Bishop Tudor Bismark -- Stretch The Treaty

  • il y a 4 mois
00:02 Today's message is entitled, Stretch the Treaty, Exodus
00:26 17, verse 8.
00:30 Exodus 17, verse number 8.
00:36 "Then came Amalek and fought with Israel in Rephidim.
00:43 And Joshua," verse 13, "discomforted Amalek
00:49 and his people with the edge of the sword," verse 14.
00:53 "And the Lord said to Moses, write," write, write.
01:02 Don't you never say you've got to write it.
01:04 You've got to write it.
01:06 You've got to write it.
01:07 He said, "Write this for memorial in a book.
01:11 And revise it, rehearse it.
01:13 Remind Joshua over and over again.
01:16 For I will utterly put out this remembrance of Amalek
01:21 from under heaven."
01:22 Father, add a blessing to this word in Jesus' name.
01:25 Turn to somebody and say, good to see you.
01:28 Please, you take your seats.
01:31 Sit down.
01:32 War began with an attempt at coup d'etat in heaven.
01:42 And that war continued as continued,
01:47 not just in the heavenly realm, but in the earthly realm,
01:50 continued attacks on mankind.
01:52 That was Adam first, and then the rest of us.
01:56 Adam was the first God-man in the earth of the human species.
02:01 And so the children of Israel were reminded constantly,
02:05 after God had chosen Abraham and raised up
02:08 the children of Israel, they were told constantly
02:12 to remember war.
02:13 Scripture says that the Lord would not
02:15 lead them by the way of the Philistines, which
02:18 is the shortest journey, lest when they see war,
02:22 they decide to go back to Egypt.
02:25 And so life is challenging anyway.
02:31 This is a sad week for Bishop Van Royen.
02:35 Monday night, he lost his daughter.
02:40 She'd been struggling with lupus.
02:42 And she's-- how old is her?
02:45 She was 34 years old.
02:52 And she's been in hospital in intensive care
02:54 for like 10 weeks or something.
02:58 And she kept on coming in and out of zones.
03:01 And so life is a continual struggle.
03:08 We watched the South Africans go to the polls this week
03:15 in a very fascinating election process.
03:18 And Botswana is going to the polls, I think it's in August.
03:25 And the wonderful and amazing thing
03:27 was that Botswana is looking to come to Zimbabwe
03:33 to learn from the elections.
03:37 Apparently, there's a few things we can teach them.
03:40 But we watched with absolute fascination in South Africa
03:49 on ENCA, where at every polling station,
03:53 they were reporting as things were happening and unfolding
03:56 and counting the votes and so on and so forth.
04:00 And up until now, I think they're
04:03 announcing the final results later on today.
04:05 But up until now, even though the ANC has lost like 17%,
04:10 18% of the national vote, they've just gone on with it.
04:16 There's going to be no violence, no outbreaks, and so on.
04:20 Any disputes will be sorted out through the courts and so on.
04:24 But there are occasions on all kinds of levels
04:27 for conflicts and war from individuals
04:31 trying to stay alive, to keep your business going,
04:35 keep your life going, keeping your church going,
04:37 keeping your country going, keeping the continent going.
04:40 All of these demand that we fight in the war
04:45 to get a positive result.
04:48 And so when we preached a few weeks ago--
04:52 last week, I was really sick.
04:54 And when we preached a few weeks ago,
04:56 we talked about there are fights, there are battles,
04:58 and there are wars.
05:00 The fights that we are embarking on
05:03 means we have to take part in a vigilant struggle involving
05:05 the exchange of physical blows or the use of weapons.
05:11 And it is important that we understand
05:12 that anything worth having, you have to fight for.
05:17 He said, fight the good fight of faith.
05:20 And there are battles that are there.
05:23 There are battles.
05:24 These are battles that go on through sustained armed
05:29 struggle, organized forces coming against various entities.
05:35 And there are wars on the continent of Africa
05:38 in and around the world that don't make sense.
05:42 It's just stunning to me that the conflict in Israel
05:48 is at the level and scale it is at, in Ukraine,
05:53 in parts of Asia.
05:54 And then there are wars that go on
05:56 from generation to generation, which should not be.
06:00 So when a war ends, an agreement or a treaty is signed.
06:05 And so generally, a formal treaty--
06:11 a formal treaty is basically a formally concluded and ratified
06:15 agreement between countries.
06:16 A treaty is an agreement or arrangement
06:22 made by negotiation to end the conflict.
