Married at First Sight NZ Season 4 Episode 4

  • 3 months ago
Married at First Sight NZ Season 4 Episode 4
00:00 Previously on Married at First Sight.
00:05 I now declare you husband and wife.
00:08 Husband and wife.
00:09 Husband and wife.
00:10 Woo!
00:13 Six complete strangers tied the knot in paradise.
00:17 I asked for someone that could match sort of my similar vibes and whatnot.
00:22 Just like grandma's face.
00:24 I was like we gotta f***ing just do it.
00:26 Like everyone's f***ing watching.
00:28 Reality sank in for some.
00:30 What are you used to?
00:31 I don't know. I'm just used to being alone and doing everything for myself.
00:35 He is pretty full on and I'm maybe not as full on.
00:40 Others worked hard on a favorable first impression.
00:43 You all got annoyed at the light this morning so I tried to make it...
00:46 Oh my god, it's so cute.
00:48 He's super considerate and like kind and funny.
00:51 Those are the best foundation to start a relationship.
00:55 But with one couple yet to complete their wedding.
00:58 Don't panic Jimmy.
00:59 I don't know, don't panic. There's some public going on.
01:02 Will they even make it through day one?
01:05 I have a son.
01:06 If he isn't okay with it, it's going to be a real deal breaker for our relationship.
01:12 Tonight.
01:13 Good night!
01:15 Yay!
01:17 The honeymoon phase jumps into high gear.
01:22 Deepening the connection for some.
01:24 Sickless?
01:26 While fracturing it.
01:28 I can't lie, I'm struggling on the attraction side of things right now.
01:32 For others.
01:36 Kind of like triggered me, made me want to like push him away.
01:39 How can I trust you?
01:41 [Dramatic music]
01:59 Alright.
02:01 Yeah, so like...
02:03 I have a son.
02:05 Oh, okay.
02:07 Yeah.
02:09 [Dramatic music]
02:11 I'm so nervous.
02:13 It's like I'm going to throw up.
02:17 That doesn't bother you?
02:19 It doesn't.
02:22 It's a big relief for me.
02:24 Kylan's my entire world.
02:26 Like, my whole life is based around, you know, him.
02:29 How old?
02:30 He's five.
02:31 Cute.
02:32 Yeah, so he's just at school age now.
02:34 Yeah.
02:35 Have you got kids?
02:36 No kids.
02:37 No kids?
02:38 No, but I've always wanted them.
02:40 Yeah.
02:41 But I want more, so that's a good thing.
02:43 [Laughs]
02:45 Yeah, that's absolutely fine with me.
02:47 Slight worry is I've never done that parenting before.
02:50 Obviously then we'll have further conversations about
02:53 introducing me into a son's life.
02:59 If you guys feel comfortable, would you be willing to do a kiss?
03:01 Okay.
03:02 If you want to, yeah.
03:05 [Music]
03:10 Phil's insane.
03:12 She's a wonderful person and very attractive,
03:15 so I'm hoping that there's plenty more kisses to come.
03:25 Up in the mountains of Vanuatu,
03:27 Nate's organized an adrenaline-filled first date for his new wife, Maddie,
03:31 which promises to push them out of their comfort zone.
03:35 Experiencing new things with each other,
03:37 I think it's something that's important in a relationship.
03:40 Yeah, it sort of builds it up and we learn about each other from it.
03:43 Let's do this.
03:44 How excited are you?
03:45 I'm pretty excited, pretty nervous.
03:46 Bring it on.
03:47 I'm going to scream my ass off.
03:48 I know.
03:50 All right, it's actually your first day.
03:52 Yeah, it is.
03:53 Ooh, there's a wedgie.
03:54 [Laughs]
03:55 Yep.
03:56 Yep.
03:57 Quite the first day.
03:58 I know.
03:59 Are you excited to jump?
04:00 [Laughs]
04:02 Casually freaking out a little bit.
04:04 Quite scared of heights.
04:06 Like the terrified, yes.
04:07 There's one way to say it, terrified feeling.
04:09 Holy shit, I'm so nervous.
04:11 [Laughs]
04:13 No, you'll be fine.
04:14 Oh, we'll be fine.
04:15 What a bonding experience.
04:16 Yeah, let's do it.
04:17 Okay, let's go.
04:18 Got to kind of walk like a penguin a little bit.
04:22 Holy macaroni.
04:23 Oh, my gosh.
04:24 Oh, my gosh, that is so high.
04:26 I'm going to be sideways side up for a while.
04:28 Oh, my goodness, look how high we are.
04:30 I get like a little bit dry reaching.
04:32 I get a little bit nervous.
04:33 Yeah, I'm starting to panic.
04:35 I'm just a little bit rekt out.
04:36 I just need to get it out.
04:38 I'm hanging off friends and siblings.
04:40 I'm just scared of jumping off that f***ing thing.
04:42 Yeah.
04:43 It's not even safe.
04:44 [Laughs]
04:45 You all right?
04:46 Yeah.
04:47 It's all right.
04:48 [Laughs]
04:51 It's fine.
04:52 You can just go on your pace, you know.
04:54 Just take your time.
04:55 I'm going to let you tenderize.
04:57 That's all right.
04:58 You got this.
04:59 [Sighs]
05:01 Okay.
05:02 You got this.
05:03 I was just there.
05:04 I just wanted her to take the moment for herself,
05:06 and I told her, hey, I'm here if you need, you know.
05:09 Sometimes it just hits you.
05:10 Yeah, I'm glad I was there to just like support her through it.
