26 I didn't mean to
02:17:27 I'm sorry
02:17:28 I didn't mean to
02:17:29 I'm sorry
02:17:30 I didn't mean to
02:17:31 I'm sorry
02:17:32 I didn't mean to
02:17:33 I'm sorry
02:17:34 I didn't mean to
02:17:35 I'm sorry
02:17:36 I didn't mean to
02:17:37 I'm sorry
02:17:38 I didn't mean to
02:17:39 I'm sorry
02:17:40 I didn't mean to
02:17:41 I'm sorry
02:17:42 I didn't mean to
02:17:43 I'm sorry
02:17:44 I didn't mean to
02:17:45 I'm sorry
02:17:46 I didn't mean to
02:17:47 I'm sorry
02:17:48 I didn't mean to
02:17:49 I'm sorry
02:17:50 I didn't mean to
02:17:51 I'm sorry
02:17:52 I didn't mean to
02:17:53 I'm sorry
02:17:54 I didn't mean to
02:17:55 I'm sorry
02:17:56 I didn't mean to
02:17:57 I'm sorry
02:17:58 I didn't mean to
02:17:59 I'm sorry
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02:18:01 I'm sorry
02:18:02 I didn't mean to
02:18:03 I'm sorry
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02:18:05 I'm sorry
02:18:06 I didn't mean to
02:18:07 I'm sorry
02:18:08 I didn't mean to
02:18:09 I'm sorry
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02:18:11 I'm sorry
02:18:12 I didn't mean to
02:18:13 I'm sorry
02:18:14 I didn't mean to
02:18:15 I'm sorry
02:18:16 I didn't mean to
02:18:17 I'm sorry
02:18:18 I didn't mean to
02:18:19 I'm sorry
02:18:20 I didn't mean to
02:18:21 I'm sorry
02:18:22 I didn't mean to
02:18:23 I'm sorry
02:18:24 I didn't mean to
02:18:25 I'm sorry
02:18:26 I didn't mean to
02:18:27 I'm sorry
02:18:28 I didn't mean to
02:18:29 I'm sorry
02:18:30 I didn't mean to
02:18:31 I'm sorry
02:18:32 I didn't mean to
02:18:33 I'm sorry
02:18:34 I didn't mean to
02:18:35 I'm sorry
02:18:36 I didn't mean to
02:18:37 I'm sorry
02:18:38 I didn't mean to
02:18:39 I'm sorry
02:18:40 I didn't mean to
02:18:41 I'm sorry
02:18:42 I didn't mean to
02:18:43 I'm sorry
02:18:44 I didn't mean to
02:18:45 I'm sorry
02:18:46 I didn't mean to
02:18:47 I'm sorry
02:18:48 I didn't mean to
02:18:49 I'm sorry
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02:18:51 I'm sorry
02:18:52 I didn't mean to
02:18:53 I'm sorry
02:18:54 I didn't mean to
02:18:55 I'm sorry
02:18:56 I didn't mean to
02:18:57 I'm sorry
02:18:58 I didn't mean to
02:18:59 I'm sorry
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02:19:01 I'm sorry
02:19:02 I didn't mean to
02:19:03 I'm sorry
02:19:04 I didn't mean to
02:19:05 I'm sorry
02:19:06 I didn't mean to
02:19:07 I'm sorry
02:19:08 I didn't mean to
02:19:09 I'm sorry
02:19:10 I didn't mean to
02:19:11 I'm sorry
02:19:12 I didn't mean to
02:19:13 I'm sorry
02:19:14 I didn't mean to
02:19:15 I'm sorry
02:19:16 I didn't mean to
02:19:17 I'm sorry
02:19:18 I didn't mean to
02:19:19 I'm sorry
02:19:20 I didn't mean to
02:19:21 I'm sorry
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02:19:23 I'm sorry
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02:19:25 I'm sorry
02:19:26 I didn't mean to
02:19:27 I'm sorry
02:19:28 I didn't mean to
02:19:29 I'm sorry
02:19:30 I didn't mean to
02:19:31 I'm sorry
02:19:32 I didn't mean to
02:19:33 I'm sorry
02:19:34 I didn't mean to
02:19:35 I'm sorry
02:19:36 I didn't mean to
02:19:37 I'm sorry
02:19:38 I didn't mean to
02:19:39 I'm sorry
02:19:40 I didn't mean to
02:19:41 I'm sorry
02:19:42 I didn't mean to
02:19:43 I'm sorry
02:19:44 I didn't mean to
02:19:45 I'm sorry
02:19:46 I didn't mean to
02:19:47 I'm sorry
02:19:48 I didn't mean to
02:19:49 I'm sorry
02:19:50 I didn't mean to
02:19:51 I'm sorry
02:19:52 I didn't mean to
02:19:53 I'm sorry
02:19:54 I didn't mean to
02:19:55 I'm sorry
02:19:56 I didn't mean to
02:19:57 I'm sorry
02:19:58 I didn't mean to
02:19:59 I'm sorry
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02:20:01 I'm sorry
02:20:02 I didn't mean to
02:20:03 I'm sorry
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02:20:05 I'm sorry
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02:20:07 I'm sorry
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02:20:09 I'm sorry
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02:20:11 I'm sorry
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02:20:13 I'm sorry
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02:20:15 I'm sorry
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02:20:17 I'm sorry
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02:20:19 I'm sorry
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02:20:21 I'm sorry
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02:20:23 I'm sorry
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02:20:25 I'm sorry
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02:20:27 I'm sorry
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02:20:29 I'm sorry
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02:20:31 I'm sorry
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02:20:33 I'm sorry
02:20:34 I didn't mean to
02:20:35 I'm sorry
02:20:36 I didn't mean to
02:20:37 I'm sorry
02:20:38 I didn't mean to
02:20:39 I'm sorry
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02:20:41 I'm sorry
02:20:42 I didn't mean to
02:20:43 I'm sorry
02:20:44 I didn't mean to
02:20:45 I'm sorry
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02:20:47 I'm sorry
02:20:48 I didn't mean to
02:20:49 I'm sorry
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02:20:51 I'm sorry
02:20:52 I didn't mean to
02:20:53 I'm sorry
02:20:54 I didn't mean to
02:20:55 I'm sorry
02:20:56 I didn't mean to
02:20:57 I'm sorry
02:20:58 I didn't mean to
02:20:59 I'm sorry
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02:21:01 I'm sorry
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02:21:03 I'm sorry
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02:21:05 I'm sorry
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02:21:07 I'm sorry
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02:21:09 I'm sorry
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02:21:11 I'm sorry
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02:21:13 I'm sorry
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02:21:15 I'm sorry
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02:21:17 I'm sorry
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02:21:19 I'm sorry
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02:21:21 I'm sorry
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02:21:23 I'm sorry
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02:21:25 I'm sorry
02:21:26 I didn't mean to
02:21:27 I'm sorry
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02:21:29 I'm sorry
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02:21:31 I'm sorry
02:21:32 I didn't mean to
02:21:33 I'm sorry
02:21:34 I didn't mean to
02:21:35 I'm sorry
02:21:36 I didn't mean to
02:21:37 I'm sorry
02:21:38 I didn't mean to
02:21:39 I'm sorry
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02:21:41 I'm sorry
02:21:42 I didn't mean to
02:21:43 I'm sorry
02:21:44 I didn't mean to
02:21:45 I'm sorry
02:21:46 I didn't mean to
02:21:47 I'm sorry
02:21:48 I didn't mean to
02:21:49 I'm sorry
02:21:50 I didn't mean to
02:21:51 I'm sorry
02:21:52 I didn't mean to
02:21:53 I'm sorry
02:21:54 I didn't mean to
02:21:55 I'm sorry
02:21:56 I didn't mean to
02:21:57 I'm sorry
02:21:58 I didn't mean to
02:21:59 I'm sorry
02:22:00 I didn't mean to
02:22:01 I'm sorry
02:22:02 I didn't mean to
02:22:03 I'm sorry
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02:22:05 I'm sorry
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02:22:07 I'm sorry
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02:22:09 I'm sorry
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02:22:11 I'm sorry
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02:22:13 I'm sorry
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02:22:15 I'm sorry
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02:22:17 I'm sorry
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02:22:19 I'm sorry
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02:22:21 I'm sorry
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02:22:23 I'm sorry
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02:22:25 I'm sorry
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02:22:27 I'm sorry
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02:22:29 I'm sorry
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02:22:31 I'm sorry
