Sunday School Bible Lessons- Offering | What is an Offering-Giving with a Joyful Heart |Kids Story

  • 12 days ago
Title: Giving with a Joyful Heart**

Good morning, kids! Today, I want to talk to you about something very special that we do in church: giving our offerings. We’ll learn why we give, how we should give, and what the Bible says about it. So let's dive in and discover how we can give with a joyful heart!

**1. What is an Offering?**

First, let's understand what an offering is. An offering is a gift we give to God. It can be money, but it can also be our time, talents, and even our kindness to others. When we give an offering, we are showing God that we love Him and are thankful for everything He has given us.

**2. Why Do We Give Offerings?**

We give offerings for several reasons:

- **To Say Thank You to God:** God has given us so much – our families, our friends, our homes, and most importantly, His love. Giving an offering is one way we can say "thank you" to Him.
- **To Help Others:** Our offerings can be used to help people in need. The church uses the money we give to help the poor, support missionaries, and do many good things for our community.
- **To Show Trust in God:** When we give, we show that we trust God to take care of us. We believe that He will provide for all our needs, even when we give away some of what we have.

**3. How Should We Give?**

The Bible teaches us how we should give. Let’s look at some verses that can guide us:

- **2 Corinthians 9:7:** "Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." This means we should give because we want to, not because we feel forced to. And we should give with a happy heart!
- **Mark 12:41-44:** Jesus tells the story of the poor widow who gave two small coins. Although it was very little money, Jesus said she gave more than everyone else because she gave all she had. This teaches us that it’s not about how much we give, but the heart behind our giving.

**4. Examples of Giving in the Bible**

Let’s look at some stories from the Bible that show us good examples of giving:

- **The Boy with the Five Loaves and Two Fish (John 6:9-13):** A boy gave his small lunch to Jesus, and Jesus used it to feed more than 5,000 people! This story shows that even a small gift can make a big difference when given with a loving heart.
- **The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37):** The Good Samaritan used his time, money, and effort to help someone in need. This teaches us that offerings aren’t just about money but also about helping others in any way we can.

**5. Practical Ways to Give**

Here are some practical ways you can give:

- **Bring a Coin or Dollar:** You can bring a part of your allowance or money you have saved to church.
- **Share Your Time and Talents:** Help someone in need, like a friend who is sad or a neighbor who needs help with their garden.
- **Be Kind and Helpful:** Show kindness to your family and friends. Being kind is a beautiful offering to God.Amen