05:14 [Laughs]
05:17 Holy s***.
05:18 Oh, my God, this is like for slow key freaking me out.
05:21 You good?
05:22 Yeah.
05:23 [Sighs]
05:24 You want to hold hands or are you good?
05:25 No, I just need to like deal with this.
05:29 Okay.
05:30 I'm going to pause for a slight look down and get adjusted to this height.
05:33 [Screams]
05:35 [Laughs]
05:37 Oh, my God.
05:38 This is so intense.
05:40 Low key don't want to die today.
05:43 Is this all that's going to be like on there?
05:45 Is it going to be like secured on in any way
05:47 or is it just because it's going to easily come off, right?
05:50 I'm thinking to myself, I'm like, okay, now I have to do this.
05:53 In order for her to feel safe in doing it.
05:56 Sun night!
05:57 Go.
05:58 [Screams]
06:00 [Laughs]
06:01 Holy s***.
06:03 [Screams]
06:07 Let's go.
06:08 [Screams]
06:11 [Laughs]
06:12 Yeah.
06:13 Oh, my God, this is amazing.
06:15 This is beautiful.
06:17 [Screams]
06:18 [Laughs]
06:21 Holy.
06:23 Holy s***.
06:27 That was fun.
06:29 Oh, my God.
06:30 Well done, mate.
06:31 Well done, well done, well done.
06:32 Well done.
06:34 Hey, how you doing over there?
06:36 Yes, it's my turn to go and I'm just a bit low key freaking out.
06:41 Step forward.
06:42 Perfect.
06:44 [Screams]
06:48 As Maddie low key catches her breath,
06:54 Steph and Piripi are making their way down to their first date.
06:58 Oh, oosh, it's a rope swing.
07:00 [Laughs]
07:03 And while Piripi was feeling more than comfortable hanging out with his best man at the wedding.
07:09 Oh, they're back.
07:10 Holy s***.
07:13 Steph's hoping for a hangout of the more mature kind.
07:16 I'm excited about the first date.
07:19 I've been looking forward to doing an activity together.
07:21 You feel good?
07:22 Yeah.
07:23 Yeah, I really like Steph.
07:24 She's a great person.
07:25 I've really enjoyed the time we've spent together and it's only been 24 hours,
07:28 so I could totally see a relationship with Steph.
07:30 We have a lot of the same kind of morals.
07:33 Oh, my God, beautiful.
07:36 How far do you reckon it goes?
07:38 Maybe it goes to the sea.
07:39 Yeah, well, probably.
07:40 Yeah.
07:41 When we first arrived, we were cheeking out to the blue lagoon, which is stunning.
07:46 Everyone's like playing and jumping around.
07:48 Should we jump in?
07:49 Yeah, I think so.
07:50 Yeah, let's do it.
07:51 You're keen?
07:52 Yeah, let's do it.
07:53 All right.
07:54 And then we went up on that top platform.
07:57 And we were kind of looking over.
08:01 Piripi grabbed me and like pretended to throw me in.
08:05 [Laughs]
08:08 It made me feel quite obviously annoyed.
08:12 And he apologised and I was like, "It's OK, don't do it.
08:15 It's fine, don't worry."
08:18 And he grabbed me and pretended to throw me off again.
08:21 No, you got it.
08:22 [Laughs]
08:25 That annoyed me because what's the point of apologising if you're not sorry?
08:35 It just kind of triggered me and made me feel a little mistrusty and want to push him away.
08:42 You can apologise profusely and then do it immediately again.
08:50 How can I trust that your apology meant anything the first time or even the second time?
08:56 And then if you look big picture, it's like, how can I accept your apology for anything?
09:04 Do you feel like you've got trust issues?
09:07 Yes.
09:12 You've been cheated on?
09:14 Yes.
09:16 What does it do to your world?
09:18 Um...
09:21 I mean, it like turns it upside down, yes.
09:26 My friends knew as well.
09:29 So betrayal on a lot of fronts.
09:32 Yeah.
09:34 And of course for you, having grown up in the situation you have, it just confirms everything, which is walls up.
09:45 Yeah.
09:46 People stay away.
09:48 Yeah.
09:51 (MUSIC ENDS)
09:53 Now that the life-changing wedding ceremony is over,
10:07 there's never been a better time for these complete strangers to get to know one another.
10:12 So we're sharing a room.
10:15 Ha!
10:16 Are you...
10:17 We're here for the squishiness.
10:20 Are you a snorer?
10:22 Ha!
10:23 (LAUGHTER)
10:25 So I'm from a family of, like, huge snorers.
10:29 I hate telling people about it.
10:33 I find it embarrassing for me.
10:35 Like two years ago, I got diagnosed with sleep apnea.
10:38 Really?
10:39 I just don't breathe in my sleep.
10:41 Yeah.
10:42 So I wear, like, this, like, thing that goes out and just pumps oxygen and it just stops my snoring.
10:46 A mask, right?
10:47 Not a mask, but just, like, a...
10:49 Oh, a little thing.
10:51 Yeah. It's a mask, man. It's a real mask.
10:53 (LAUGHTER)
10:54 It's got a big thing across here.
10:57 It was really nice that he felt, like, comfortable already to kind of share that side of him,
11:02 because I know he said that he felt quite embarrassed previously about it,
11:05 which I think it's nothing to be embarrassed about.
11:07 Everyone's got their own little, you know, quirks and stuff that they have.
11:10 I've got IBS, so it's no dairy, no gluten.
11:13 Oh.
11:14 Sounds like someone over here. No gluten.