06:30 Number three, a treaty is basically
06:34 a contract in writing between two or more political
06:36 authorities or states or sovereigns formally assigned
06:42 by representatives duly authorized and usually
06:44 ratified by the lawmaking authority of the state.
06:50 Number four, a treaty, in terms of designing it,
06:54 there are sometimes, in some cases,
06:57 private treaties that can be signed.
07:00 A treaty is a document in which such contract is set.
07:05 And then finally, a treaty is the action
07:09 of concluding conflict, especially
07:11 through negotiation.
07:15 And so once we come to the end of a conflict,
07:22 don't be in a hurry to conclude the conflict just
07:25 for the sake of peace.
07:29 Don't be in a hurry.
07:30 And so we're going to look at modern era treaties.
07:33 The rules concerning treaties between states
07:40 are contained in the Vienna Convention
07:43 on the Law of Treaties.
07:45 And that is an updated law from 1969.
07:52 And this Vienna Convention put together, in essence,
08:00 the rules and the guidelines for making peace.
08:06 And the rules and the guidelines for those
08:09 that disrupted the peace, penalties on them,
08:12 consequences on them, and rewards and reparations
08:18 for those that were violated.
08:22 You can't let somebody just come in and bulldoze your life,
08:25 or some entity bulldoze your life,
08:27 destroy everything you have, and they walk away
08:30 as if nothing has happened.
08:32 There's got to be some sort of a remuneration, reparations
08:37 awarded to said individual or said entity.
08:40 Treaties vary in their obligations
08:47 to ensure that states are bound to the rules.
08:51 An individual who is on the receiving end of brutality
09:02 can't just let anything or any person
09:05 bulldoze and come against their life.
09:08 And so there are several rights that we have.
09:11 There are human rights.
09:13 It is your right to have certain things.
09:17 And if a person's human rights have been violated,
09:21 there are actually courts, there are systems in place
09:28 where you can appeal for your human rights.
09:34 There's the Bill of Rights in which civic society is rewarded
09:38 for a violation in a person's personal life,
09:42 in your property rights, in your finances.
09:48 Let me just move away from that one very quickly.
09:51 And so when we're dealing with various conditions concerning
09:56 a person's rights being awarded according to rules,
10:01 the first thing is these conditions concern, number one,
10:06 the power to conclude an international treaty
10:08 or a local treaty.
10:10 Number two, the consent of the parties.
10:14 Number three, the legality of the treaties.
10:17 Number four, the requirements for registration
10:20 and publication of said treaties.
10:23 And these publications are important
10:25 so that the furthest person can be
10:27 aware of what the guys in the top have decided against
10:32 or for them.
10:33 And then lastly, in dealing with conflicts between the treaties,
10:40 there shouldn't be a contradiction.
10:41 There has to be a complete consistency.
10:45 We can't have one that's totally off the charts in terms
10:49 of expectation and in terms of penalties
10:54 and then in certain areas where it's light because no person
11:00 should be above the law.
11:03 Slide number 11.
11:05 Our discussion today, basically, very quickly
11:08 is the first recorded treaty historically.
11:12 Number two, treaties of the modern era.
11:15 Number three, treaties and peace accords from the Bible.
11:19 Number four, maybe we'll get to this Abraham's treaties
11:23 that he made, and there are several treaties
11:25 that Abraham made with various groups and people.
11:29 Number five, we'll spend a few minutes on that.
11:32 David's treaties, there are several.
11:35 Number six, Jesus' victory for humanity
11:39 and what that means in our lives.
11:42 Number seven, applying the terms of Jesus' victory.
11:46 What are your benefits for what Jesus did for us?
11:50 And number eight, living a victorious life as a believer.
11:56 So the first recorded treaty in history
11:59 is the Treaty of Kadesh, which was in 1258 BC.
12:04 And it holds the distinction as being the world's first
12:08 formal peace treaty.
12:10 And in doing a lot of background reading and study on this,
12:15 it was so fascinating how this agreement and treaty
12:20 came about, where there was a stalemate in a long-going war
12:24 and nobody was giving way.
12:26 And there was such destruction of human life and human assets
12:31 and finances, people being displaced in large amounts,
12:36 that the players came and said, we've
12:38 got to stop this senseless war.
12:40 And made a treaty, and in this treaty,
12:43 there were formal things that were put in place.
