Jana Kramer Got Triggered on Set of 'Gaslit By My Husband,' Gets Emotional About Past Domestic Violence

  • 3 months ago
Jana Kramer Got Triggered on Set of 'Gaslit By My Husband,' Gets Emotional About Past Domestic Violence


00:00 shooting this movie, was it triggering for you?
00:02 Because I think you said that your therapist was like,
00:04 "Maybe you shouldn't do this," right?
00:05 She was...
00:07 So I walked in very concerned because
00:09 I thought I dealt with everything.
00:11 Yeah, right.
00:12 And I was like, "Well, I don't even know.
00:13 Can I even bring back that emotion?
00:15 Do I want to bring back that emotion?"
00:18 And she had said, "You're not doing this for yourself."
00:21 And I was like, "Well, okay."
00:22 She's like, "You're doing this for everyone that needs to see this movie."
00:24 And that clicked inside of me like, "Okay, you're right.
00:27 Like, I'm going to tell this story."
00:29 But it was hard.
00:30 I mean, we had a moment on set where we had to cut
00:33 because it got too...
00:35 I had a complete panic attack
00:37 because Austin was on top of me.
00:38 I couldn't breathe.
00:39 And that just triggered me.
00:40 But right back to my abuse situation.
00:43 Were you able to kind of turn it off when you went home?
00:46 Or did it kind of stay with you for a while?
00:49 So I did have to call my therapist
00:51 because there was a few times where I was like,
00:52 I was triggered waking up feeling my arms bruised again
00:55 because, you know,
00:56 Austin didn't mean to bruise me or hurt me,
00:58 but I'm like, when we're in the scene, I'm like, "Go for it."
01:00 You know what I mean?
01:01 But waking up and it's like, there was moments going,
01:03 "Wait, why do I have bruise marks on my arms?"
01:05 And it's like, "No, no, no, no.
01:06 Like, this is...
01:07 That's the past.
01:08 This is... You're playing this part."
01:09 And...
01:10 But I did have to kind of remind myself
01:12 what was...
01:13 where I was at in reality.
01:15 I think you said that, like, for so long
01:17 that you dealt with a lot of shame
01:18 after you were in your domestic violence relationship.
01:21 How do you feel about it now, looking at it?
01:24 Um...
01:25 Sorry.
01:26 No, no, I don't want you to...
01:27 No, no, no.
01:28 No, I think it's just, um...
01:29 You shouldn't.
01:31 Um...
01:33 There's so much strength in it
01:35 that the shame piece always makes me...
01:38 It's...
01:39 I feel...
01:40 This is gonna sound weird,
01:41 but, like, I feel sad for the girls trapped in that.
01:44 Yeah.
01:45 I feel sad for the version of myself that I was,
01:48 that I would accept someone to put their hands on me,
01:51 or that's...
01:53 And I wouldn't say it's so much shame anymore.
01:55 I just feel sad.
01:56 Like, I still, like, you know,
01:58 there'll be some women that reach out to me on DMs,
02:00 and I'm like, you know, "He didn't mean to..."
02:02 I'm like, "It doesn't matter
02:03 if he meant to put his hands on you.
02:04 Like, he should never put his hands on you."
02:06 You know, and it's like...
02:07 But I can only say so much,
02:09 and it's like, until you believe that you deserve better
02:12 and that you don't deserve that,
02:14 you know, that's why you just have to...
02:16 That's why I love that Lifetime
02:17 is doing the Stop Violence Against Women,
02:19 is opening conversations,
02:20 is that, you know, to give them voices to know,
02:23 "Wait, no, that's not all right."
02:25 And so, yeah, I mean, now I...
02:28 That's why I want to continue to do things like this.
02:31 You know, Morgan and I are talking,
02:32 "How can we further this on?
02:33 Is there a foundation we can open to help women?"
02:36 And so it's to keep that conversation
02:38 and to be able to shed light on what is wrong
02:41 versus what's right.
02:42 - Yeah, but think of how many people that you are helping,
02:44 even with not even with this,
02:45 but even with your podcast, just talking about it.
02:47 - Yeah. - Because so many people,
02:48 like you said, probably feel that shame
02:50 and don't want to be open and honest about it.
02:52 And now that they can relate to you
02:54 and you're their safe space as well.
02:56 - Well, I think the hard part
02:57 with the gaslighting part of it is
02:59 we're made to feel like it's our fault.
03:00 - Yeah, right. - We're made to feel crazy.
03:02 And I think that's what I love about this movie
03:04 is it truly takes and walks you through
03:07 how just you literally think you're going crazy.
03:11 And I'm like...
03:12 - Domestic violence can shatter lives.
03:14 It affects millions of people, including myself.
03:17 You deserve to live a life free
03:19 from shame, fear, and abuse.
03:22 If you or someone you know needs help,
03:24 please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline
03:28 at 800-799-SAFE.
03:31 Please join me and Lifetime
03:33 in overcoming domestic violence.
03:35 To access resources, visit mylifetime.com/stopviolenceagainstwomen.