11:16 No gluten. Really? Yeah.
11:18 He took that really well. I feel like it was really nice, like, opening up to him.
11:21 He's really understanding and, like, non-judgmental of things, so I think that's really nice.
11:25 So I can give a wee best man speech for the four of us.
11:28 Perfect. I'm excited for this.
11:30 I'm slightly nervous. I'm not gonna lie.
11:33 (LAUGHS)
11:34 Obviously, by now, you've picked up that Jimmy's English.
11:36 He decided to pack up his life in England and call New Zealand home.
11:39 I'm so glad you did, mate, because it's been so much fun having you around over these last few years.
11:44 You know how to light up a room — your stories, your humour.
11:48 Nick's speech is a character, so I'm always kind of expecting a few things in there.
11:52 I mean, that one line — I won't repeat it, but, yeah, he was very interesting.
11:57 What was the line? Did you not hear that one?
12:00 (CHUCKLES)
12:02 It was, um... He does like to finger things.
12:05 Sorry, the finer things. (LAUGHS)
12:07 Sorry. The finer things, Jimmy. (LAUGHS)
12:10 He does like the finer things in life, like walking treks around the Port Hills in Christchurch,
12:18 chilling with his mates around a cheese board. (LAUGHS)
12:22 (CHUCKLES)
12:24 Put your trust in the experts and enjoy the experience.
12:27 I wish you guys all the best.
12:29 Aw! Thank you.
12:32 That one line. One line. (LAUGHS)
12:35 That was a good one. (LAUGHS)
12:38 I was just like, 'What are you doing?'
12:41 (SOBS)
12:44 As she's about to launch herself 70 metres into the air to impress new hubby Nate,
12:49 Maddie's also wondering, 'What am I doing?'
12:52 I don't know if I can do this right now.
12:56 Not yet, not yet. I'm just gonna do it once again.
12:58 I was thinking, I'm like, 'Is Maddie gonna do it or not?'
13:00 I just had a voice in my head. It just went, you know, just yell out.
13:03 Let's go, Maddie!
13:05 OK. Yeah, yeah! (LAUGHS)
13:07 You got this!
13:09 Nate's yelling at me from the other side, and then I'm like, 'Fudge it. Let's go.'
13:13 (SCREAMS)
13:15 Holy shit!
13:18 (SCREAMS)
13:20 (LAUGHS)
13:22 (SCREAMS)
13:28 (SCREAMS)
13:30 (LAUGHS)
13:32 Oh, f*** yeah. Oh, no.
13:35 Drop the wax. Drop the cable.
13:38 (SCREAMS)
13:41 I can't take it!
13:43 What do you want me to do? So start pulling yourself towards us.
13:46 That's it. Perfect. Shit, scary.
13:48 I just wet myself with a f***ing GoPro.
13:50 Can someone f***ing pull me and reach me yet?
13:53 Oh, let go. Oh.
13:55 Jesus!
13:57 (LAUGHS)
13:59 Oh, man.
14:01 I gave her a high five, gave her a hug, and I was like, 'Yeah, you did this.'
14:05 You did it. Come here. Good job. Good job.
14:08 (SIGHS) You got it.
14:10 I feel like if she can do it, she can overcome more fears ahead.
14:14 OK, one's out. Now that one's done, I'm ready for the rest.
14:17 Yeah. You ready? It's like, 'Bring it on.'
14:19 Let's do it. Yeah, let's do it.
14:21 (GASPS)
14:23 Holy shit. Holy shit.
14:26 Yeah, you got this.
14:28 (LAUGHS)
14:30 Oh, f***!
14:31 It's not relaxing at all.
14:33 It's so not relaxing. (LAUGHS)
14:36 Oh, no, don't do that! Don't do that! Don't do that!
14:38 No, no, no, no, no. We're good. We're good.
14:40 Oh, shit. You're not tired by the look on my face that I'm a little bit freaked out
14:43 and the casual, like, cry? (LAUGHS)
14:45 Thank you for your support today. I very much appreciate it.
14:47 I'm always here to support you. Good job on doing it.
14:49 Thank you.
14:51 I'm really uncomfortable. Yeah.
14:53 Like, I know you're great. Yeah.
14:55 But I'm just— Now, because we're hanging here, I'm just really not comfortable.
14:58 Yeah. That's OK. Yeah, that's OK.
15:00 They can get this drone shot quickly when they hear me and hurry up with the drone shot.
15:04 I'm really not f***ing vibing this right now. Yeah, we're setting her up.
15:07 Got it. Thanks, Maddie.
15:11 Earning Steph's trust has proved to be a real challenge for Piripi on their date,
15:15 but in a bid to keep the faith, Steph's embracing the art of letting go.
15:20 (LAUGHS)
15:22 Nice. (LAUGHS)
15:24 This whole experiment is about me letting my walls down and, like, letting people in,
15:28 so I'm trying to shake it off.
15:32 Well, cheers to our first date. Oh, yeah!
15:40 First date, first day of married life. Yeah. Cheers.
15:43 Cheers. First, like, 24 hours of knowing each other. Mm-hm.
15:45 But I definitely— I'm learning my limits of joking around with you now, so I do apologise.
15:50 It's OK. (CHUCKLES)
15:52 I'm definitely seeing that he's, like, kind and caring,
15:55 even though I think his automatic reaction is just to be a little bit goofy, I think,
15:59 underneath that he does want to be a good partner. Yeah.
16:03 Yeah, and we all, like, do dumb things when we're nervous.