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02:22:33 I'm sorry
02:22:34 I didn't mean to
02:22:35 I'm sorry
02:22:36 I didn't mean to
02:22:37 I'm sorry
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02:22:39 I'm sorry
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02:22:41 I'm sorry
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02:22:43 I'm sorry
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02:22:45 I'm sorry
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02:22:47 I'm sorry
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02:22:49 I'm sorry
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02:22:51 I'm sorry
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02:22:53 I'm sorry
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02:22:55 I'm sorry
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02:22:57 I'm sorry
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02:22:59 I'm sorry
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02:23:01 I'm sorry
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02:23:03 I'm sorry
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02:23:05 I'm sorry
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02:23:07 I'm sorry
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02:23:09 I'm sorry
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02:23:11 I'm sorry
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02:23:13 I'm sorry
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02:23:15 I'm sorry
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02:23:17 I'm sorry
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02:23:19 I'm sorry
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02:23:21 I'm sorry
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02:23:23 I'm sorry
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02:23:25 I'm sorry
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02:23:27 I'm sorry
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02:23:29 I'm sorry
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02:23:31 I'm sorry
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02:23:33 I'm sorry
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02:23:35 I'm sorry
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02:23:37 I'm sorry
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02:23:39 I'm sorry
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02:23:41 I'm sorry
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02:23:43 I'm sorry
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02:23:45 I'm sorry
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02:23:47 I'm sorry
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02:23:49 I'm sorry
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02:23:51 I'm sorry
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02:23:53 I'm sorry
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02:23:55 I'm sorry
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02:23:57 I'm sorry
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02:23:59 I'm sorry
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02:24:01 I'm sorry
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02:24:03 I'm sorry
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02:24:05 I'm sorry
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02:24:07 I'm sorry
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02:24:09 I'm sorry
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02:24:11 I'm sorry
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02:24:13 I'm sorry
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02:24:15 I'm sorry
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02:24:17 I'm sorry
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02:24:19 I'm sorry
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02:24:21 I'm sorry
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02:24:23 I'm sorry
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02:24:25 I'm sorry
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02:24:27 I'm sorry
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02:24:29 I'm sorry
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02:24:31 I'm sorry
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02:24:33 I'm sorry
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02:24:35 I'm sorry
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02:24:37 I'm sorry
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02:24:39 I'm sorry
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02:24:41 I'm sorry
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02:24:43 I'm sorry
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02:24:45 I'm sorry
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02:24:47 I'm sorry
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02:24:49 I'm sorry
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02:24:51 I'm sorry
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02:24:53 I'm sorry
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02:24:55 I'm sorry
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02:24:57 I'm sorry
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02:24:59 I'm sorry
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02:25:01 I'm sorry
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02:25:03 I'm sorry
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02:25:05 I'm sorry
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02:25:07 I'm sorry
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02:25:09 I'm sorry
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02:25:11 I'm sorry
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02:25:13 I'm sorry
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02:25:15 I'm sorry
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02:25:17 I'm sorry
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02:25:19 I'm sorry
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02:25:21 I'm sorry
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02:25:23 I'm sorry
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02:25:25 I'm sorry
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02:25:27 I'm sorry
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02:25:29 I'm sorry
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02:25:31 I'm sorry
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02:25:33 I'm sorry
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02:25:35 I'm sorry
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02:25:37 I'm sorry
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02:25:39 I'm sorry
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02:25:41 I'm sorry
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02:25:43 I'm sorry
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02:25:45 I'm sorry
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02:25:47 I'm sorry
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02:25:49 I'm sorry
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02:25:51 I'm sorry
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02:25:53 I'm sorry
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02:25:55 I'm sorry
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02:25:57 I'm sorry
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02:25:59 I'm sorry
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02:26:01 I'm sorry
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02:26:03 I'm sorry
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02:26:05 I'm sorry
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02:26:07 I'm sorry
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02:26:09 I'm sorry
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02:26:11 I'm sorry
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02:26:13 I'm sorry
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02:26:15 I'm sorry
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02:26:17 I'm sorry
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02:26:19 I'm sorry
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02:26:21 I'm sorry
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02:26:23 I'm sorry
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02:26:25 I'm sorry
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02:26:27 I'm sorry
