全球“反人权运动”俱增 大马受促坚守包容 力阻仇恨渗透

  • 3 months ago
大马在维护人权的议题上,虽然还有很大的进步空间,但多年来的进程也获得联合国人权事务高级专员 蒂尔克褒奖。



00:00 For a society to be able to harness its creativity,
00:05 its innovation and progress,
00:07 people must be able to express dissenting views
00:11 without fear of reprisal.
00:13 The Huanjie government has been in power for over a year,
00:19 and has often been criticized by the civil society for its lack of reform.
00:22 Some are even more concerned that
00:22 the freedom of speech and human rights issues in Myanmar
00:25 will gradually return to the old ways of the previous dynasty.
00:27 If we look at it from a third-party perspective,
00:29 what are the areas in China that need to be improved?
00:33 UN High Commissioner for Human Rights,
00:35 Dirk Koehler,
00:36 gave us his answer today.
00:38 It will also be very important as we go forward
00:44 to review the colonial era sedition act,
00:48 as well as other vague and overly broad legislation,
00:52 like the security offenses act, SOSMA,
00:55 laws such as the communications and multimedia act,
00:57 the peaceful assembly act,
00:59 and printing presses and publications act,
01:02 which continue to be used also against human rights defenders,
01:06 including environmental human rights defenders.
01:10 It is also clear to me that there is a need
01:13 for a comprehensive human rights based migration plan.
01:17 And I urge the government to end the criminalization
01:21 of irregular migrants and to develop alternatives
01:24 to immigration detention,
01:26 in particular for all children and other groups
01:28 that are in situations of vulnerability.
01:32 Another phenomenon that is a global one,
01:34 but sometimes also plays out here in the national context,
01:38 we have seen more and more anti-rights movements,
01:42 including those that instrumentalize religious beliefs
01:46 to incite hatred and intolerance.
01:50 They continue to proliferate in many parts of the world,
01:53 both offline and online.
01:56 And I urge also all Malaysians to resist
02:00 the provocations of hate that is often out there
02:03 in social media platforms,
02:05 and instead to stand strong in preserving
02:10 this country's so much admired, rich diversity
02:15 and its tradition of inclusivity and warmth
02:19 that I know so well from my years of life here.
02:23 In any case,
02:25 Dirk's remarks are worth applauding
02:28 for the efforts that Denmark has made
02:30 to promote human rights over the past decades.
02:32 I have to say, looking at broader development
02:35 of human rights within the country,
02:37 as I mentioned, there has been a lot of progress.
02:39 We have seen over the years,
02:42 also in the last couple of years,
02:44 real changes both in law, in attitude,
02:48 in opening up also to civil society.
02:50 Of course, this is a never-ending story.
02:53 Human rights are always there to push us.
02:55 Nobody is perfect.
02:57 And we always need to use human rights
03:00 as a solution to the problems that we face.
03:03 And that was also an important message for me.
03:05 Human rights is never going to be comfortable.
03:09 It's always going to ask for more,
03:11 and it's always going to push the boundary,
03:13 and it's always going to ask to go for the extra mile.
03:16 But it's always in the interest of a society,
03:18 and it's in the interest of a society to advance.
03:21 And I think that's what human rights does for all of us.
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03:32 you