16:07 So, do you have any, I guess, thoughts on me on the last 24 hours?
16:12 You're super, like, kind and thoughtful.
16:15 I feel like you're super considerate of me and, like, my space and stuff, which is really nice.
16:21 Yeah. Yeah.
16:23 And I feel like, yeah, we just get to know each other more and, like, let it grow.
16:28 Yeah. Yeah.
16:30 Thank you. I appreciate those kind words. Yeah. Yeah.
16:34 I mean it. Like, it's not, like, just made up, you know?
16:36 Yeah. Yeah. No. Thank you.
16:38 It's all right? Yeah. (LAUGHS)
16:41 Do you feel like emotions and, like, your feelings are something you struggle to talk about?
16:48 Um, yes. Really?
16:50 Yeah. Um, I've kind of always held things in, and I think that's kind of affected relationships in the past and stuff like that.
16:56 Right. But it's something I'm working on.
16:58 Why do you think you're like that?
17:01 I think I've just been, like, insecure about myself, so I feel like if I open up, people won't like me.
17:10 I think it's just, like, needing to build confidence in myself and being able to, yeah, be vulnerable and open
17:15 and thinking that people will accept me.
17:17 OK. Well, I think you're a beautiful person.
17:20 Hearing him say that if he opens up, people won't like him makes me really sad.
17:25 Makes me sad that he has those, like, negative voices in his head.
17:30 So we talked about a little bit on our past relationships and stuff. Yeah.
17:34 But I guess, kind of, going forward, like, what are you looking for in a partner,
17:37 and what do you think, like, you need to support you? Yeah.
17:41 I feel like my biggest thing is trust. Like, I've always struggled with trust.
17:46 And I think that's why, like, I get antsy with things, like, silly things, like, pushing,
17:52 cos it's, like, a trust thing for me. Yeah.
17:55 And so... On board. Yeah. I've learnt my lesson. Yeah. (LAUGHS)
18:02 (WATER RUNS)
18:06 Oh, we're getting coffee! I know! Yay! How amazing.
18:09 I'm so needing one after, you know, hanging 300 feet. I know.
18:13 Having mentioned on her wedding day...
18:16 He's not usually the type of guy I would go for,
18:20 but that's why I came on this journey, to be open-minded.
18:23 How does Maddie think things with Nate are going now?
18:26 Yeah, I think it's going well. I like that we're both on the same page,
18:29 which is, you know, taking our time and getting... Just feezing into it.
18:32 Feezing into it, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
18:34 I think if you get those good foundations of, like, communication, honesty and, like, friendship,
18:38 you know, you're always gonna understand each other no matter what. Totally.
18:41 I get to know her, I'm just starting to see why the experts put us together.
18:45 Was this what you asked for?
18:47 Yeah, pretty much, in a nutshell. Someone with a big heart. Mm-hm.
18:50 And who would be supportive. (LAUGHS)
18:53 Because of our personality, energy, just the way we vibe, the kind of things we like.
18:59 Tell me about your dad. Have you guys always been close?
19:03 No. No! No, we haven't. (BOTH LAUGH)
19:07 I grew up with Mum, and I didn't get to meet my dad till I was, like, 17.
19:12 He's definitely got a lot more to share, like we both do,
19:14 so really interested to see how deep that goes.
19:17 So, obviously, there's an age difference. Yeah. Just a little bit.
19:21 Yeah, there's a huge... Just a little bit. Just a little bit.
19:23 You reckon? A little bit. (BOTH LAUGH)
19:26 Is that an issue for you?
19:28 With Maddie and Nate, she's 37, he's 30.
19:33 Now, this doesn't necessarily create an issue, as long as the couple can talk about it,
19:38 get on board and essentially have the same relationship expectations and goals together.
19:45 It's not an issue for me, but...
19:47 It's just quite a big age gap. It is quite a big age gap.
19:50 I'm not an old lady or anything, but, you know, having been older... No, you're not.
19:53 (BOTH LAUGH) No, no, no, you're not. It's not my mum walking down the aisle.
19:56 I tend to think age is less relevant than alignment.
20:00 So as long as their mindsets are aligned, as long as their values are aligned,
20:04 what they want to do in the next few years is aligned, that's what really matters here.
20:09 So where do you kinda see your future path going? That's a better question.
20:12 So what I'm hoping for is, like, kids and whatnot. I'm open for that, like, 100%.
20:16 I wanna see what little me's will look like.
20:19 I definitely want kids, and it's something that I wanna do sooner rather than later,
20:22 but obviously not, like, not tomorrow or anything. Yeah, yeah, totally.
20:25 (LAUGHS) Oh, shit. Awkward. (LAUGHS)
20:27 They're an ideally suited couple in terms of their values,
20:30 in terms of their want for family and also their relationship goals.
20:34 My concern, however, is that they focus too much on their age difference,
20:39 and this becomes an obstacle.
20:41 I mean, at the end of the day, I'm not saying we're perfect or whatnot,
20:43 but I see what we like and what we don't like. Yeah, yeah.
20:45 Seeing what tweaks, you know?
20:47 Like, I can see the alignment that they've put us in, for sure. Yeah, totally.
20:51 It's just to see how— where that goes. Yeah, like—
20:54 And it's so early. And I'm really grateful that you're on the same page as me
20:57 with, like, just letting it organically evolve and the direction it's meant to go.
21:01 Totally. Yeah. Yeah. It's cool.
21:04 I think there's a bit of chemistry there, but we're just gonna wait and find out.
21:08 Like, you know, the days and weeks will tell.