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02:26:29 I'm sorry
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02:26:31 I'm sorry
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02:26:33 I'm sorry
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02:26:35 I'm sorry
02:26:36 I didn't mean to
02:26:37 I'm sorry
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02:26:39 I'm sorry
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02:26:41 I'm sorry
02:26:42 I didn't mean to
02:26:43 I'm sorry
02:26:44 I didn't mean to
02:26:45 I'm sorry
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02:26:47 I'm sorry
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02:26:49 I'm sorry
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02:26:51 I'm sorry
02:26:52 I didn't mean to
02:26:53 I'm sorry
02:26:54 I didn't mean to
02:26:55 I'm sorry
02:26:56 I didn't mean to
02:26:57 I'm sorry
02:26:58 I didn't mean to
02:26:59 I'm sorry
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02:27:01 I'm sorry
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02:27:03 I'm sorry
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02:27:05 I'm sorry
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02:27:07 I'm sorry
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02:27:09 I'm sorry
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02:27:11 I'm sorry
02:27:12 I didn't mean to
02:27:13 I'm sorry
02:27:14 I didn't mean to
02:27:15 I'm sorry
02:27:16 I didn't mean to
02:27:17 I'm sorry
02:27:18 I didn't mean to
02:27:19 I'm sorry
02:27:20 I didn't mean to
02:27:21 I'm sorry
02:27:22 I didn't mean to
02:27:23 I'm sorry
02:27:24 I didn't mean to
02:27:25 I'm sorry
02:27:26 I didn't mean to
02:27:27 I'm sorry
02:27:28 I didn't mean to
02:27:29 I'm sorry
02:27:30 I didn't mean to
02:27:31 I'm sorry
02:27:32 I didn't mean to
02:27:33 I'm sorry
02:27:34 I didn't mean to
02:27:35 I'm sorry
02:27:36 I didn't mean to
02:27:37 I'm sorry
02:27:38 I didn't mean to
02:27:39 I'm sorry
02:27:40 I didn't mean to
02:27:41 I'm sorry
02:27:42 I didn't mean to
02:27:43 I'm sorry
02:27:44 I didn't mean to
02:27:45 I'm sorry
02:27:46 I didn't mean to
02:27:47 I'm sorry
02:27:48 I didn't mean to
02:27:49 I'm sorry
02:27:50 I didn't mean to
02:27:51 I'm sorry
02:27:52 I didn't mean to
02:27:53 I'm sorry
02:27:54 I didn't mean to
02:27:55 I'm sorry
02:27:56 I didn't mean to
02:27:57 I'm sorry
02:27:58 I didn't mean to
02:27:59 I'm sorry
02:28:00 I didn't mean to
02:28:01 I'm sorry
02:28:02 I didn't mean to
02:28:03 I'm sorry
02:28:04 I didn't mean to
02:28:05 I'm sorry
02:28:06 I didn't mean to
02:28:07 I'm sorry
02:28:08 I didn't mean to
02:28:09 I'm sorry
02:28:10 I didn't mean to
02:28:11 I'm sorry
02:28:12 I didn't mean to
02:28:13 I'm sorry
02:28:14 I didn't mean to
02:28:15 I'm sorry
02:28:16 I didn't mean to
02:28:17 I'm sorry
02:28:18 I didn't mean to
02:28:19 I'm sorry
02:28:20 I didn't mean to
02:28:21 I'm sorry
02:28:22 I didn't mean to
02:28:23 I'm sorry
02:28:24 I didn't mean to
02:28:25 I'm sorry
02:28:26 I didn't mean to
02:28:27 I'm sorry
02:28:28 I didn't mean to
02:28:29 I'm sorry
02:28:30 I didn't mean to
02:28:31 I'm sorry
02:28:32 I didn't mean to
02:28:33 I'm sorry
02:28:34 I didn't mean to
02:28:35 I'm sorry
02:28:36 I didn't mean to
02:28:37 I'm sorry
02:28:38 I didn't mean to
02:28:39 I'm sorry
02:28:40 I didn't mean to
02:28:41 I'm sorry
02:28:42 I didn't mean to
02:28:43 I'm sorry
02:28:44 I didn't mean to
02:28:45 I'm sorry
02:28:46 I didn't mean to
02:28:47 I'm sorry
02:28:48 I didn't mean to
02:28:49 I'm sorry
02:28:50 I didn't mean to
02:28:51 I'm sorry
02:28:52 I didn't mean to
02:28:53 I'm sorry
02:28:54 I didn't mean to
02:28:55 I'm sorry
02:28:56 I didn't mean to
02:28:57 I'm sorry
02:28:58 I didn't mean to
02:28:59 I'm sorry
02:29:00 I didn't mean to
02:29:01 I'm sorry
02:29:02 I didn't mean to
02:29:03 I'm sorry
02:29:04 I didn't mean to
02:29:05 I'm sorry
02:29:06 I didn't mean to
02:29:07 I'm sorry
02:29:08 I didn't mean to
02:29:09 I'm sorry
02:29:10 I didn't mean to
02:29:11 I'm sorry
02:29:12 I didn't mean to
02:29:13 I'm sorry
02:29:14 I didn't mean to
02:29:15 I'm sorry
02:29:16 I didn't mean to
02:29:17 I'm sorry
02:29:18 I didn't mean to
02:29:19 I'm sorry
02:29:20 I didn't mean to
02:29:21 I'm sorry
02:29:22 I didn't mean to
02:29:23 I'm sorry
02:29:24 I didn't mean to
02:29:25 I'm sorry
02:29:26 I didn't mean to
02:29:27 I'm sorry
02:29:28 I didn't mean to
02:29:29 I'm sorry
02:29:30 I didn't mean to
02:29:31 I'm sorry
02:29:32 I didn't mean to
02:29:33 I'm sorry
02:29:34 I didn't mean to
02:29:35 I'm sorry
02:29:36 I didn't mean to
02:29:37 I'm sorry
02:29:38 I didn't mean to
02:29:39 I'm sorry
02:29:40 I didn't mean to
02:29:41 I'm sorry
02:29:42 I didn't mean to
02:29:43 I'm sorry
02:29:44 I didn't mean to
02:29:45 I'm sorry
02:29:46 I didn't mean to
02:29:47 I'm sorry
02:29:48 I didn't mean to
02:29:49 I'm sorry
02:29:50 I didn't mean to
02:29:51 I'm sorry
02:29:52 I didn't mean to
02:29:53 I'm sorry
02:29:54 I didn't mean to
02:29:55 I'm sorry
02:29:56 I didn't mean to
02:29:57 I'm sorry
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02:29:59 I'm sorry
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02:30:01 I'm sorry
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02:30:03 I'm sorry
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02:30:05 I'm sorry
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02:30:07 I'm sorry
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02:30:09 I'm sorry
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02:30:11 I'm sorry
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02:30:13 I'm sorry
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02:30:15 I'm sorry
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02:30:17 I'm sorry
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02:30:19 I'm sorry
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02:30:21 I'm sorry
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02:30:23 I'm sorry
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02:30:25 I'm sorry
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02:30:27 I'm sorry
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02:30:29 I'm sorry
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02:30:31 I'm sorry
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02:30:33 I'm sorry
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02:30:35 I'm sorry
02:30:36 I didn't mean to
02:30:37 I'm sorry
02:30:38 I didn't mean to
02:30:39 I'm sorry
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02:30:41 I'm sorry
02:30:42 I didn't mean to
02:30:43 I'm sorry
02:30:44 I didn't mean to
02:30:45 I'm sorry
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02:30:47 I'm sorry
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02:30:49 I'm sorry
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02:30:51 I'm sorry
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02:30:53 I'm sorry
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02:30:55 I'm sorry
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02:30:57 I'm sorry
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02:30:59 I'm sorry
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02:31:01 I'm sorry
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02:31:03 I'm sorry
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02:31:05 I'm sorry
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02:31:07 I'm sorry
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02:31:09 I'm sorry
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02:31:11 I'm sorry
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02:31:13 I'm sorry
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02:31:15 I'm sorry
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02:31:17 I'm sorry
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02:31:19 I'm sorry
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02:31:21 I'm sorry
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02:31:23 I'm sorry
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02:31:25 I'm sorry
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02:31:27 I'm sorry
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02:31:29 I'm sorry
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02:31:31 I'm sorry