12:46 The first peace agreement that we have in the Bible,
12:51 which is very formal, as opposed to the preceding
12:58 treaties of Abraham and David, the first formal treaty
13:02 is where King Solomon made a treaty with Pharaoh
13:08 that they wouldn't go to war.
13:11 And so when you read some of the conditions that
13:14 were put into that treaty, which makes very interesting
13:16 biblical and commentary reading, you
13:20 will find that in that treaty, King Solomon made the treaty
13:25 with Pharaoh to avert and avoid an outbreak of war,
13:30 because Solomon was given significant wisdom by God
13:34 and given a war chest of limitless resources
13:40 from those that are in the subconscious world,
13:45 spiritual world, of anything you need,
13:48 I'm giving you a blank check.
13:50 Within the stratosphere, the soul-ish realm,
13:54 in the demonic world, Solomon was given
13:57 absolute and total authority.
13:59 And within the material, physical world,
14:01 whatever Solomon wanted, he got, to where even the scripture
14:05 talks about the wealth of the man
14:08 and the wealth of the nation, and didn't
14:11 spare when it came to the construction of the temple.
14:15 And that's because of the era of peace that God gave Solomon.
14:23 And so to maintain that peace, the Bible
14:27 says that, I think it's chapter number 11 of First Kings,
14:31 that Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines.
14:37 Many of those, almost all of those marriages
14:41 were not marriages for any sexual activity,
14:46 but most of those marriages were to keep and maintain peace,
14:50 because it's not possible to build a nation with stability
14:57 in wartime conditions.
15:00 And so it was essential for Solomon
15:01 to maintain peace so the kingdom of Israel
15:04 could expand and develop.
15:08 And so in our era, after the Napoleonic Wars,
15:16 and then after Napoleon III, those
15:20 wars that brought Europe to its feet,
15:25 and then the unification of Prussia by Chancellor Otto
15:30 von Bismarck, in 1901, '02, there
15:37 was a little bit of conflict that began in the world.
15:40 And in 1913, the First World War broke out.
15:45 And there were so many millions of people
15:47 that lost their lives, millions.
15:49 And so that conflict was concluded
15:52 with a treaty in Versailles in 1919,
15:56 at the Palace of Versailles, just outside of Paris.
15:59 And it was in this treaty that Germany
16:02 was held responsible for the war that it had caused.
16:07 And so Woodrow Wilson--
16:08 good reading for you--
16:09 put together a 14-point plan as to the consequences
16:14 and the need for Germany to pay reparations
16:22 for what they had done.
16:24 And so in this time, the whole of Europe
16:28 was going through trying to bring stability
16:34 and trying to maintain prosperity.
16:38 And it was in that era that a young German politician
16:47 started the Nazi movement, wrote a book in prison
16:52 called Mein Kampf, which is My Struggle,
16:54 and began to teach the superior race, the Aryan race.
16:59 And from that backdrop of popularism,
17:04 Adolf Hitler rose up and rebuilt Germany
17:09 and was sanitized against the 1929 economic melt
17:16 in the world.
17:18 Wall Street crashed.
17:20 All kinds of stock exchanges came to their knees.
17:24 People lost just about everything.
17:26 And so from 1929, Germany began to really accelerate,
17:30 because there was no one available to enforce
17:34 the Treaty of Versailles on Germany.
17:37 Everybody was fighting for survival.
17:40 And so when the war broke out after Hitler
17:42 began to annex the Deutschen lands in Austria
17:46 and then moved into Czechoslovakia,
17:48 there was a declaration of war that took place.
17:51 And the Second World War began.
17:53 That affected the entire world.
17:56 During that great war, the United States
18:01 was not actively involved in that war.
18:04 The reason the United States became involved in the war
18:08 was because of the unprovoked attacks on the US
18:11 Navy in Pearl Harbor in Hawaii.
18:16 The Japanese came and, for whatever reason,
18:19 bombed the US Navy.
18:21 And so many lives were lost.
18:24 The Japanese were trying to enforce their dominance
18:27 in the Asia-Pacific area.
18:30 And so that war was brutal.
18:35 It was brutal.
18:36 And so a global war began.
18:40 And so after the war, the war ended
18:44 by Japan being put on its knees.
18:49 A nuclear bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.
18:51 Millions of people were killed.
18:53 And so several treaties came from that war.
18:57 There was the Treaty of Paris.
18:58 There's the Treaty of San Francisco in California.
