杨巧双丈夫公司靠实力获合约 潘俭伟:不能和“养牛案”丑闻相提并论

  • 4 months ago
新闻报报看 | 行动党白沙罗前国会议员潘俭伟今天在面子书为杨巧双抱不平。潘俭伟认为,“公寓养牛案”是一个涉及2亿5000万令吉的丑闻,而杨巧双丈夫的公司则是靠实力获得雪州政府颁发合约,因此他认为不能将两者相提并论。(主播:颜江瀚、黄宇恒)


00:00 The husband of the Minister of Youth, Yang Qiaoshuang,
00:02 and the company he owns,
00:04 has obtained the DRT project from the government of Xuezhou.
00:09 Or more strictly speaking, the pilot project is still under experimentation.
00:14 Anyway, this matter has been causing some controversy
00:16 among the political figures in the democratic society.
00:19 Everyone is discussing this topic.
00:21 Even the leaders of the United Front have brought this controversy
00:24 to the national cattle-raising center in 2012.
00:31 Today, the former member of the White Sands Party, Pan Jianwei,
00:35 has written a letter to Yang Qiaoshuang,
00:37 which is a public opinion.
00:38 From his point of view,
00:40 the public-private cattle-raising project
00:43 is a scandal involving 250 million RMB.
00:46 The government of the national cattle-raising center
00:48 has obtained a 250 million RMB DG loan.
00:52 But Yang Qiaoshuang's husband
00:55 didn't use a low-interest loan.
00:57 He used his own ability to obtain the contract issued by the government of Xuezhou.
01:00 In his opinion, these two things cannot be compared.
01:02 They are two different things.
01:04 Pan Jianwei also mentioned that
01:05 in the scandal of apartment cattle-raising,
01:07 the national cattle-raising center does not have a cattle-raising expert.
01:11 The luxury apartment bought with government loans
01:14 is also for self-help.
01:16 On the other hand, Yang Qiaoshuang's husband,
01:18 who owns a company that not only specializes in
01:21 electric car system service,
01:23 has also won many awards.
01:25 The government of Xuezhou issued a contract for nine months
01:27 for two companies that meet the qualifications.
01:29 They must meet certain technical indicators.
01:32 Pan Jianwei also gave an example.
01:35 Suppose Yang Qiaoshuang's husband owns a telecommunications company.
01:39 At present, there are only four telecommunications companies in Denmark.
01:43 If the government of Xuezhou issued a contract
01:45 for these four companies,
01:47 let's think about it.
01:49 Is Yang Qiaoshuang wrong?
01:51 In Pan Jianwei's opinion,
01:53 if a company gets the contract by its ability,
01:56 it should be no problem.
01:58 But anyway, for this dispute,
02:00 Pan Jianwei gave his advice.
02:02 First of all, he suggested that Yang Qiaoshuang must prove his innocence,
02:05 confirm that he had nothing to do with his husband's business,
02:08 and did not try to influence the government of Xuezhou to make any decision.
02:11 At the same time, he must cooperate with the Anti-corruption Commission to investigate.
02:14 Of course, this is Pan Jianwei's personal opinion.
02:16 When Chairman of the Mahua Book, Ma Hanshun,
02:18 attended the event last night,
02:20 he expressed his opinion on the dispute over the DRT contract
02:22 in an unnamed way.
02:25 Ma Hanshun thought that
02:27 when facing the criticism from all sides,
02:29 the parties should keep their distance.
02:31 If they are really full of moral superiority,
02:34 they should advise their husbands to withdraw from the contract project,
02:38 and should not remain silent.
02:40 Ma Hanshun also thought that
02:42 some people will always put their moral standards
02:44 at a very high level when they are in the middle of a dispute.
02:48 He also believed that everyone knew who he was talking about.
02:52 When the media reported that
02:54 the Anti-corruption Commission received headlines and clues,
02:57 the parties were discussing the case of DRT.
02:59 As for the Minister of Youth, Yang Qiaoshuang,
03:01 he also broke his silence today.
03:03 He said that he welcomed the Anti-corruption Commission's investigation.
03:06 Yang Qiaoshuang said that
03:08 this matter is not a matter of public opinion.
03:10 He said he welcomed the investigation.
03:12 Yang Qiaoshuang said that
03:14 this matter should have been investigated by relevant units.
03:17 This is also why he has not responded to the investigation.
03:20 He mentioned in the article that
03:22 the investigation has now begun.
03:24 He hopes to get the truth from the investigation and get justice.
03:27 [Music]