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02:31:33 I'm sorry
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02:31:35 I'm sorry
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02:31:37 I'm sorry
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02:31:39 I'm sorry
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02:31:41 I'm sorry
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02:31:43 I'm sorry
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02:31:45 I'm sorry
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02:31:47 I'm sorry
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02:31:49 I'm sorry
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02:31:51 I'm sorry
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02:31:53 I'm sorry
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02:31:55 I'm sorry
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02:31:57 I'm sorry
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02:31:59 I'm sorry
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02:32:01 I'm sorry
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02:32:03 I'm sorry
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02:32:05 I'm sorry
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02:32:07 I'm sorry
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02:32:09 I'm sorry
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02:32:11 I'm sorry
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02:32:13 I'm sorry
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02:32:15 I'm sorry
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02:32:17 I'm sorry
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02:32:19 I'm sorry
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02:32:21 I'm sorry
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02:32:23 I'm sorry
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02:32:25 I'm sorry
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02:32:27 I'm sorry
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02:32:29 I'm sorry
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02:32:31 I'm sorry
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02:32:33 I'm sorry
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02:32:35 I'm sorry
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02:32:37 I'm sorry
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02:32:39 I'm sorry
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02:32:41 I'm sorry
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02:32:43 I'm sorry
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02:32:45 I'm sorry
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02:32:47 I'm sorry
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02:32:49 I'm sorry
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02:32:51 I'm sorry
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02:32:53 I'm sorry
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02:32:55 I'm sorry
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02:32:57 I'm sorry
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02:32:59 I'm sorry
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02:33:01 I'm sorry
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02:33:03 I'm sorry
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02:33:05 I'm sorry
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02:33:07 I'm sorry
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02:33:09 I'm sorry
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02:33:11 I'm sorry
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02:33:13 I'm sorry
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02:33:15 I'm sorry
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02:33:17 I'm sorry
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02:33:19 I'm sorry
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02:33:21 I'm sorry
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02:33:23 I'm sorry
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02:33:25 I'm sorry
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02:33:27 I'm sorry
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02:33:29 I'm sorry
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02:33:31 I'm sorry
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02:33:33 I'm sorry
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02:33:35 I'm sorry
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02:33:37 I'm sorry
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02:33:39 I'm sorry
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02:33:41 I'm sorry
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02:33:43 I'm sorry
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02:33:45 I'm sorry
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02:33:47 I'm sorry
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02:33:49 I'm sorry
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02:33:51 I'm sorry
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02:33:53 I'm sorry
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02:33:55 I'm sorry
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02:33:57 I'm sorry
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02:33:59 I'm sorry
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02:34:01 I'm sorry
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02:34:03 I'm sorry
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02:34:05 I'm sorry
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02:34:07 I'm sorry
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02:34:09 I'm sorry
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02:34:11 I'm sorry
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02:34:13 I'm sorry
02:34:14 I didn't mean to
02:34:15 I'm sorry
02:34:16 I didn't mean to
02:34:17 I'm sorry
02:34:18 I didn't mean to
02:34:19 I'm sorry
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02:34:21 I'm sorry
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02:34:23 I'm sorry
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02:34:25 I'm sorry
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02:34:27 I'm sorry
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02:34:29 I'm sorry
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02:34:31 I'm sorry
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02:34:33 I'm sorry
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02:34:35 I'm sorry
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02:34:37 I'm sorry
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02:34:39 I'm sorry
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02:34:41 I'm sorry
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02:34:43 I'm sorry
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02:34:45 I'm sorry
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02:34:47 I'm sorry
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02:34:49 I'm sorry
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02:34:51 I'm sorry
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02:34:53 I'm sorry
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02:34:55 I'm sorry
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02:34:57 I'm sorry
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02:34:59 I'm sorry
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02:35:01 I'm sorry
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02:35:03 I'm sorry
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02:35:05 I'm sorry
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02:35:07 I'm sorry
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02:35:09 I'm sorry
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02:35:11 I'm sorry
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02:35:13 I'm sorry
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02:35:15 I'm sorry
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02:35:17 I'm sorry
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02:35:19 I'm sorry
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02:35:21 I'm sorry
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02:35:23 I'm sorry
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02:35:25 I'm sorry
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02:35:27 I'm sorry