19:03 And conditions for that treaty were imposed on the Japanese
19:08 and on Germany.
19:09 And on Mussolini and Italy for imposing their will
19:18 and enforcing a war.
19:20 And so the takeaway from some of this here
19:22 is the conditions of the Treaty of San Francisco
19:26 was basically Japan cannot build an army or a navy
19:34 on the scale in which it did to destabilize
19:38 the Asia-Pacific region.
19:42 The same was true of Germany.
19:44 The same was true of Germany.
19:46 And part of the treaty in Europe, NATO was formed.
19:51 And Germany was cut into pieces.
19:58 Berlin was cut into pieces.
20:00 The Soviets, Russia, got a lot of what was called East Germany,
20:07 East Berlin.
20:08 And they began the Union of Socialist Republics, USSR.
20:12 And they built up what was popularly known,
20:17 or commonly known rather, as the Iron Curtain.
20:22 And a Cold War began.
20:25 A race to the top began in terms of arms production,
20:30 producing nuclear warheads, yada, yada, yada.
20:34 And so, Ariya Tudor, so with that brief background
20:39 in terms of conflicts, wars, tragedies, and so on,
20:44 reparations and payments, we'll now
20:47 come to the story of Joshua, the story of Joshua.
20:54 And so Joshua was given the green light by Almighty God
20:59 to go into the Promised Land and take the Promised Land
21:05 and resettle the children of Israel, who had been promised
21:09 that land by God.
21:11 They were in slavery for 430 years.
21:16 Moses sends 12 spies into the land.
21:19 10 come back with a negative report.
21:21 10 with a good report that Joshua and Caleb--
21:24 and the Bible says in Numbers 13 that
21:27 because of the negative report the 10 spies brought,
21:30 God then put them into a captivity in the wilderness
21:33 for 40 years.
21:35 So when Joshua comes back now to cross the Jordan,
21:40 the first thing he takes is going to be Jericho.
21:44 And so from Jericho, they then go
21:46 to a place called AI, which is artificial intelligence.
21:50 They go to a place called AI, and Joshua
21:56 loses the battle because Achan had taken finances, money,
22:02 gold, Babylonian stuff.
22:04 And God said, you cannot allow Achan to get away
22:09 with taking what belongs to me.
22:11 Jericho is mine.
22:14 Nobody takes anything from there.
22:16 And so Achan was then stoned.
22:19 And Achan and his whole family--
22:21 one man did something, but his wife, the children,
22:26 the relatives, the uncles, the aunties, everybody
22:30 in Achan's world, anyone that had anything to do with Achan
22:33 were taken outside.
22:35 They were stoned.
22:37 And stones were put on them as a memorial
22:39 that you don't take what belongs to God.
22:43 And you don't take what belongs to your neighbor.
22:47 Just look at your neighbor and say, I'm leaving you alone.
22:53 And so because of Joshua's power and authority,
22:59 a group of people called the Gibeonites
23:01 came to address the issue with Joshua.
23:07 And the Bible says that--
23:09 I'll just paraphrase very quickly because of time.
23:12 What they did was they put on old clothes.
23:15 They put on their donkeys old garments, old saddles.
23:20 They made their shoes old.
23:22 They brought dry and moldy bread and said to Joshua,
23:27 we are a tribe that comes from a very, very, very long way.
23:30 We want to make peace with you.
23:32 We don't want any conflict with you.
23:34 And so Joshua got into Wahari and made an agreement,
23:38 signed a treaty with the Gibeonites.
23:43 And when the treaty was signed, it was then disclosed.
23:47 Verse 16, slide number 17.
23:50 It came to pass at the end of three days
23:53 after they had made a league and signed a treaty with them
23:56 that Joshua heard that these guys were their neighbors.
24:01 And so Joshua then called the Gibeonites.
24:05 And in the confrontation, Joshua said,
24:09 why did you beguile us, saying we are very far from you,
24:15 when you dwell among us?
24:17 Verse number 23, look at verse 23.
24:21 Now therefore you are cursed.
24:24 Now therefore you are cursed.
24:30 And there shall none of you be freed from being slaves.
24:36 And hewers of wood and drawers of water
24:38 shall you be for the house of God.
24:41 So in the treaty, after Joshua and the elders were beguiled,
24:47 Joshua demanded that this group, in the peace treaty,
24:52 that there were certain conditions
24:54 that they had to adhere to.
24:57 Verse slide number 20.