21:10 Well, yeah, we'll see what it builds up to.
21:15 There's obviously a connection, I think, if we just take a step together
21:21 and find that beautiful ground between us.
21:24 Yeah.
21:26 While Nate and Maddie are still seeming like a work in progress,
21:32 Sam and James appear to be a match made in paradise.
21:36 Cheers to a beautiful vacation and a beautiful wedding.
21:41 Beautiful. Yeah. Cheers, guys.
21:43 All the best, guys. Thank you. Thank you.
21:46 Look after her, otherwise. (LAUGHS)
21:49 Yeah. If that's the nicest way possible. (BOTH LAUGH)
21:52 I got that. (BOTH LAUGH)
21:54 No, it should be fine.
21:55 I just really want Sam to kind of— this be it for her, and for him to just love her.
22:00 I just think that it's her time to find someone that really adores her
22:04 and cherishes her for who she is.
22:06 It is so stunning. I feel like we need to take, like, a photo of all of us.
22:09 Oh, yeah. I got it. You got it? I got it. (LAUGHS)
22:13 Perfect.
22:14 This whole venue is just something from a postcard or, like, you know, the TV.
22:20 It feels like a dream, honestly.
22:22 To think that you get married down here on this beach is just stunning.
22:26 I just saw some fish.
22:28 Sorry.
22:30 (BOTH LAUGH)
22:32 Oh, shit. Sorry. (BOTH LAUGH)
22:37 Come on, let's go. Come on.
22:44 It's really nice getting to know James.
22:51 Like, I think I'm starting to, like, match things up with what I asked for,
22:55 and we connect on so many different things.
22:58 Yeah, words can't— I'm struggling to describe how I'm feeling.
23:06 She's an awesome woman. Like, great.
23:08 Everything that I asked for for the experts, they've delivered.
23:12 So, yeah, I'm on cloud nine.
23:24 (BOTH LAUGH)
23:31 This is so sweet.
23:33 Oh, this is so cute.
23:35 This is so nice.
23:36 Where's the bedroom?
23:38 (BOTH LAUGH)
23:40 Biggest concern right now, are we sleeping in the same bed?
23:44 Whether she wants to or not, not saying that we'd get intimate,
23:48 but there might be some clothing.
23:51 We'll see.
23:53 (GROANS)
24:08 Waking up married, like, the concept of it, it just kinda sorta doesn't feel real, I don't think.
24:23 But it was nice.
24:24 It kinda just felt like waking up next to someone you know.
24:27 It just feels, yeah.
24:30 Should be my thing. (BOTH LAUGH)
24:32 We're still getting to know each other, but, yeah, there's definitely some attraction there.
24:37 We're very, like, touchy-feely and cuddles in bed.
24:40 But, yes, there's deeper values that we're kind of exploring together.
24:44 Sharing deep values, however, requires an even deeper sleep.
24:49 Are you gonna put it on?
24:51 You only saw it in the dark, eh?
24:54 Yeah, I didn't see it in the light.
24:56 Oh, God. All right. Let's put it on.
24:58 There we go.
25:00 I get a bit anxious putting it on for people, cos it can look a bit silly and stupid.
25:05 I can't even hear it now.
25:07 I hate to, but, like...
25:09 Oh, (BLEEP)
25:10 You can hear it now, can't you? Yeah.
25:12 But, like... It must be powerful.
25:14 It just pumps oxygen in while I'm sleeping.
25:17 It's all right.
25:19 Keeps breathing.
25:21 Keeps me alive.
25:22 Keeps you alive, yeah.
25:23 That's amazing.
25:25 I suppose I've just got to embrace it, and she's made me feel really comfortable with it, which is great.
25:30 So there's a lot of activities that we can do.
25:33 How do you feel about...
25:36 snorkelling?
25:38 Um...
25:41 Well, I mean...
25:46 It's literally the last thing on my scale of things I'd like to do on a date.
25:51 Well, I have, like, a massive fear of the ocean.
25:54 My sister and I got into, like, a really scary situation when I was about 15.
26:00 So I haven't swum in the ocean in probably, like, 11 or 12 years.
26:05 So what happened to make you sort of fearful of the ocean?
26:08 Yeah, so me and my sister went to, like, a beach that was across the road from where we were staying.
26:15 And there was just, like, this massive, like, rips.
26:17 It was real big, dumping waves.
26:19 I knew that we'd got caught, cos I couldn't get out.
26:21 They couldn't get us out.
26:22 And I was just getting dragged further out.
26:25 I was just screaming, like, trying to yell for help.
26:29 And, yeah, and eventually, like, I got us out of it.
26:32 But it was just terrifying, because I was underwater for the majority of it.
26:36 The thought of snorkelling is absolutely terrifying, and honestly, I don't think it's something that I could do.
26:45 We all have fears and things that we're a bit nervous about.
26:50 I completely understand it.
26:52 Like I said in my vows, like, I'll always support you.
26:55 I'm not gonna make you feel uncomfortable, but if it's something that you wanted to overcome, I've got you.
27:03 To have someone that's so comforting is, like, really good for me, like, kind of reassuring.
27:09 Reassurance is such a big thing for me, whether it's in a relationship or whether it's, like, doing something.
27:14 Reassurance is, like, a massive thing.
27:16 So, yeah, it's been really nice, like, having him so supportive, which is, you know, exactly what I wanted.
27:22 Three-day-old couple Mike and Cara have already horsed around on their first date.
27:27 She's going at her own pace, and so am I.
27:30 Yeah.