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02:35:29 I'm sorry
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02:35:31 I'm sorry
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02:35:33 I'm sorry
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02:35:35 I'm sorry
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02:35:37 I'm sorry
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02:35:39 I'm sorry
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02:35:41 I'm sorry
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02:35:43 I'm sorry
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02:35:45 I'm sorry
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02:35:47 I'm sorry
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02:35:49 I'm sorry
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02:35:51 I'm sorry
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02:35:53 I'm sorry
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02:35:55 I'm sorry
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02:35:57 I'm sorry
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02:35:59 I'm sorry
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02:36:01 I'm sorry
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02:36:03 I'm sorry
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02:36:05 I'm sorry
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02:36:07 I'm sorry
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02:36:09 I'm sorry
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02:36:11 I'm sorry
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02:36:13 I'm sorry
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02:36:15 I'm sorry
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02:36:17 I'm sorry
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02:36:19 I'm sorry
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02:36:21 I'm sorry
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02:36:23 I'm sorry
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02:36:25 I'm sorry
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02:36:27 I'm sorry
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02:36:29 I'm sorry
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02:36:31 I'm sorry
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02:36:33 I'm sorry
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02:36:35 I'm sorry
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02:36:37 I'm sorry
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02:36:39 I'm sorry
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02:36:41 I'm sorry
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02:36:43 I'm sorry
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02:36:45 I'm sorry
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02:36:47 I'm sorry
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02:36:49 I'm sorry
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02:36:51 I'm sorry
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02:36:53 I'm sorry
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02:36:55 I'm sorry
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02:36:57 I'm sorry
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02:36:59 I'm sorry
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02:37:01 I'm sorry
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02:37:03 I'm sorry
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02:37:05 I'm sorry
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02:37:07 I'm sorry
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02:37:09 I'm sorry
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02:37:11 I'm sorry
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02:37:13 I'm sorry
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02:37:15 I'm sorry
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02:37:17 I'm sorry
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02:37:19 I'm sorry
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02:37:21 I'm sorry
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02:37:23 I'm sorry
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02:37:25 I'm sorry
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02:37:27 I'm sorry
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02:37:29 I'm sorry
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02:37:31 I'm sorry
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02:37:33 I'm sorry
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02:37:35 I'm sorry
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02:37:37 I'm sorry
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02:37:39 I'm sorry
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02:37:41 I'm sorry
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02:37:43 I'm sorry
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02:37:45 I'm sorry
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02:37:47 I'm sorry
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02:37:49 I'm sorry
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02:37:51 I'm sorry
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02:37:53 I'm sorry
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02:37:55 I'm sorry
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02:37:57 I'm sorry
02:37:58 I didn't mean to
02:37:59 I'm sorry
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02:38:01 I'm sorry
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02:38:03 I'm sorry
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02:38:05 I'm sorry
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02:38:07 I'm sorry
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02:38:09 I'm sorry
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02:38:11 I'm sorry
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02:38:13 I'm sorry
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02:38:15 I'm sorry
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02:38:17 I'm sorry
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02:38:19 I'm sorry
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02:38:21 I'm sorry
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02:38:23 I'm sorry
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02:38:25 I'm sorry
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02:38:27 I'm sorry
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02:38:29 I'm sorry
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02:38:31 I'm sorry
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02:38:33 I'm sorry
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02:38:35 I'm sorry
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02:38:37 I'm sorry
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02:38:39 I'm sorry
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02:38:41 I'm sorry
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02:38:43 I'm sorry
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02:38:45 I'm sorry
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02:38:47 I'm sorry
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02:38:49 I'm sorry
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02:38:51 I'm sorry
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02:38:53 I'm sorry
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02:38:55 I'm sorry
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02:38:57 I'm sorry
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02:38:59 I'm sorry
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02:39:01 I'm sorry
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02:39:03 I'm sorry
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02:39:05 I'm sorry
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02:39:07 I'm sorry
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02:39:09 I'm sorry
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02:39:11 I'm sorry
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02:39:13 I'm sorry
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02:39:15 I'm sorry
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02:39:17 I'm sorry
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02:39:19 I'm sorry
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02:39:21 I'm sorry