25:03 And so Joshua did to them and delivered them
25:06 out of the hand of the children of Israel.
25:08 And they did not kill them at all.
25:11 But Joshua made them that day hewers of wood,
25:18 drawers of water for the congregation,
25:21 and for the altar of the Lord, even to this day,
25:25 in the place in which that he should choose.
25:28 The point here is that from this particular area
25:36 of conflict, Joshua--
25:39 I'll get to this slide in a minute--
25:40 Joshua didn't research adequately.
25:44 But when he discovered that he was conned and beguiled,
25:48 he imposed on the Gibeonites very strict, very strict rules.
25:54 Now let's go to slide number 21.
25:57 Stay with me.
25:59 And so from Joshua, when he made this treaty with the Gibeonites,
26:05 years and years rolled by.
26:07 I mean, years and years rolled by.
26:10 King Saul is appointed as king.
26:13 And during his administration, King Saul
26:16 attacked the Gibeonites.
26:18 Then David becomes king after 40 years of Saul.
26:22 David is king first of Judah, his tribe,
26:24 then he's king of Israel.
26:26 And during David's administration,
26:28 the Bible says there was famine in David's world
26:32 for three years.
26:34 And David went and inquired of the Lord, why is there famine?
26:38 I can't start my administration in the midst of famine.
26:41 And the Lord said, it's because of Saul,
26:43 because the house of Saul has blood on its hands.
26:47 And David said, how did this happen?
26:49 He said, because Saul killed Gibeonites.
26:52 He violated a treaty that was hundreds and hundreds
26:55 of years old.
26:58 He violated a treaty that was hundreds of years old.
27:02 Saul was not a religious man.
27:05 He was from the tribe of Benjamin.
27:07 His was a household that they were a transportation,
27:11 labor-intense industry.
27:14 They had donkeys that they would hire for carrying loads
27:18 from place to place.
27:19 Saul had no interest in politics or finance and stuff like that.
27:26 He was just a businessman making sure
27:29 that his transport industry was prosperous.
27:34 And so when he becomes king, he doesn't
27:36 research the scriptures adequately.
27:37 He's not a man of the spirit.
27:39 Samuel prays for him.
27:40 And he says, when you get to a place from Bethel,
27:45 you'll see prophets.
27:46 And you'll prophesy with them and become another man.
27:49 But Saul was not a religious person at all.
27:51 So when he killed the Gibeonites,
27:53 he violated a treaty that was put in place
27:56 for hundreds of years.
27:58 And God didn't forget the terms of the treaty.
28:01 And he imposed on King David, he's
28:02 chosen a famine that was horrendous,
28:06 a nation-breaking famine.
28:09 And when David sought the Lord, the Lord
28:11 said, Saul has killed Gibeonites.
28:14 So David then called the Gibeonites and said,
28:18 there was a law violated.
28:19 A treaty was violated.
28:21 What do you want from us?
28:22 To atone that this drought will be reversed.
28:26 The thing about this drought and this famine,
28:29 it was not on the surrounding nations.
28:31 It was just on the children of Israel.
28:34 And so Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe have
28:39 been declared a drought-stricken area,
28:43 formerly a famine-stricken area.
28:46 And so it's the region.
28:48 However, in this case, even though they were nations
28:51 very close to Israel, the drought and the famine
28:54 was not on the other nations.
28:55 It was just on Israel particularly.
28:58 And the reason for that is because Saul
29:00 violated the terms of a treaty.
29:03 And the Gibeonites says, we don't want silver or gold
29:06 from the house of Saul.
29:08 We don't want anything else.
29:11 So David says, well, what do you want?
29:13 Slide number 22.
29:16 They said, we want seven sons from the house of Saul
29:19 to be given to us.
29:20 We want to hang them here in Gibeah.
29:23 And so David then had the very difficult task
29:28 of finding Saul's sons and grandsons, seven of them.
29:35 Took them, and they were hung as a price for violating
29:41 the terms of a treaty.
29:44 And there's the story of Saul's concubine,
29:46 Erispa, who refused for her sons, for the vouchers
29:52 to eat the flesh of their sons.
29:54 And she waved off these birds.
29:56 And somebody came and told King David what Erispa did.
29:59 And David said, bring down the bodies of these boys.
30:02 Let's give them a decent funeral.
30:04 Because in them, even though their father violated
30:07 the laws and the rules of a treaty,
30:10 they are princes after all.
30:13 And they were buried in a very dignified manner.