27:32 And now they're kicking it up a gear with some high-octane horsepower.
27:37 Let's go for this dive! Yes!
27:40 Oh, babe, this is epic.
27:42 I get to drive a Moke around this beautiful island with my beautiful wife, and it couldn't be much better.
27:48 Oh, my God. Yeah!
27:50 (LAUGHS)
27:52 Now we're on a honeymoon.
27:54 Yeah, this is the kind of adventure I want in life.
27:57 100%.
27:59 # With you, ooh
28:03 # I just wanna say I care
28:05 # With you, ooh
28:07 Driving down the road, feeling like a passenger princess, hubby in the driver's seat.
28:11 Woo!
28:13 (LAUGHS)
28:15 We've got beautiful greenery, ocean to the side.
28:19 Wow, beautiful.
28:21 Mike knows how to have a good time, and we always feel comfortable, and there's always chats that we have.
28:26 This is definitely setting the bar high for future travel plans. Correct.
28:31 You haven't hit Europe. No, I haven't.
28:33 You wanna be my guide? I would happily guide you around Greece.
28:36 Oh, yeah? Go for a little dance in the Greek islands?
28:39 A little dance? You reckon? Yeah.
28:41 I'd go for a little swim. (LAUGHS)
28:45 I'm gonna have to learn to dance.
28:47 Cara's leaning into the unknown. She's leaning into what's challenging for her,
28:51 and I'm really...
28:53 Yeah, I'm really grateful that she's doing that.
28:56 I'm enjoying being passenger princess. I can't lie.
28:58 Beautiful. Passenger queen.
29:00 I'm enjoying driving you around.
29:03 Looks like success. It does look like a success.
29:12 Back at the beach, Sam's putting her trust in James in the hopes of overcoming a traumatic experience.
29:18 They're just staring at me now. No, you're all good.
29:22 Oh, God.
29:24 You feeling all right? No, I'm stressed now.
29:27 I'm very nervous.
29:29 I'm really hoping, like, with this day, of just kind of getting out of our comfort zone,
29:33 especially for me — 11 years of not going in the water.
29:37 And it's also kind of cool to see how he's gonna react in a situation that I am terrified in,
29:43 how he's gonna be supportive.
29:45 Have you snorkelled before? I have, yeah. Yeah.
29:48 Yeah, I've snorkelled. You know what you're doing?
29:50 OK. I've never snorkelled in my life. Have you never? Never.
29:55 Well, I'm hoping to get from the first date just a bit more connection.
29:59 We know that we kind of relate on a lot of different topics,
30:03 but I think, like, the deeper the connection gets, the stronger the bond.
30:06 And, yeah, that's something that I just really want to get out of the first date.
30:10 And also get her in the sea. I think that's a big one. Get her to overcome some of her fears.
30:15 Ah! Here you go, here you go.
30:22 It's actually not deep. No? (LAUGHS)
30:25 How are you feeling?
30:29 Uh, not great, if I'm honest.
30:31 Yeah, the one thing that, you know, has been my biggest fear for the last 11 years.
30:36 You're all good. (LAUGHS)
30:39 Wow!
30:52 I got you. Come on.
31:00 You're all good. (LAUGHS)
31:02 I'm so scared. (GROANS)
31:06 But Kaelin's at the age now where he does want to jump in the sea water.
31:11 He does want to go for a swim. I want to get in with him.
31:14 I want to be able to swim around with him.
31:16 I think getting that confidence back in the water, in the sea water, will be really good.
31:21 Ready?
31:23 Got you. Got you.
31:25 I got you.
31:29 Well done. Oh, I've not got seaweed in a while. (LAUGHS)
31:35 You want some more? Have a drink.
31:38 That's amazing what you do.
31:40 (CHATTER)
31:42 No, seriously, that's amazing. Honestly.
31:45 Oh! James is really reassuring me, chatting away to me and telling me everything's gonna be fine.
31:51 That's sad. Huh? No. (LAUGHS)
31:54 Trust me. I just met you. (BOTH LAUGH)
31:57 Yeah, well, look what you're doing. (LAUGHS)
32:01 It was just such a nice feeling having him there, like, supporting me.
32:05 Oh, God, yesterday was nerve-wracking. Today helps it.
32:12 Can't get another fair.
32:14 What's next? Things come in three.
32:16 Don't even start with me. This is impossible. Heights. Heights.
32:19 Oh, you guys put me in heights? OK. (LAUGHS)
32:23 Yeah, it's a very attractive quality for someone to have, being so, like, reassuring and calm and...
32:29 yeah, he's got a few of those little traits there. (LAUGHS)
32:33 You OK? Yeah.
32:35 Just wanna get out now. You wanna get out?
32:37 You wanna get out? Well, you've done so much. Look, proud of you.
32:40 Thanks.
32:42 Thank you.
32:44 # No matter where we are, feels like paradise
32:49 # Anything that you need, baby, I got you. #
32:53 Nate and Maddie, meanwhile, have unlocked a shortcut to stress relief.
33:00 Oh, it's going so peaceful.
33:05 Have you, um, had a massage before, Nate? Yes, I sure have.
33:09 Not, like, a sexual massage, but, like, a... (BOTH LAUGH)
33:13 One like this? Yeah, yeah, definitely. Something like this, yeah.
33:18 They were flipping me in different positions, man.
33:21 I'm just like, 'What's going on here?' Yeah? And did you feel good after it?
33:25 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.
33:27 (SIGHS)
33:33 You feeling relaxed already? Oh, so relaxed.