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02:39:23 I'm sorry
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02:39:25 I'm sorry
02:39:26 I didn't mean to
02:39:27 I'm sorry
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02:39:29 I'm sorry
02:39:30 I didn't mean to
02:39:31 I'm sorry
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02:39:33 I'm sorry
02:39:34 I didn't mean to
02:39:35 I'm sorry
02:39:36 I didn't mean to
02:39:37 I'm sorry
02:39:38 I didn't mean to
02:39:39 I'm sorry
02:39:40 I didn't mean to
02:39:41 I'm sorry
02:39:42 I didn't mean to
02:39:43 I'm sorry
02:39:44 I didn't mean to
02:39:45 I'm sorry
02:39:46 I didn't mean to
02:39:47 I'm sorry
02:39:48 I didn't mean to
02:39:49 I'm sorry
02:39:50 I didn't mean to
02:39:51 I'm sorry
02:39:52 I didn't mean to
02:39:53 I'm sorry
02:39:54 I didn't mean to
02:39:55 I'm sorry
02:39:56 I didn't mean to
02:39:57 I'm sorry
02:39:58 I didn't mean to
02:39:59 I'm sorry
02:40:00 I didn't mean to
02:40:01 I'm sorry
02:40:02 I didn't mean to
02:40:03 I'm sorry
02:40:04 I didn't mean to
02:40:05 I'm sorry
02:40:06 I didn't mean to
02:40:07 I'm sorry
02:40:08 I didn't mean to
02:40:09 I'm sorry
02:40:10 I didn't mean to
02:40:11 I'm sorry
02:40:12 I didn't mean to
02:40:13 I'm sorry
02:40:14 I didn't mean to
02:40:15 I'm sorry
02:40:16 I didn't mean to
02:40:17 I'm sorry
02:40:18 I didn't mean to
02:40:19 I'm sorry
02:40:20 I didn't mean to
02:40:21 I'm sorry
02:40:22 I didn't mean to
02:40:23 I'm sorry
02:40:24 I didn't mean to
02:40:25 I'm sorry
02:40:26 I didn't mean to
02:40:27 I'm sorry
02:40:28 I didn't mean to
02:40:29 I'm sorry
02:40:30 I didn't mean to
02:40:31 I'm sorry
02:40:32 I didn't mean to
02:40:33 I'm sorry
02:40:34 I didn't mean to
02:40:35 I'm sorry
02:40:36 I didn't mean to
02:40:37 I'm sorry
02:40:38 I didn't mean to
02:40:39 I'm sorry
02:40:40 I didn't mean to
02:40:41 I'm sorry
02:40:42 I didn't mean to
02:40:43 I'm sorry
02:40:44 I didn't mean to
02:40:45 I'm sorry
02:40:46 I didn't mean to
02:40:47 I'm sorry
02:40:48 I didn't mean to
02:40:49 I'm sorry
02:40:50 I didn't mean to
02:40:51 I'm sorry
02:40:52 I didn't mean to
02:40:53 I'm sorry
02:40:54 I didn't mean to
02:40:55 I'm sorry
02:40:56 I didn't mean to
02:40:57 I'm sorry
02:40:58 I didn't mean to
02:40:59 I'm sorry
02:41:00 I didn't mean to
02:41:01 I'm sorry
02:41:02 I didn't mean to
02:41:03 I'm sorry
02:41:04 I didn't mean to
02:41:05 I'm sorry
02:41:06 I didn't mean to
02:41:07 I'm sorry
02:41:08 I didn't mean to
02:41:09 I'm sorry
02:41:10 I didn't mean to
02:41:11 I'm sorry
02:41:12 I didn't mean to
02:41:13 I'm sorry
02:41:14 I didn't mean to
02:41:15 I'm sorry
02:41:16 I didn't mean to
02:41:17 I'm sorry
02:41:18 I didn't mean to
02:41:19 I'm sorry
02:41:20 I didn't mean to
02:41:21 I'm sorry
02:41:22 I didn't mean to
02:41:23 I'm sorry
02:41:24 I didn't mean to
02:41:25 I'm sorry
02:41:26 I didn't mean to
02:41:27 I'm sorry
02:41:28 I didn't mean to
02:41:29 I'm sorry
02:41:30 I didn't mean to
02:41:31 I'm sorry
02:41:32 I didn't mean to
02:41:33 I'm sorry
02:41:34 I didn't mean to
02:41:35 I'm sorry
02:41:36 I didn't mean to
02:41:37 I'm sorry
02:41:38 I didn't mean to
02:41:39 I'm sorry
02:41:40 I didn't mean to
02:41:41 I'm sorry
02:41:42 I didn't mean to
02:41:43 I'm sorry
02:41:44 I didn't mean to
02:41:45 I'm sorry
02:41:46 I didn't mean to
02:41:47 I'm sorry
02:41:48 I didn't mean to
02:41:49 I'm sorry
02:41:50 I didn't mean to
02:41:51 I'm sorry
02:41:52 I didn't mean to
02:41:53 I'm sorry
02:41:54 I didn't mean to
02:41:55 I'm sorry
02:41:56 I didn't mean to
02:41:57 I'm sorry
02:41:58 I didn't mean to
02:41:59 I'm sorry
02:42:00 I didn't mean to
02:42:01 I'm sorry
02:42:02 I didn't mean to
02:42:03 I'm sorry
02:42:04 I didn't mean to
02:42:05 I'm sorry
02:42:06 I didn't mean to
02:42:07 I'm sorry
02:42:08 I didn't mean to
02:42:09 I'm sorry
02:42:10 I didn't mean to
02:42:11 I'm sorry
02:42:12 I didn't mean to
02:42:13 I'm sorry
02:42:14 I didn't mean to
02:42:15 I'm sorry
02:42:16 I didn't mean to
02:42:17 I'm sorry
02:42:18 I didn't mean to
02:42:19 I'm sorry
02:42:20 I didn't mean to
02:42:21 I'm sorry
02:42:22 I didn't mean to
02:42:23 I'm sorry
02:42:24 I didn't mean to
02:42:25 I'm sorry
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02:42:27 I'm sorry
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02:42:29 I'm sorry
02:42:30 I didn't mean to
02:42:31 I'm sorry
02:42:32 I didn't mean to
02:42:33 I'm sorry
02:42:34 I didn't mean to
02:42:35 I'm sorry
02:42:36 I didn't mean to
02:42:37 I'm sorry
02:42:38 I didn't mean to
02:42:39 I'm sorry
02:42:40 I didn't mean to
02:42:41 I'm sorry
02:42:42 I didn't mean to
02:42:43 I'm sorry
02:42:44 I didn't mean to
02:42:45 I'm sorry
02:42:46 I didn't mean to
02:42:47 I'm sorry
02:42:48 I didn't mean to
02:42:49 I'm sorry
02:42:50 I didn't mean to
02:42:51 I'm sorry
02:42:52 I didn't mean to
02:42:53 I'm sorry
02:42:54 I didn't mean to
02:42:55 I'm sorry
02:42:56 I didn't mean to
02:42:57 I'm sorry
02:42:58 I didn't mean to
02:42:59 I'm sorry
02:43:00 I didn't mean to
02:43:01 I'm sorry
02:43:02 I didn't mean to
02:43:03 I'm sorry
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02:43:05 I'm sorry
02:43:06 I didn't mean to
02:43:07 I'm sorry
02:43:08 I didn't mean to
02:43:09 I'm sorry
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02:43:11 I'm sorry
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02:43:13 I'm sorry
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02:43:15 I'm sorry
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02:43:17 I'm sorry
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02:43:19 I'm sorry
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02:43:21 I'm sorry
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02:43:23 I'm sorry
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02:43:25 I'm sorry
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02:43:27 I'm sorry
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02:43:29 I'm sorry
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02:43:31 I'm sorry
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02:43:33 I'm sorry
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02:43:35 I'm sorry
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02:43:37 I'm sorry
02:43:38 I didn't mean to
02:43:39 I'm sorry
02:43:40 I didn't mean to
02:43:41 I'm sorry
02:43:42 I didn't mean to
02:43:43 I'm sorry
02:43:44 I didn't mean to
02:43:45 I'm sorry
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02:43:47 I'm sorry
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02:43:49 I'm sorry
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02:43:51 I'm sorry
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02:43:53 I'm sorry
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02:43:55 I'm sorry
02:43:56 I didn't mean to
02:43:57 I'm sorry
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02:43:59 I'm sorry
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02:44:01 I'm sorry
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02:44:03 I'm sorry
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02:44:05 I'm sorry
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02:44:07 I'm sorry
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02:44:09 I'm sorry
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02:44:11 I'm sorry
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02:44:13 I'm sorry
02:44:14 I didn't mean to
02:44:15 I'm sorry
02:44:16 I didn't mean to
02:44:17 I'm sorry
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02:44:19 I'm sorry
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02:44:21 I'm sorry
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02:44:23 I'm sorry
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02:44:25 I'm sorry
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02:44:27 I'm sorry
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02:44:29 I'm sorry
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02:44:31 I'm sorry
02:44:32 I didn't mean to
02:44:33 I'm sorry
02:44:34 I didn't mean to
02:44:35 I'm sorry
02:44:36 I didn't mean to
02:44:37 I'm sorry
02:44:38 I didn't mean to
02:44:39 I'm sorry
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02:44:41 I'm sorry
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02:44:43 I'm sorry
02:44:44 I didn't mean to