30:19 And so there are serious consequences
30:21 in violating a treaty.
30:23 So what do we learn from the con of the Gibeah Knights?
30:27 Number one, don't take anything at face value.
30:31 For the sake of peace, don't just agree.
30:37 You have to think.
30:40 You have to think.
30:41 Because some things, for the sake of peace,
30:45 you could prolong a struggle and a war on the conflict that
30:48 will emerge in another generation.
30:51 Turn to your neighbor and say, think before you make peace.
30:55 Now, we want peace.
30:57 Peace is important.
30:59 But you've got to think before you make peace.
31:02 And so in this generation, I was in the foyer at the Doriel.
31:10 And Edwin Songerai had come in with his family and so on.
31:14 And we had a really wonderful chat.
31:17 And amongst them was a little child, a small little child
31:19 like this.
31:20 And the child started getting all, ee, ee, ee, ee, ee.
31:24 So the mother just gave the child the cell phone.
31:27 The child went and went to some sort of a video game
31:31 for the sake of peace.
31:32 Don't give the child the iPad, the iPhone, the phone
31:40 for the sake of peace.
31:42 [LAUGHTER]
31:45 Peer pressure, a friend of ours was telling us last week
31:54 that their grandchild was the only one, seven years old,
31:59 the only one in the class in the United States
32:03 that didn't have a cell phone.
32:05 And the grandchild began to put her foot down and scream
32:09 and kick and demand a phone from the mother.
32:13 And the mother said, you're not getting a cell phone.
32:17 And the child was throwing tantrums and tantrums.
32:20 The mother said, no, I am your mother.
32:24 I am the parent.
32:26 I'm not going to give you a phone for the sake of peace.
32:30 Because if I give you a phone for the sake of peace,
32:32 what I'm giving you just for peace
32:34 is going to cause problems in the future.
32:38 I need it.
32:39 All right.
32:40 Number two, don't always--
32:42 I mean, always-- number two, always consult the Holy Spirit
32:45 before you commit.
32:48 Joshua, don't just commit because these people
32:51 look a certain way.
32:53 Ask the Lord.
32:55 You've asked the Lord all your life.
32:57 Why now on this one you're not seeking the Lord?
32:59 Number three, as much as possible,
33:01 do research on an entity seeking an agreement of peace.
33:06 It's like, why do they want peace now?
33:08 Why?
33:08 What do they know that I don't know?
33:10 Do your research.
33:11 Number four, do not negotiate without knowledge.
33:14 In your negotiation, negotiate with knowledge.
33:22 Just for the sake of peace, don't just say OK.
33:26 Because you could discover you've lost so much.
33:29 Number five, know that victories of previous wars
33:32 are not always a basis for determining peace agreements.
33:37 Number six, always be suspicious of entities
33:40 that suddenly appear in your life seeking a benefit.
33:44 And number seven, be aware of possibilities
33:46 of demonic infiltration.
33:49 Always aware that there's demonic infiltration.
33:53 And so yes, yes, you want to get rid of an archenemy.
33:57 You want to get rid of something.
33:59 But don't be in a hurry because, shingy, there
34:02 are things coming your way that you may not be able to handle.
34:06 In conclusion, we'll mention several treaties here
34:12 concerning the life of Abraham.
34:14 The first one is when Abraham made peace
34:19 after a war with kings.
34:22 The Bible says in chapter number 14, verse 14 of Genesis,
34:28 that Abraham went to war with 318 soldiers born
34:32 in his own household and defeated five kings.
34:37 When the kings came to their knees in the peace negotiation,
34:41 the king of Sodom came to Abraham and said,
34:46 take all the goods, just give us the people.
34:49 And Abraham refused.
34:52 He refused.
34:53 I don't want any of your goods, lest you say
34:56 that we have made you rich.
34:58 And so Abraham, up front, didn't want
35:01 to make any peace with Sodom and Gomorrah,
35:04 any peace with the kings that were there.
35:08 He dissociated with them.
35:10 He said, in this agreement, all I want
35:13 is that my boys that fought this war,
35:16 they get the benefits of this peace treaty.
35:20 All the goods will go to my boys that fought.
35:24 Stay with me.
35:26 And so the king of Sodom said, all I want is the people.