33:36 Ignore the noises. (LAUGHS)
33:38 I like to, you know, release the vocal chords from time to time.
33:42 (SIGHS)
33:44 Oh, yeah. Oh.
33:47 Oh, this is so good. Ay-ay-ay.
33:50 Tell me about your upbringing.
33:53 Well, I was born in a little town called Bayswater
33:57 and basically just grew up outside, really.
34:01 Climbed trees, played in the mud, you know, hang out with my sisters.
34:06 Oh, my God, that's (BLEEP) ice! Holy shit!
34:10 It's quite hard to bond when you're... (LAUGHS)
34:12 Thankfully rubbed up. (LAUGHS)
34:15 All right, so tell me, where do you like to be touched? (BOTH LAUGH)
34:21 Well, not stating the obvious.
34:23 Um... (LAUGHS)
34:28 Oh, this is so embarrassing. (BOTH LAUGH)
34:31 Oh, like, I am a very passionate person once that kind of happens, but, um...
34:41 (BOTH LAUGH)
34:42 I've got my hand over my eyes right now, even though there's a towel there.
34:46 When situations get awkward, we just laugh about it.
34:50 (BOTH LAUGH)
34:56 (BOTH LAUGH)
34:57 Can you stay in the middle of the Queen of Rome?
35:00 Are you honking at the locals? My God!
35:02 No, they're all buggies.
35:04 Yeah, Cara and I are bonding.
35:06 There's nothing else you can do in this, except bond, you know?
35:09 So we're both really going deeper into each other.
35:11 We're understanding a little bit more about each other,
35:14 understanding that we're both, like, really quirky and just being, like, OK with that.
35:18 But I'm liking the uniqueness.
35:19 Have you ever driven on our left-hand side before?
35:21 Yeah, I drove from, um...
35:24 from LA to Vegas.
35:26 Oh, did you? Yeah.
35:28 Cool. Did you have fun?
35:30 Uh, we went to a strip show.
35:32 Yeah. (LAUGHS)
35:34 I think it was Magic Boy.
35:36 Was it? (LAUGHS)
35:38 Now you've got it in real life.
35:40 He's got a beautiful body, and he's got a lovely smile and nice eyes and the lips,
35:46 but I can't lie, I am struggling on the attraction side of things right now.
35:52 Man, I feel like a baddie. I've driven around in a moat and an island.
35:55 Yeah. Beautiful wife to my side.
35:57 Oh, stop. Look at this.
35:59 He's so sweet and reassures me and tells me that I'm beautiful and, like, is so, so kind,
36:04 and I know that he wants to hear it back from me, but it's just been a bit difficult.
36:11 Our culture places a lot of emphasis on physical attraction.
36:18 It tends to be number one that people think needs to be there, and it's not.
36:22 Physical attraction changes over someone's lifetime,
36:25 so I would much prefer that there was shared values, great communication, a fun time,
36:31 than there was that initial kind of chemistry between them physically.
36:35 Look at this. My husband taking me for a ride.
36:38 (LAUGHS)
36:40 I came into it with an open mind. We have a lot in common.
36:43 I understand why we've been put together.
36:45 He's so lovely that I hope it will grow and I'll find it.
36:50 But, yeah, the spark's not quite there for me.
36:53 One of the problems when a couple have mismatched desire for one another
37:02 is that the person that's really still into their partner,
37:05 if they're constantly coming forward, constantly trying to initiate affection
37:10 and it's not going anywhere, then ultimately they feel rejected
37:15 and retreat and stop all sorts of advances.
37:18 Putting her trust in James, Sam has conquered her fear of the ocean,
37:32 but there's still plenty of uncertainty ahead.
37:35 That's massive, what you've just done. That's huge.
37:38 Yeah. After 12 years.
37:40 Literally. (LAUGHS)
37:42 I know you won't feel it now, but you'll feel so proud of yourself later.
37:46 Yeah. When you're a few miles...
37:48 That's my heart. That's my heart, 'cause it's beating so damn fast. (BOTH LAUGH)
37:53 It's feeling a lot more relaxed, and we're kind of, like, really being able to, like,
37:57 chill out and enjoy the beautiful view and the drinks.
38:01 It's just really nice to be in each other's company as well.
38:04 And the experts have done well, eh? (BOTH LAUGH)
38:07 (LAUGHS)
38:09 Very similar. Yeah. Very similar.
38:12 We know that we kind of relate on a lot of different topics.
38:16 Yeah, we're just open to talking about anything.
38:19 So, obviously, you've got a five-year-old. Mm-hm.
38:22 And the way that you talk about him and also kind of families, like,
38:27 makes my heart melt. Like, it's really nice.
38:31 But, like, would you want kids in the future?
38:35 Is that something that you've thought about? Yeah.
38:38 Oh, yeah. (LAUGHS)
38:40 Yes, I definitely want more kids.
38:42 That's actually, like, a deal-breaker for me. Yeah.
38:44 Like, someone that doesn't want kids will just want more kids.
38:47 Yeah. How many kids do you want?
38:49 Um...
38:51 I said to the experts that I'd like identical twins. (LAUGHS)
38:54 But I think growing up as, like, an only child, I kind of missed having a sibling there.
39:00 So I definitely would like, like, two.
39:03 At least. At least.
39:05 How about you?
39:06 I definitely want to have, like, at least one more biological.
39:10 And then I really want to adopt.
39:12 Yeah. There's so many kids out there that, like, haven't got that loving...
39:16 No. ..bunny little buddy. And it's so sad,
39:18 and I just want to, like, hug them and squeeze them, you know?