02:44:45 I'm sorry
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02:44:47 I'm sorry
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02:44:49 I'm sorry
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02:44:51 I'm sorry
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02:44:53 I'm sorry
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02:44:55 I'm sorry
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02:44:57 I'm sorry
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02:44:59 I'm sorry
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02:45:01 I'm sorry
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02:45:03 I'm sorry
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02:45:05 I'm sorry
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02:45:07 I'm sorry
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02:45:09 I'm sorry
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02:45:11 I'm sorry
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02:45:13 I'm sorry
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02:45:15 I'm sorry
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02:45:17 I'm sorry
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02:45:19 I'm sorry
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02:45:21 I'm sorry
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02:45:23 I'm sorry
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02:45:25 I'm sorry
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02:45:27 I'm sorry
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02:45:29 I'm sorry
02:45:30 I didn't mean to
02:45:31 I'm sorry
02:45:32 I didn't mean to
02:45:33 I'm sorry
02:45:34 I didn't mean to
02:45:35 I'm sorry
02:45:36 I didn't mean to
02:45:37 I'm sorry
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02:45:39 I'm sorry
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02:45:41 I'm sorry
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02:45:43 I'm sorry
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02:45:45 I'm sorry
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02:45:47 I'm sorry
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02:45:49 I'm sorry
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02:45:51 I'm sorry
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02:45:53 I'm sorry
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02:45:55 I'm sorry
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02:45:57 I'm sorry
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02:45:59 I'm sorry
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02:46:01 I'm sorry
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02:46:03 I'm sorry
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02:46:05 I'm sorry
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02:46:07 I'm sorry
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02:46:09 I'm sorry
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02:46:11 I'm sorry
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02:46:13 I'm sorry
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02:46:15 I'm sorry
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02:46:17 I'm sorry
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02:46:19 I'm sorry
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02:46:21 I'm sorry
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02:46:23 I'm sorry
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02:46:25 I'm sorry
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02:46:27 I'm sorry
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02:46:29 I'm sorry
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02:46:31 I'm sorry
02:46:32 I didn't mean to
02:46:33 I'm sorry
02:46:34 I didn't mean to
02:46:35 I'm sorry
02:46:36 I didn't mean to
02:46:37 I'm sorry
02:46:38 I didn't mean to
02:46:39 I'm sorry
02:46:40 I didn't mean to
02:46:41 I'm sorry
02:46:42 I didn't mean to
02:46:43 I'm sorry
02:46:44 I didn't mean to
02:46:45 I'm sorry
02:46:46 I didn't mean to
02:46:47 I'm sorry
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02:46:49 I'm sorry
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02:46:51 I'm sorry
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02:46:53 I'm sorry
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02:46:55 I'm sorry
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02:46:57 I'm sorry
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02:46:59 I'm sorry
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02:47:01 I'm sorry
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02:47:03 I'm sorry
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02:47:05 I'm sorry
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02:47:07 I'm sorry
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02:47:09 I'm sorry
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02:47:11 I'm sorry
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02:47:13 I'm sorry
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02:47:15 I'm sorry
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02:47:17 I'm sorry
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02:47:19 I'm sorry
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02:47:21 I'm sorry
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02:47:23 I'm sorry
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02:47:25 I'm sorry
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02:47:27 I'm sorry
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02:47:29 I'm sorry
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02:47:31 I'm sorry
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02:47:33 I'm sorry
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02:47:35 I'm sorry
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02:47:37 I'm sorry
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02:47:39 I'm sorry
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02:47:41 I'm sorry
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02:47:43 I'm sorry
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02:47:45 I'm sorry
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02:47:47 I'm sorry
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02:47:49 I'm sorry
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02:47:51 I'm sorry
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02:47:53 I'm sorry
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02:47:55 I'm sorry
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02:47:57 I'm sorry
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02:47:59 I'm sorry
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02:48:01 I'm sorry
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02:48:03 I'm sorry
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02:48:05 I'm sorry
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02:48:07 I'm sorry
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02:48:09 I'm sorry
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02:48:11 I'm sorry
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02:48:13 I'm sorry
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02:48:15 I'm sorry
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02:48:17 I'm sorry
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02:48:19 I'm sorry
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02:48:21 I'm sorry
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02:48:23 I'm sorry
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02:48:25 I'm sorry
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02:48:27 I'm sorry
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02:48:29 I'm sorry
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02:48:31 I'm sorry
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02:48:33 I'm sorry
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02:48:35 I'm sorry
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02:48:37 I'm sorry
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02:48:39 I'm sorry
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02:48:41 I'm sorry
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02:48:43 I'm sorry
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02:48:45 I'm sorry
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02:48:47 I'm sorry
