CJ calls to Sweet to kill Toreno but Sweet can't do that about this, and then, CJ ends his call and goes immediately to Downtown's mayor to confront Toreno. When they chases to the funeral, CJ kills the bodyguards and the incoming cops. After eliminated thems, CJ is going to finish killing Toreno for vengeance about his homie. When Alexis saw his dead body, the cop hears that is a city senator being killed. Alexis witness Toreno being dead and she is sad. As the John Mooth's dad, Tommy Mooth sees CJ from the funeral, Tommy tells to cop to solve getting in the funeral to talk him how it was sad and he tells to get out of the town. CJ returns to Grove Street home to tell to Sweet how CJ did kills Toreno and then, he tells to get out of the town and leave the Grove Street Families. Now, the story begins from the original game. In the cutscenes, as CJ is on the airport to fly to the Liberty City and Officer Pulaski, with Officer Tenpenny to Officer Hernandez to kill Officer Pendelbury.