35:34 And so when you go from chapter 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
35:38 chapter 18 of Genesis, chapters and chapters later,
35:44 the Bible says that God came with Michael and Gable
35:47 to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah because
35:51 of the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah
35:53 that were worse than the sins of the days of Noah,
35:57 so much so that God said, I have to come personally
35:59 and physically to see what these people are actually doing.
36:05 And when God and Abraham were walking together,
36:10 the Lord says, can I hide this thing
36:13 I'm about to do from Abraham, seeing
36:14 that he will be a great man and he'll teach his people
36:17 judgments and righteousness?
36:20 And so God and Abraham get into a conversation.
36:22 Abraham says, surely you can't destroy the city
36:25 if there's 50 righteous people.
36:27 He said, I won't.
36:28 45, 40, 35, 30, 25, 20, 25, 20, 15, 10.
36:37 They want even 10 righteous people.
36:39 So in Abraham negotiating with God
36:43 to ensure that those cities in that whole area
36:47 were not destroyed, Abraham was negotiating
36:50 with the creator, who knew more about the situation
36:54 than Abraham did personally.
36:56 And so Abraham says, OK, there aren't even
36:59 five righteous people in the city.
37:03 Guarantee that my family will be saved.
37:07 The minimum here is guarantee my family will be saved.
37:10 And the Bible says the angels caught Lot, his wife,
37:13 and the two daughters.
37:15 The girls were married.
37:17 Their boys were ACDC guys.
37:19 And they would not.
37:23 In fact, the boys were trying to sexually molest the angels.
37:27 And the angels had to strike them with blindness.
37:30 And so the angels then managed to get Lot, the wife,
37:34 and the two girls out of the city.
37:36 But Lot's wife looked back and turned into a pillar of salt.
37:40 And so Abraham understood a few things
37:44 from years of negotiating with the Bemalech and others.
37:49 So let me conclude here with slides number 28.
37:55 Every believer in here, you have to understand
38:02 that God sent Jesus to fight a massive war.
38:08 He defeated Satan in a battle.
38:11 The battle began from when Jesus was born.
38:15 When he was born, kings came and brought him gifts.
38:19 And the Bible says that when the kings went to King Herod
38:23 in Jerusalem and said, we know a king has been born in Israel
38:29 because we have seen his star.
38:33 And Herod said, when you find this king that's born in Israel,
38:38 come and report to me so that I too can come and pay worship
38:43 and give my gifts.
38:46 And so the kings went.
38:47 They found Jesus in Bethlehem.
38:51 And the Bible says they brought out myrrh, frankincense,
38:55 and gold.
38:57 And the Lord spoke to the kings and said,
39:01 don't go back to Herod because he wants to destroy this baby.
39:07 And the kings went another way.
39:10 And the Bible says that the Lord spoke to Joseph in a dream
39:15 and said, Job, make sure you take the mother and the baby
39:19 and go to Egypt because Herod is about to attack Bethlehem
39:25 and kill babies.
39:27 And the Bible says that Herod killed every child that
39:33 was two years and under.
39:36 And the Bible says in Ephratah, in the place
39:41 where Rachel lost Benjamin, that there
39:45 was great weeping in Bethlehem.
39:48 And so when Jesus comes into the world,
39:51 the devil attacks him from the very onslaught.
39:56 When he comes and announces himself
39:58 as the savior of the world, the Bible
40:01 says that Lucifer came and attacked him in the wilderness.
40:05 And in three temptations, tried to get the crown away from him.
40:12 And the scripture goes on to say that Jesus conquered
40:17 Satan after 3 and 1/2 years by being crucified.
40:22 He died on the Friday, and he descended into hell,
40:27 defeated every enemy, and crushed the devil by his feet.
40:32 Turn to your neighbor, say, he won the war.
40:36 Say, he won the war.
40:39 And so because Jesus won the war,
40:41 there are several things that he gives us for ending that war.
40:46 The first thing, you have to know your Christian treaty
40:50 rights.
40:51 The first right is a right to access the promises
40:55 and the covenants of God.
40:57 You must know and have access to the covenants
41:03 and the promises of God.
41:05 Turn to your neighbor, say, you have rights.
41:09 Number two, a right to the forgiveness of sins,
41:12 transgressions, and iniquities.
41:15 Say, thank you, Lord.
41:18 Say, thank you, Lord, for forgiving me of all my sins.
41:23 Thank you, Lord, for removing my transgressions.
41:28 Thank you, Lord, for taking away my iniquities.
41:33 God has forgiven your sins.
41:37 By and through the blood of Jesus, your sins are removed.