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02:48:49 I'm sorry
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02:48:51 I'm sorry
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02:48:53 I'm sorry
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02:48:55 I'm sorry
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02:48:57 I'm sorry
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02:48:59 I'm sorry
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02:49:01 I'm sorry
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02:49:03 I'm sorry
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02:49:05 I'm sorry
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02:49:07 I'm sorry
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02:49:09 I'm sorry
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02:49:11 I'm sorry
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02:49:13 I'm sorry
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02:49:15 I'm sorry
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02:49:17 I'm sorry
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02:49:19 I'm sorry
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02:49:21 I'm sorry
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02:49:23 I'm sorry
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02:49:25 I'm sorry
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02:49:27 I'm sorry
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02:49:29 I'm sorry
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02:49:31 I'm sorry
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02:49:33 I'm sorry
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02:49:35 I'm sorry
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02:49:37 I'm sorry
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02:49:39 I'm sorry
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02:49:41 I'm sorry
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02:49:43 I'm sorry
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02:49:45 I'm sorry
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02:49:47 I'm sorry
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02:49:49 I'm sorry
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02:49:51 I'm sorry
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02:49:53 I'm sorry
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02:49:55 I'm sorry
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02:49:57 I'm sorry
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02:49:59 I'm sorry
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02:50:01 I'm sorry
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02:50:03 I'm sorry
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02:50:09 I'm sorry
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02:50:11 I'm sorry
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02:50:15 I'm sorry
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02:50:17 I'm sorry
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02:50:21 I'm sorry
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02:50:23 I'm sorry
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02:50:25 I'm sorry
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02:50:29 I'm sorry
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02:50:31 I'm sorry
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02:50:33 I'm sorry
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02:50:35 I'm sorry
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02:50:37 I'm sorry
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02:50:39 I'm sorry
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02:50:41 I'm sorry
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02:50:43 I'm sorry
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02:50:45 I'm sorry
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02:50:47 I'm sorry
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02:50:49 I'm sorry
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02:50:51 I'm sorry
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02:50:53 I'm sorry
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02:50:55 I'm sorry
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02:50:57 I'm sorry
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02:50:59 I'm sorry
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02:51:01 I'm sorry
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02:51:03 I'm sorry
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02:51:05 I'm sorry
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02:51:07 I'm sorry
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02:51:09 I'm sorry
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02:51:11 I'm sorry
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02:51:13 I'm sorry
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02:51:15 I'm sorry
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02:51:17 I'm sorry
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02:51:19 I'm sorry
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02:51:21 I'm sorry
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02:51:23 I'm sorry
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02:51:25 I'm sorry
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02:51:27 I'm sorry
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02:51:29 I'm sorry
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02:51:31 I'm sorry
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02:51:33 I'm sorry
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02:51:35 I'm sorry
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02:51:37 I'm sorry
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02:51:39 I'm sorry
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02:51:41 I'm sorry
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02:51:43 I'm sorry
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02:51:45 I'm sorry
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02:51:47 I'm sorry
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02:51:49 I'm sorry
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02:51:51 I'm sorry
02:51:52 I didn't mean to
02:51:53 I'm sorry
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02:51:55 I'm sorry
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02:51:57 I'm sorry
02:51:58 I didn't mean to
02:51:59 I'm sorry
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02:52:01 I'm sorry
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02:52:03 I'm sorry
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02:52:05 I'm sorry
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02:52:07 I'm sorry
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02:52:09 I'm sorry
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02:52:11 I'm sorry
02:52:12 I didn't mean to
02:52:13 I'm sorry
02:52:14 I didn't mean to
02:52:15 I'm sorry
02:52:16 I didn't mean to
02:52:17 I'm sorry
02:52:18 I didn't mean to
02:52:19 I'm sorry
02:52:20 I didn't mean to
02:52:21 I'm sorry
02:52:22 I didn't mean to
02:52:23 I'm sorry
02:52:24 I didn't mean to
02:52:25 I'm sorry
02:52:26 I didn't mean to
02:52:27 I'm sorry
02:52:28 I didn't mean to
02:52:29 I'm sorry
02:52:30 I didn't mean to
02:52:31 I'm sorry
02:52:32 I didn't mean to
02:52:33 I'm sorry
02:52:34 I didn't mean to
02:52:35 I'm sorry
02:52:36 I didn't mean to
02:52:37 I'm sorry
02:52:38 I didn't mean to
02:52:39 I'm sorry
02:52:40 I didn't mean to
02:52:41 I'm sorry
02:52:42 I didn't mean to
02:52:43 I'm sorry
02:52:44 I didn't mean to
02:52:45 I'm sorry
02:52:46 I didn't mean to
02:52:47 I'm sorry
02:52:48 I didn't mean to
02:52:49 I'm sorry
02:52:50 I didn't mean to
02:52:51 I'm sorry
02:52:52 I didn't mean to
02:52:53 I'm sorry
02:52:54 I didn't mean to
02:52:55 I'm sorry
02:52:56 I didn't mean to
02:52:57 I'm sorry
02:52:58 I didn't mean to
02:52:59 I'm sorry
02:53:00 I didn't mean to
02:53:01 I'm sorry
02:53:02 I didn't mean to
02:53:03 I'm sorry
02:53:04 I didn't mean to
02:53:05 I'm sorry
02:53:06 I didn't mean to
02:53:07 I'm sorry
02:53:08 I didn't mean to
02:53:09 I'm sorry
02:53:10 I didn't mean to
02:53:11 I'm sorry
02:53:12 I didn't mean to
02:53:13 I'm sorry
02:53:14 I didn't mean to
02:53:15 [Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'Amara.org]
