President Biden delivered remarks on Tuesday and took shots at former President Donald Trump and his rhetoric on the border.
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00:00 >> Good afternoon.
00:01 I've come here today to do what the Republicans in Congress
00:06 refuse to do --
00:07 take the necessary steps to secure our border.
00:10 Four months ago, after weeks of intense negotiation
00:15 between my staff and Democrats and Republicans,
00:18 we came to a clear, clear bipartisan deal.
00:22 It was the strongest border security agreement in decades.
00:27 But then, Republicans in Congress --
00:29 not all of them -- walked away from it.
00:32 Why? Because Donald Trump told them to.
00:34 He told the Republicans --
00:37 it has been published widely by many of you --
00:39 that he didn't want to fix the issue;
00:41 he wanted to use it to attack me.
00:43 That's what he wanted to do. It was a cynical --
00:46 and an extremely cynical political move
00:49 and a complete disservice to the American people
00:52 who are looking for us to --
00:54 not to weaponize the border, but to fix it.
00:57 Today, I'm joined by a bipartisan group of governors,
01:00 members of Congress, mayors, law enforcement officials,
01:04 most of whom live and work along the southern border.
01:07 They know the border is not a political issue
01:10 to be weaponized --
01:12 responsibility we have to share to do something about it.
01:15 They don't have time for the games played in Washington,
01:18 and neither do the American people.
01:21 So, today, I'm moving past Republican obstruction
01:24 and using the executive authorities
01:25 available to me as President
01:27 to do what I can on my own to address the border.
01:30 Frankly, I would have preferred to address this issue
01:34 through bipartisan legislation,
01:35 because that's the only way to actually get the kind of system
01:40 we have now that's broken, fixed,
01:42 to hire more Border Patrol agents,
01:44 more asylum officers, more judges.
01:46 But Republicans have left me with no choice.