41:42 You become whiter than the whitest snow.
41:46 Though your sins be as scarlet, by the blood of Jesus,
41:51 you'll be whiter than snow.
41:53 Give someone a high five and say, you have rights.
41:59 There's a right to access the throne of grace
42:02 through the power of prayer anywhere, anytime,
42:09 and any place.
42:11 You can be in the darkest night of your life,
42:16 but you have a right to pray to God.
42:21 A friend of mine was telling me in South Africa during the CAA
42:27 that their car went into a spin and they began to roll.
42:32 The car was rolling and rolling and rolling.
42:35 But as the car was rolling and rolling and rolling,
42:39 he began to see that entire outfit in very slow motion.
42:46 It was like a still.
42:49 And in a car that rolled for like 12 to 14 times,
42:54 it seemed like an eternity.
42:56 But as the car was rolling, God slowed his world down.
43:02 And when the car got into the third and fourth spin,
43:07 a prayer came out of him was, help me, Lord Jesus.
43:13 And in that short space of time, he
43:16 said he saw something coming around him.
43:19 It was like angels putting him in a cushion to shield him.
43:25 When the accident was finally done,
43:28 a person came running and was shocked to see.
43:32 He came out without a scratch and said,
43:36 there's no way you should be alive,
43:39 because we saw your car roll about 14 times.
43:44 But the man knew that God was with him.
43:49 The prayers of a righteous man availeth much.
43:53 You have a right to the power of the blood of Jesus
43:57 that was shed for you.
43:59 You have a right to healing physically, mentally,
44:03 and emotionally.
44:04 You have a right to spiritual health.
44:07 Tell your neighbor, get the rights of your treaty.
44:12 You have a right, sisters and brothers, to total deliverance.
44:17 I declare deliverance in your life.
44:21 No weapon formed against you can prosper.
44:26 Be delivered from bad addictions.
44:30 Be delivered from sexual sins.
44:34 Be delivered from stupid living.
44:38 Shall I am delivered by the blood of Jesus.
44:43 It is my right, it is my right to use the name of Jesus.
44:50 That at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow.
44:55 Use the name of Jesus in everything you do.
45:00 The Bible says in John 14 and verse 14,
45:05 if you ask anything in my name, it shall be done for you.
45:10 You have a right to use the name of Jesus.
45:14 Use that name.
45:16 Cast out devils in that name.
45:20 Remove iniquities in that name.
45:24 Talk against poverty in that name.
45:28 In the name of Jesus, go to the next level.
45:33 In the name of Jesus.
45:35 I feel preachy now, but I got to close
45:38 because of the power in the name of Jesus.
45:41 What hurt me yesterday, in the name of Jesus,
45:45 won't hurt me today, but it won't hurt me tomorrow.
45:50 Shout in the name of Jesus.
45:53 I have the victory.
45:55 I've got the victory.
45:57 I've got the victory in the name of Jesus.
46:01 No fear because I've got the name of Jesus.
46:06 A songwriter said, take the name of Jesus with you.
46:11 Child of sorrow and woe.
46:13 It'll joy and comfort give you.
46:18 Take it then wherever you go.
46:20 So here I come in the name of Jesus.
46:24 Next level, here I come in the name of Jesus.
46:28 Prosperity, here I come in the name of Jesus.
46:32 It is my right to have dominion and authority.
46:39 It is my right to have a balanced, stable,
46:43 and successful life.
46:45 It is my right to be fruitful.
46:49 It is my right to enjoy multiplication, blessings,
46:55 and success.
46:56 It is my right to have a sound mind.
47:00 It is my right to live in peace.
47:04 Give someone a high five and say, live in peace.
47:08 It is your right.
47:10 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son
47:17 that whosoever believeth on him should not perish,
47:22 but have everlasting life.
47:26 It is your right to enjoy eternal life.
47:30 Clap your hands for eternal life.
47:33 I've come that you might have life and have it more abundantly.
47:42 I have life, life, more abundantly.
47:48 Stand and give him a praise.
47:55 Oh, yeah.
47:56 Raise your right hand.
48:02 Raise your right hand.
48:04 Say, I claim my rights because of the treaty that
48:10 was negotiated on my behalf.
48:14 Father, add blessing to every man, every woman.
48:19 Give us grace to claim what rightfully belongs to us.
48:25 In Jesus' name.
48:38 (upbeat music)
48:41 (upbeat music)
