• 6 months ago
On Friday, former President Trump delivered remarks after receiving a guilty verdict in his NYC hush money trial.

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00:00 But I'm out there and I don't mind being out there because I'm doing something
00:04 for this country and I'm doing something for our Constitution. It's very important.
00:08 Far beyond me. And this can't be allowed to happen to other presidents. It should
00:13 never be allowed to happen in the future. But this is far beyond me. This is bigger
00:19 than Trump. This is bigger than me. This is bigger than my presidency. And the
00:24 people understand it because I just see a poll just came out, the Daily Mail. That was
00:30 the first one came out. It was done last night right after the verdict where I'm up six points.
00:37 Six points from what we already were. We were leading fairly substantially. We're up six
00:42 points in the Daily Mail poll. Now, maybe other polls come out and it says something
00:46 differently. But a lot of people have predicted it because the public understands and they
00:50 understand what's going on. This is a scam. This is a rigged trial. It shouldn't have
00:58 been in that venue. We shouldn't have had that judge.