39:21 See, now that is (BLEEP) attractive.
39:24 Not hearing you say that. (LAUGHS)
39:26 Just love the way you talk.
39:28 I absolutely believe in love at first sight.
39:31 It doesn't happen for everybody, but I think there are certain people.
39:34 They see each other, they connect, everything seems to be in sync,
39:38 and from there, they get the fairy tale.
39:41 Nate and Maddie's love language, meanwhile...
39:45 If you just please flip over onto your side, yes? Thank you so much.
39:48 I'm just going to place this towel on your back.
39:50 You want me to place my head down here? Yeah.
39:52 less talk and more touch.
39:54 Just pull it all the way down. (LAUGHS)
39:57 Like that. Yeah.
39:59 Take it into your underwear. I'm just going to touch you there, OK?
40:01 Don't get excited. (LAUGHS)
40:03 (LAUGHS) All right.
40:05 Continue on from what they did a little bit.
40:07 Obviously, don't expect the same standard.
40:09 No. First get down.
40:11 My ring's glittering.
40:14 Flustering in the sun. Just a little bit of that control.
40:17 There we go. Nice. Nice.
40:19 So I have got some pretty long nails right now. (LAUGHS)
40:22 I'm feeling, like, so happy, and just, yeah, enjoying the moment with Maddie.
40:28 But while Nate's enjoying the intimacy...
40:31 You ticklish? (LAUGHS)
40:33 I'm starting out!
40:35 ..Maddie's angling more for laughs.
40:37 (LAUGHS) All right.
40:39 Intimacy is a beautiful thing to have together.
40:42 Oh, yeah.
40:44 Some like to rush it, some don't, and in this situation,
40:47 I don't want to rush that, because I want it to be special,
40:49 and I want it to be meaningful. (LAUGHS)
40:52 If we get to that stage, it will be worth the wait.
40:55 (LAUGHS)
40:58 Intimacy in this experiment is quite high-risk.
41:02 You're really putting yourself out there on the line with your partner,
41:05 and it's being talked about, or you're talking about it publicly as well, so that's scary.
41:10 But it's also high reward, because there's a chance for deep connection,
41:14 for the bond to grow, and to feel more trust with the person you're partnered with.
41:20 Namaste. Is that enough?
41:22 Is that enough? (LAUGHS)
41:25 What? You're done?
41:27 I'm so tired. I've just had, like, a full-body massage.
41:30 (BOTH LAUGH)
41:32 Oh! That's like a little taste.
41:36 I don't think that was the happy ending Nate was hoping for.
41:41 Trust is also something Steph's been struggling with,
41:48 and she's hoping a date on the ocean with Pitape will keep their relationship afloat.
41:54 Thanks. All good. You on?
41:56 Yeah.
41:58 I'm feeling hopeful about Pitape at the moment.
42:02 I know he's a good guy, so I just have to go from there.
42:07 We've known each other for, like, 48 hours now, which has been fantastic. I know.
42:15 But obviously this isn't what we normally do, so what's your, like, day-to-day?
42:19 Oh, yeah? OK.
42:21 I've had, like, a pretty colourful career, I guess, and, like, I've tried, like, quite a few things.
42:25 I feel like I've had that all the time.
42:27 It's beneficial in my career, because I'm always pushing myself.
42:30 Yeah. But it's difficult when it comes to dating, cos I, like, don't give it a chance.
42:35 Kind of looking for that perfection, in a sense.
42:37 Yes. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah.
42:39 Which is pretty unachievable. (BOTH LAUGH)
42:43 Steph has a bit of a list of what she wants in a partner, and I don't think that's bad.
42:48 I think having goals, having aspirations, having hopes for who your partner is, is really positive.
42:55 Would I be, like, more on the younger side than you'd usually be? Definitely. (BOTH LAUGH)
42:59 What doesn't work is when you're too rigid about them,
43:02 and you don't allow space for the other person to grow, to change, to become who you're wanting them to be,
43:09 and you expect them to be there straight away.
43:12 Younger men can still be in that, like, party boy. They just wanna, like, go to festivals.
43:16 Yeah. Which I love, and I love a drink.
43:18 Yeah. But prioritising that's not, like, the way to go.
43:21 Yeah. Yeah, yeah. No, yeah. Totally.
43:24 Our connection is still growing. I just have a few concerns just around the age thing.
43:30 I know you've got kids, which obviously makes things a little bit serious. Yeah.
43:33 But outside of that, are you still into, like, the boys' club,
43:37 or, like, are you more into settling down, buying a house? Yeah.
43:40 And making a home? I've definitely become more serious, like, the last couple of years,
43:44 especially since having kids.
43:46 Yeah, I've definitely got the party phase out of my system, I think. I'm pretty sure. Yeah.
43:52 In part, I wonder how much, like, I know he's genuine,
43:55 but I just hope that he's not giving me the answers that he thinks I want to hear,
43:59 and he's actually giving me the answers that he means.
44:03 Next time...
44:11 Get ready to meet the other newlyweds. Hey!
44:14 A surprise invitation...
44:16 You bloody Romeo, you, uh...
44:18 ...brings out some hard truths.
44:20 Are you here to find a wife, or are you here to get f***ing exposure for your f***ing friend?
44:24 And a bombshell... I know.
44:26 I don't need my character brought up like this.
44:28 ...leaves everyone shocked.
44:30 Why is my head off?
44:32 Help me.
44:34 I can't keep hiding how I feel.
44:39 I can't keep hiding how I feel.
44:41 [silence]
